ACDelco Oil Filter UPF63R Cut Open vs. Wix Oil Filter WL10255 Cut Open
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Channel: Whip City Wrencher
Views: 24,280
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Keywords: fram, mobil, auto oil filter, autozone, rockauto, advance auto, best oil filter, Fram oil filter, automotive, champion oil filter, oil filter cut open, Fram, car filter, supertech, K&N, used filter, metal end caps, silicone valve, Bosch, anti drain back valve, walmart, filter media, mobil oil filter, micron rating, micron, purolator, purolator boss, purolator one, adbv, pleats, ultra, fram ultra, walmart supertech, Pennzoil, fuel cleaner, injectors, Blackstone Lab
Id: tVhOMsqsfvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Tue May 17 2022
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