Accused Family Murderer Anthony Todt Testifies in His Own Defense

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friend of brevity continues uh um mr tote we're going to place you under oath yes please raise your right hand can you stand do you sound may swear or affirm that the testimony you're about to answer in this case is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth i'll help you god yes ma'am mr toad you are sitting between some very experienced trial attorneys you should consider their counsel in the decision as to whether you wish to become a witness in this case or exercise your constitutional right to remain silent i want you to understand that at your request should you choose to remain silent i would have instructed your jury that they are not to consider your silence in any way whatsoever in rendering a verdict ultimately the decision as to whether you wish to testify in this trial is yours and yours alone have you had an opportunity to discuss that decision with your attorneys yes sir all right and do you need any additional time to make that decision decision has been made sir all right it's been represented to the court that you wish to testify in this trial yes sir all right and you understand that the state will have an opportunity to cross examine you just as they have with any other witness do you understand that all right thank you all right that's the only discussion that we have at this time thank you let's return the jury please i have that lectern back you want it up here i thought that that's where typically the um where do you want it judge okay i was under the impression that closing arguments were done and you were going to question the defendant from the podium is that correct that closing argument opening excuse me did i say it closing opening statements are concluded and so you can question from this podium and we'll we'll bring mr toad up when the jury returns swear amen thank you let's return our jury please [Music] [Music] ah so [Music] all right [Music] [Music] maybe seated thank you [Music] defense you may call your first witness you gotta recall anthony [Music] toad if you'll uh please remain standing we're going to swear you in please raise your right hand do you sign me sir affirm that the testimony you're about to enter in this case is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth to help you god yes man ladies thank you please identify yourself my name is anthony john toat what is your age 46 mr flute we've heard testimony about a woman named megan toad are you familiar with that person yes um and were you in fact married to megan too yes when did you first meet her it was uh high school of 1992. where was that uh in montville connecticut sorry monville connecticut mlnt v-i-l-l-e and did you and mr did you and megan we've used first names throughout the case i'll do it to that um hard to hard to remember um did you become married or become a couple yes right now did you attend the university of the state of connecticut yes where did you go to school sacred heart university in fairfield connecticut did megan also um become a student at sacred heart yes she was two years behind me what was your course of study undergraduate work major in psychology with a concentration in health psychology um with a declared minor of pre-physical therapy and then i finished my master's degree of science in physical therapy right now did um your wife when did you marry megan was that in college or later i had graduated from college already and she was in her second to last year of college what field did she study she had the exact same credentials as myself physical therapy did you practice in the field of physical therapy yes sir and are you familiar with medical terms and medical procedures must definitely say how long did you have you did you practice as a physical therapist i received my license in august of 1999 and was practicing up until the current was megan uh also involved in the practice with you in the practice of physical therapy sir yes uh she whereas i did more hospitalists nursing care home care and outpatient she concentrated most of her time as a pediatric specialist and did work sometime in nursing homes when we traveled what were the circumstances that brought your family to celebration initially my wife and i bought the condo and celebration in july of 2005 when we were traveling physical therapists which means they put us around the country either to cover for what they call snowbird season or people got on maternity leave they were generally minimum of 13 week assignments and they could be extended we first went out to california wonderful time then we came down to florida and found that since we bought we sorry since we sold our initial condo in connecticut we didn't have any deductions so we bought the condo in celebration as a partial investment partially primary home because part of our contract with our traveling company is they pay for our residents so at the current time they're paying for a rental why have the company pay for a rental when they can pay for your actual house and help with your mortgage payments so we bought the condo in july 2005. when would you like me to continue let me ask one thing at this point what was the status of megan's health when you first met her when i first met megan sorry i just needed to collect myself megan had initially been diagnosed as a teen with lyme disease and which was they say lyme disease goes into remission they say lyme disease goes into just recesses and waits another day to invade all depending on your immune system all depending on what research shows and who you follow she also was diagnosed right around middle school right before i met her with a heart issue this heart issue they diagnosed as a mitral valve mitral valve prolapse and a murmur they also diagnosed arrhythmias at which time i found out after i started dating megan in high school because i asked her one time we used to go out to dinner all the time we used to you know normal dating ask your next question mr weston i'll try and ask you more questions that have a shorter answer i apologize sir well um and then as when you married megan was she what was the status of her health generally generally she was healthy she avoided caffeine and she avoided sugars because of the heart issue previously mentioned and then did there come a time when megan began to begin to have health problems yeah about when was the onset of that march 2011 and what are the conditions that she experienced we were vacationing i apologize we were vacationing in florida and we were at a theme park and she got hit by a bug she described this bug as a six-legged black bug with a red um mark on the back that reminded her of the state of texas i didn't see the bug it was at the end of the day and this bug bite which you would think was innocuous turned into this just this yellow green i can't even describe pustule it was a gigantic white head so we went home that night i went home to the hotel or it was a hotel at the time because of the issue [Music] and about what that was in 2011 you say march 2011 sir and then in the ensuing year did megan develop any other health complications oh yeah through um many trips to the hospital many trips to the er cardiac critical care units she was diagnosed with a multitude of diagnosis i guess you want to say first of which was they found that she had drug-induced hepatitis sorry first i apologize let me back up they diagnosed with with tonsil cellulitis she had these gigantic white pustules on her tonsils her lymph nodes was just totally enlarged and troubled breathing in subsequent visits to the er subsequently visits to the doctors they found that she acquired through the medical aspect what's called drug induced hepatitis so her liver became inflamed very much so that it was malfunctioning to put it lightly her eyes were at one point the color of the most fluorescent yellow highlighter you've ever seen in your life i swear her eyes could mr toe yes did there come a time then at that occasion when she had the hepatitis that it affected her lifestyle or what she could do most definitely my wife she was a yoga teacher in addition to physical therapists she went from a very strong vibrant woman to barely holding on to 90 pounds she couldn't keep weight on she couldn't breathe her heart rate progressively was going crazy at rest two would be 190 or above ekgs all that kind of stuff solar throwing atrial fibrillations pvcs which are it's basically your heart operates in a synchronous motion okay valves pump on rhythm her valves and her sorry not valves her chambers were beating all the regular um it was basically you take four wheels of a car it's a narrative system what medical training have you received in conjunction with the physical therapy i appreciate you asking that sir 20 years of medical experience working in the hospital case review of chars charts home care meaning that not only was i operating under a nurse or with a nurse individually at a house i was also opening cases on my own which means i received medical information medical records from the doctors and from the hospital themselves to be interpreted to be reviewed and to be ins deciphered so that i can properly give the appropriate care within their medical limits to the patient thank you for that background now as your wife continued with her health issues what was her attitude or outlook or demeanor her demeanor went from a very vibrant young woman in which literally we were best friends as dating we always knew we'd remain best friends that's how close we were we dated for eight years before we were married her family was my family okay her grandparents were my grandparents that's how close we were okay she went from even though she remained the light of my life whenever she walked into a room literally after almost 20 years of marriage my stomach would have those butterflies in it seeing my wife i existed but she went from ask the question again let me now at that point in time did you have children at the time she got sick sir sorry at what point in time sir when um we're talking about this period in her life when she had gone and since she was less vibrant or less of a demeanor change before she got sick we were blessed with two wonderful boys okay she went from a mom who provided for everything including myself i consider myself a third kid okay to a person who could barely walk stairs on certain days we hired with the help and the assistance of our family we hired a i guess you want to say a mother's helper okay in which to come in help bring the kids to school which is something my wife what i'm going to ask you to do is to try and and i'll try and correct you to know that we don't have long extensions so it's easier for everyone to understand what we're talking about i apologize sir it's been two years since i've been able to tell my story i appreciate you working with you do you you and megan were attended sacred heart which was a roman catholic university is that true that's the debate it's roman catholic by name but it was considered jesuit run which i don't know where the derivation between those two run but were you raised in the roman catholic of the catholic church i was raised in the roman catholic church and continue to practice as such sir do you know whether megan was raised in the roman catholic church megan was raised in the roman catholic church however before she went to college her and her mother and father did shy away from it but she did get confirmed before we got married when as you progressed as a family did megan seek other religion religious experiences most definitely sir and what was the reason for that when she got sick we were under the most under the motto of traditional med that's where we're trained medicine helps progression of her disease process we went more alternative or she went more alternative i should say because we were told to stay away from medications alternatives were not working through her yoga practice and her yoga certification she got introduced to i guess you want to say an eastern buddhist religion based sorry hinduin-based i always thought it was buddhist but it was actually hindu and she shied away from the roman catholic church and her progression her religion through that religion and her following also took over her medical outlook and her medical treatment of herself as she shied away from unsuccessful medical interventions around that time was there a calamitous event in the life of megan's parents before before the birth of my first son in november of 2002 her father hung himself she was very close with her father she was not close with her mom i was very close with her father he was my best he was one of my good friends one of the few males i trusted one of the things i totally enjoyed about the relationship with her and her family was her relationship with her father she was that close with him right sir and then also along with having three children yourself with megan she suffered miscarriages is that right yes sir did that also affect her um her approach towards her health or approach towards how she carried on day to day the first miscarriage happened when she first got bit by that bug and before the whole progression of the disease and the process under it there was of course you know depression and that kind of stuff or losing a baby and then in um the fall of 2019 september actually we were blessed we found out that a simple weekend away we conceived and she went from being depressed to very happy dancing singing something i hadn't seen in forever and uh we lost the baby and it affected her big time and obviously affected me but she went from that singing humming dancing person to not today's that she didn't get out of bed what was the religious group that she had uh migrated towards the eastern religion did you ever attend their services with your wife or i was very supportive of my wife i did not understand nor did i follow this religious aspect i was roman catholic the way i was raised i was raised in military family my stepfather was a very proud military man i was taught respect i might unresponsive what's your question the question that was asked was let me ask the entirely different questions no confusion i want to make sure i tie up some loose ends you mentioned lyme disease and that's somewhat prevalent in new england is that correct it seems like everybody has lyme disease yes and that is transmitted by insects bugs also correct that's correct all right and then did that what were the effects on that of your wife that you noticed when the lyme disease came became apparent and positive she had breathing problems heart rate problems chronic pains when she had what was called exacerbations so without getting too technical your immune system keeps is the best thing to keep any disease at bay so whenever she didn't feel well they you know got sick the the lime would become more prevalent so when the lion became more prevalent not only that she had joint aches she had feelings of hopelessness depression not wanting to go on on certain days there's some days where i helped her shave her legs because she couldn't bend over she was in so much pain or couldn't breathe mr tote did your wife seek a different way to health through the eastern religion yes she did sir and was it diet-based or worship-based or what were they what were the parts that appealed to her what was she seeking she was seeking control over her own medical care basically anybody in a chronic illness wants some kind of control of their own self she went from traditional medicine she went to realistic religious following of dictating what her healthcare was she even followed a book from a guy who listened to a ghost who had no medical experience to tell her what she should be doing what she should be eating and that kind of stuff called the medical medium was there any discussion within that religious group about the an afterlife yes they [Music] this religious group would be conducted mostly by skype or whatever um video thing was at the time i think it was skype objection of technology overall thank you i would sit with her during some of these meetings they would give her prayers to pray whether for to help with what they were talking about with what was called family lineage karma burning because as in the bible roman catholic the same thing she followed was the fact that your past um what's the word your past families transgressions follow forward multiple generations so her as you asked the please repeat your question just so i can make sure i repeat correctly was there an afterlife component of this rel this religious practice yes there's an afterlife component in which each afterlife she believed that there was reincarnation and as they burned the family karma and the current life they reached the salvation in which they reincarnated to a better life and was her desire to seek better health through this process by going into another life better health and better relationships with people who had abused her and had verbally and otherwise affected her in her life there was some discussion about a suicide note and um that was apparently directed from detective cole miller to dr nara were you aware of any suicide now when i came back to the house that day she showed it to me yes but i had no no knowledge of it before i came home that day what was her demeanor her attitude at that time she was trying to explain to me what she did was trying to make me understand it was very the whole aspect of it was she was trying to present this as fact and sounder i don't believe that and i can't believe i called her some names which i never called her before in my life but the whole demeanor of it was this is what i've been told through my meditations this is what i believe this is what as she referred to as the light has provided for her in the light talking about your own demeanor and what how your countenance my own demeanor when i found out what happened i puked i cried i was in total denial of what happened i couldn't understand and then after that i was like i want to get you help i'll take responsibility for this just get help that's all i wanted i would do anything in my life to do what she needed provide for what she needed provide her a happy life i held my wife on a pedestal i didn't care anything to myself i wanted her a good life period and i wanted her to get help i didn't care i'll try and work on shorter sentences so that everyone can keep up and i'll be my apology sir we're fine have you progressed from talking about the afterlife to talk about what happened to your children and your wife i don't understand what you mean sir when you said what had happened with megan what were you talking about what had happened that day when i came home which day i don't know you don't have to talk about calendar date what was the occurrence that made that day memorable i came home and my kids were dead it was the most horrible day of my life i want to be more horrible as my wife died in front of me had there been a blueberry pie that was cooked in the house according to what she told me objection hearsay and well just a sec mr response describe what you know or saw and not what you heard from another person if you can thank you sir when i came home that morning i knew my family the night before was having dessert and i declined it because you saw my health i was jogging and losing weight i came home that morning and there was a melted purple looked like a pudding pie i can't really tell you exactly what it was she told me what it was later but it was in a graham cracker crust and the the kitchen it was my job to clean the kitchen but when i came home that purple bluish grapeish melted pie i guess you were saying the pie dish was sitting there on the counter with some residue on the kids um at the kids places on their on their plates at that time you came in you saw that there were desserts that have been served up on the on the table i saw the remnants of it yes and then you did did you then discover that your children were dead not initially no i had gone upstairs i had to too much information but i had to pee so i went to the bathroom and came out and my wife was at the top of the stairs my house was very quiet very unnormal having three kids 113 110 at the time the other one four years old she brought me in the room i had been feeling nauseous that morning anyways because i had these shakes i was taking for weight loss all that and around the same time that she was telling me i was puking it was then that i understood what had transpired she had blood on her shirt and after that after i said a few uncolored words to her i then discovered the kids i went into the rooms and found them dead you saw the video yesterday where on the 15th cole miller and another investigator in a tiny room talk to you at length did you have an agenda for that discussion don't even remember that day last thing i remember was falling down the stairs and smacking my head on the stairs which i resulted in a fracture on my neck next thing i knew i woke up here and seeing that video yesterday i don't even that was the first time i saw that video i had no agenda consciously but i can tell you throughout my relationship with my wife especially after she got sick i would put myself as a forefront and take responsibility and protect my wife said in the statement that you stabbed the children and there was blood everywhere do you remember that from yesterday's video i remember just seeing on yesterday's video i wasn't aware of anything i said until about june so maybe june or july six months after i got here when i got the transcript of what i said that day why did you say that you um that you performed the knife the incisions on the bellies of the children it goes back to the aspect is i was covering for my wife obviously unsuccessfully because as you saw by the video compared to what they said i had no clue had my kids died did you have ideas of joining your family in the afterlife after i saw everybody die after i saw my wife died and saw my kids most definitely i wanted to be with them that's the only thing i wanted to be i didn't care by what means i didn't care about what anything i sliced my wrist i took multiple doses of benadryl i tried to hang myself several times i bought a pellet gun to shoot myself because i couldn't get a gun to as you call it eat a gun did you ever try to um poison yourself with benadryl yes and also [Music] i was just under recently of medical care and i was given metformin for diabetes and at one point i swallowed the whole bottle of metformin now i think there was there was evidence that you remained in the house for up to three weeks after the day that changed your family's entire future during that time how many attempts did you make to um take your life i would have to i would have to go through them to count because in my head i can't count them do you mind if i tell you so let me take a just think about close your eyes for about 15 minutes and i made about 15 seconds and try and formulate the answer unconscious recollection i can tell you i remember at least eight times however since being here and through other diagnostic testing i found out there were additional time so 10 times at least and was benadryl the primary agent that you were trying to use benadryl was one of the agents there was also a knife i picked up i saw my wife stab herself how hard could it be to stab yourself you got to be freaking kidding me you see a knife with a blade like this and you want to instill that into your body no no way um i chickened out yes i tried other means i tried at least three episodes of benadryl and did you not keep it down or vomit or what happened benadryl as you know can make you sleepy okay the first time i took it i didn't know what i was doing i had no plan of this i just wanted to be with my family i woke up i don't know when how long obviously i didn't take enough next time i took a whole bunch of um well the wall dry i remember that distinctly because that stuff tastes horribly but the other the children's which is no different it's just a better flavor i took i think it was equivalent of five glasses about this tall i had prepared okay i fell asleep before i finished it entirely the last thing a better drill which i took when going back and looking at the dates and whatever it turned out the day before that they came to my house i saw that i saw the aspect of the 12th on one of the phones at that time i took over 200 pills of benadryl that mind you a normal dose of energy was two pills and i took two family size a liquid benadryls in order to stay awake and also because i was feeling nauseous i took a mountain dew and an energy drink the energy drink to keep me up because i kept falling asleep and the mountain dew so that i wouldn't throw this stuff up i wanted this stuff in my system i was so frustrated i couldn't kill myself in the in the um crime scene photographs that were shown to the jury there was a huffy bicycle in a box yeah and were you prepared to assemble that bite that was to be a christmas present to my daughter i hadn't picked up the boys bikes yet because the boys were some of my best friends and i could never say i went over there that night to ask your next question mr wesley did you open the box did you assemble the bike i never made it there to assemble the bike that's where i went that night to assemble that bike there are also um numerous christmas gifts wrapped christmas gifts that were shown in either the photographs or in the ev the inventory that's collected did your did you and your wife buy gifts and have gifts ready for christmas for your children yes some of those gifts were ours new bed set um that bed said i apologize um duvet cover and sheets and all that kind of stuff the boys picked up there was even a doll house that we picked up for my uh my daughter it was my first doll house and it was also presents there from the family that had been sent down yes toat what could have prohibited megan from killing her children i have no idea we woke up that morning she was pain free everything was good [Music] i took the opportunity to try to go over and make up the make put the bike together i had no i had no knowledge of this i i don't know what could have prevented it i have no idea and that's the biggest thing that affects me is the fact that i didn't even see this coming they say you know blindsided this is a blind side by like a mack truck but filled with dynamite sorry i'm sorry collect yourself you have a tissue or something i'm sorry deputies thank you sir i appreciate it do you mind if i turn around real quick can i turn around [Music] sorry do you remember the religious groups sending messages and having um i guess prayer or singing sessions in megan's memory and you know um information back i really do not understand that question sir i apologize was the um the person who was uh thought to be the leader of this indian or eastern indian religious group i called gary that was one of them yes that was the primary one yes and they had individual contact with megan would leave messages for megan and contact her yeah contacts would be via phone via um like i said the skype computer thing facetimed sometimes and did they acknowledge that they contact you or give you information that megan had crossed over they didn't tell me directly they had contacted my sister and my sister told me that she had a conversation that megan was at rest and she crossed over i don't know where that i i don't understand it but to hold it in my heart she crossed over and she's at peace and not suffering it's all i can hope for mr toad did you kill your family oh thank [Music] you thank you mr wesley cross-examination in december of 2019 what was megan's medical conditions megan's medical conditions consisted of neck pain back pain hypothyroidism lyme disease heart rate issues breathing issues and did all of these medical issues make her frail frail is a very subjective term can you please be more descriptive did all of medical megan's medical conditions make it hard for her to engage in everyday living yes did megan's medical condition make it hard for her to walk at times yes but she hid it very well so going back to the date that you remember coming home to your family being gone how was megan walking that day she was walking fine she had woken up pain free the day before because she had told me that light had interceded and the light had enabled her to do so okay so she was walking around fine correct and did she complain to you at all about you said she was pain free so she didn't have to take any medication she was on a whole list of herbal stuff some of which i had no idea what she was taking plus she took this whole diet thing in which she would boil these mushrooms in which she would do whole so there's so many things she would do okay so she was engaging in holistic practices holistic and religious and spiritual practice that's correct okay and you said that megan had gotten diagnosed with lyme disease as a teen that was her initial diagnosis that's correct and she had exacerbations like i told you before the diagnosis was a yes or no question let me ask my next question well allow me to elaborate my question was a yes or no question that's right thank you man after she was diagnosed or you were told she was diagnosed with lyme disease how long was it before she experienced symptoms which time the first time i didn't know her when she initially got diagnosed with wine she initially got diagnosed the first time when i was in 2011 and went through exacerbations up and down cycles all depending on her condition of her health condition her physically condition of her mentally conditioning restress wise condition her emotionally and did she get diagnosed with lyme disease as a teen or in 2011. like i explained before the i guess you want to say the jury is out of whether or not you have lyme disease or lyme exacerbations coming back and forth okay you got diagnosed initially i don't you can't i don't have any other questions allowing me to finish man i don't have any other questions about that thank you ma'am is it your testimony that from 2011 until december of 2019 megan was suffering from 2011 yeah 2019 yes off and on yes but she consistently had all the breathing issues the pain and heart rate issues all depending on how bad they were and how bad they were affecting her to the day prior to the day of the deaths had megan been suffering most definitely when was the most recent time that she had been suffering like i told you i woke up that morning all of a sudden she was pain free the night before i had worked on her i had worked on her continuously every day for over a year after she weaned from zoe before she went to bed when she woke up in the morning to help with her pain so that we can get her to the regular doctors she had a doctor's visit scheduled for the thursday after thanksgiving forgive me i do not have the date in which she canceled because she had said there's no hope there's no she there's nothing more that can be done okay so what kind of work did you do for megan did myofascial release cranial state any type of relaxation that my apologies man manual therapy in which i was trained under different things i would go to school for or continuing ed for in to help treat her stuff i've read about stuff i've gone through everything within my scope of practice i'm asking you what you specifically did so if you were going to treat her yeah what were the different things that you did that's what i'm trying to explain to you okay there's no cookbook recipe in physical therapy it's treating her ailments and treating her pains okay so whether or not whether or not her liver was inflamed i did myofascial release to help release the liver she had digestive problems i would do integrated manual therapy to help with those digestive problems she had neck pain i helped with her neck pain she had relaxation issues and stress issues and heart rate issues and vagus nerve issues that would help her desensitize that through craniosacral therapy i would do anything she needed to get done to help her get better to help her progress in her life when was the mother helpers hired the mother's helper hired was initially after tyler was born to help here and there to bring the kids bring my oldest son to see school so that would have been 2010ish 2011-ish but she was upped to more after she got sick to help provide through the assistance of her aunt who helped finance her and ourselves okay at what point was the mother's helper no longer necessary it was no longer never necessary she had moved on to another career we held we got another nanny worker that kind of stuff which megan and her did not get along with then she decided that warm weather was better so she came down here in many pleas to help get somebody else we got a babysitter in which you you you want to know the truth i'm telling you the whole truth my question at what point did you not have assisted help one year after year let's see we moved down here in 2014. say no i apologize nope full time was after zoe so full time was 2016 she came down here after that we had no help because she fired the babysitter that we had okay so was megan the caregiver for the children during the week through the couple days that i was away yes and you mentioned the couple days that you were away you still had a practice up in connecticut at the time we had a practice in connecticut that's correct and isn't it correct that you would travel during the week up to connecticut that's correct as long as my wife's issues and her wife my wife's health dictated such there were times in which i would literally land and i would get a phone call from my son or my wife that things were bad and hop on the first flight back did that happen often it happened quite a bit and when you say things were bad is this mentally physically what are you talking about all the above from the miscarriage and bleeding to the fact of her ripping the shelves off the wall my boy was scared to her break in the dishes to her not be able to get out of bed and then as things progress and i found that my older son was preparing a lot more meals before i would leave for the couple days i was gone i would make sure that you're non-responsive ask your next question you are a practicing are you indicating you're practicing roman catholic i am a practice roman catholic trying to find i have a christian based and migrated to more christian base however i'm trying to find a church that suited me because roman catholic law did not isn't it true that during your interview with detective miller you indicated to detective miller that you were a forced catholic growing up i was and at what point in time did meg and i'm asking for a year and a month if you know at what point in time did megan begin seeking other religion alternatives in what regards and what capacity do you speak of ma'am you indicated that she initially was catholic with you and that she sought other religious alternatives when did she do that let me correct your chronology if you mma she came back and got confirmed because we were going to get married in a catholic church she was not a practicing catholic at the time except for going here and there and practicing easter okay when she got her yoga certification she got introduced to this new gallery through one of the things that was in when that was in 2009 after she got sick in 2011 she progressed 2012 2013 to gallery and nearby you said 2012 and 13 correct after she got sick when did you become aware when did i become aware of what that megan was going towards this alternate religion when she told me initially she would share her yoga certifications and start her courses and then in 2012 2013 she would have me sit in on her teleconferences or whatever you want to call them and i saw her progressing further and further away from medical towards the spiritual aspect okay excuse me for one thing going to the day that this happened that you said you came home where were you coming home from i had decided with my wife's conversation the night before that i would take the opportunity to go over do some maintenance issues of the condo and to put together my daughter's bike okay so did you leave the night before or in the morning the night before the morning of what's men when you came home and said you found your children dead i left the night before after dinner when after dinner what time i was on vacation i don't know the time i can tell you it was after dinner time because we sat there and i had my shake prepared and help leftovers i had gone over there and realized that my kids did not put the tools in my van so i walked back and played basketball with them for a couple hours okay so did you finish dinner first i didn't eat dinner my kids finished dinner yes did your children finish their entire dinner before you left they finished the dinner that was provided with them i don't know if they ate afterwards did you you said it was your job to clean the kitchen did you clean the kitchen no so left over as we throw stuff away there's nothing to clean okay so you didn't clean any i don't understand what your job is to clean the kitchen pots pans that kind of stuff nothing was there because we didn't cook we had leftovers okay okay what's it called um hummus toast oh they had how much toast um and you said you weren't hungry are you i had a shake i wasn't gonna eat at the time no okay and did megan eat you know i don't know and did you have one vehicle or two vehicles in florida in florida one one and that was the red van yes okay and um aft how long after dinner did you go over to the condo after dinner it's hard to say 30 45 minutes after everything was completed i was like i'm going to sleep out i took the condo i took the van over because i was preparing to bring more stuff back from the condo to the house kids toys and that kind of stuff what kind of stuff did you have at the condo we have a whole second residence there the kids toys my daughters there's there's a bunch of uh blocks the kids wanted some other books some of their stuffed animals some of this some of that no stuff i wasn't going to carry so i was going to put it in the van when you moved to 202 reserve place what did you take with you from the condo what did we take with the condo clothes is that it maybe some dishware and how long had you you you bought the condo in 2005 right that's correct when did it become fully furnished the condo yes uh see we bought it in july 2005 maybe august no i apologize there was a renter in there so october october 2005. okay so in october 2005 you fully furnished the condo the condo that's correct did you ever live there full time what do you mean did you ever live at the condo full time we my wife and i lived in the condo from october 2005 thereabouts until july 2005 to 2006 when we moved up to have my son in connecticut in which we bought that house up there and rented the condo out okay did you ever move back into the condo yes when full time as in after selling the house i think we sold the house in 2017 or 2018 in connecticut so my wife had started snow burning you want to say 2014 2015 and she made it permanent in 2016 or 17. during the time that you rented the condo did you leave it fully furnished or did you have renters furnish it we had a renter's furniture i moved all my stuff back up to connecticut and on the night after dinner is it your testimony that you got in the van and drove over to the condo yes and the condo really wasn't that far from 202 reserve place right no because of one-way streets and all that it took me five minutes okay so you get to the condo what do you do when you get there i go in the back of the go in the back of the car to get my tool bag out that i asked the boys to put in realized it wasn't there so i walked back did you ever make it up to the condo no okay and you tested so you what do you do with the van i left it there because i walked back to get to get the tool bag in which i looked at the boys i'm like did you guys forget something and they looked under the basketball hoop and like oh the van was locked the tools are there so we wrestled a little bit and they asked me to play basketball i had a friend who always told me to take every opportunity to play with the kids because you never know when they're not going to play with you so we played basketball for a while we played horse we played a whole bunch of basketball games for how long ma'am you're asking me i don't know sunlight's up longer here hour hour and a half i don't know was it still sunny out when you left it was sun in the sky i can't tell you what capacity it was still light outside okay um about what time did you usually eat dinner it depended on what activities there were that night probably about five ish 5 30 some nights at eight some nights at seven it all depended okay is it fair to say that you probably the kids probably ate between five and eight it could have been four thirty it could have been four all dependent on activity if they ate early we had a later night's snack okay so what happens after you play basketball i told the boys it was getting late megan had told me that she wanted to go to bed early that night because everybody had just gotten over the christmas uh sorry the stomach bug and didn't want to be sick for christmas okay so i said going to your mom i'm going good night you know i'm going over just remind mommy i won't be home i'll either be sleeping in the condo or the uh what's it called the studio apartment above the garage because i was a bowling a china closet you saw how big i was i was a klutz i did you often not sleep at home with your wife yeah when i traveled to connecticut what about when you weren't in connecticut was the time i slept with my wife that night i said i would take the opportunity to go put together my bike or my daughter's bike fix the door garbage disposal run bleach down the air conditioner you know normal maintenance stuff and she made the she didn't want me waking her up okay so how do you get back to the condo i walk and you what tools do you bring with you it was a tool bag full of there's um what are they called soccer wrenches wrenches screwdrivers a gross array of all tools i had a utility bag okay so you carry the utility bag and you walk over to the condo right i walk over to the van that's correct so you walk to the van what do you do with the van i realized that the phone when i realized it wasn't the phone it was an ipod that was lacking the charge so i went in knowing i didn't have a charger up in my up in the condo i had a car charger so i sat in there decided to take a rest because i was exhausted as i charged the phone okay so how long are you in the van i fell asleep what kind of um phone charger did you have in the van is it a plug-in to the um what's it called cigarette lighter thing did you have a phone charger back at 202 reserve place oh yeah that's where they all were okay so how long are you sleeping in the van i woke up by the sunshine the next morning so you slept the entire night in the van i'm sure i woke up at one point or another and went back to sleep it was not on current i used to fall asleep in the pickup line to pick up my kids at school okay so did you sleep in the front seat the passenger driver's seat front driver seat okay did you ever go inside the condo nope never made it up there because i woke up and realized the sun was up so obviously it was later than the four o'clock i usually woke up to treat my wife and i didn't want to be in the dog house but with her waking up and being in pain and me not being there and not being able to provide for her okay so what time did you wake up sunlight was up what time sunrise in florida so after do you drive back to 202 reserve place or do you walk i walked okay so you why did you drive over to longview avenue in the first place then as i repeated the first which was already said i was bringing stuff back from the condo that were of my kids that they wanted back obviously i'm not going to carry a whole bag of whatever in my hands so i bought the van to load in all the blocks loading my some of the kids my leg their lego toys bring back some of the stuffed animals okay so you get back and now it's daylight the sun is up yes and which door the house should go into the back door so you go in the back door and what do you do go to pee okay after i walk through the kitchen and saw the remnants of everything okay so you see everything still on the table you walk you pass the bathroom to go upstairs right no i went to the bathroom downstairs okay i thought earlier you testified that you went upstairs after i went to the bathroom what i testified was i went to the bathroom then went upstairs and meet my wife okay so at what point did she come to the top of the stairs then when i came out of the bathroom downstairs she must have heard motion she was at the top of the stairs okay so were the doors to the library open or closed don't know didn't see him is the library not close to the stairs the library is past the stairs that's correct but when you have to pee you have to pee well you're standing at the bottom of the stairs looking up at megan at the stairs you can't see the doors to the library ma'am can you see that gentleman back there mike you don't ask me questions i ask you questions can you see the door to the library when you're standing at the stairs looking up at megan no okay and you're engaging with megan and what is megan's demeanor not what she says what is she doing and how is she appear to you she's standing at the top of the stairs she has tears in her eyes and said you're alive okay and what is she wearing she's wearing my gray hydra works shirt which is something she usually slept in and she's wearing some kind of pants of some sort she had clothes on and did she have any injuries at that point ma'am i she was standing there she was fine i don't know i hugged her kissed her told her i'm sorry i'm late okay so what happens next i go into the bedroom because i wasn't feeling well and she wanted to talk to me in the bedroom okay and what happens next we start communicating and like i said when i woke up i felt nauseous anyways and i don't know if it was because of the nauseous i woke up with or what she was telling me i puked okay and we're so are you in the master bathroom that's correct and where is megan you know she's somewhere behind me so you don't know she's talking within voice distance i can't tell she's this distance away or she's this distance away is she in the bathroom like i said i can't tell you're asking me specific she's in the room someplace so if you don't know your answer is i don't know can you do do you know if megan's in the bathroom i do not know if the magnus in the bathroom but megan is talking to you that's correct and after you're done in the bathroom where do you go do you want the whole chain of events or do you want which room of the house do you go into after you leave the bathroom so i go into my master bedroom then walk through the door into the hallway and walk into zoe's room and is alec and tyler's door open that i don't recall ma'am i'm sorry why did you go to zoe's room because she said she she said the kids were dead and zoe was my little angel that's the first one i went to so when you get into zoe's room what do you see there's a pillow on her head there's a hand and there's covers on top of her she's laying on her mattress on the floor the mattress is on the floor she's laying on her mattress what do you do i went over to her i uncovered her mouth uncovered her face with a pillow she had told me that she had stabbed the kids so of course i look for blood look for anything look for any sign of life it was nothing i turned back to her i said i thought you stabbed her she says i thought i did i didn't know it bounced off of her okay so after you discover zoe what do you do i went to the bathroom and picked up a washcloth her mouth was open her eyes were open she looked uncomfortable it's my normal demeanor to help put my kids in rest don't ask me why i did it i was trying to close her eyes okay so where's megan when you're doing we're behind me she was following me talking to me at one point she was standing in the doorway talking to me from the doorway to me because i was asking her i said i thought you stabbed the kids okay so did you you said you had charged your phone the night before did you have your phone i said i plugged it in and attempted the charge little did i know that the charger was not a direct charger it had to have the engine on the battery never charged and i also found out that phone wasn't an active phone that was an act that was a phone that we use from thing so no it was not charged and it was not a technical phone okay did were there other phones in the house there were other possessions of phones in the house but megan hid them and would not tell me where she hid them so it's your testimony that you could not have called anybody that's correct i didn't have a phone and it's daylight right yep okay is it during the week is it on the weekend it's on a day that the sun was up i do not know the days the only the only isolation of days i've been given is from a receipt that i saw up there okay so you my question is is it during the week or during the weekend so your answer is what a day that's done was up that's all i know okay and after you finish with zoe what do you do megan was standing there trying to plead with me to talk she kept bringing up the story of thomas the disbeliever because she wanted me to believe what she was doing rushed her out of the way and i went to alex room and who was in alex's room alec where was tyler tyler was found downstairs and was tyler in the library yes so alec which bed was alex alex was the one when you walk into the room you walk in from the door you have a square bookcase headboard thing his was the one on this wall tyler's was the one on that wall okay and what'd you find in tyler's room in alec and tyler's room yeah alec was on his back pillow over his head covers over him and there was blood how much blood enough that i noticed i can't really tell you because i pulled back the blankets the shirt had some blood on it and there was blood on the abdomen was there blood on the blankets and didn't inspect it my goal was to see if they were alive and my goal was to see what the hell happened okay my language so after you see alec do you go downstairs to tyler no i actually did the same thing with the washcloth his eyes were open and his mouth was gently slack looked uncomfortable normal father thing is to relax their head and relax and i was just providing them comfort okay so after you do this with alec where do you go tyler okay i confirmed with megan that tyler was downstairs once again brushed her aside as she's trying to convince me to see things in her light i told her leave me the hell alone and i went down the stairs okay do you immediately go into the library i opened the door to go into the library yes so the library door was closed that i found out when i went downstairs yes so um there's a couch in the library right yeah among shelves and a carpet and some toys i'm just talking about the couch is that couch a pull-out couch yes it is so when you go in there is the couch pulled out he's sleeping on the bed other pull-out couch yes and what do you find with tyler tyler's on his back hand out to the side blankets over him pillow over his face and there's when i remove the blankets there's blood there okay and do you do the same thing with a washcloth with tyler unfortunately i didn't go to the bathroom to to is it called refresh it it was just on me okay and where is megan she's at that point standing at the library door pleading with me to talk at that point did megan have anything she has some kind of we have metal glasses uh sorry cups she's had that and she was drinking something when this is all happening and after you finish with tyler where do you go megan at that point had gone up to the bedroom already and i went up there and told her she needed to get help i don't care what happened i don't care what she did get help i will take responsibility i will do whatever it needs please go to the hospital tell me where the phones are so i'd ask her for the phones where initially and she goes i'm not telling you okay and this is this conversation is happening where in the master bedroom in the master bedroom okay and where is megan at when you're having this conversation throughout fluid throughout the bedroom and the bathroom going back and forth at one point i went into the bathroom because it was a benadryl bottle on the floor i went into the bathroom and found a garbage bag in which i threw the um the benadryl away as i'm looking for the phones okay and is megan just kind of walking around is she following you what is she doing at that point she's standing at the side of the when i left her to go throw the benadryl bottle away and look for phones she was standing at the side of the bed on which side on her side on her side of the bed so that would be the right side right if you're looking from the foot of the bed that is correct okay and [Music] does she still have this cup in her hand the cup is being up to herself back down when i left the couple's still on her hand okay where did you go into the bathroom so you're in the bathroom are you at the vanity are you in the little stall where the toilet is are you in the closet where in the bathroom are you i'm bouncing around all place in the closet and around looking for the phones okay so you're looking for the phones you're not using the bathroom at that point no okay and megan is within the master bedroom master bathroom she's in the master bedroom she's in the master bedroom so when you're standing in your master bathroom can you see in the bedroom i can see partial in the bedroom what part of the bedroom can you see if you're in the math as shown on the photos if i may reference that yeah i could see the the green chair and the uh what are they called my mom used to call it a hope chest but we had uh the chest at the foot of the bed yes okay so you're you can see that view from the bathroom can is megan within your view no she's standing by her end when i left her she's standing by the end table on her side of the bed okay and how long are you in the bathroom i don't know a few minutes what happens when you come out of the bathroom as i'm walking out of the bathroom i hear a sound that is similar to a balloon you know like you rub a balloon like at which point i poked my head out as we're coming out and i see her laying on her back stabbing herself where at is she in the bed is she laying on her back on her side of the bed with her head on the pillow laying on her back on top of sheets with a knife in her abdomen what color was it like the knife was the only knife that was there was a green butt knife that i bought for the kids as a christmas present as part of their fishing lures okay so she has a green knife um is she right-handed or left-handed green handled knife green handled knife is she right-handed or left-handed she's right-handed and which hand was on the knife both hands were on the knife both hands are on the knife yes and you said that the knife was in her abdomen yes when you came out of the bathroom yes what did you do um i stood there in shock i said what the hell are you doing at that point she says i'm doing what i did to the boys i'm trying to get my inferior vena cava i'm sorry she said i'm doing what i did to the boys trying to get my inferior vena cava did you go for help i went over to my wife and pleaded for her to tell me where the phones were she asked me not to leave her she did not leave the boys so my question is did you go for help yes or no the answer is no after megan dies how long what do you do what do you do well we skipped over quite a bit there i don't know if you want to go through everything or not what did you do after megan died what did i do i yelled out the window to see if anybody was around to help there was some weird sound coming from her mouth i thought she was breathing i started cpr after i wiped her mouth off with that gray pillow okay so you she's she stabs herself once or twice like i said before she stabbed herself at cumulative times of twice okay and these are right after each other that is no okay so what happens she stabbed herself the first time i sat there pleading with her to allow me to find the phones to allow me to leave her to go get help my loyalty is to my wife she did not want to be alone i thought if i stood there she said she was going through the inferior vena cava i have medical experience to know that one of those major arteries will bleed out quickly in the area of the house we liked the house rental because there was no one around neighbors weren't there most of the neighbors around us were snowbirds if i left her i thought she was going to die i thought in my decision making the best chance was for her to tell me where the funds were at one point i hate to say i annoyed her i was trying to convince her trying to talk in her language saying obviously the universe doesn't want you to go she says i want to be with my kids i need to be with my kids so i leave actually non-responsive what do you do after megan dies like i said i yell at the front window of our bedroom for anybody help 202 please i don't know where the phones are i hear some kind of weird breathing some kind of weird air exchange something no heartbeat they never went over that in cpr class but you know what i was trying anything so i started cpr chest compressions and when i didn't see her breathing i would do mouth compressions i didn't care about the blood i didn't care about all that what do you do after this at what point are you referencing what do you do the rest of the day it's the morning what do you do the rest of the day i literally broke down there and cried don't ask me how long because i have no idea how long i was in a state of confusion i was to say whatever i couldn't help my wife pass i felt a failure i wasn't there the night my kids were died i felt a failure i decided that i wanted to be with my family that i wanted to die that i deserve to die i condemned myself to death i was ashamed what did you do i sat there and cried for a while at some point did i realize now after seeing the receipt up there i decided i was going to go and get a gun at some point as the receipt said on 12 18 i went and purchased that first pelican after i inquired we were purchasing a gun to find out that there's a three-day rule in florida i've never purchased a gun before i purchased that gun which was a gun a pellet gun that i would plan to give my kids my boys a christmas present with i left and came back what kind of gun were you trying to buy any gun they would sell me did you try and buy a shotgun no i tried to buy it was a hand i was trying to buy handguns i inquired with them i inquired on specific model i said i've never bought a gun before how do i go about buying a gun are you aware that the wait period doesn't apply to a shotgun damn i've never bought a gun before okay well you inquired about buying a gun right inquired about buying a gun so [Music] this trip to academy happened after everybody in your family was dead that's correct so on 12 18 the day of that receipt everybody in your family was dead that's correct and was everybody in your family alive for the awards banquet on december 14th of 2019. that was a saturday correct it was the day of the awards the day that alec and tyler got awards yes they were yeah they were both attendants they played their recital okay so how soon after their deaths did you go to academy well if that was the 14th i went to 18th so that was four days later so when did they how soon after they died did you go to academy i don't know timeline i know sun was up and i went over could it have been the same day most likely okay so did do you go anywhere else besides academy on that day between december 18th that day and january 13th where did you go i went to cvs for benadryl how many times i think twice i also went to walgreens for benadryl for that wall dry how many times well considering wall dry was disgusting only once that i remember did you go anywhere else i picked up a food a glumki one night at publix anywhere else that's what i recall did you go to sarasota no there was no way i could drive to sarasota did you leave your phone at a starbucks in sarasota if i didn't go to sarasota i didn't leave my phone so you're denying that you went to starbucks and seriously in sarasota that's correct and you you so you never went to the beach in sarasota nope it was over two hours away there was no way i could drive and you did see the interview that was played yesterday right correct i did see the interview and you did speak with the detective more than one time right that's what they tell me you're denying this knowledge and i don't remember talking to the interview that day so you don't remember talking to the detective on january 15th of 2020. last thing i remember was falling down the stairs and saying you hold on to somebody in custody deputy next thing i knew i woke up in jail i thought i was in purgatory with the red floor and the bright sky okay so um you discussed a lot of information wouldn't you agree in the january 15 2020 interview from what i saw yesterday i've read yes and you adequately discuss megan's health conditions that you were aware of correct correct the ones that you suffered for the previous eight years with yes and you also spoke about various trips to academy that's what i said yes and you went to academy at some point as well to purchase a longer knife that's correct and isn't it true that you also said and in the interview you spoke about the note that was left that's correct and you told law enforcement that you printed it after megan's death correct and you testified here today that that wasn't true that's correct and that wasn't the first time you told that to law enforcement was it well actually let me correct your let me correct the the facts on that case please if you may the initial note was the one i didn't print out the note i found in my pocket after which is the note meg pricked up that i found in my pocket after i urinated myself in the in the garage after one hallucination and drank what i thought was coffee but i'm pretty sure it was motor oil i went into the house stripping and found the note in my pocket which note the note megan had left what was on that note on that note was essentially i didn't read this note but from what i recall it said we did it to the family which she referred to as family lineage i had a different relationship a different definition of family and the other thing was where she wanted her ashes at the bottom of that note it said tony i love you forever please forgive me what'd you do with it what'd i do with that i took it out of my urine soaked pants and re-typed it because i wanted i wanted my result residual family or my leftover the family that was alive to keep the knowledge that we were a family unit and i wanted my wife to know i want my wife's wishes known where she wanted the ashes buried she wanted to be buried with her father where we released the ashes at harkness was megan's note handwritten or typed it was typed and did you ultimately throw it away i ultimately put it in the fuck it was a fan box in the kitchen i after i typed it and i typed a second one that was all right sorry when i retyped it doing some errors in it so i put the yarn soaked one and the one with errands in it in that fan box after i fixed the door with my fallen law who died in 2002 so was this the same day that you came home no that this note was that you've when did you find this note when did i find a note in my pocket yes after i woke up after one of my suicide attempts of benadryl that i ended up in the garage i can't tell you sometime after christmas was this no in a pair of pants and a shirt is in my black shorts in your shorts yeah the one with two pair that only fit me so you only had two pairs of shorts that fit you a two pair of black shorts and a pair of khaki shorts and how often did you wear this short when i went back to sorry i had a pair of umbrella shorts too but those are the two dress shirts i had so how often did you wear them um daily and you never discovered this note in your pocket before damn i can't tell you i changed you saw the condition in my hair you saw the condition of my face i can't tell you what i did i was on autopilot okay so you actually the note that was left on the green chair is something that you actually authored i actually edited that's correct okay and you printed it out that's correct and you left it on the green chair actually i gave it to my mother who was sitting in the green chair for her to read your mother was there oh my mother was there my father-in-law died in 2002 my aunt died in 2013. [Music] quite a few people were there okay so in your interviews you describe in detail how you take the life of each one of your children correct that's what the video showed yes and you indicated in the video that you began with zoe correct that's correct and that you went in this was after you and megan had an agreement and you spoke about various websites and all of this research that you did and you're sitting here today saying that that's not the case that is not the case megan told me the order she killed the kids okay megan did research would send things over did i research yes i researched for years on my wife's illness okay now as you're aware of through your experience people believe they're hitler [Music] did you conduct any research that you told detectives that you conducted on which subject ma'am did you go to yeah that was a normal website i went to and did you google different knife techniques yes because i had under my suspicion that the fact well i found the website on megan's phone after i initially found that after i initial after i found the phones and i also looked up other ways to kill myself my question now is did you watch numerous videos about going to the afterlife i watched numerous videos with my wife about alien and her alien um what's it called i want to call it an infatuation but she believed in ufos aliens those are the videos i've never seen a video about her afterlife i've only so everything that you told the detectives the multiple times that you spoke to them is not true number one yes or no what you told detectives about you conducting the research with megan and watching all of these videos on the afterlife is not true yes or no i did not watch videos in the afterlife and is it true that the multiple times that you spoke to detectives that you told detectives that you went into zoe's room you gathered the courage and you rolled over on top of your daughter until she's suffocated isn't that what you told law enforcement is this a yes or no question did you want the yes or no question that is what the video yes showed you and your testimony here today is that megan did it megan kilt soby and you told the detectives multiple times that after zoe you went to alex room and alec is your oldest was your oldest son correct that's correct and alec was 13 years old and he was the strongest right that was incorrect ma'am who is the strongest tyler is downstairs so you go to alex room next because alex upstairs that's correct right and you told law enforcement on multiple occasions that you went into alex room and you stabbed alec and you suffocated out isn't that correct that's partially correct and isn't it true that you initially told law enforcement multiple times that megan was in there during that killing that's what the video showed yes and isn't it true that you also told law enforcement that megan took part in the killing that's what the video showed that's correct and then in fact megan held alex's legs down why you suffocated out that's what the video showed that's correct and your testimony today is that that is not true my testimony today is the fact that megan killed her kids and killed herself okay so next you told law enforcement that you went to tyler's room no well actually not tyler's room you went to the library that's correct right and that you [Music] had to be fast when you killed tyler correct most definitely he was the fastest and strongest kid so he's the fastest and shortest kid and you told law enforcement that you were afraid he was gonna get away right that's what meg told me yes that's not my question you told law enforcement yeah all the times that tyler was fast and he was you saw the video and you saw the video also of saying i said things that have been proven incorrect that's not responsive to my question actually it is but yes or no you didn't say yes or no ma'am yes or no thank you did you tell law enforcement that you had to kill tyler quickly because he was the fastest that's what i told law enforcement that is correct and you also told law enforcement yes or no that megan had to stand on the other side of the door just in case that's what the video showed and after you were done with tyler you and megan go upstairs or you meet megan in the master bedroom and you console yourselves right yes or no that's what the video showed and you actually told this law enforcement multiple times it's not just what the video told correct bam video that's what i said i don't remember anything after i left the house so i got to jail so i'm refuting i'm i'm going on your premise that that video is correct okay well that is you in the video right it's a sickly version of me yes it's an emotionally disturbed video of me yes and that's you talking right that is me talking that's correct okay thank god i didn't tell you i assassinated him so after that you tell law enforcement yes or no that you and megan get breezy the dog to come up onto the bed correct that's what the video showed and that at that point in time you suffocated breezy and took breezy's life that's what the videos show the truth of the matter is the only thing i saw there's no question you didn't answer yes or no so i said no so yes or no it was after this that you told law enforcement that megan decided that she had to go next and she stabbed herself right i don't know the rules to this question ma'am can you repeat it please sure yes or no the next thing that you told law enforcement happened was that megan needed to kill herself and she stabbed herself right by what the video showed yes and you were present or at home when megan stabbed herself two times correct and that you tried to you actually testified in the video and you told law enforcement that you tried to help megan bleed out more quickly by doing these different physical therapy techniques i didn't see that in the video ma'am so you didn't tell law enforcement that yeah you're asking me on the video what i said did you tell law enforcement which point at any point did you tell law enforcement that you tried to help megan bleed quickly so that she would die by doing your physical therapy techniques can i tell you what i told law enforcement by the transcripts that have been provided for me what'd you tell law enforcement i told my provider myofascial release to help facilitate blood flow it's a technique that you do not do it's a technique that i did over her deliver to help her with digestive issues you do not do myofascial release to help blood flow it doesn't help blood flow okay isn't it true that you told law enforcement that at some point you took a pillow and put it over megan's head until she suffocated that's what the video shows yes so [Music] okay when was tyler's birthday 12 30 2008 and he would have been 11. yes and based upon your testimony and in the statements that you made to law enforcement he was dead before his birthday right before christmas and did tyler get [Music] like birthday cards or anything from family you don't remember there's a lot i don't remember man do you remember cashing a check that was for tyler's birthday and um no further question thank you be direct mr toad who killed your family my wife killed your kids and you were not involved thank you joe you may step down and join your attorneys at council table thank you thank you thank you and gentlemen we're going to take our lunch recess as always please do not discuss the facts of the case with anyone please do not conduct any independent research please discontinue watching or reading any media reports or any information that you may receive outside of the courtroom we will resume at 1 30 with the case 1 30 this afternoon have a pleasant lunch thank you [Music]
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Keywords: law and crime, law and crime network, anthony todt, anthony todt trial, celebration florida, anthony todt case, anthony todt murders, anthony todt killed family, todt family, anthony todt florida, anthony todt blames wife, anthony todt family, anthony todt story, fl v anthony todt, todt family murders, todt family case, anthony todt testifies, anthony todt testimony, court testimony, testimonies, law and crime trials
Id: -fA9bPj-A3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 3sec (6183 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 14 2022
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