Accessing XAMPP PhpMyAdmin From Other Computers in LAN (Same Network)

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hello friends in this video I am going to be talking about how you can access PHP myadmin on other computers on the same net now in this case I am running same framework over a virtual machine and I'm using natural settings as a bridge setting so it will create a single network for this machine as well so first of all we need to check if we can access PHP my admin' on other computers so first of all open CMD and type ipconfig this will gives you can give you the IP address of this computer and this is running PHP myadmin so note down that IP go to the other computer and open up the IP of the machine running in this case it was and hit enter as you can see it gives it shows us the home page of Sam click on PHP myadmin and you can see it gives us an error access forbidden so and some other security improvements that are made in the new versions of step so - and it is telling us to change the setting you need to edit pH httpd exam config so go back to the host machine which is running say close out CMD and go open up the control panel of them in a paired section go to config and here is Apache HTTP D Sam config click on that and then search for PHP myadmin and where you can see it says required all denied this what this mean is if someone else tried to access PHP my admin' from an other computer owns even though if it if it is on the same network it will not open and it will give access forbidden error on that computer so to change that when we all we need to do is instead of denied type granted and you see those text editor what you need to do after there it is stop Apache process and restarted now again if we go back to our main computer and reload the page we can see we are able to access the PHP myadmin on other computers and do whatever we want over there so that was it for this video I hope you enjoyed it if it helped you do share comment down below and do subscribe to our channel it helps us a lot and if you have any other video requests you can comment down below and I will either try my level best to fulfill that create a video about that and thanks for watching
Channel: TheLinuxOS
Views: 100,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Access phpmyadmin wampserver from other computers, PhpMyAdmin, Xampp, Mysql, localhost
Id: vf_BBBTfxm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 48sec (228 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2017
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