Academy Of Tone #156: Authentic Hendrix Tones
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Views: 4,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Amp1, BluBox VSC, Guitarplayer, tubeamp, nanotube, bluguitaramp1, tonefordays, fenderstratocaster, toneheaven, pedalboard, Pedalicious, silent recording, vintage marshall, Mercury Edition, BluGuitar, AMP1, boutique to go, boutique amps, guitar sounds, guitar recording, blubox, marshall, khe audio electronics, jcm800, plexi, vintage strat, thatpedalshow, 1961 strat, blug 61, metal, metalhead, chug, heavymetal, metalamp, guitaramp, Jimi, Hendrix, PRS, HDRX20, HDRX
Id: JWGbFh_k2lc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 20sec (8120 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2023
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