AC Stopped Working? Easily Find an Air Conditioning Leak in Your Car or Truck And Solve it Fast

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[Music] look how bad it is right there [Music] so what i want to talk to you guys about and show you real quick in this video is the fun way to diagnose things and how inexpensive it is with just a pen uv light and some yellow glasses you can get them online for under twenty dollars and if you own these you can solve your family your own and friends ac issues and then tell them like you own it show them how to fix it what needs to get done and don't forget to check out one auto for the parts we even sell the kits for the ac compressor but i want to show you how to check it out solve the mystery it's kind of fun so we're going to go from the beginning to the end and discover what leaks this car has so one of the things i want to talk about is ac and why is it misdiagnosed or con so confusing to some people and some people actually say oh my air is not blowing cold anymore and they might get someone that says ah well that car's old it just needs a new charge it's got the old freon in it well i'm here to tell you that's a hundred percent wrong it's a sealed system think of it as a refrigerator every three years or four years do you put freon in your refrigerator no i don't think so and i'm sure you don't and guess what those refrigerators sometimes last 10 15 20 years that freon does not get old it doesn't wear its coldness down if your system is blowing warm then you have a leak period or you have a system that's not working so the freon's not passing through but mostly ninety percent of the time it's as simple as a leak you can solve the problem by yourself find out what parts you need check us out at get it recovered from a professional that has the machine bring it back do your own repairs and then back down to that shop let them charge it up for you vacuum it and charge it and you'll be good to go and you can save thousands that way very simple let's start from the beginning what i'm going to do is walk you from the firewall because i like to start at one point therefore i will work my way around so i'm going to do it in the light and then we're going to show you where the lights out so here you have the ac lines that go right into that firewall right there that's the compartment where you guys are sitting inside and you got a high and a low side that goes into what they call the evaporator which looks like a heater core it's a little little mini heat core in there but it's for the freon so it's called an evaporator on the other side of that some cars have orifice tubes this particular car has what they call an expansion valve so that little block you see that little gold circle on top looks like a coin that's the expansion valve that's a piece in between the evaporator in these lines then you follow the lines up and there's always going to be connectors and inside these connectors are o-rings down here these are where they put the freon in that's the schrader valve that's what they call those now the thinner line is the high side and the bigger line is the low side you can actually feel in this car this line is cold the car is not even running liquid vapor goes down it goes to that compressor that compresses a pump pumps that freon around and then it goes right out to the condenser flows through like a radiator that kind of cools it down that's why it's in the front the air cools it down keeps it at even temperature and just recycles itself keep going back and forth sealed unit just like your coolant is a sealed unit well i cool it could be a little bit different because of the radiator cap come on now we put a lot on that radiator cap 16 pounds freon's different it's under a lot of pressure and it doesn't have a cap that just screws on and screws off it has shredded valves so it is a little different but i'm going to show you how to check it real quick simply and save tons of money so i shut the lights off in the studio because i want to show you really be able to see this light i have been known in my own garage to put a blanket over the hood so i can find the actual leak because that's how excited i get about this stuff it it it's really cool to kind of like solve mysteries so i'm going to start the firewall like i told you before but now i have my uv light and my yellow lenses on my eyes and i can see i've got a little bit a little sleepage right there the train die will tell you that that probably going to be o-rings so if i'm going to do repair to the system i'm definitely going to put the o-rings here on the hoses going into that evaporator then i'm going to follow them around i want to make sure that there's no kink in the aluminum lines no cutting and then i'm going to pay attention to wherever the schrader valve is sometimes right here where the factory builds that weld i've seen those crack now it's going to be pretty common if you ever had your ac system worked on before that you're going to see a lot of the the green or the dye around the valve because well the end of the lines on those machines have died going through them all day with the freon and it's going to leave this residue behind you can clean this and if it comes back especially inside use like a cleaner solvent and then keep blow it dryer use a rag and really pick it up make sure it's dry and if the green comes back inside there you're going to need a shredder valve follow it down to this connector now i got no green around there so that tells me that o-ring is good so i'm going to follow my low side line down and this is a pressure fitting line that's factory made and look what i find right there can you see that that line right there look at the green so under pressure freon is seeping out or where the rubber meets the steel pretty common and so this whole line needs to replace you can't replace just this now that i'm going to do that i'm going to put that new o-ring on too so i got a new o-ring there and i'm going to follow the line right down to the compressor and look at that bingo more seepage and another pressure fitting on that line so this line is definitely no good that's going to cause no ac working because all the freon has just seeped right out i'm going to go right to the compressor with my light see if i can get it down there nothing but those o-rings are going to be changed on that line because the line's coming off where that surf belt is that's the clutch system and there's a seal behind there it's about the size of a quarter and when that blows you'll see a star burst of green oil coming right out of that clutch area boy is that that's kind of cool cool to see when you see it because then you know that compressor is really wasted so we got a good compressor here i'm not worried about that low side line definitely going to be replaced i'm going to follow the high side line up and those are in good shape the compressive fittings aren't leaking that goes right into what we call the condenser wow look at that that's pretty green there could be an o-ring you could be like yeah just put o-rings in soon don't be putting parts in that you don't need and you know what and i would agree with you if this car was in a 15 and it's 22 that's seven years old guess what this condenser has on the other end of it has a receiver dryer it's part of the whole thing it's attached to it that should be changed with ac minimal of like every five years unless there's been damage to the car like an accident so this condenser and if you can take your light you can always see there's always rotted fins like they get big bugs or rocks hit it in these little fins right here pretty delicate and i've showed that in the past on the videos i've done and they just get cracked all the freon comes out and if it has dye in it you'll see a big green spot in the middle of it yeah it's time to change it but i'm going to change this because look how rotted that is down there it's pouring out of this connector and there's some on the fins but is that overflow spraying it doesn't matter the receiver dryer is over 5 years old so i'm gonna do a condenser low side line and several o-rings so now that we diagnose this one or solve the problem i have someone else in the office that's like oh please my car so i haven't looked at it yet i don't know what the ac condition is or what the problem is so we're going to look at it together and solve it as we go step by step like i did with this one let's turn the lights off so because this car has a v6 it's kind of tight in here to see but the other one was a four-cylinder so you could see with the evaporator where the lines went right into the evaporator it was pretty obvious this one's a little tight fitting but i can see it from here goes in right here right about almost in front of the driver's side ah very normal stuff i see back here a little seepage from the o-rings possibly but nothing to disturb if you don't have to then i'm just going to follow the high and low side line over here and here's our first schrader valve on the high side wow surprisingly it's relatively clean there's no oil or dye coming out i see some residual over here but that's probably from someone that did a service and it sprayed when they did it a little condensation around this fitting ah that fitting is a little brighter than i'd like to see see that if you can see it really good but wow yep so that o-ring is definitely a no-good we have another schrader valve let's take low side cap off see what that schrader valve looks like now this die in there there's quite a bit actually got a little pool down at the bottom of it look at the pressure fitting on this one this car is older and this is still a factory line and look it there's no seepage coming out of that just condensation typical the way aluminum pits we'll go down to that pressure fitting just oil from the engine quite a bit of that i really want to see if i can get to those that compressor see if that seal's leaking that would be something that would be pretty cool to see i think i'm going to lift it up from the bottom so i can really get to that so we raised the car up and here's the ac compressor yeah that looks like something right doesn't it i'm going to tell you what it is real quick if i shine a regular light on it it's engine oil that's what that is see the color difference it's not neon bright it's like a dull that's because it's engine oil so if it had a freon leak in it with the dye from peg oil it would be neon green and we don't have any of that we just have a massive oil leak and everything's coated and i don't see any spraying out of the seal which is what i was kind of hoping for because i think it's really cool to show people when it comes on but this particular car does not have it and from here you can kind of see the condenser where i see the leak it's on the side seam here see that going all the way up look how bad the fins are like this condenser is definitely a contributor to three quarters of the problem so basically what it comes down to what we found were a lot of o-ring problems but both of them had some major condenser and that's because it's up front it receives the worst attention a lot of sand rocks heat everything it's kind of soft made of aluminum takes on the abuse more than likely always you're going to find problems with this but on these nice import cars you have the receiver drivers attached so it's a must replace you must replace these so o-rings condensers all things you can find on for your car or truck you can do it yourself have fun show your friends and neighbors how smart you are if you're not a subscriber please subscribe don't forget to ring that bell because it turns on all your notifications and you won't miss any future videos thanks for watching see that green coming out of there yeah if you saw this video look at that see the green now you see it see that that's a pressure fitting so that's leaking the hose is no good there's a lot going on with this car
Channel: 1A Auto: Repair Tips & Secrets Only Mechanics Know
Views: 103,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ac dye, ac stopped working, acadia, accord, air conditioning leak, avalanche, cadillac, camry, car, chevy, cts, ctx, dodge, equinox, escalade, explorer, f150, find leak, ford, gmc, honda, ram, sierra, silverado, solve it fast, suburban, tacoma, tahoe, toyota, truck, tundra, uv light, yukon
Id: vz7NjMzHViU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 31 2022
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