Abusive Behaviours in Korean Drama

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hello everyone welcome to yam production today i want to talk about the dating abuse behaviors behind the korean drama [Music] i believe for many kpop fans or anyone who is interested in korean culture korean drama is where we can catch a glimpse of this country it's very popular among asian drama fans because it provides different genres interesting plots attractive actors and beautiful cinematography however to make love stories more intense writers set various obstacles to keep audiences interested which results in many violent and abusive behaviors a greatly romanticized and glamorized dating abuse may sound like a phrase that you only use it when your partner is beating you but in reality it refers to physical verbal sexual financial and digital abuse any controlling behaviors that people do in a romantic relationship taking power and control over their partners are dating abuse back to 10 years ago there is one classic trope that we see a lot in korean romantic dramas an innocent pool girl meets with a cold-hearted rich man this cruel man trusts this girl badly but eventually his heart melts by her innocence and kindness he eventually falls in love with her and they end up being a wonderful couple many of these romantic dramas are full of dating abusings like forcible pulling yelling and humiliating female leads [Music] kissing female characters to the wall and many other abusive behaviors this trope creates superior and powerful male characters who can control the female protagonist easily even though in these korean dramas the male elite might be using his resources to help the female lead by rescuing her transforming her to make her happy female leaves positivity and innocence also changed the male protagonist throughout the love story we as audience can see that as their relationship develops the male lead becomes a nicer and better person this trope implies to us that even though those male characters might be aggressive and mean women's true love can change and heal them these male leads might be abusive and violent but that's forgivable because they usually have some deep traumas from either their family or previous loved relationships those abusive actions are seen as signs of love and potential romance and overly fantasized by us [Music] luckily the stroke in korean drama has been so outdated it's too cringy and full of cliche many of us are very uncomfortable to re-watch these old-time dramas when the male lead is very disrespectful and violent to the female characters in fact a lot of changes have happened in korean dramas as the gender equality improves in many recent korean shows female characters are more independent and sophisticated they have a successful career and take pride in what they do the plot line tends to be more realistic female and male characters have less difference financially and intelligently we can also see there are more male characters a younger than female characters however even though there are positive changes in recent korean dramas dating abusive behaviors still exist and oftentimes they're still depicted as romantic and masculine for example the uncontrollably found a show aired in 2016 the melee xinjing drives recklessly on the road and then just abandons the female league in the middle of nowhere there are many forced kissing scenes throughout all the episodes to express the strong tension and potential romance between different love lines [Music] the male protagonist is dangerously violent he punches people [Music] he throws things and yells at them [Music] foreign and he's not the only one that has abusive behaviors in one episode nor's brother noticed throws the girl chiharu into a garbage bin as a punishment but this scene is portrayed as a cute and funny interaction between these two [Music] characters and they even become a couple in the story similar violent scenes can also be seen in another 2016 drama another miso when the male elite pak tokyo angrily punches to his car leaves all the female characters surprised [Music] is shown by force pulling breaks into ohio's home in the name of protection [Music] reckless driving [Music] gets into fights with orion's fiancee and pushes oreon to the wall [Music] similarly radio romance a show aired in 2018 also has physical abuse scenes there are many force pulling [Music] and in one episode the male lead jisuho forcibly puts the female lead sunkeling on his shoulder and puts her into his car so he could drive her home [Music] besides physical abuse emotional abuse is less recognizable but more prevalent in korean dramas in korean romantic shows it's very common for male characters to joke around to show their affections they tease female characters give nicknames mess around with them and then become satisfied when female characters get mad in drinking solo a 2016 tv and romantic comedy the mao lead ching chong sao kaspa which is the sure form of hungary is the main character who's the super rocky in the company so ting jong song is basically making fun of pakana saying that she's a rocky teacher in the no dancing area also on this show another male character kinky bomb caused his love interest which means nuclear levels unlikeable in the no downtown area those male characters keep calling these nicknames even though pakana and jeong clearly showed their dislike these kind of joking around the behaviors is always interpreted as a special attention from male characters and potential romance we seldom see female characters discomfort and intervention become a serious matter in the shows because the messing around behaviors usually lessens when their relationships improve victim blaming or shaming is also a type that we often see in fight for my way a popular show came out in 2017 when someone kissed pixel he without her consent kim jong-un came out and had a fight with him but after this kim jong-un blamed pexo he for being flirty and wearing an appropriate outfit similar things also happen in something in the rain when the female lead regina suffers from her ex-boyfriend's harassment the male protagonist sojung he victim blames her accusing her for being a pushover and it is her attitude that gives her ex-boyfriends opportunity in episode ninja's ex-boyfriend followed her to her workplace and sexually assaulted her sonjung he and his sister came to the shop later when yunjina explained why she wanted to leave her boyfriend alone sojung he blamed her for being scared of her ex-boyfriend [Music] another common type in korean romantic drama is the male characters being over controlling but it is often portrayed in a funny childish way so when we watch it we would just laugh it off for example in fight for my weight when the female protagonist trey allah begins dating with another guy the male lead kodoman gets jealous and starts controlling treyala in many trivia things he asks her to come home early [Music] keeps checking on her goes to their dating place attempting to interrupt their night even after they start dating he would point out that her dress is too short and ask her to change another similar example is oh my baby a romantic comedy aired in 2020. the female lead changhali's friend yoon jeong secretly likes her when he knows holly is dating hani-sang he keeps spying on them he tries to ruin zahali state so she wouldn't go to hajisan's place overnight when jiang hali is upset with her boyfriend he visits her boyfriend's place without halley's consent and asks him to break up with her now go [Music] [Music] he even brings up the idea to continue to live with xianghao's family to her mom even though he knows shanghai is dating someone else at that time [Music] many of these controlling behaviors are portrayed in a comedic way by naively harassing their love interest it makes all of us laugh because it's childish it's immature it implies to all of us that this is what men do when men don't know how to confess their feelings in a proper way they do childish things to make you pay attention to them because boys will be boys however those things are only funny when these behaviors are portrayed in an exaggerated immature way in reality all these behaviors are abusive controlling clothes and appearance checking mobile phones and social accounts blaming and shaming stalking restricting your partner socializing with other people announcing romantic relationships without consent random visiting without consent breaking and crashing things these are dating violence that have long-term impacts on every victim guys who are doing these are abusers someone you need to avoid in your relationship these abusive violent behaviors in korean drama are always wrapped up in romance we watch them accept them and even learn several tactics from the shows thinking that this is sweet and impressive we neglect the fact that these female and male characters is still created from a patriarchy masculine perspective patriarchy thinking confucianism philosophy and the gender stereotypes are deeply affected how female and male characters interact in a romantic relationship this kind of problematic mindset is clearly implemented in encounter or boyfriend a show end in 2019. writers create a wealthy and sophisticated woman chasu hyung and an ordinary young man kim jin-hyuk to fit the modern romance criteria however throughout the entire show we can see how chasuhung uses her experience and professionalism to manage her hotel but we constantly see how kim jong-ho goes to cuba to save her hotel for her how her fiance divorced her to save her from an unhappy marriage how her fiance is secretly stalking her after divorce this protection mindset is the essence of kim jin hyo and chasuh's romantic relationship just to listen how many times the kimchi helmet should protect in this drama [Music] young [Music] [Music] this justifies the moment when chasu hyung decides to break up with kim jong kook he refuses yourself because he thinks that's not what's best for her [Music] this romantic drama seems to break the traditional gender roles but it is still packaged in a traditional patriarchy mindset a woman always needs men's protections a woman's no will transform into a yes if a man being persistent women are not telling the truth when they're resisting or they simply don't know what is the best for her unfortunately till 2020 even though fewer male characters are emotionless rich [ __ ] waiting for innocent girls to heal them men are still taking dominant roles they are still rescuing female characters again and again they're still helping their girls regain the control of their own lives they're still fighting against each other or at least create a tension with each other to show who's alpha male in the drama they're still believing this toxic theory their powerful masculine love could conquer anything change anything especially turning women's no to a yes because they know what is good for her but she doesn't so how does korean drama romanticize dating abuse is it attractive actors romantic background music beautiful settings i think it's all of them most importantly with slow motion and super close ups we can clearly see the female character's attitude change from surprise to accepted from submissive to subtly enjoy the reason why we accept abusive behaviors in korean drama is because we know that these two characters will fall in love even if not now but eventually they will in the end to be fair there are a lot more different female images are shown in korean romance now single moms singletons who want children women who are against marriage middle-aged divorcees try to get back to work the variety creates a space to show different kinds of struggles different life experience as a woman in korea besides the character variety social problems are also brought up in many korean romantic dramas sexual assault and gender discrimination at workplace age discrimination marriage pressure pregnancy pressure dating violence hidden spy camera especially after the metoo movement more and more korean dramas come out to prove to us that it is possible to tell a great romantic love story without implementing dating abuse and violence it is possible to create romantic love lines without negatively portraying single women as longleaf drunk has in sick of love or single men as horny fuckboys which with girls like garbage until he meets the right one for all of us as korean drama viewers we should be aware of dating violence and toxic masculine behaviors korean dramas need to value women's consent and respect women's desires we need to talk about the things that make us feel uncomfortable and keep criticizing those korean dramas that are still connecting dating violence with romance we need more variety less negative cliches about both genders and zero tolerance of dating abuse
Channel: yuanProduction
Views: 359,667
Rating: 4.9501853 out of 5
Keywords: korean drama, korean, romance, comedy, kdrama, abusive behaviours, abusive behaviors, dating abuse, dating violence, feminist, females, patriarchy, stereotype, drama, feminism, physical abuse, emotional abbuse, romantic, masculine, toxic masculinity, over controlling, genders
Id: v3mFWU352L4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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