tea time๐Ÿต kpop idol & jyp trainee | body shamed as a trainee? how idols date, audition tips! | pt.3

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i actually snuck in my boyfriend where i you and i were the only occupants scale from one to ten how important are visuals oh do you have to pay back the money do they really wait check you every month in front of everyone they they're dating each other if you knew everything then that you know now when would you have quit oh if if i knew that i would never debut i would have quit the second that i knew oh like if it was for sure that i would never never debut right then i would have quit but if the things that i know are limited to all the bad stuff in the industry all the competition all the toughness if it was just that i wouldn't have quit it's i only kept going because i always thought there was a little bit of hope like a light of hope yeah but then i really stopped after finally realizing it's not just the effort that i can put in and other factors yeah yeah oh and this was a question does money or your social rank play a role in whether you debut or not as far as i know not at all some people in really small companies if the company doesn't have any money and your family has a lot of money sometimes the family puts up the money but that is not forced at all yeah right it's like the artist's choice to yes debut him or herself what else what else on a scale from one to ten how important are visuals ten oh my gosh yeah really but it's not about being like a perfect pretty handsome face it's about having the visual that the company is looking for if they really want like a i don't know oh yeah oh if they if they're going for a tomboy look if they're going for like a really unique look it depends on what the companies are looking for they're not looking for the cookie cutter yeah perfection face i'm not talking about that visually [Laughter] so when i say visuals matter means like how you fit if it's a group how you fit with the other members what the what the concept of the album is so yeah and if they want that cookie cutter face they can always like put you guys yeah yeah but yeah a lot of people were asking like audition tips i think everyone that speaks english has a little bit of a more upper hand because all the groups they all wanted like an english-speaking member even today like i feel like language really matters because they want to form a group that can go global they always kind of gave me like a little bit of more credit for being able to speak english so during like an audition i would always heal that yeah so i would always speak in english like hello my name is coco i would say both languages or if they're training really young people they make you learn yeah they put you into studies but smaller companies they might not be able to do that they might not have the money to or like they might not have the resources to the really small company that we were in i chose to be in that company because they seemed to have a lot of resources oh great we remember we received chinese lessons and that's when i learned that i have no talent in language chinese really yeah so that company was small but it was a very good stepping stone that i was able to learn a lot from different companies have their own training like i know that everything is competition but do they sabotage it's a routine just literally just let you sleep three hours by day and cannot study at school you want to know if the companies over train the trainees so that you get no sleep and you can't study that wasn't the case for me at all oh i would get proper training and my day was filled like 24 hours in a very good fix schedule yeah but they also really wanted me to focus on school oh really yeah that's good i mean because you're from a prestigious school like usually of course they want you no like even when i was in middle school when i was in grp i had to turn in my school report every semester that's good so there are but i think again it depends on the companies yeah some companies don't really care if you go into a good school or your grades are good they don't care because it's it's your life and they should they're not your parents or they're not you so you should be able to take some companies if you're not fully in and you're not like giving up everything for this then we don't want you that's actually something that i heard okay so be committed to that if you're not that committed then we don't want you but i i some other companies they actually prefer that their trainees focus on something other than music in case that they drop them they're like we can't be responsible for your whole life so go to school in case you don't yeah keep you um yeah there was one question i really want to answer but i didn't screenshot was there was a question where do they really wait check you every month and in front of everyone they do yes that is why i am still probably to my dying day obsessed with every calorie intake oh my god that happens it's like engraved in my brain so even if i tell my i have to tell myself it's okay to finish this whole bowl of noodles i can have pasta 8 p.m i need to tell myself before wanting to hate myself for it because yeah weight issue is big big only did i tell you i got cut from one of the companies because i was unable to lose two pounds okay that's not right and i was shamed in front of everyone that is because okay so the team jump one of the kim jong-min came down and he's like okay coco's fat he calls me teji he calls me fat in front of everyone right it's like coco you're teji if you don't lose two pounds by tomorrow then i'm gonna cut you so i was like okay tim jenny i got this i could do it right i told him i was like i'm gonna do it and so that whole night like from 12 a.m to like the next morning i thought i researched everything that i can do to lose two pounds yeah so like one of the things that wrestlers do is they spit they spit yeah only i did that for eight hours and nothing would come out like that's how much i spat and then in the morning i went to like the spa like apparently you can like take out more water so yeah dehydration all dehydration so i got it so in the next morning 8 am i went to the dance practice studio and then i went on the scale in front of everyone they're like oh my god goku you made it right i was like hallelujah so i had witness i had like all my teachers there all my like trainee training like people there and then i was like oh my god it's good so i drank water but this was after i had witnesses so but then because i was like so dizzy like i couldn't do anything i couldn't think straight i can walk straight i was just so dehydrated drank a cup of water and immediately it went into yeah like my weight and then the tim junior came down after like three hours okay he's like hey coco get on the scale i was like [ __ ] i drink water i went up and then immediately i don't know i don't know how much water i drank but immediately that two pounds was back up so i was like [ __ ] and i was like but in the morning and he's like you're out he didn't even listen to any of your yeah and he's like you're out pack your bags and no one else could say a word either right it's like they're all just like silent so yeah weight issues i hear it all the time from a lot of here's the thing many celebrities who are known for having a really healthy lifestyle they have eating disorder and the public thinks of them as oh she's like naturally thin and on tv or wherever they appear to like be working out and blah blah blah but it's in many cases that's not true some people are blessed naturally yeah with metabolism that they can eat anything and will not gain a pound yeah i am not one of those i heard i heard black pink has that all of the members have that they're so lucky yeah yeah but yeah that's not the case for a lot of people and yeah weight issue is a big thing yeah i actually gained after that company i think i gained like 12 pounds i was like very overweight like the most heaviest i've been all my life because i stress it yeah just gained so much i had stretch marks oh just a funny thing that we used to do as a group the members the tanzanian would check her wait every single day and we write it on like a public board where everyone can see right but then sometimes he comes in to actually see the scale yeah dude it's so funny we found out some tricks that we can do okay one girl would go on the scale right and then he would look down at the scale right so like one of the members would be like dude i ate something can you please help me out we'll be like oh we got you what we would do is in the back we would hold slightly pull it up and nice yeah it makes you lighter it's so funny uh-huh so funny we used to do that in the back like he's watching the scale like well compared to my training days i've gained like five kilograms i am like mentally i am a lot healthier oh right of course yeah because if you're if you're underweight which you have to beat you can't think straight you're always in a bad mood always about you're very very sensitive about everything and it's a science thing man yeah it's actually a science thing were you ever in a dorm on me oh okay there was a lot of questions about dorms too oh really okay so i actually snuck in my boyfriend oh is this like a confession video now okay so i know that that's very possible yeah and it's yeah it's not at all difficult not at all difficult but i was using my own room i used to sneak out all the time with my members okay so one of the tricks that we would do is we would take turns like sneaking out right when we finished showering we would like use the hairdryer hair dryer right someone would stand right in front of the manager's room uh-huh you don't care why to distract the noise because when you're leaving yeah you know how the the door makes sense so somebody was just drawing their hair in front of the door and then i would sneak out i actually have two two cases of living in oh yeah one of them was when i was in the group oh oh my god and like four of us were living together oh with two managers both two managers yes it was a really big big part big big house yeah that was okay it was okay yeah it was okay we're fine oh yeah okay good and then there was one time where i you and i were the only occupants like this that freaking big penthouse that's awesome so she had she had a room i had my room there was a big kitchen big living room which was useless because we were always in your inception we were always in the practicing room so we only used it to like sleep like three four hours a day yeah so there was nothing particular or dramatic about my dorm life but i've heard a story so yeah you never had to sneak out i i was always there like the goody goody oh now i look so bad on you i'm so bad okay let's see oh do you have to pay back the money oh yes you do you did no but like i didn't here's the thing if you are a trainee and they let you go yeah you don't have to pay back uh-huh if but you if you voluntarily say i want to leave then either you you sign a contract saying that you will never work in the kpop business because it's just so it could be that you are saying that oh i want to quit because you know i have issues when you've already talked to the other companies and signed a deal so to prevent that if you want to leave after using up all the company resources they make you sign a contract saying that you will not go to any other competition or you're just leaving because right you're just leaving because this is not your dream and that's okay and then go so then in that case you don't have to pay but if you are voluntarily leaving when there's no issues and there's a potential company yeah that wants you or you want to go somewhere then you have to pay back everything that you used and for me it was always when the companies couldn't pull through my album so when i was leaving they're like we're so sorry not tiny though you can go so i never had to pay anything but there were a lot of people who wanted to leave who had to pay you know how they were like their banker right yeah so they were letting all the young things come yeah we all had to sign a thing where like oh we won't talk bad about the company or whatever yeah we signed it but then the funny thing is when i got into a new company when i got into core content uh-huh mbk right now and plus came to that company to say like oh you took one of our trainees you got it when they when they released you yeah they're like you gotta pay for like whatever like she had her debt but there was paperwork saying that they were like yeah so that one of the managers came to me and asked like did you sign something i was like yeah like we signed something that like like an nba that we're not going to talk about at the company and that's it yeah and they're like oh really you know ccm at that time was a very good very big company they had like tiara going and everything so like they took care of it but i thought that was like so shady that the company was along with them i think because they just like suddenly got bankrupt they just wanted to try at anything that they could get any money out of anywhere yeah this like distantly remember the ceo [Music] he kind of i think he messaged me like a few years ago he's like oh i found you through somebody somebody i'm like i'm still really really sorry the younger guy or the older guy the younger i've never and i've never met the older guy yeah i'm really really sorry i wanted to apologize i'm like don't talk to me yeah there are many questions about the training system i am making a video on that so okay okay you can do that on gina's channel whatever to her channel and subscribe oh do they have a dating band yes that's why i was sneaking out and sneaking in my boyfriend it's different for every company but most of them do you have a dating band or they don't like it if you have a boyfriend they're not gonna oh great that's great for you yeah before then nobody's gonna be like that but no a lot of my friends got cut from companies because they found out that they have boyfriends or like they were dating within the company they kicked both of them out and like kicked just one person out yeah yeah there was a lot of that going on when i was training okay yeah but everyone dates okay like everyone they see like it's just a matter of how well you hide it yeah i swear like i don't want to say that i mean i might be breaking everyone's fantasies but all of your favorite idols they're dating they're dating each other [Laughter] and then with other members of the same group but to be fair that's the only company you have that's the world that they live in yeah we need to charge your camera yeah i have a charge okay so okay so we're back the most questions that i think we received was about audition tests oh yes but if you want like a more detailed uh you know video then gina actually uploaded a video yeah regarding that right yep it's here she put it in a car here yes yes i'll link it here yeah some of the things that i didn't say in the video we will cover right now very quickly i want to talk about like clothes apparently companies really like very comfortable clothes yeah sweats yeah i guess they want like a black like a blanket student yeah student look yeah innocent look yes so like a hoodie sweat sweatpants yeah or like a cute beanie yep i think that's like the look that they like because they're like oh we could see her looking better yeah other clothes like they want to be able to picture you in different styles so if you have too much of a strong style something that they can't really mold right they feel like your style's too strong they might not want to sign with it and like just for practical side they might want you to dance or just walk do anything that you can do in more comfortable clothes yes so don't worry all things tight yeah yeah don't wear heels don't wear something too tight something too like skin showing right because they're you could be dancing yeah whatever yeah so yeah also makeup don't be putting on too strong like fake eyelashes yeah you don't want to do that because they don't really like that oh i i just want to say like be authentic because some people think that if they want to audition for yg they gotta dress up the wrong way yg artist if you're auditioning for jyp you gotta act or yeah nothing like that just be yourself yeah that is a really good tip i needed that when i was back all day and i would sometimes sit in in auditions and i would see the judges commenting on like that day's edition and they're like everyone's singing the same song you're sick of hearing this so true they're dancing all the same choreography and you can do the most popular song and most popular dances ever if you can do it better than anybody else if you can do like one verse and you think they're gonna be blown away do that song but unless it's that singing the song from that particular company's number one group that has been topping the chart for like the whole year you have to know that everyone else is singing that song too and if you can like wipe them out go ahead but unless it's that yeah you don't have to pick a certain song to you know appeal to that company and i always want to stress that you should prepare maybe a korean song and an english song yes yeah prepare your options and a slow song fast song and then dance of course what is chunky oh yeah they would actually ask me to yeah do it with them and i didn't have anything online no stuff or anything but i still didn't i was like yeah and they really liked it yeah because i look like such a girly girly girl but then they're like um leave any more questions that you guys have for us i might have another follow-up we will i think we will we will yeah um i think um we didn't get to you know everything right everyone's questions but that'll be like save for in the next video and if you guys really want a question answered like make sure to like spam it down below yeah and we'll get to that yeah thank you guys so much for watching thank you is it is this is this it i think so for today for today uh-huh yeah in the next video i want to talk about how you know relationships with managers go i have to speak in that voice yes we do we will i have that story i want to tell you i remember that story that's okay yeah i think that would be more interested in dating tips too did you ever date an idol before no i actually am going to make a video about that but for me other people's experiences like the dating world like the relationship yeah but for me i have never dated an idol a trainee manager producer nobody in the industry yeah but you've you have stories probably i do have stories but i i've never dated not even text anybody really yeah because i was like set on like from it kind of like me like when i was going into this business i was like i'm gonna be a superstar i'm gonna keep my reputation clean spotless wow yeah and on like hindsight yeah i didn't have any fun like zero fun but i actually preferred it that way so it was okay but yeah well i dated a lot again not being another confession time part two coming so crazy because i've never talked about this like you haven't had these things ever so okay i'm gonna spill the tea for the next video all right we'll see you guys in the next video then bye [Music] it might have been the right move
Channel: rilacCoco ์ด์ฝ”์ฝ”
Views: 635,155
Rating: 4.979908 out of 5
Keywords: dark sides of kpop, kpop industry, kpop idols, treatment, sm entertainment, sm, jyp, jyp entertainment, korea, south korea, seoul, cocosori, idol, idols, blady, bts, vlog, talk, tea time
Id: K4htvWc2r1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 14sec (1334 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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