Abu Jandal, Abdullah, & Suhayl Ibn Amr (ra): Switching Sides | The Firsts | Dr. Omar Suleiman

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dear brothers and sisters we are covering not just one of the most interesting characters of the seerah but but really a fascinating family where every person within this family has an incredibly unique story and i want to start off with a conversation since we just finished with that is and this conversation comes in some of the contemporary books to show you a story of how these people were trying to come to terms with their islam so the story is that um who goes out one night and he finds abdullah that's not the story he goes out and he finds abdullah and he says to abdullah ya abdullah oh abdullah he says oh abdullah what is it that brought you out to this place in the darkness of the night so they're in the valleys of mecca and he sees abdullah ibn sulhay and he says what is it that brought you out to this place in the middle of the night so abdullah says what is it that brought you out now everyone is kind of suspicious of each other in the early days of islam who's hiding their islam who is open about it you know they're trying to sort of figure each other out scope each other out so um was not a muslim yet at this point so this is pre-conversion omar who if you remember in the story of um there were some mixed signals about where he stood his intentions his motivations were very different from the motivations of abu jahad and abu sufyan and others at the time so um he said you know i was feeling some constriction in my chest i was having a hard time wasn't feeling too good and i went outside to to look out to the skies and look at the stars at night you know basically i'm just trying to catch a breath of fresh air in the middle of the night and relieve myself from some anxiety that i'm feeling abdullah says he said if that's the case then i'm out here for the same thing so both of us are hanging out in the valley of mecca looking out at the stars in the sky so um are you okay what's going on what is it that is causing you stress and subhanallah how these conversations are happening does a man live with two hearts one for himself and one for the others meaning can a person have two personalities and and two hearts one where they really you know feel for themselves think for themselves and one that they have just to appease the people so he's saying to um he's getting very explicit should we follow our fathers obey our fathers and deny what our hearts feel so the two hearts are what the heart that i have for my family and my people and the heart that i have for myself how i'm really feeling about what's going on now he still hasn't said what it is but he's he's speaking about this in a very clear way can a man really live with two hearts how am i supposed to live my life so um he said woe to you is it islam that's causing you this confusion but then listen to what he says he says in canada islam who am i we do for if it is islam that is causing you to have this this feeling in your heart and he says you follow it and you bear the consequences because you believe in it you bear the consequences of obeying this message following what your heart feels he says then look you're my enemy you're going to be my opponent i'm not going to like you but at least i'll respect you this is the mind of um so look if you're going to follow your conscience and you're going to follow this religion of yours if this is really how you feel and you bear the consequences of that i'm probably going to be torturing you soon but at least i'll respect you because you're following your conscience he says on the other hand amma in jabunta he said that if you become cowardly and then you choose peace you choose security over what you believe to be right he says then you know you'll be on my side basically i'll be okay with you you'll you'll be one of us but at the same time i'm not going to have much respect for you subhanallah you'll be little in my eyes for not following what you believe the truth he says look i really don't know what to tell you at the end of the day i don't know how to advise you to go about your affairs because you know we're friends if you become muslim i'm coming after you with a whip next time but at the same time don't be a coward i'm telling you follow your conscience and follow what you uh see to be right abdullah says he said to him you have given me the advice that i was seeking so he goes home to his father who is his father suheid so haid the chief orator the chief negotiator of quresh the most eloquent man of quraish a man who is known for his speech for his wisdom for his wealth a man who was admired by all of the tribes and a man who had so much to lose with islam in terms of worldly power if he'd if he did not see the truth for what it was so abdullah says to him and keep in mind here abdullah was about 16 years old when the prophet saws received revelation so he's having this conversation with his with his father as an 18 or 19 year old he's very young and he says to his father he says he says oh my father aturido and yakuna what a duke do you want to have a son who's two-faced he said to him of course not and he said to him do you prefer having a son who would be a loyal coward or a courageous opponent look what he's doing to his father so wisdom runs in the family so would you prefer a son who was loyal to you but was a coward or would you prefer a courageous opponent someone who stands up for himself and who's courageous but he's also your opponents so so hey responds and he says i definitely prefer the courageous opponents but why can't you be loyal and courageous like that would be better than than the two options that you gave me as if you were loyal and you were courageous so he said to him listen i want you to know that i followed the religion of muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam and i have rejected it i've rejected your two idols so hey says don't do it he says i've done it he said don't do it he said i've done it. he said i'm going to kill you abdullah said you're not going to kill me. he said i'm going to kill you and then that threat didn't work he said listen he says i am the richest man in quraysh and i'm not going to let you inherit any money from me no wealth is going to come to you through me abdullah responded what is with allah is better and everlasting he said that i'm going to put you in prison i'm going to tie you up and imprison you for the rest of your life and abdullah said you will not succeed in imprisoning me physically or mentally so so he says get out of my house you're not my son anymore. he disowns abdullah but at the same time hoping that he'll come back to him that is and he is the older brother of the two famous brothers abdullah ibn sohail and abu jahel abu-jandal so you have abdullah who as i said was about 16 years old when the prophet saws received revelation and you have abu jandal who we're going to speak about who is the younger brother and who probably was not even a teenager when the prophet saw some received revelation but he looks up to his brother abdullah abdullah is his older brother abdullah is his role model and he's heavily influenced by him the father as we said is the mother very interestingly enough is now i'm going to go through a lot of names and i'll try not to spend too much time on this part but of course that would make her the sister of zaid ibn ahmed ibn fayed who was one of the first people that we spoke about but i couldn't find any information on fakhita so farhita bins the mother ibn shaheed the father and you have these two children abdullah and abu janda both who are considered from the earliest muslims okay abdullah becomes muslim abu jahn even though he was a young boy follows his older brother and privately becomes muslim as well and embraces islam with the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam in secret you have the also who is their sister was one of the first muslims and she was the wife of abu hadifa if you remember when we talked about abu hadif is the one who breastfed salim famous companions we already did an episode about them so sahla and then you have another sister named um who also became muslim and who was amongst those that made hijra to abyssinia as well so all four of the children of suhaileben that are mentioned here became muslim okay and the two daughters both migrated to abyssinia with their husbands to escape the persecution in mecca abdullah also migrated to abyssinia abuja was still a young boy he stayed with his father and he and his father did not know that he became muslim so think about the the life of suhidim right now and i'm going to emphasize the islam around sohail for a reason because his conversion is a very strange conversion story like how late it it was for him to become muslim so his kids become muslim three out of the four escape the persecution that he's partly responsible for with their spouses to abyssinia his son abu jandan young boy privately a muslim as well his brother and this is where again if you start thinking about the tree all of his siblings also embraced islam so suh's kids embraced islam and all of his brothers embraced islam too one of his brothers was asakran who was the husband of and i don't expect anyone to remember this but if you go back to her story does anyone remember by any chance so soda the wife of the prophet saws was first married to a sacrament the brother of suhair ahmed he died in mecca the same time as khadijah radhiallahu which made it you know obviously convenient for the prophet saws to them at the advice of khaola proposed to her so she lost her husband they migrated to abyssinia as well to escape persecution then you find other uh the other brothers of sulheid they also all embraced islam and they all migrated to abyssinia to escape persecution and their names are even um you know not very well known uh so we have a sakran we have another uh brother that that is named salit or suleit uh who also escaped persecution and went to abyssinia so basically the point is is that suheid is the only person who's really holding out here everybody else around him becomes muslim very early on they're amongst the firsts children siblings they're all going towards the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam but suhail is looked at as the pride of quraish he's their spokesperson he's their orator he's their negotiator and so subhanallah his sense of tribalism overtakes even not just his faith but his family his loyalty to his own immediate family all of them are being persecuted as a result of his insistence upon uh jahlia upon the days of ignorance and upon the ways of ignorance so what we know is that they go to abyssinia and abdullah was one of those as we said who escaped persecution when abdullah came back from abyssinia on the rumor that the people of mecca became muslim because there was a rumor that spread to the people in abyssinia that the that the mushrikeen and mecca the disbelievers in mecca had become muslim when abdullah came back this time sohaid would not let him go so hail takes him and he obviously this is a new stage in trying to persecute and break down the prophet saws as well and he indeed imprisons him and he starts to torture him so when abdullah first became muslim and for the first few years yes it was a bad relationship it soured the relationship between him and his father but his father did not make well on the promise of actually imprisoning him but now he imprisons him and this makes an example out of him for his younger brother abu dhan as well who still has not told his father that he's a muslim so he's watching his older brother abdullah be tortured for the sake of allah subhanahu wa and then as a result of that abdullah pretends to renounce islam so this whole story gets very interesting now abdullah pretends to renounce islam and so he escapes imprisonment and he continues to aid the dawah of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam secretly being a muslim so now abdullah and abu jandar are both privately muslims abu jandar is still too young for this to be consequential for him abdullah is actually helping the prophet saw while coming home and pretending to be a non-muslim as his father had made well on actually imprisoning him now that comes the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam comes back from life and this is very important because it shows you how the prophet saws saw something in s different when the prophet saws sought permission to get back into mecca after the torture of he sent bilat to two people first he sent him to al-akhnes he said no i can't do it there's just no way for me to overcome all of the pressures of mecca the prophet saws to secure his entrance back into makkah and some of their mention they say because sohail did not oppose the prophet swaii sallam the way that abu jahl the way that abu lahab the way that abu sufyan did you see they're not all the same so hal was not one of those who physically laid hands on the prophet saws who spit at him but he sort of maintained a sort of dignity in the in the social arena and so the prophet saws thought to try to tug at that in his heart that look your fellow meccan your you know your nephew because sahed is older he's a respected elder is seeking permission to come back to his hometown will you secure that permission for me so hey does not respond nastily to the prophet saws as much as he hates what the prophet saisam has done to his family he sends a message back to the prophet saws and he says to him look if it was up to me i'd let you back in but he said i'm from benue you're from benue hashem our tribal relations do not intersect at the level that i could meaningfully offer you protection so i'm sorry but i can't offer you protection very interesting he didn't tell the prophet saws get out of here he didn't tell the prophet saws you're lucky i'm not coming after you he actually apologized that he said i can't bring you back to mecca even though he's one of his persecutors so the prophet saws saw something in sohail that maybe one day would come to pass maybe his affiliation or his his strong ties to quraysh and the idea of holding quraysh together would bring the prophet slight senate back after after thought so anyway the prophet saw some makes hijrah now this is where the story starts to take all sorts of twists and turns so hail goes out with the chiefs of mecca to fight the prophet salallahu and of course some of the chiefs of mecca didn't really want to do it they were really pushed by abu jahl abu jahl was the chief insider saying let's go out there and let's get rid of muhammad salla islam once and for all some of the others were like no let's not do it it's not worth it do we really want to start to shed blood and go to war with our own sons and our own nephews insists he pushes all of them to go out to fight in badr so suhail goes out and he goes out with his son abdullah thinking what that abdullah was on his side this whole time these last few years he thinks abdullah has renounced the religion of islam and so here is one of the firsts and only that comes they get to badur and as they get close to the muslim army abdullah at night takes off and runs and goes and joins the muslims so he switches sides at badr this is the only person that you could see doing that and subhanallah pay attention that none of the muslims who saw themselves outnumbered here because badr was supposed to be a massacre of the muslims right none of the muslims fled none of the muslims went back to their fathers and said we're sorry we messed up please forgive us the night before the battle but abdullah defects from the mushrikeen and he runs to the prophet salallahu and he joins the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam to actually fight on the side of the muslims in the battle of badr abu jandar was still a young man back home in mecca he was left back in mecca not yet of the age of battle so sohail sees this and obviously this enrages him his own son so so he goes forth the battle goes on abdullah fights against his father sohail was captured in the battle of badr abdullah joins the ranks of the prophet saisam and he will now go back with the muslims in madina so abdullah has defected not just from his father but he is defected from mecca as a whole is captured now here is one of the very interesting things you're going to see throughout this biography was not a fan of suhaitab he really did not like him he did not see the good in him that the prophet saws that there was something there and um was also a very literate man a poet eloquent he kind of knew the politics of quraish and so so hey particularly annoyed him because he was an insider at the end of the day i mean his his voice was a heavy voice he was able to cut off alliances from the prophet saws like right he's he's able to effectively isolate the prophet saws with his tongue and so when sohail was captured in badr and this is actually mentioned in the buwa the proofs of prophethood and he says to the prophet's son he says he said let me knock his teeth out so that his tongue can stick out i wanna i want to make an example out of this this mouth of his that has done so much harm to you and harm to the muslims let me just go ahead and knock his teeth out so that for the rest of his life his tongue will be out there and he won't be able to use his eloquence to incite against you and the prophet saws first he says he says i will not mutilate him lest allah mutilate me subhanallah the ethics of battle we're not them we don't mutilate our prisoners so the prophet saw islam said everything that happened he said i'm not going to mutilate him lest allah mutilate me we don't mutilate our prisoners we don't make examples out of people physically this way then he says to um he says leave this mouth of his because one day this mouth is going to make you happy it may be that one day the mouth of suhail will make you happy as it has angered you and he says and maybe one day sohail will take a stance that you would envy him over he's saying that's something is there i see something there why does he mention this in dalai lama and the proofs of prophethood because no one else saw anything in suhad i mean if he hadn't become muslim yet when is he going to become muslim all of his siblings have become muslim all of his children i mean he had every introduction to islam that you could possibly need at this point and he's still insisting on his ways but the prophet saws even in the heat of badr after capturing him says omar don't knock his teeth out that mouth might please you one day that tongue might please you one day so so hey it is a prisoner and sohail uh says to his captors in bed and of course the prophet saw someone was deciding what to do with the cap with the captives so he says that he needs to use the bathroom so sahid goes to use the bathroom and then he runs off and he escapes prophet salla's son sends out the troops they go and they capture him back and they bring saheed back and his hands are tied to his neck and he's brought to the house of who sauda his sister-in-law his former sister-in-law and soda she looks at him in this humiliated you know way and she says to him she said if only you would have died a noble death like what a humiliating way for you to go like this this is low of you also hate and the prophet saws got upset with soda he said are you trying to incite him against allah and the messenger sallallahu alaihi sam and so that apologize and the prophet saws said it's okay leave him alone let him kind of just dwell in this place and then the prophet sallam goes to each one of the prisoners and he's negotiating the release with the prisoners right so each one has a very unique circumstance some of them have money to give to themselves to ransom some of them can only teach how to read everyone has a unique circumstance so hate is a rich man so hate is a rich man abdullah comes to the prophet saws and abdullah this was not easy for him like think you know subhan allah if you go back to the story of mcdonough how hard it was for them to see their families in this way abdullah was hurt he's emotional seeing his father as a prisoner knowing that he came out with his father and he loved his father a lot so abdullah is trying to negotiate his release with the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and sohail of course was going to be released just like the other prisoners in badr and so the prophet saws comes to him and the prophet saws and says what do you have to ransom yourself he said to him listen you know the wealth that i have i have many camels in mecca and a lot of wealth but i need to go get it from mecca so i can bring it back to you that's so hey the prophet saws actually accepts that and it's a very interesting circumstance there's a man by the name of mikraz ibn house who's from the same tribe mikraz takes the place of suhail in captivity so goes back to mecca to get his his ransom he comes back to the prophet saw is gives the wealth to the prophet saws and takes mikroz out of captivity really interesting right so subhanallah on one hand he shows nobility on the other hand he's an annoying insider to um like this man's tongue is driving us crazy now sometime along the way sometime along the way abu jandar's islam clearly becomes known to suhail as well subhanallah we don't have any of the story of abu jahe up until this point of hidaybiya six years after hijrah because who's narrating from him who's telling the story of when sohail found out he became muslim who's learning about abu janda's own plight but this young man in mecca at some point became exposed for being a muslim to his father and what did suhail do he did to him what he did to abdullah he put him in a chamber in his own house but abu jandal had nobody around him so he's a young man spent no time with the prophet saws did not get to grow up around the prophet saw islam did not get to grow up around his brother and he's in prison so think about the location now sohaid and abuja in mecca so hey still a chief enemy of the prophet saws a young man that has grown up and without the muslims in madina even knowing in prison in a chamber in the house of his father in mecca abdullah at this point has settled in al-madinah and he's one of the companions of the prophet saws around the prophet saws taking part in the different battles and a you know a student of the messenger a noble companion who gets to grow up in that madani society then comes the prophet saws and the muslims make their way out to dir umrah and we know the story of hurdabiya this treaty takes place this negotiation takes place because the people of mecca were in a tough spot in their ethics they allow even their enemies to do umrah and hajj so either they're going to betray their own ethics and kill their own or they're going to be humiliated by letting the muslims come into mecca and do umrah and go back to madina so it's a really tough situation for the meccans to try to figure out how to get themselves out of this predicament so they're trying to figure out all sorts of ways right of the allah who goes to negotiate they tell uthman all the law and how about you they try to sweeten up you know or compromise with him and say why don't you go ahead and do umrah right and let's see if we can negotiate this another time for the prophet saws the sahaba are ready to go they are ready to go and they take this pledge with the prophet saws towards uh death that they are ready to die for the sake of uthman when they think that uthman has been killed the point is is that the sahaba are in a mindset that we're going to go do umrah or we're going to die in the process but this is it right we're on our way to mecca no matter what as the prophet saw islam is sitting in hidibiyah the chief negotiator of mecca comes and it is now the prophet saws was an optimist and he used to love atafa he used to love good oman salaisam so he didn't allow bad omens for us to say you know oh well this happened so bad things are going to happen to me but the prophet saws loved he loved good good omens so what does the name of suheid mean it means ease right it means ease so the prophet saw islam is sitting with his companions and he sees suhair i'm coming and he said he said that sohail has come to you and so your affairs have been eased for you this is good news for us that sohail is the one that is coming forward so sohail comes and he starts to negotiate these terms with the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam he narrates a he said that the prophet saws made the treaty with the disbelievers in her debia on three conditions he says he said that uh the first condition is that he should return the polytheists or anyone from the mushrikeen that comes to the prophet saws i'm sorry anyone that comes to the prophet sallam from the mushrikeen is basically protected and if anyone from the muslim fugitives escapes to medina then they have to be returned so this is a really unfair condition okay it's an unfair condition that basically if one of the disbelievers in this battle or in this captivity escapes then they're safely returned back and they have that security that's granted to them but the muslims on the other hand if one of the muslim fugitives escapes from mecca then they have to be given back to their captors that's a condition that they made with the prophet salla and then he said that he should enter mecca only the following year and he can only stay in it three years so basically the prophet saws will go back with the sahaba to madina and they'll do umrah the next year not that year and they can only come for three days and they do what they have to go do and then they come back and that also that the weapons that they come with will be only the swords that are meant for sacrificing the animals and they'll keep them in cases so they're not going to come with their with their war swords to mecca when they come for umrah now that's the conditions that are being made right there's also some things that sohai says to the prophet saw islam which is obviously very famously known to us when the treaty is being written bismillah rahim who's writing from the muslims the prophet saws instructing ali to write the treaty so suhail and the prophet saisom are negotiating man to man adi is the one writing the conditions so it starts off with bismillah so he says we don't know he said say bismikallahum erase and just say in the name of allah we know allah we don't know these names so so haiti is even pushing that pushing in that regard okay then from muhammad rasool i allah be fighting you he said write in the name of your father that the son of your father muhammad abdullah the prophet saws i'm told erase it his hand stopped he's not going to erase rasulullah so the prophet saws himself wipes it out he scratches it out it says where is it scratches out rasulullah muhammad abdullah fine you got your treaty in the name of allah you got muhammad ibn abdullah you got these conditions after all that we've been through we're on our way to mecca you know we're in our we're going to turn back and we're going to come back next year after all that excitement who's the one who's burning on the inside the most wait a minute aren't we on the truth the same thing when um became muslim and he took them out to protest right why are we making these conditions with them ya rasool allah let's go ahead and let's let's just go forth let's fight them who cares aren't we on the truth aren't they on falsehood and um really wants to go forward and there is only one person and this is why he remains superior with all of our love to um only one person who sees things exactly as the prophet saws and that was abu bakr allah calms down um now in the case of suhail this is where another first happens and i want you to think about the mindset of the muslims put yourself in their position the disappointment of not being able to make umrah after all these years and you were in haram and you thought that you're going to be able to make umura the feeling of humiliation that we had to accept these conditions where we you know erased we erased rasulullah it's an unfair exchange with the muslim prisoners and their prisoners all in exchange for what the ability to do dawah for 10 years in peace really what the prophet saws wanted was that we can secure our alliances we can do dawah for the next 10 years you secure your alliances we secure ours the prophet saws wants to spread the wings of the ummah at that point from the state that was established in medina right but still the emotional impact of this is is too much now put yourself in this position the muslims had never seen abu jandar abu jandar was in a chamber and subhanallah narrated by multiple people by the way abu jandan knowing about hudaibiyah happening his father going to hide beyond this treaty about to be negotiated abu jahn managed to escape from the chamber and he runs to her debia which by the way is over a hundred miles he goes to hodeibia with his chains still on his hands and on his feet makes his way to her debia and said we had never seen a sight like we saw that day can you imagine a man who had been in a torture prison a torture cell all these years and he said every part of his body was wounded the hair all over the place right he doesn't look human at this point right i mean subhanallah he's coming out of a torture cell for all of these years and the chains are still on his arms and on his legs and he's running towards the prophet salallahu this is a tough tough tough challenge this is hard on the prophet saws it's hard on the hearts of the believers to see abu jandar and he's crying out to the muslims o muslims help me help me save me so hail just inked the contract and he sees abu jandal running and subhanallah what abdullah is on the other side and abdullah ran off to bed one day right so abu jandar comes running and everyone is just captivated by the sight the blood dripping the chains on his hands the chains on his legs his hair his beard everything i mean just an unkept tortured human being a person who has been subjected to all sorts of things and they didn't know abu jandi like that they'd never seen him he didn't live in medina with them and as he comes sohaid slaps him and so he grabs him by the chain that was there was a cuff on his neck they say somehow like a collar he grabs him and he says and this is the first person in our treaty you made a deal with me he comes back with us now if you were in the camp of the prophet saws what are you thinking at this point no way tear up the treaty let's let's do it um punch this guy's teeth out send them back home somehow i mean how would you feel seeing abu janda think about the test of abu janda himself i finally escaped after all these years of torture i found the prophet saws i found the muslims so hail is grabbing him by the collar so he says this is the first person that's going back the prophet saws saying yes just give me this one just him we we didn't even finish this yet we're still completing the treaty rasulullah is pleading just give me him after this the deal is sufficient so he says no no conditions were made we have a deal this is the first person i'm not letting him go the prophet salallahu is in a pretty desperate situation the sahabah are already having a very tough time sahil ibn hanef radhillah and this was in the context of something else but he but he mentions the feeling of that day he says he actually called it he said you should have seen me the day of abuja like it was such that was the moment that captured the day right there's that moment where abu janda is in chains next to his father covered in blood and torture calling out to the muslims to help the prophet saws can't do anything and the muslims are watching and they don't know what to do with themselves he said i remember myself on the day of abuja he said to who on that day i thought to myself that would have been the one day that i would disobey the prophet's license the context of this was in another time where he's talking about the importance of following allah in the messenger so he said he said look that was the time where really my my nephs my heart moved in a way like if i was ever going to disobey the prophet saw someone was going to be that moment right where are we just going to attack sohai i mean no we're not sending abu jandar back but the prophet saws has to honor the treaty so hail walks with abu jandar abu jantal cries out and he says he's not even addressing the prophet saws anymore o muslims you're returning me to the disbelievers and i came to you as a muslim what a test to this young man's faith this is what i get i escape a torture chamber to come to you and you're sending me back to the disbelievers do you not see what they did to me when i was with them are you really going to let me go back so he's crying out to the prophet salaam and he's crying out to the muslims and the prophet saws some can only say to him what he used to say to sumayyah or the allahu al-and those days in mecca be patient allah is going to make a way out for you but it's in the heat of the moment he goes next to abu jandar and he tries to give him his sword and and hints them he says kill your father like abu janda take him out like he's trying to actually give his sword to abu janda to kill so hey that way it's it's not on our hands and so walks away with abu gender and the muslims are left in her debia the prophet saws the muslims watching abu jahew dragged away screaming in pain and wondering why no one is saving him that's a test of faith like faith is being tested on the muslims the wisdom of the prophet saws how are you letting this happen aren't we on the truth are we really going to let this happen we've moved beyond the days of mecca the the the the heart of the prophet saws more than the prophet saws loved him in that moment umar did not love abuja the way the prophet saws loved him but the prophet saws has to submit himself to this it's a test to abu janda himself of course more than anything else i mean he could have went back to mecca and said what forget about these muslims forg you know who is this who is this prophet who are these people that claim to be on the truth look what happened to me he could have gone back he could have told his father you know what i made a mistake forget about them i'm on your side now what does he do he stays on his faith that's jakeem that's certainty his father puts him right back into a torture cell rasulullah has to go back to al-madinah subhanallah when the prophet saws gets to medina and her debia has finished another man escapes mecca and he escaped with abu janda so abu-jandal managed to escape again and he escaped with another man by the name of abu basri also someone radhiallahu who accepted islam in mecca and who never grew up around the prophet saws so get out of mecca again the prophet saws is back in madina abu-basir goes to medina to come to the prophet saws abu jandan waits on the outskirts so he stays off of the radar he knows what happened last time he knows the conditions abu basir wants to see if he can go to madina and be with the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam abu basir comes he gets to madinah delegates from quraish come they say we have two fugitives in accordance with debia abu he's here in medina you have to send them back abu janda the prophet saws doesn't know where he is so he's not responsible at that point he escaped you he's somewhere that's between you and him and once again the prophet saws has to let him be taken back second fugitive okay second time is going from medina the delegates of two people from quraish they basically tie him up they arrest him to take him back to mecca now on their way out from madina this one's interesting okay this whole story subhanallah just has so much to it he says to the man that's with him at night they're they're basically camped out at night on their way back to mecca he says he said that sword of yours is really nice what a nice sword you have where'd you get that sword from so he starts telling him about his sword so he says you mind if i look at it right quick companion who we don't know anything about other than this incident by the way he looks at the sword and then he kills the man the other man wakes up he sees abu baseed with the sword and he runs away so abu basil comes back to the prophet saws with the sword in medina and or actually before that even before abu basir comes to him the other man ran back to the prophet salla sallam so it's very interesting two men came killed one of them the other man runs back the prophet islam is sitting in the masjid and this other man is running towards the prophet saws this was the second of the two that came to capture abu-basid and the prophet saws this man has seen something scary he doesn't look normal i wonder what's up with him so he comes to him and he tells the prophet salla salam what happens and the prophet salallahu he says to him he said listen that's between you and him can't do anything i sent him back he killed your companion i i didn't keep him so i didn't violate the treaty right so my advice to you is to get back to mecca comes to the prophet saws and the prophet saws after that he says what that means is basically woe to his mother this man could have been a warlord if he had an army like this this man abu basir like the prophet saw islam is praising him said he could have raised the whole army by himself so the prophet saws is on the outskirts of madinah now look what happens as a result of this abu basir basically can't stay in madinah the prophet saws saying listen you the same thing is going to happen if you're here so it basically gives them a hint go go somewhere else goes to abu jandar it gets even more interesting abu basir and abu jahel coordinate with some of those that are still muslims and being held in mecca and eventually they managed to free people out of mecca that are in captivity so they're going and they're sneaking fugitives out of mecca that are being held for being muslim and then they form a band of over 70 muslim fugitives but they don't go to medina what did they do instead the prophet saws not responsible for them under the treaty right they're their own group of people they're muslims but the prophet saws is not violating the treaty they formed this ban between the trade route of mecca and asham greater syria and basically what they do is they just keep attacking the caravans of the meccans as they're going to hashem and they crush the economy of mecca because they scare away the tradesmen the merchants that are trying to come from hashem and then they attack the meccans that are trying to go to asham so they mess up the trade route so what ends up happening abu sufyan sends a message to the prophet saws and he says to the prophet saw look can you take those 70 people to with you to medina and can we just scratch that part of the treaty out we'd rather they go with you then they keep messing up our trade now because they're crushing our economy because they're harassing all the trade caravans between us and hasham so we scratch we were the ones that wanted that condition there take abu janda take abu sir take this group of 70 keep them with you in al madinah we don't want them from you there's no violation of the treaty the prophet sallallahu islam says of course so abu jahe this group of people go and they now live in madina with the prophet saws see subhanallah the twist of fate here it continues abdullah and abuja now live with the prophet saws in medina all of abu jandas men all of uh sahedev and amra's family muslim either died as muslims or they live in madina with the prophet saws comes conquest of mecca so hail is still holding out on his islam not only that the prophet saws name six people that are not included in the general amnesty in mecca why because if the prophet saw some lets them go then it's going to continue the war so the prophet saw some names these six people suhail is one of them three of them by the way out of the six would end up becoming muslims so here is one of them so hail knows that at this point i need to hide so sohei says allah i hid myself away and i coordinated with my son abdullah to go and plead to the prophet sam on my behalf to let me go the prophet said some granted his amnesty abdullah came to the prophet saws he spoke to the prophet saw some on behalf of his father the prophet says some accepted his amnesty abdullah and subhanallah they go back to their father they call him to islam he's still not becoming muslim look at the insistence on kufur on disbelief suh still refuses to become muslim when the prophet saws comes into mecca you know there is this famous conversation what do you think i'm going to do with you remember the people of mecca they responded we expect from you good because you're a noble man the son of a noble man you know who said that so hey this conversation this famous conversation between the prophet saws was actually between the prophets saisam from the steps of the kaaba and so hey who suh says to the prophet salla sallam when he says what do you think i'm going to do with you and so he says you're a good man you're a noble man and you're the son of a noble man so we hope from you good so the prophet salallahu sallam responds and he says i will say to you what my brother yusuf there is no blame upon you today may allah forgive you and allah is the most merciful of those who show mercy at that point sahih became muslim when the prophet saw some said is now i want you to pay attention the opposite of the firsts the first are soon the opposite of the first are this group of people called those who the prophet saw some let go the last people to become muslim i mean these are people for two decades who held out and fought the prophet saws and after the final amnesty they finally became muslim now generally speaking what does allah subhanahu ta'ala say look those that became muslim before the fatih gave their lives up put their lives at risk spent their wealth they went through all these sacrifices the abujas and abdullah's of the world they're not like those that became muslim after the conquest they're different they're at a different level what does allah say but you know what everyone has their individual reward from allah perhaps someone becomes muslim later on from the tulaka from even this last batch and they excel even the early muslims it may be it's unlikely why because they waited all the way after basically they had you know they had a choice the prophet saws did not force them to convert but at the same time you know like look at this point now if you're fighting for power the power is gone the prophet salla islam is in charge of mecca sohaid belongs to that class of atulaqah of that last batch of people even you know i know they preceded him so hail is with abu sufyan and some of those others those last people to become muslim now why do i keep on emphasizing this because this story takes another turn that subhanallah you know goes against everything you would think how the story is going to end now after fatah makkah the battle of hernan happens the prophet saw some united mecca and they fought against hernan the hawaiian who were plotting an attack from the outside of mecca the meccans united the new muslims and the early muslims and they fought together against the hawaza the prophet saws gave an extra amount of the spoils of war to the new muslims of mecca the wisdom of the prophet saws he wanted to show them that he wasn't going to let them down that he wasn't that you know he wanted to soften their hearts to islam they were not accepting even though in the sight of allah in terms of their reward the first muslims are better than the last muslims the prophet saw some wanted to soften their hearts and it worked he gave suhair 100 camels from the spoils of war what was the share of the ansar what was the share of the ansar you get the prophet saws let the people go with their camels and their sheep we get to go back together to medina and they say that's what we wanted ya rasulullah all the ansar wanted was the prophet saw islam and jannah with the prophet saws on them but these new muslims the prophet saws gave them from the spoils of war the worldly things to try to secure the alliance at that point of these new muslims now when the prophet saw some returns back to medina at this point now this is where the hadith will make sense to some of you there is no mandatory hijra migration after the conquest of mecca meaning those muslims who became muslim in mecca they don't have to migrate to madina they stay in makkah so sohail didn't move to madinah sohail stays put in mecca and what ends up happening to sohail sohail becomes a distinguished muslim this is very interesting known for his salah known for his liam known for his sadaqa known for his he'd be seen in front of the kaaba begging allah for forgiveness and the tears coming down so hail is not like that batch that begrudgingly became muslim at that point he looks very different he resembles the ibadah because those that became muslim at the end they weren't known for their ibadah like their worship was very little it was more of like a political alliance for many of them of course the islam we take it as it is we don't question people's islam and some of them indeed became companions great companions of the prophet saws but suhail distinguished and abu bakr allah says i remember we came for hajj's with the prophet saws on the farewell coming to the prophet salam on the day of hajjat on the day of eid the sacrifice and he's bringing the animals to the prophet sas that the prophet saw some can sacrifice so he's like a submissive servant to the prophet saws and so the barber cut his hair and i looked at s and putting it on his eyes and crying so i'm looking at she taking even the hair of the prophet saws and wiping his eyes and crying and he says he said i was remembering i'm watching you know look at look at sahay through the eyes of abu bakr i'm watching suhaid and i and he said i remembered her debia that was the same man who didn't want to write rasool allah on the treaty he knows sincerity so hate is not making a scene he can tell that suhail is actually a devout muslim now against again what anyone would have thought conventional wisdom would tell you the guy held out for over 20 years while his whole family became muslim but subhanallah the way he's around the prophet sallam the way he's clinging to the prophet sallallahu alaihi and then again his distinction with his salah with his ibadah it goes on he had a teacher of the quran that lived on the outskirts of mecca and so hale was going out and studying the quran and this man was from hazrat one of the tribes of ansar now realize the people of mecca they're new to islam right so they still had some of the tribal ways remember those people that didn't social socially live around the prophet saw summer adopt the new social norms of islam this was really a steep learning curve for them like suddenly we're merging with the ammars and the people that have lived with the prophet saws for all these years and learned in madinah cultivated uh that terbia within them sallallahu alaihi wasallam so hail is going out and there is an ansari man so just imagine suhail the student of the quran going out to the outskirts of mecca to learn quran on a daily basis he tells him he says yasuo hey why don't you have a purashi teach you the quran we have people that can read quran 2 right ignorant statement you know you want to go learn quran from a foreigner why don't you learn quran from one of us from one of quraysh so hale responds and he says he says i can still see you have some of atari some of the traces of ignorance to you and he said and jahlia did to us you know what ignorance did to us ignorance did to us what it is doing to you until we got beat out to every hair other people beat us to every good because of our stupidity that's what he's saying we got held back by this jahria and all these other people beat us towards islam and he says raised people who otherwise their names were not mentioned allah elevated them while we got left in the dirt because of our stupidity because of our insistence on this ignorance and so said laitana we would have been amongst them so we would have been considered amongst those that went forward like they went forward subhanallah look at all this regret that's coming out so it's like in this in this series of the first you have in the story of sulheid the regret of not being from the first while his children were amongst the first continues to learn now the prophet saw some dies in medina if sohail radhiallahu ta'ala was hypocritical this was his time to show his hypocrisy and indeed some of the people of mecca who had just become muslim right after the fate when the prophet saw some died they started to rumble and think to themselves well now is our time to retake mecca he's dead in madina the ummah is in chaos now we can go ahead and we can retake mecca so some of the people in mecca started to talk like that like let's go back to jahlia and by the way the conversation became so strong that the governor of mecca he went into hiding because he thought they were going to kill him so imagine the person the prophet saws appointed in charge of mecca goes into hiding because he fears essentially a coup at this point right that those those bad elements in mecca even though the prophet saw some try to secure their hearts and their alliances some of them see an opportunity now to take back mecca to jahiliyyah and this is where sohail the allahu ta'ala fulfills the prophecy of the prophet saws this is why it's in the miracles it's considers it one of the miracles of the prophet's life somebody told the um he said listen one day that mouth that you want to mutilate those teeth that you want to knock out one day that mouth is going to make you happy and he's going to take a stance that even you would envy him for yep in madinah in the chaos who stood in the masjid and calmed everyone down and brought them back to their senses in medina right abu bakr stood up listen whoever used to worship muhammad salla muhammad saw his dead but whoever used to worship allah allah is ever living and allah does not die subhanallah so hey stands up in front of the kaaba hearing these rumblings and he says o people of meccan everyone gathers around him they gathered around abu bakr al sadiq in mecca now this is the first time where look we're going to have a conversation about this he's not the governor of mecca but he's so edible he holds a position with them he says so he stands in front of the kaaba and they gather around suhail he says don't be the last people to become muslim and the first people to apostate subhanallah he's warning them don't be the last people to become muslim and the first people to apostate and he said mankind muhammad muhammad woman he said the exact same words subhanallah like allah guided him to use the exact same words if you became muslim for muhammad sallallahu did that it was as if there was never any rambling in mecca everything went back to its way usaid came out of hiding mecca stayed upon islam subhanallah through that standing of sahela like warning the people hey listen i used to fight the prophet saws if there was anyone that was going to benefit from a worldly perspective of trying to overthrow the prophet's life something to be meat and i'm telling you people don't do this don't be the first people to leave islam when you were the last people to enter into it that was the prophecy of the prophet salla islam so abdullah abu jandan and are now reunited in islam and subhanallah at this point now suhail decides that since the prophet saison has died he wants to join the ranks of abu bakr as-siddiq and go out and fight for isabella alongside his two sons so sohail goes to medina he joins abdullah in abuja the two boys that he once tortured for being muslim this story subhanallah and says let's fight fisabililla together they go out in the battles feast and sohail as he is fighting alongside his sons abujandal and and abdullah the first test comes to him in that regard in the battle of yamama they're all fighting together against musa al-qaeda the false prophets who had killed many of the muslims many of the father of quran suhy with his two sons abdullah and abu janda and his son-in-law abu hadifa and remember the stories of salem who the day of yamama was really his day subhan allah an incredible story on that day abu hadifah salim both died next to each other on that day as for suhail abujandran abdullah the only one who was martyred was abdullah suhyan abu jandal they walk together after the battle and they find abdullah lying there and they both hug each other and start to cry so they're they're weeping over the death of abdullah and sohail tells abu bakr allah he said i heard that the prophet saws said that the shaheed the martyr gets to intercede for 70 of his loved ones and i hope that my son will consider me to be the first of those that he intercedes on their behalf so suhail and abu-jandal continue and suhail goes out fighting the byzantines he goes out in battle and he was a brave warrior even though subhanallah by that time he was already in his late sixties but in every battle front lines alongside abu jandal fighting for the sake of allah fighting against the byzantines and then there is a a story that that takes place in the khilaf of um and suhail is back in madinah so hail is in madina and he's with abu sufyan al harabini hisham and they have to visit um and they're standing outside the door of um so we're back in medina they said there was always a line in front of um and um would come out and he'd arrange the line how do you think ahmad would arrange the line i actually want to hear from you all so ahmad would come out long day of work the khalifa of the muslims i've got to hear all these cases i've got to take care listen to all these complaints listen to you know give from bayturmat how do you think um is going to arrange the line when he comes outside i want to actually hear from you all what do you think who or what the poor people in the front no but a good answer i can't hear you the first people to become muslim so um went outside and he would see who became muslim first and he arranged them in order of the firsts literally so you became muslim last back of the line that's um right he always wanted to show the veterans of badr and the that you'll always be first with me so who ends up in the front of the line bilal khabab it just naturally becomes that way because they were the first people to become muslim so subhanallah this is a narration actually in in the books one of the few narrations of sohail after becoming muslim that he's standing with abu sufyan umar came out um put them all the way in the back and he put biraal and amar and saheb up front so um put them up front he put them all the way in the back and abu sufyan starts to mumble and he gets upset and he says what is it he's trying to humiliate us he's not even looking at us and hadith hisham says yeah you know what's up with that why is um treating us this way and so they were called to islam and we were called to islam they hastened and we held back it's our fault let's not get mad bilal and amar and sahib umar they were called to islam at the same time we were called to islam they were quick and we were slow we dragged our feet and the next part that he he says he says he said you know what we should really be worried about how will it be if on the day of judgement they're called to the gates of jannah and we're told to get in the back he says he said that's so much more severe than what you're trying to compete for now you're trying to compete to get in front of the khalifa's door how will it be when they're in the front of the gates of jannah and we're all the way in the back that's what you should be worried about this is the mindset of suh now subhanallah look at the turn in this man's mindset he's warning them he's saying that's what you should be upset about don't be upset about being put in the back by um and he said the only way we can catch up with them is by spending the rest of our lives in striving for the path of allah subhanahu ta'ala is if allah grants us martyrdom that's it otherwise they deserve to be up front and we will spend the rest of our lives in this way abu sayyid he says that i was with suhail in asham when he was in the in the battlefield with abu jandal him in abuja together subhanallah the father and son fighting together for the sake of allah for their whole lives saw some say that to stand in the path of allah for one hour is better than spending an entire lifetime with one's family and he says so i swear by allah i will not take a single time of my life that i stood with the disbelievers against the believers except that i will stand with the believers against the disbelievers in the same way in the path of of disbelief except that i will spend it in the path of allah he said i will stay the rest of my life as a troop as a soldier for the sake of allah until i am either killed as a martyr or i die as a stranger you can see the eloquence of sahedra by the way subhanallah these few sentences that reach us from him you see the brilliance and the eloquence that comes from him and this is the ending of it all and i hope now that you kind of subhanallah can appreciate after kovid the pandemic remember first halaqa we had coronavirus and and as we're going through the story of these firsts now how many people died in the plague of amwas and their entire families all died in the plague of amwas in jerusalem under the khiraf of um subhanallah it wiped out their entire families including all of their descendants so they did die because the prophet saws mentioned that whoever dies into whoever dies in that plague will be a shaheed may allah accept them and accept those that have passed away in such manner in our times also may allah be pleased with this family with abuja and abdullah from the first and from suhail who teaches us what it's like to live a life of redemption may allah be pleased with the sahaba all of them in the family of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam may allah not make us amongst those who hold back and may allah not make us amongst those who are put in the back of the line at the gates of jannah may allah make us from the forerunners make us from a sabbath on the day of judgment make us from the firsts that are called to the gates of jannah and unite us with the prophets the martyrs the righteous ones the truthful ones and what a blessed company that is i will see you all next week with salaam alaikum you
Channel: Yaqeen Institute
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Length: 71min 46sec (4306 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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