Absolute Beginners Guide To Lost Ark

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what's up guys it's your boy damon and welcome back to another lost art video we are going to be talking about a beginner's beginner guide but before we get into that shout out to my mom she was the motivation and inspiration for this video she just started playing lost arc uh last night and she got into the seven she was like son this this game is complicated and understanding how complicated this game is especially as you start to move and navigate through the game and the progression i wanted to take a little bit of time and a help her out so she can navigate a little bit more efficiently and then maybe help you guys out too especially as we go through some key things that i learned along the way after we've been going hard playing the hell out of lost ark and with that being said apologies that it took so long for me to make another lost ark video uh i tend to be uh getting caught up in bosses and all kinds of craziness and characters in this amazing game so let's go ahead and get into this now first things first guys here's just a little tip that you guys may or may not be able to use depending on where you're at in the game or if you guys are just starting this could be very very helpful for you now because basically all the names are people trying to lock their names down what i recommend before you guys even get into the game is to basically pick a character it doesn't matter what the character is name the character so you can lock in your name okay the reason i say that is because after you lock in your name you can then proceed to create a bunch of other characters right and test out the other characters to see which one you like most and then from there decide on the first character to start with now i advise that when you guys start the game try to play with the character that you enjoy the most that you legitimately have fun playing not characters that people say are the most op or the craziest because i think it's better to enjoy yourself as you go through the game then to force yourself to play something because it's necessary now on top of that guys the biggest thing and another reason why i say that is because this game and the customization and the depth of the skills and the skill mastery and how the skills work leveling up skills and how your skills change as you spec into the skill tree and all kinds of craziness your character is going to change and grow dramatically so i think you'll have the most fun and the most satisfaction especially for your first character by picking the one that you enjoy playing the most when you start this game not to mention that once you get to level 50 you'll get this thing called the power pass which will basically allow you to level up another character anyway to 50 when you get there regardless now the next thing i want to mention guys as you get into the game can really help you guys out the time to really practice and play with your movement i think is when you guys get to this pre this screen here when you guys are going to select your class if you guys happen to have skipped or might not have seen the way that you can change your controls with the mouse between your left click and right click meaning left click to move right click to attack or right click to move or left click to attack the setting that you guys are going to be looking for is going to be in your hotkeys if you guys go to basic controls and you guys find this selection right here attack with right click you guys can click this or unclick this and it will reverse your mouse buttons right so that way you guys can find a way that you prefer i found that personally for me i like to move with my right click and attack with my left click because you know i'm always left-clicking anyway um so that just makes more sense to me because in this game especially if you guys are like me you guys come from a lot of games where wasd has been your favorite things in sliced bread it's like hawaiian bread texas toe style you know what i'm saying then the biggest thing is getting used to the movement is going to be a little bit of a challenge but once you guys start to get used to the movement and you guys find out what you guys can do then things will start to roll smoothly another important setting i want to show with you guys for those of you folks that are having trouble seeing the cursor um i had to make mine big because my cursor would disappear and all of my skill effects that's why my cursor is so huge but you guys can adjust your cursor settings under accessibility so if you guys want to set the default cursor change the color of the cursor and then of course change the size uh this is also a useful selection now those are probably two of the most useful functions that i've seen uh and experienced and played with outside of the auto skip cut scenes unless you guys are going through the story for the first time then please by all means enjoy the story because it's actually pretty good but outside of that like those two main settings uh are very very helpful and finding your you know play style and being able to identify where what direction you're going to be attacking another thing you guys going to really want to do as you guys are going through the game and adventuring wisely is you guys are going to want to make sure that you guys are managing your hot bar effectively how do you manage your hot bar effectively you drag things to your hotbar specifically your mounts so if you guys head over to your mounts tab instead of having to hit like alt v or control v every single time what you can do is once you open your mounts tab you literally can just drag this bad boy down to your hot bar in these number slots here and then you guys can just set it up to where you just gotta press five or six or nine or whatever you prefer to just summon your mount without having to open this separate screen the same is going to apply to your song so for those you guys are utilizing the song of escape or you guys are trying to use the song of trick scene to go back to beatrice you guys can drag these to your hotbar as well and utilize those for quick access now another quick thing that i wanted to mention uh and this has to do with health health potions on your hot bar i didn't realize until after i started reading and doing bosses and stuff is there's actually two types of health potions you have an f1 slot health potion which is a heal over time which are these right here you see it says recovery hp by x amount for eight seconds you have another type of heal potion that heals a percentage of your life instantly that you can also use that can go into your quick bar down in your one two three and four slots so that's something that you guys definitely definitely want to pay attention to this could be the the the difference between life and death so if you guys get into a sticky situation these instant heal plots can be very very helpful for you if you guys are just kiting around and moving around then the heel over time potions can be helpful for you guys as well so now that we're finally in town as you guys start lost arc the first 50 levels are literally your tutorial of the game but this game does compound on itself and the features and the skills and the customization like i mentioned before do get really really in depth in the future again why i recommended playing a class that you really really enjoy or strikes your fancy early on so that way you can get the full experience when you guys are going through the game now the way that i recommend going through the game and getting to 50 as fast as you can is specifically focusing on the story quest primarily i will say this you literally can get to 50 by doing story quests alone basically skipping all of these like little yellow quests here but basically the story quests the ones you know with the big icon indicating the quest are kind of the only ones that you could focus on but there are two other quest types that i want to mention here that are very very useful for you as well and i recommend doing these as soon as you guys can if you guys are going to be doing side quests now if you guys want to go through and finish all the quests for full completion by all means go ahead and do so but for now i'm just talking about efficiency and getting to the place that you can then decide how the future is going to be for you so you could decide the best way that you want to tackle the game so now that we're looking at quests specifically on my main account i want to talk to you guys about the different types of quests that you guys are going to be looking for i mentioned before that the story quest is primarily the one that you're going to be looking at um because this gives a ton of xp now keep in mind level 50 is just a soft cap the 50 is where you can start prepping for your in-game activities but 50 to 60 is going to take quite a bit of time so be ready for that not to mention that there are 250 levels you can get for your roster levels which we'll get into here in a bit they add bonuses to all the characters on your account but as you guys are going through the game i recommend focusing solely on your so uh your story quests as you go through for speed of leveling and then you guys are also going to be focused on getting your purple quest done because a lot of these include unlocking your story um or giving you features that you know unlock in the game that you'll definitely want access to and and then these special type quests here that looks kind of like a chain link shout out to munchies because he had let me know about these but some of these quests give stat increase potions these are very very valuable and you'll definitely want to knock these out so if you see the regular yellow quest but they're in the form of a chain link this is something that you guys will definitely want to do these stat points apply directly to your character as soon as you knock these quests out so by all means if you guys see these in the open world make sure you do them now as you guys start to focus on getting your story quests done and flying through the story you might come to a point in the game or certain points in the game where you feel like you're stuck meaning that your character is not dealing enough damage or things just might not be working out as well as you thought they would especially because about 0 to 25 the game is relatively easy and then they slowly start to onboard you into difficult and more difficult content now what i recommend as you guys are starting to move through if you guys are getting to a point where you're stuck there's a couple of areas that you guys are going to look at and troubleshoot to ensure that you can move to the next level one of those areas is going to be to start looking at your skills and understanding what they do the reason i say this is because this is going to be a fundamental part of putting together your perfect class and early on when you guys just start the game you guys aren't going to have a ton of skills but you guys will continue to get them about every two levels after level 12 or 14 depending on your class as you guys learn these make sure you guys check these out and test these abilities out in combat so you can see which one you like or don't like and then you guys are also going to start paying attention to applying your skill points which is this plus and minus here to basically adjust your skills now the crazy thing about this and this is one of my favorite things about the game is as you level up your skills the look and the feel of the skill actually changes which is kind of crazy and this is why i say like playing a class that you enjoy playing early on is a really good idea because your class or the the character that you select is going to heavily evolve over time which is going to add lot a lot of fun uh to your play style as you go through but looking at these abilities and paying attention to things like a damage increase by 30 percent this could be the big difference between you passing and failing in a boss fight that you're having trouble with the other big thing i invite you guys to look at is to really start to pay attention to your equipped item level your equipped item level is going to change over time as you guys can continue to unlock different things you guys will get access to jewelry access to regular gear access to better weapons and i personally made the mistake of not really noticing or paying attention because i was so absorbed in the game that i found myself getting to points where i wasn't dealing enough damage because i hadn't upgraded my weapon in a while and there were things that i needed to do as i was like going through dungeons and stuff to kill uh things or kill bosses and get upgrades and then after i got upgrades you know things started to flow a lot easier so try to pay attention to like the little dungeons and stuff that you guys will run into looking at what weapons they drop you know depending on the difficulty that you guys choose to do them in and then also pay attention to your equipment so you know which piece of gear you need to upgrade so that way you can plug any holes uh in your defense or offense so that way it'll make your progression a lot smoother as you guys move through and complete all of the quests that you guys are trying to get through to get to 50. now i will say that there are a lot of other systems in the game that will blow your mind literally have you feeling overwhelmed or at least it had me feeling overwhelmed hell i'm i still feel overwhelmed especially when you guys get into engraving gym slots cards and card upgrades skills specific gear and all this craziness but until then i ask that you guys just focus on the basics again just getting to 50 and try to bite this off one small chunk at a time because again like i said it's going to get really insane as you guys move through the levels and you guys get to 50 and then start to really see how much is involved in gearing your character or building the perfect character for you now i will say that if you guys have skins if you don't like the skins you guys can still have them equipped and if you guys go to your skins in your character profile screen you guys can hit this hide weapon skin or hide armor skin so you guys still get the benefits and the bonuses from these skins because these skins do offer stats but you don't have to look at them if you don't want to now as you guys progress there are a few other things that i think are really really important and i don't want to go too far in depth into like a lot of the other systems just because you guys will kind of you know fall into those on your own but there are some big ones that i recommend that you guys don't ignore one of which if you guys haven't noticed in the top right corner is going to be your welcome challenge this welcome challenge can be a great source of income a great source of items that you guys will need in the future for upgrading equipment and kind of a road map to let you know where you should be going and quests that you should be completing as well another useful tool if you guys press j in the game when you bring up your quest if you guys go to this guide tab it'll let you know all of the purple quests that are available so you guys can knock those out and unlock the features that you need to unlock in the game and last but not least of the features that can really really help you out and any character that you guys have is going to be your roster if you guys are utilizing your monster click the roster button go to your roster information and as you guys continue to do quests complete things in the game you guys will get this roster experience does it really start to kick off when you guys unlock trade skills and you guys are chopping down trees and doing all that craziness uh you guys will start to see big chunks of roster xp and these are stat boost increases that will increase the power of your character the health of your character these are things that you're definitely going to want and this is going to take a ton of time being there's 250 levels of this so with that in mind make sure as you guys are going through the game you guys are keeping an eye on this because let's say you guys play a character for a while you decide that that's not the character that you want you want to play another character these stat boosts can be really really helpful when you guys are starting out the game especially in terms of early combat and tackling difficult situation everything else that you guys will find in the game will stack on top of the basic things that we talked about today applying the principles uh to your game that i mentioned today just the little things can really smooth out the process especially when it comes to movement and control paying attention to your skill ups maximizing your gear paying attention to certain tabs and things that can help give you you know a lot of skill bonuses and improvements to your character these basic things can and will make a dramatic difference in your gameplay when you guys start now i will do future videos covering the other systems in the game that are a lot more in-depth like the engraving system skill customization skill level ups builds you know all types of things because there is a lot to this game guys and it won't really feel like it at first when you guys are on your 0 to 25 track but after 25 the game starts to get crazy it turns all the way up and doesn't turn back down again ever okay so be ready for that but in today's video guys i just wanted to take a little bit of time shout out again to my mom and talk about some basic you know things and some features that you you can of course pay attention to uh to make sure that your adventuring experience is a little bit smoother as you guys go through the game also one thing i do want to mention before we bring this video to a close is please make sure you guys utilize your pets uh your pets pick up stuff automatically for you so that free pet that you get from the quest when you guys start the game make sure you guys knock that out i'm pretty sure that's a purple quest uh as well so definitely an important one and that will make your life easy so you don't have to pick all the stuff up off the floor so anyway guys um that's all i wanted to cover today if you guys got any questions comments concerns definitely let me know in the comment box below and i'll be happy to assist and with that being said we will see you guys in the next video [Music]
Channel: Demone Kim
Views: 27,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 12 2022
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