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you cannot get away from it you are in a vibrational and emotional relationship with who you have become constantly eternally forevermore deal with it we want you to be aware of it because when you are consciously aware that there is a vibrational attitude or beingness that has occurred because of what you have lived then you can start feeling your way into emotional and vibrational alignment with it for example so Esther and her sister and her sister's husband had a lovely meal in Del Mar and then decided to stop at the grocery store for some water and milk and while they were in the grocery store an 18 year old lovely little girl in her new to her Mustang was driving on a wet Street her car got away from her it was impossible to even imagine how she got up so much speed in such a short period of time and she buried the nose of her little Mustang in the nose of Esther's cadillac escalade buried it in the nose of Esther's car and the Jaguar that was sitting next to it she couldn't have picked two better cars to bury her nose and when Esther saw it the cars were stuck together the tow trucks had to pull them apart Esther was not happy her exact words were you have got to be kidding me they were there for quite a while exchanging information and Esther was thinking to herself how could someone be so irresponsible as to let their car get away from them and make such a mess of my beautiful car for no reason this was just unnecessary and her father was there and he was very very mad at her and Esther liked that because Esther was very very mad at her too no reason for this and then as things unfolded and the cars were apart and and Esther realized that her car was drivable in fact everything worked the headlights worked she could not have picked a better spot even the signals worked the car drove normally it can be repaired and so as Esther sort of settled down from it she began recognizing the discord that she had caused herself by her knee-jerk response to a situation and her subsequent departure from who she really is now we have to say to you that that wavered quite a bit as she was mad and then and then not mad and then mad and then not mad and every time she thought about what this now meant she got mad so she found that she could choose whether to be mad or not mad but mad seemed more appropriate under the conditions it just did it just did especially when she looked at her car especially when others looked at to her car and she knew they were thinking that she did it that she did it that she did it mister wanted to make a sign I did not do this I did not do this but in her heart she knew she had done it that was the thing that made her once again curse law of attraction so she began sort of reporting to those who are around her I'm not as bothered by the paint and metal that has to be reconfigured as I am about my point of Attraction I guess I've just been feeling so sorry for myself and feeling vulnerable and so this is what has come of this but that thought felt bogus and awful but it also somehow have little resonance and over his things like that shouldn't happen to people who are deliberate creators and yet there it was a big hole in the front of her car and so as they were pulling the cars apart her brother-in-law had said you know Esther I don't think you're going to have too much trouble with this car this car is a tank and when they pull the cars apart everything seemed fine they drove away she drove it here you can see it if you'd like just don't take pictures and put them on the Internet she doesn't care and so then she was visiting with us about it wanting to know what her point of Attraction what does this mean about my point of Attraction then we explained to her that we are not going to make her the exception in the universe you are not the exception in the universe of course everything that happens to you as part of your attraction and then she recalled that at the intersection as they turned in to the grocery store just before a car had run a red light right in front of them and the other cars had honked and Esther had commented glad they didn't collide because we would have been innocently involved in their wreck those have been her words right before this so now she's starting to see some of the correlation between how things come together and then we said to her Esther your Cadillac is a tank and you are a tank too and abraham-hicks publications is a tank in other words of course there are cosmetic things that you're working on all the time of course there are things that you're molding into place all the time but you're strong and you're stable and this is analogous to the stability of that which you are so she said I'm going to drive that car around with a big hole in it for a while until they can fix it what we're getting at here is you can take every situation in the world and you can look at it through your physical eyes which are often leaning more in the direction of vulnerability or through your non-physical eyes who are always looking for your strength the source within you knows who you are knows the stability of your being and never sees anything that you're living in the attitude of vulnerability to you because the source within you knows the backup systems you've got going on do you understand what we're getting at as you are determined to feel your power rather than your weaknesses your strengths rather than your weaknesses your clarity rather than your confusion your sureness rather than your unsteadiness as you begin to get glimpses and you begin to deliberately want to practice the vibration of that way being what begins to happen to you oh of course you're going to rendezvous with all kinds of things you're out here in the world and there is nothing that comes to you that does not come on the powerful well-defined always accurate always fair basis of law of attraction nothing ever comes to you that isn't about that but we want you to know you have the choice in every moment to define how you want to feel and if your desire to feel good is strong enough you will always find a way to come back into your power so now the man from State Farm is looking at the front of Esther's car and Esther is explaining to him how it happened really wanting him to know she just didn't bump it up on something he actually didn't care how it happened he was just there to assess what had happened and to make a determination about it but Esther's explaining it to him and he said ah I worked for Ford I had a couple of those Mustangs they are really squirrely the back end of those fish tails they get away from you they are really really hard on wet pavement and it was raining that day and then Esther went to her hairdresser and is explaining to her hairdresser in case she happens to see the car in the parking lot and her hairdresser said mmm I had two Mustangs they are really difficult on wet roads there's something about the back end of those that makes them really hard to control and suddenly Esther is feeling relief because she had been holding that one little nugget of blame to that little 18 year old girl who the last time she saw her was in the parking lot crying until her eyelashes were coming off wanting Esther to know that she didn't mean to do it she didn't mean to do it she didn't mean to do it she didn't mean to do it so Esther called her father and said I just want you to know that two people today told me exactly the same thing and I think we should all let your little girl off the hook on this he said what do you have to say and Esther said those cars are hard to manage on the wet roads we were all too hard on her and Esther could feel the relief coming over him and she knows that there was soon to be relief coming over this little girl because everything that happens is a co-creation and when you decide that you're going to blame the one who seemed at most fault instead of take responsibility for the part you play the reason you feel so awful is not because you're mad at a little girl it's because you're all upside down about how things are being created in your reality you are running around this planet as cooperative components to one another not to do bad things to each other and not to teach other lessons but to sift through the data to put things in your vortex to which your intervene is already aligned so that you can experience the joy of alignment so then Esther began noticing what fun it was she met a whole host of new people on the process of getting this into alignment and there's still more to come more lovely people interacting on different levels isn't that what life all about and so of course you don't want someone to bury their Mustang in the front of your vehicle that's not our message here at all but we are acknowledging that there are plenty of things that you don't want that are bumping into you plenty of things that you don't want that are bumping into you and your reaction to the bump it's normal when you first get bumped to have a knee-jerk reaction maybe if you don't really understand who you are but in time in time the woman who drove the Jaguar was standing in a more stable place than Esther in terms of her life her husband came to assess it and they were both smiling in the parking lot and Esther said to both of them stop smiling you are far too happy this is what I teach but it is not what I live you are smiling too much here and of course she didn't mean it but isn't it annoying to see someone living the exact thing that you are living and feeling so differently about it you see and what we are wanting you to understand is that the source within you that your inner being that who you really are that is converging with you out here on the leading edge of that which you are living that source within you has a different opinion often than you do if you feel anything less than wonderful the source within you is always acknowledging the value in the rendezvous the source within you is always looking for the positive aspects and the benefit of and when you make one small decision and it really is a smaller decision than any of you realize when you make the small decision that you are going to feel good no matter what that today no matter what you are doing or where you are going or who you're doing it with that you're going to look for reasons to feel good you begin to tune yourself to the vibration of the source within you and then that becomes your dominant point of attraction instead of some conversation you see everything that happens has some law of attraction vibrational hook it was not accidental that that occurred right after Esther had fanned the flames of people doing weird things in traffic that made her a vulnerable target it's not an odd thing it was not a strange coincidence that his Esther came into parking lot she picked that place to park none of this is accidental nothing is accidental everything is vibrationally aligned and the composite of vibrations that you hold are all part of it so was this an awful thing that happened certainly not they are they're awful things that happen no not really this is the thing that we want you to understand from your broader point of view everything fits into vibrational alignment with the well-being that you want and deserve and as you begin looking for evidence of that you begin living more of those moments so that it's peak peak peak it was a peak moment for Esther when she called that father and explained to him her newfound perspective and expressed through the tone in her voice and through the conversation that she had her genuine love and appreciation her genuine affection and desire for wellbeing for the young girl who just two days before had caused her something entirely different than that or at least that was the credit that Esther was giving to her when you come back into alignment it's because you have aligned with your inner being when you feel good it's because you've aligned with who you are when you feel bad it is because you are not aligning with who you are and whoever is running into the front of your car is irrelevant to the equation really really really really really so there is mayhem in the parking lot right now no one is afraid we're eager to talk with you about anything that you want to talk about hi right sort of like I'm stuck with a vibration that won't change I try very hard to change as well like I try finding bathroom thoughts but weapons is I just go straight back to where I started off with well you have to do it a little bit at a time so what happens is because you feel a certain way that's the vibration that you're offering because that's the vibration that you're offering that's what comes back to you as that comes back to you it confirms the feeling that you had which causes you to offer the vibration more so in the example that we gave about Esther with the car hitting her car same sort of thing she's been feeling off her game she's been feeling less strong and less secure than she has felt over time she's been feeling sort of vulnerable that feeling of vulnerability causes her to say things that are not things that she would normally say caused her to rendezvous with a near accident which she normally wouldn't rendezvous with that given this new vibration so here it comes then she commented about how what a close call it was and even though nothing happened at that intersection under the bridge entering the freeway nothing happened she found the words that said if that guy who did that thing that he shouldn't have been doing had hit that other car then likely we would have been involved in something even though we were innocent so now here she is she was feeling it now there's evidence now she's commenting on the evidence now she's feeling it more now she parks her car innocently in a parking lot and while she's in the grocery store someone hits her car so now see what's going on soon so she was feeling that way the manifestation confirmed how she was feeling now she comes out and here is something she really doesn't want there's a girl crying her father is there he's enraged the car is turn her car now now you're observing something more now you're observing it now you're having a knee-jerk response to it in other words it's like letting what is control how you feel but the question is when did it start in other words when did this when to this chain that led to that start and the bigger question that we're really wanting you to hear is what was the chain really leading to in other words what did it actually lead to eventually esther felt enough discord from it when Esther got really really mad at that sweet little girl that's when Esther started rethinking it because that's not who she is and it's not what she wants she did not want to stand in that place of blame there so then another intention kicked in because whenever you know what you don't want what you do want is part of the equation - so in this story that we're giving you at some point along the way Esther made a decision that she was no longer happy feeling bad and as she visited with us about it we helped her to see this is not evidence of your vulnerability this is evidence of your invincibility good thank you
Channel: Abraham-Hicks Publications
Views: 2,063,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Abraham-Hicks, Law of Attraction, The Vortex, The Secret, Empowerment, Esther Hicks, Jerry Hicks, LIVE, Abraham-Hicks Publications
Id: JYVhhNvFpFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 08 2012
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