Above Ground Pool with Deck | In The Ground l | Intex Pool

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[Applause] [Music] so we got the pool done and uh it's uh it has been an uh adventure an adventure it really has it's been tony's tony stratcher adventure which seems more and more like tony's and kanye's tractor adventure in this shot i'm digging the trench from the house to the pool we're going to bury the gas line in the electric line after a couple days of hard work hank left us went back to florida and we were on our own for the rest of this project all right we got the uh box level here if it's professional let me see if we can get to the number off of it is the glr 1000 and this is a laser level it's self-leveling and all you do is put it in the ground now right here is my highest point in the whole yard so we're going to use this as a reference point this is not rocket science right now once we get the final grade we'll come back and really really hone in on this but right now all we're doing is just uh trying to get four foot down from the highest point as we get further out the back of the yard it'll only be maybe you know two and a half three foot down but we just want it to be flat on the bottom in a general way well here's a half inch higher so i'm going to my highest point so 2 foot 10 inches that's how high this is now basically what i want to do is a four foot i want four foot down out here so all i'm gonna do is add two foot ten inches and uh go up here and add you know add it again i want six foot for ten inches so i've up here put this on at six foot ten inches and that'll tell me that when i get in the hole it's four foot exactly below the highest grade in the yard that's what i want this hole to be so what we got here is this area right here is a little low and probably about four inches low which is fine because we're gonna backfill with sand dug the holes with the trash i say by ourselves we did have our ls tractors yes um they are they've been like extra hands for us we had our ls tractor so big shout out to ls tractor here's a little uh look at the uh finished hole it's about maybe a quarter inch to half inch off from one end to the other uh as far as the bottom it's almost perfectly level on the bottom just gotta clean it up [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right we've got the bottom kind of scraped out it's pretty level we followed the little laser level uh thing as we went across it and uh you know it's it's probably no more than five say four or five inches out from one area the other so now i got it you know all the stuff out of the bottom and now we're going to worry about leveling it this coming week we're gonna get in here and really do some work uh we gotta take a weekend off here and uh but starting monday we're gonna go crazy with this thing get this pool up and done [Music] [Applause] all right we got the bottom of the pool we're gonna we're gonna put the sand is really really level we spent a lot of time using the laser level and the uh laser receiver to make sure that we're probably within a half inch of plum throughout the entire bottom of the pool so what we're going to do now is use the little blue here we're going to use them to run the posto digger and dig the holes that we need so we can put a retaining wall around the inside [Music] [Music] [Music] start off putting post in the ground for the retaining wall that's what we dug the pit and then we started putting post in the ground each one of the posts got concrete around around the post some of them are 100 pounds some of them are 50 pounds around around the post hold oh all right we've got the one wall in uh you can see over here we've got the one wall in it and uh we'll eventually those will be cut off level and then they will uh we'll put a retaining wall on the other side with tar paper to help keep it from you know decaying and then we're going to feel dirty in behind it and it's going to make this all more level so it'll be a gradual slope out from the retaining wall so but now what we got to do is we got to put the other the other three walls in place and to do that we have to make our marks out 30 foot across excuse me 24 foot across on this end and that end and then we've got to take cross measurements from one side to the other so when we do the cross measurements what we make sure that the the walls are square then we'll put one post at this end and then we'll put one post at this end and that will ensure that our our outer walls are pretty square this does not have to be a rocket science because we're putting about three foot distance between the retaining wall and the pool and then the retaining wall post after they're cut off will be the supports for the deck that comes up to the edge of the of the above ground pool so when we get through it'll look like an in-ground pool but it's going to actually be an above-ground pool and i mean let me take you over here right here on this wall we're gonna it all goes downhill the whole backyard goes downhill like this we're gonna go ahead and dig another additional drain there is a drain on that side over there but we're going to go ahead and dig another additional basically a fuel line that goes to the back of the property so there'll never be any water that's set to this so this is an above ground pool that looks like an in-ground pool but it will always be an above ground pool so let's say in 10 years from now the pool needs to be replaced we can come back in here and uh just remove this pool put a new pool back in its place if we take care of our deck it'll last us the life of a it'll last us our lifetime oh yeah [Music] hey we're here and and the hurricane is blowing wait no it's just a thunderstorm coming in well i hope you guys can hear this our day got cut short by yet another storm it seems like every time we work on a project we get a pretty bad storm we got some uh 30 40 mile an hour winds and some uh warnings come out so this is where we're at so far we had we made a good day today we've changed our plans a little bit in the drawing so we're going to have to do just a tad more digging nothing major and uh this is where you want me to do it well that right there is some of the hardest stuff we've uh got into most of the times with this cutter we just cut right in no issues it uh drops down three foot in just a matter of a few seconds but these last four holes there's a vein of limestone running through here and i think it ends just about right in here because we dug that hole over there and there was no problems at all uh you can see here by looking at our cutter that the teeth are still sharp it's just a matter of uh you know it's just a matter of limestone and uh you know i'm so glad we've got this this uh post hoe digger otherwise we'd be trying to do this by hand with pickaxes so i got tanya on the little tractor a little blue she's gonna go over and uh move some dirt out of the way for us gizmo dog has no fear he just thinks that we're going to never hurt him [Music] we're going to try to you know afterwards would she do this yeah that's another question would you do this are you willing to do this well if i'm gonna do it again i don't know i'll probably have to hire somebody we wanted to know if we could do we're gonna we're gonna we got some other projects ahead of us but uh yeah in the comments in the comments below tell us if you do this job or not if you if you would like to hear what you think if you would try something this big all right what we're doing here is we're going to put the uh a wall on the outside of these posts all the way around for the dirt to come against and uh but we're going to put rocks all the way in the bottom as a basically a french drain so we're going to come up about four inches from the ground this thing is about a half inch out from in the end so if we come up about four inches from the ground uh we should be able to our bottom row of two by ten should be the same all the way around and you know we're probably gonna have to adjust and dig a little here and there but uh i think it's gonna be pretty close that's one far post on the end down there is a little high so we may have to dig around that post just a little bit but i think we're gonna be all right with four inches [Music] well we're starting back up another day we have gotten this far where we got four boards up on one wall this is going to be the retaining wall and then over here we've got up we got three partially three and then we'll finish this wall up today so basically what we're going to do is get the retaining wall up put the sand in the middle of the of the pool area get it all perfectly level right now it's pretty rough we get it all perfectly level and then set the pool up and then we're going to build the deck around the pool as we go so we're kind of making this up as we go because we don't really know exactly how the pool is going to fit in here we know we have more than enough room for the pool but i think we might even have too much room so we're going to end up probably putting a few more posts closer to the pool to support the deck as it comes up to the edge of the pool it's not so hot today though that's great and it's not so hot today 16 foot we'll get this one so this one needs to be 188 inches and a quarter 188 and a quarter inches then we put two by ten um uh two by ten by sixteen boards all as our retaining wall and then on the outside of the retaining wall we put black tar paper uh you know you can put berry tar paper and then come back 50 years later and that car people are still there [Music] [Music] well we're running back here for another day we're going to load up some more uh wood and bring it around here sorry about the video but i'm holding the camera and uh got all my services done you got 52.4 hours on the mt-240e padded regen one time it's really enjoying this tractor [Music] [Applause] [Music] at this point we've got all the retaining walls up and now what we got to do is bring in the tractor with the tiller and we got the tiller set up where it'll only cut about a quarter inch of time basically what we're using it to do is just to knock off the high points and help level out the bottom so this is tanya coming around the corner here in just a minute and this is the first time she's ever used a tiller again we've got it set very shallow and she is very cautious and takes her time [Music] we went up to the rental place today and we got the opportunity to rent a compactor it's going to save us a lot of labor otherwise we're going to be using the hand you know the hand tamper to tamp the dirt flat and then the sand flat and this thing will do such a better job uh we got it over here you'll see it we'll uh get this thing going here in a minute and uh we're gonna pack all of the dirt down first try to get it as level as we can it's really close right now and then we'll come back in and put a final layer of sand probably at least three to four inches in most places and if there's a low spot or you know a high spot we'll adjust if it's high spot we're probably going to knock that spot down if it's a low spot would probably just fill in with this sand it's a it's a the kind of sand that's made for going under pools and it's uh it packs really well and packs really hard so once the tarp is down and once the uh pool liner is sitting on top of the tarp it you know you want that to be very very flat and no sharp edges we went through made took a lot of effort tonya went through and picked rocks up any kind of sharp rocks that are any kind of size at all and have any kind of sharp corners she went and took and picked all of that up already and we'll probably find a few more as we do this but let's get to it [Music] you can see it's gonna have to be a lot a lot wetter than that to make it work all right i got my uh bosch professional laser level and it's got a receiver that you put on a measuring stick and i'll go out here in the uh where the pool bottom is i'm going to go around and keep adjusting it until i find the highest point in the pool i'll keep going back and forth uh with a stick and every time that i i show that there's a higher point i'll move the the uh receiver down a little bit until i find the absolutely highest point in the bottom of the pool once i find the highest point in the bottom of the pool then i can go ahead and move it down from that point four inches down that way i know i'll have four inches of sand across the entire bottom of the pool some areas will be more because there'll be low spots but we'll have at least four inches of sand across the entire bottom of the pool now this bosch laser level is completely automatic just push the button one time it levels itself it goes through a self checking and then uh it will uh uh start spinning itself level on its own this thing is accurate this is the bosch uh let's see grl 1000 uh it's accurate to like uh uh an eighth of an inch at a thousand feet that's just amazing amazing accuracy and way more accurate than we need to be in the bottom of the pool but you know the like i said once we get the bottom of the pool done what we uh what it is is what it is we once we get the pool in there it's done so we got to make sure that we get it right the first time all right this is the laser receiver it's just a simple push the button on and it will absolutely uh that's all it is to it you put push the button on and then you start moving it up and down until you find the exact spot and then like i said as as we go to a higher point we'll have to move it down and we'll keep moving it down until we find the absolute highest point and then we'll move it down four more inches so that we know exactly how uh much sand to put in here i said there will be a minimum of four inches on everything and then the like the parts that are uh the parts that are dipped there'll be more sand there then we'll run the packer over all of it and then recheck it so right now at this point we'll assume this is this is the highest spot and we'll move around the places i look at and see that i think they're higher and it's got a little air that points down and it's got a little arrow that points up and it's got a little line that goes crossways when you're really are like you're right on the on the laser and it's almost impossible to ever get that perfect so right now it's telling me to go down uh that means that this part where i just moved that's a little bit higher only moved it over a few inches all right there we go the little arrow changes from a big arrow to a medium arrow to a small arrow and that tells you that that you are really close the smallest arrow means you're really close to the center so that's kind of what we're going to go in and then at that point you're really like within a quarter of an inch of of level all right let's get to it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] i think the pool park is bigger of course we ordered a 18 by 32 foot pool i told her what you know no idea how big that pool is going to be right i mean until we actually went out there and started folding it out i said oh my god that thing is humongous my bride is from germany so everything in germany is metric and she goes uh and we started looking at pulls and she goes how big is this one i said it's 18 foot wide by 32 foot long and she's like okay that's good and and then we get it here and she's got oh my goodness this thing is huge you know it's a 15 000 gallon pool which is you know not it's great for swimming labs [Music] and we started digging the uh the pool sides you know or the pit for the pool to set the pool down in the ground and there's never going to be any water or dirt around the pool so don't don't misunderstand what we're seeing we dig a we dug a the pool is 18 by 32 foot we dug a 30 foot wide pit that was 40 like 42 foot long maybe 44 foot long deep we wanted to be able to set the pool down in this pit build a retaining wall all the way around it and then put a deck on top of it up to the edge of the pool so that we could work like on on this side of the pool here there's a five foot cavity under the deck where we can walk up under here well hunch up under here i guess you say can't i can't stand up but yeah yeah i can i can do the duck walk under there and work on any of my utility huh a little wobbly well it ain't it it's not on the ground like it should be and what tanya's doing is she's going in here now i'm sorry i'm doing the camera work again so that's why it sucks she's going in here to basically first one in the pool so she's gonna go in here now and kick the sides of it out try to make the bottom as smooth as we can there is no perfect there there's just no way you can make this perfect and it really doesn't have to be just pushing the corners out of them you know is probably the most important thing and she's saving a grasshopper now all right so make sure you kick the corners out there you go [Music] all right we've got uh i don't know how many gallons of water and it's been running for about five hours it's maybe maybe uh 10 10 inches deep uh maybe a foot foot deep in here we're going to go ahead and put our fittings together i'll tell you a lesson learned for us uh go ahead and put your fittings and everything together before you put water in there uh reason being is that the the side of the pool doesn't come out until the water gets to the top well unfortunately for me that water is going to be down here at these points so i'm probably going to end up having to get over into the pool with cold water to hook these little fittings up maybe not maybe i can reach it we'll see what happens but i can't lean on this because i'll break it if i lean towards this this is made to hold all the weight pushing out so as the water raises up these sides will push out and this thing will be straight on the sides but first thing we have to do is put this big piece through i'm sorry i didn't uh uh you know film that but all it is you just put the little aeration nozzle through from the other side this is the part that shoots the water into the pool and then uh after you do that you got these two parts left over this is where it sucks the sucks the uh air into the water and gives you the bubbly jet and all this stuff is hand tight it really stresses that like this big nut here you put on it's all hand tight so obviously if it's leaking a little bit later on you can always tighten it back up so this come this little aerator it's a little plunger and it keeps water from coming out so as the water rushes by it sucks in air causes it to bubble on the inside and this little cap thing here i guess keeps the bad stuff out and then next thing you're gonna do is you're gonna put your valve in uh it's got a on off valve here so i guess that's tightening it all comes apart i ain't looking inside it see what makes a tick nothing really it's just got a little valve here tighten this thing down and this was all loose when i got it so just keep that in mind tighten all these down and this turns the water on and then locks it for off got a little picture of a lock similar and then this face is up according to the directions which makes sense so all right let's see if i can get this on there it's got these little uh rubber gasket things too let me tighten that down a little bit more all right so like i said it still got some play in there it's pretty loose by hand tight but it like said it don't need to be super tight just needs to be enough tightness to crush this rubber washer [Music] she's over here gloating me because she's gloating because she's in the pool first all right so we gotta put that one to the first hole there all you do is kind of twist it push it through you can get it wet it said it's hard to put this right so then push through push [Music] got these hose clamps once you get the hose put on there these are the reactions these are the suction filters or the suction part sucks the water through the filtration sit on the system and then blows it back out there through the aerator luckily it's not too cold it's been filling all day but it has been sitting in some really hot weather we are today's got up to well above 100. and that's really unlike september weather for us but we occasionally have really really hot weather feels wonderful in here so that water's warmed up some all right the next thing we got to do these are the suction lines and they come up this this one is a tea of kind of a tea deal they also has an on and off valve so we're gonna put the put that like that with a valve facing up i don't really think it matters which way it faces but we're going to do it like the direction says don't like me that's true you don't like directions all right so that's put together and these are also held on by host clamp and then this will be a main suction line that goes down to the pump but for right now i've got it turned off so now we can actually fill a pool all the way full and that valve is turned off over there this valve is turned off over here so theoretically it shouldn't leak that is if i've got the understanding of the lock symbol figured out pretty well thought out all seriousness it's pretty simple like if you set this up once you know you could always come back and do this again probably without any directions or very very minimal directions they have a intex has a pretty cool uh support system on their on their website where you can go and watch uh how to set this video or you know set this pull up with the videos they got i think two or three maybe four videos plus there's like a ton of people that have set them up online and uh you know using videos not very many people have done it where they sunk it in the ground like this but uh uh but there's quite a few videos out there on how to set up these intake pools so each spring probably what i'll do is go back to the intex website and i may loosen these up and change this at a later time but right now it's good they're both tight that's tight that's tight [Music] [Music] all right we made a mistake as far we didn't we didn't anticipate the the tar paper coming loose from the wall it has been extremely hot here i'm talking about we've had days up to 100 degrees the heat index is way up in the 116 and the car paper got hot and the staples pulled through so now what we got to do is go back and re-staple this get this back together we're going to put a layer of rock big big rock so it'll act as a french drain we'll never have water uh stand in this area inside the pool because the back of our pool is much lower than the front of our pool is uh as far as the slope of the land so back here the water will always drain out plus we're going to put an additional french drain at the back going to the very back of the property which is even lower than that we're going to clean all this up move all this stuff out and then start moving the rock in all the way around and then we will uh if we get the rocking all the way around then we'll come back and put the layer of dirt on it and then we're just going to put it back up even with the the traditional terrain of the of the house i mean of the ground and then we'll put our deck out here and i think it's gonna look good [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and what we plan on doing is letting this thing set over the winter and dry out these boards were so heavy the six wet yeah when you put the screws in you could see the water just coming out yeah the squat the the treatment would squish out that we got we got a brand new truckload of treated lumber which was so wet and so heavy that each each one of the uh two by six or two by ten by sixteen foot long could probably i guarantee they weighed 110 115 pounds a piece and both of us would have to hold those into place and and while we put the level on it we're doing like this pretzel look trying to make sure the level is level you know the board is level when she'd say like all right it's level put the screw in and i put a screw in and we mo we it was something we'll show you some video of this [Music] [Music] then on this intake pool it has a metal a metal uh uh pipe system that goes all around the top and then it has legs that go out like this well there was really no instructions that said how it says it's an 18 by 32 foot pool but it doesn't say how far out the legs go so when we bit dug our pit we over uh we over dug it it was really really big but it turned out really nice like i said we've got this five foot around yeah on this side over here we can walk under it it's five foot wide all of our all of our mechanicals for the pool are easily accessible [Music] [Music] [Music] the tuba the tuba uh tins most people probably wouldn't have built as heavy as we do but we're not engineers so we over built everything i'm pretty sure no i'm not pretty sure i absolutely am sure that i could drive tractors up on this deck yeah that ain't gonna happen she won't let me do it i want to she won't let me do it uh but anyway we we over built just because we are um you know we're not engineers we need to be able to know from we need to know that we know that we know that this is going to hold [Music] up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] well this is about day four of real you know full work days we've taken a lot of time off uh during the day because it's so hot but if you wish to do this this we've been on probably about day four we've got almost all of the main deck done we just brought another load of uh two by ten by twelves around for decking and uh we also got another little fine let me show you what we found on clearance you know at low we got a uh at lowe's we got a little pergola let's see if you can see that picture that little pergola right there on sale about half price so that's going to be a real nice feature uh to the to the deck and this is what we got left today we've got this about three more runs of two by ten by twelves and then we got a little jut out here at the end you can see it juts out that's we're going to set the grill plus it's also the entry to up under the uh deck and the pool you know pool mechanics and eventually we're going to uh plumb everything where it's down here to this end the pump will be down here on this end everything will be under this end so we don't have to climb up onto the pool but that'll probably be next spring we only have just a short season left right [Music] now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right we've got pergola can't hear me i'm sorry the wind's going really really hard right now but we've got the pergola done and a little a little you know a bit of information this is late fall or not fall yet it's late summer and lowe's has put it it's putting this stuff on sale and we got this pergola for half price so if you're going to do this kind of thing and you want to save a little money wait till the end of the season and you know just keep an eye out or talk to the manager say hey look you i know you're getting ready to get rid of these so they cut us a really good deal at lowe's and we got this pergola here for half price and uh look it gizmo approved [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right what we're doing here is we're putting this uh two by ten hanging over the outside of the pool so like you can come up to the outside of the pool and put your arms up on it and it also gives the edge of the pool a really really crisp edge like an in-ground pool so it'll be really really straight and cover up the you know an above ground pool like this with the metal frames the the sidewalls are inconsistent you know it's straight enough but you can see that it's not perfectly straight so this will this will serve dual purposes it'll be a straight edge so it makes the edge of the pool look really sharp and crisp and it also will be a place where you can swim up to the side of the pool and you know just put your forearms on it and talk to somebody outside the pool so let's get to it so now we've got the edge lined up where this is hanging over the edge of the pool see if i can move this over just a little bit so you can see what i'm talking about instead of the the roughness of the of the upper part of the pool the bar that holds the whole pool up now you have this nice crisp edge let me see if i put it over here in the center a little bit for you [Music] so now you can see that nice crisp edge of the pool all the way down [Music] [Applause] [Music] well we're super excited we are almost done with this project we have worked on this me and tanya have done this together tanya and i have done this together uh tanya has just pulled her weight and then some through this whole project we uh got most of the deck done we're gonna do a little fine tuning put the you know the deck chairs and the deck couch out and you know we got the uh pergola i didn't even know that was a word to it just the other week and we got the pergola put up and now we've got about six dump load dump truck loads worth of dirt that we're gonna put out here uh up to the edge of the pool so it's gonna make it feel like a walk uh you know an in-ground pool you'll actually be able to step you know about six seven inches down and step on dirt and walk out in the yard to be a real gradual um you know be a real gradual drop off into the into the dirt and uh you know out into the yard so that it'll just you know be easy to mow each and maintain and it'll give it an in-ground pool feel [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and then we have at the front we'll show you a walk around at the front we have a like a porch type deck or you know an entry entry and she made some of the most awesome little pier uh doc post she put took old four by four she cut off and i was like what are you doing she's like she couldn't see the picture whatever she's like go away we'll show you the video but they turn out real nice she take she took these four by fours and painted them white put rope around rope around them makes like a a a a dock where you know you're drilling a hole in it and putting that picture in it's a nautical kind of feel so we'll show you that too [Music] you
Channel: Tony's Tractor Adventure Homestead
Views: 842,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: above ground pool with deck, above ground pool, above ground pool in the ground, above ground in ground pool, in ground above ground pool, dropped above ground pool, above ground vs in ground pool, in ground pool, above ground swimming pools, in ground pool cost, semi inground pool, above ground pool walmart, best above ground pool, above ground pool installation, above ground pool deck, above ground pool ideas, above ground pool installation time lapse
Id: HCC8sAgVkiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 19sec (3499 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 23 2019
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