"Above All Else" Chapel Series: Pastor Mayo Sowell | Highlands College Chapel

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come on highlands college who's ready for tuesday chapel [Music] it is so great to be with you all this morning i love watching y'all in worship today and i can tell we were a little bit tired maybe you know we had a long weekend who had a great labor day weekend good i almost called it memorial day because i always get those two mixed up but it was labor day weekend and i just love the progression of worship we start out with praise to get our mind and declarations out there and then we can move into the presence of god into really worshiping and transitioning our perspective on him and i love that we're doing day two chapter two of above all else we we got somebody special here to share with us today but i need to know who brought their notes who got their notes out okay i love it i love it leading strong right here in the front appreciate you guys um all right so our speaker today is family you've heard from him before he actually used to be on staff at highlands college he started our uptown campus with our with his amazing wife kai you've heard about him a couple of times recently because pastor chris addressed him at all staff that they are stepping into a new season going to plant a church in atlanta [Music] [Applause] and mark and i love mayo and kai so much they are dear friends of ours so i want y'all to do me a huge favor and stand up on your feet and help me honor mayo subway [Music] [Applause] come on y'all come on give it up for jesus [Applause] come on hey let's give it up for jesus [Music] nah come on let's give it up for jesus for real [Music] all right let's stay standing real quick don't stay upstairs man y'all ain't tired all right sitting down you ready to sit down already y'all ready to sit down all right man ali some of y'all were standing in the line of the club for you know saying labor day when i'm joking i just caught some y'all out there quick no i'm just joking i might be serious no but um man it's a privilege to just be here you know hanging out with you guys and i mean i wouldn't be here if it wasn't for a gracious loving compassionate aggressive savior jesus christ and the byproduct of that is you got jesus christ and you got chris christ pastor chris hodges but i was on the side that's my guy that's my spiritual father you know i mean i imitate him as he imitate christ and if i can give anything to you guys i would say that find someone to imitate as they imitate christ and get behind them don't second guess just follow them follow them follow them follow them as they follow christ and i wouldn't be here if it wasn't for pastor chris and i just want to say thank you pc you know if you're watching if you're not watching we pray for you we love you and this college would not be a pillar in this earth if it wasn't for his sacrifice his vision his authenticity is his integrity to the kingdom of god can i get amen so let's give it up for our senior pastor pastor chris and the byproduct is jill and mark perez some of the greatest leaders on earth can i get amen ladies if you want someone to imitate imitate jill can i get amen jill we love you so much man i'm not just sitting up here doing the preacher rhetoric you know i'm saying you're my homie like real talk like you know 100 me and jill argue we fight we like we like real talk like like we get it you know what i'm saying like we athletes we get each other you know i was trying to practice teach kenny how to kick the soccer ball he's like i want to go down teach him no i got you you don't need you you don't say i got you he needs you jim we love you so much man and uh thank you for your sacrifice and your labor for this group of individuals and these students man we love you so much you know it's an honor to do life with you and continue to do life with you live atlanta you you live hey man live atlanta you will be at women's you know at a women's conference live women you'll be a speaker and you better bring it you better bring the heat and don't play yep yep yep so um you guys will hear more about living atlanta jill and i in the faculty we're talking about doing a tailored uh interest night for you guys we got food so you guys can ask questions you know something outside of just the general population to do something tailor-made unique just for you and expression so that you can lean in and learn all you want to about live atlanta and how you can play a part and how you can approach god to pray about this season in your life but i would love for you to take your seats before we do let's give it up for all the staff in here house college staff tony ford dr benson gina cox tim spurlock warren goins elizabeth gentino psych work give it up for him one more time guys and take a seat hey what you doing all right keep going keep going come on y'all take your seat get come on sticky fingers let's go hell let's go y'all can leave look look look they're gone anyway [Music] he's like don't come back you know what i'm saying where's the first semester's at stand up stand up stand up stand up first semesters [Applause] look at this [Music] look at that man yeah that's real yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah first semester oh man praise god for y'all you could have did anything in the world but you came here to hollands college and i mean that from the bottom of my heart you guys stepped out you took a chance some of you guys worked three jobs saved all your resources your parents probably didn't understand you going to ministry school and you want to preach the gospel work lights sing and worship lead students but you did it anyway and thank you thank you thank you thank you on behalf of jesus pastor chris pastor mark pastor jill and the kingdom of god thank you thank you thank you 100 yes good job guys hollis college y'all give it up for him man [Music] y'all can sit down y'all sit down man you know i'm gonna take my time so i'm not gonna go overtime but i'm gonna take my time you know god so well my wife y'all [Music] i heard some of you guys like ooh no they don't be doing all that do that don't do that we don't want to you know huh look i love you so much my real talk i love you so much you know i really do man you're enough guy [Music] real talk you enough [Music] if you don't read another scripture if you don't pray another moment you enough you're enough god called you [Music] you to win a city to disciple a nation thank you for being on my side you know when i had nobody you came visit me you know the future wasn't bright we didn't know i didn't know what i was gonna do in the future i thought i was gonna go back sell drugs you still was there say you can do something better male thank you so much i love you man i love you so much i have my little blue-eyed baby in your stomach we expecting number three guys [Applause] y'all ain't married but i i work in my spare time okay yeah i'm saying y'all to get that lady so good [Applause] the bible say be fruitful and multiply what you want me to do what are you what are we doing what are we doing that's good okay okay okay mark in jail well don't get at me y'all just somebody else is doing some in their spare time praise god they being obedient to the bible hey if we don't have fun with y'all look at look at look at y'all stop it how did you get here oh my gosh we got to have fun man that's what it's about guys listen let's straight up and that that takes me to my topic man if we can't have fun living for jesus we might as well hang these cleats up right now because the weight of the world is gonna sit on our shoulders and we're gonna walk around in this mundane tight religious paralyzing mean angry spirit let's just say it when you're in relationship the byproduct of it is joy that's our strength it's our strength and we're going to talk about that a little bit today you know as i was praying you know through this and um i was like lord man i mean you know we're in this collection you know above you know i i i like above all else talking about jesus above all else jesus jesus jesus and i started to pray and um like little you know what how we gonna do this what we're going to talk about you know i could never get a release for a pitcher to preach a message i couldn't ever get a release and the lord ministered to me said hey mayo the reason you can't get this to release is because the revelation that you're about to share was created in private and it wasn't created in a public form i was like interesting the book of colossians paul was in a prison it was a private forum it was a private forum it wasn't a public forum like the book of corinthians it was private and he was writing these prison epistles private letters [Music] in private so that they could live it out public you got any kind of you know you need to give me a release so the topic that we're going to talk about is we'll talk about religion we're going to talk about religion religion can be very crippling took a few notes it could bring about a lot of constraints condemnation paralysis meaning it can paralyze you meaning when god wants you to go do something in ministry you can be paralyzed because you're paralyzed by religion [Music] and that's what paul was dealing with when he wrote the book of colossians he was dealing with this he was dealing with a church that was that was dealing with corrosion they was dealing with racism they were just dealing with all these things and paul was sitting there writing this letter in prison [Music] chauvinism classism all these things he was writing this letter and just to get a little context before we jump to the scripture around paul was a group of people i think we need to know about us because when we read this we understand better the context of what we're reading and we can kind of preach out of it a little bit because around paul paul was in prison and he was thrown into prison in rome so paul was in there with timothy for preaching the gospel and then he had this he had this this servant which was a slave at a time named optimus that's how someone said his name he was he he belonged to philemon so when you read the letter philemon you understand how to ultimus was talking to paul's like hey bro you got it when i go back you got to tell phil to let me go because he's a christian and you got to let him you got to tell them let me go but timothy in the meantime was paul young apostle and he was going back to ephesus so paul timothy was telling paul hey bro you got to write this letter to ephesus because you got to lay this doctrine out because when i'm gonna go back and build these churches the ephesus the ephesian church they need to know how to correspond to the gospel so you had also just wanted a letter from paul then you had timothy wanting a letter to go to ephesus for him and then he had paul himself wanted to write the book of romans because he was locked up in rome and he had all these things going on in rome nero going crazy burning christians at the stake he's just bugging out so now paul we want to write a letter itself and then you had my man called pap pap pap was from colosse colossae colossa colossians the book of colossians that's where he was from so he was locked up and he's like hey paul let me tell you bro what's going on where i'm from you got to write this letter to them because they have so many things going on around them they're getting caught up in the roller coaster in the rotation of religion [Music] because you got the jews still there in colosse then you got the greeks and then you got a church of god you got philosophy you got religion you got all these things going on and they don't know what to do because at the end of the day nero want to kill them because they're not worshiping paying the god that's there just god named pain that's where we get our word pandemic so what happened was it was some earthquakes that happened and because the christians wasn't worshiping the god pan nero said it's the christian faults because they're not doing the right sacrifices so now the christians was pushed to worship pan so they wouldn't get earthquakes so that's why nero wanted the christians he was like yo paul's like man it's a lot of pressure there's a lot of pressure on the church the jews was mad at him because they wouldn't go into the temple and offer sacrifices again the greeks was mad at him because they was coming out of their tradition and they religions they wouldn't offer sacrifices to their gods [Music] they just had this question are we enough some of you guys might have that question today am i enough am i enough am i enough so let's jump in this text and read it real quick and we find out are we enough colossians chapter one starting at verse 11. paul's landing his prayer out so we also pray that you will be strengthened with all his glorious power now we understand why he's praying that they will be strengthened because they're going against everything because now the earthquake is their fault say another way watch these guys the pandemic is their fault [Music] so he's saying that you'll be strengthened with his glorious power so you have all the endurance and patience that you need that you may be filled with joy always thanking the father he has enabled you to share in the inheritance that belongs to his people listen to that language who has enabled you god who has enabled you say it who hasn't able to no you have you enabled yourself you fasted you prayed you enabled yourself you let the perfect ministry moment list you enabled yourself uh uh uh that's not what my bible says who enabled us you can feel the peace in the air right there you're enough who enabled you to share in the inheritance that belongs to his people who live in the light for he has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness who has rescued you who has rescued you [Music] you know why we go through freedom we go through freedom to find out we free we still saying wrong things saying we're gonna get free my bible says he has rescued us from what darkness the only reason we go through freedom is to find out we are free whom the sun set free their what did he or did he not do it [Music] this is what they're struggling with all this all these ideas [Music] kingdom of darkness and transferred us we can keep going who's transferred us god look at that guys transferred us into the kingdom of his dear son who has purchased our freedom is your freedom purchased who has purchased our freedom and forgave us our sin christ is the invisible image i mean a visible image of the invisible god he existed way before anything was created and he is supreme of all creation for through him god created everything in the heavenly realms in the earth he made the things which we see in the things which we can't see such thrones kingdoms rulers authorities and the unseen world everything was created through him and for him i entitled his message make room to remember jesus over religion make room to remember jesus over religion let's pray father we thank you thank you for everything that you've called us to do lord jesus thank you for hollis college thank you for this great kingdom that you called us to be a part of we love you and we give you all the honor for this highlands college of water jesus name we pray everybody say amen amen sticky fingers y'all give it up for sticky fingers oh my god look at this you got water jill this one you know you bawling you're all official y'all know that right no it's true when you get when you get your thing on water hey kyle we gotta get some live water straight up live water man you know what i'm saying god bless spirit water right who said that everybody everybody got mouthpieces what got mouthpiece everybody take your mouthpiece out real quick i'm gonna take this down my feet is out man we got 16 minutes 16 minutes see how fast we can go in 16 minutes 16 minutes 16 minutes i'm gonna keep saying it 16 minutes everybody out everybody hold your mouth piece up mouthpiece up okay all right everybody make sure if you didn't get a mouthpiece make sure you get a mouthpiece and you just stick it on your phone i'm not your phone i mean your keychain you put it in your room put it on you put it in your car somewhere because i want you to remember this mouthpiece for a reason and it's got a little bit to do with my message because i think this will help us remember something so just to let you guys know in ladies what a mouthpiece is and what it's used for a mouthpiece what happened huh you know i said guys let you guys know end ladies if you don't know everybody i was diverse right [Applause] i'm not religious [Applause] i'm not all right all right i'll watch you now you get your head down hey yo hey for real hey hey listen to reach people these days yo you got to be good in your language because language creates culture i'm telling you and somebody they won't that you know saying if you just slip in your language they won't feel a life-giving culture out that comes from you that you accept everyone because you can leave someone out but then that's real guys and girls if y'all don't know [Laughter] yo so so let me tell you what a mouthpiece so the mouthpiece right here i had a problem with this mouthpiece in football because i didn't like putting it in so my coach used to always say i'm i'm like about to make a play and i'm getting down i'm playing linebacker and for my helmet my mouthpiece just always be hanging out and my coach man put your mouthpiece in put your mouthpiece in and i'm like man you know this stupid mouthpiece right so i ain't putting it in so i used to go make a tackle boom after i make a tackle i get up and i'm kind of dazed and now so so they telling me to play from the sideline with the signals you know they're doing signals over there and i kind of can't see the signals and so i get to the sideline my coach like bro you ran the wrong play in for listen literally for a whole year i like literally ran to play after running the wrong play after i made a big tackle no for a whole year car and i'm wondering like why am i why do i keep running the wrong play after i get into a big collision because when i come to find out the trainers let me know hey mayo you have to wear your mouthpiece because when you tackle you have a head shot and if you're not biting down on something you won't you'll be concussed you'll take a snapshot of a concussion and you won't remember nothing because your whole head would be foggy because your brain moved around because you didn't have anything in your mouth to lock down on to keep it stabilized so that you can go to the next play so then i started wearing my mouthpiece because i knew once i get into a collision i needed to know what to do next and that's why i got you these marrow pieces because all of us are prone to some religious actions but what we don't want to happen is to get in the rotation of religion and now walk out and we all can cuss and we forget that we even a new creation in christ jesus now what we reflect is we reflect the religion in the rotation that we was just in of the same rituals and the same things and to do this and to do that and don't do this and then all of a sudden we find ourselves walking around and we're unattractive we're judgmental we don't like people and we're just going through all the routines and rotations of religion and that's why i got you this mouthpiece because i want you to think about it i need to think about this every time i think about doing something for the wrong reason and not out of relationship with god first and somebody else and i'm doing it for me you could be concussed by religion because i'm telling you once you come out of that rotation that rotation and you walk around somebody's not going to be attracted to you because they feel that you're already judging them before you even get to them and the world can smell this right now that's why the world don't want anything to do with christians because we come out of the rotation of religion and we come out and we listen to the words and like go reach people go reach people and we walk over and rich people and we forget we're the new creation we forget so now we get over there we smell like the world we look like the world and we're powerless like the world so therefore god sends us to go reach the people that he called us to reach and guess what we can't reach them because we were so clothed and rocked and consumed with ourself how many bible scriptures do i know how many hours did i pray how many worship songs did i worship all that is great but if it's in the wrong context i'm telling you it can be thrown into the rotation of religion and when you come out of the washing machine you don't have your mouthpiece and you're just walking around like this and the word of god becomes void because we was thrown around in a rotation of religion i was talking to a guy in atlanta man and i was uh i was hanging out with him man i got 10 minutes i was hanging out with him and um somebody introduced me to him and they was like man mayo really want you to hang out with this guy he's he you know he's he's a he's a very influential influential guy in atlanta and he's young you know young professional and he's up-and-coming influence and everybody know him in atlanta so we sitting down and we like in the old fourth ward and we're having this conversation and he's talking to me and he's like man bro 2020 man i'm just disgusted with who i am and we begin to sit there and just like and i'm listening to him and it's everything listen everything was happening on that in that coffee shop that was sitting like everything was going on had this group of guys over there they was flirting with me that's going on man no no real talk everything was going on you had you had the jewish guys over there they sitting up there studying the torah you know you had the christian girls over there they got a bible study you're handing out some passion stickers like you had everything going on on that corner man you had the dope boys over there with the ferrari you had the music going on like you had everything going on in atlanta and he and i were sitting in this coffee shop while everything was going on meaning just like inc just like in the book of colossians everything was going on all these philosophies and all these different things was going on but he and i was sitting right here in this moment like what are we going to do and he was disappointed in himself because in 2020 he did some things that he didn't want to do but he kept saying i did all the right things bro i did all the right things and it still did nothing i did all the right things and it still did nothing wouldn't that be a tragedy guys if we did all the right things and it still did nothing wouldn't that be detrimental is that what we're signing up for this christian faith for to do all the right things but yet and still it does nothing could it be that he just got caught in the rotation of religion so here's a few rotations that you can notice if you think about these some of you might be doing them i'm still doing some of them too but we got to get out of the rotation of religion because it would just rotate us over and over and over and over and over and over again so we throw the first one on the screen we look at it if you take your notes the first one is rotation of individual salvation the i think we have to watch our priority in prayer that's what that means individual salvation paul was talking about this because he wasn't into he wasn't big into individual salvation when he wrote this letter because he started talking about the body of christ meaning we're all a part of a body and he's talking about christ is the head so we're all about a body but sometimes i think we become the priority in our prayer and we become in fall in love with individual salvation which christ he individually saved us but he saved us not to belong to us but for us to belong to a body so now the body of christ number one responsibility in this world is to be a conduit for the kingdom of god in this earth so that we can keep growing the body but if we are consumed with our body we can't care about everybody because we have this idea and this rotation of religion because it's all about individual salvation what about me me me me me me me me and we just get in that rotation and when we step out of their rotation we got a concussion and we gonna step to this person in the city group and they can already tell you really don't care about me right you're just here because you're trying to check a benchmark at highlands college you're really not at one because of me you're right here because you searching and praying for your breakthrough and you don't care about my breakthrough and i'm about to slit my wrist tomorrow individual salvation he's the head we're the body so that we can grow the body and reach every body individual salvation the next one man the rotation of isolation this is this monastic lifestyle meaning just just monasteries meaning you just want to go stay in a monastery and just be holy and pure and unscathed and untouched and don't get around the world don't get around lost people don't engage with lost people because they think this and they think that and they go in here and they go in there and you going here that ain't good the bible says that what's in us is greater than what's on them so what's in us if we come out of the modest the monastery and we go reach the world what's on us would get on them and they will become just like us and they will meet us where he is heaven but we just get stuck in this rotation and we come out concussed and we forget the whole reason we signed up to do this thing because we just stuck in it the next one watch this the rotation of escapism we're going to move fast and this this can be man i wish i could come back jill please invite me back sometime to please the rotation of escapism how many songs we sing about heaven earth would be messed up without us but we're still trying to escape somewhere when god transformed us and called us right here but we're trying to escape there guess what guys you can't transform what you're trying to escape i don't want to go to heaven because i got a homeboy in atlanta that's lows he lost right now go on instagram he's lost i don't want to go to heaven because it's this guy what's the guy name that's doing being the baby right now you got the red hair what's this guy name lanaos i don't want to go to heaven little gnaws need heaven and earth so i cannot touch and transform what i'm trying to escape that's the rotation of religion i'm trying to escape i'm singing songs about the blind bye listen i don't care about the buying buy right now guess what god gave me healing for he gave me healing to stay on earth longer because i'm not going to need it there he gave me gifts because i need them here they're not going to be there he gave me prophecy because it's needed here it's not going to be there he gave me signs and wonders because he needed here it's not going to be there i can't transform what i'm trying to escape why are we talking about heaven heaven is an absolute you're already there if you're not there it can't be on earth rotation man we gotta go it's three minutes i don't know how jill i don't know how we're gonna get out of here i really don't know no don't tell nobody though i can't i can't go into being senior pastor going over time i just can't do that here we go jill cut the concrete laughing watch this guy don't know this a big one i'm telling you this can be a whole it please invite me back no are y'all getting some out of this real talk we just can't we can't keep doing this y'all we can't keep doing it watch this watch this man it's a big one oh there it goes up there can i say this guys can i say this have anybody seen jesus don't answer the question i got to see it he's not on the cross why do we keep going to the foot of the cross when the cross was a means to an end paul said we're seated in heavenly places how can we how can we get the authority from the place that we sit in if we're still kneeling at the foot of the cross where a savior is not there he's not dead he's resurrected he's in heaven so therefore we got to go to heaven and get out of earth to bring heaven to earth the cross was a means to an end but sometimes we don't want to go to the end the cross was only a doorway into the throne now if you want to have the menu you can't go to a dead cross you got to go to a living throne because only dominion rests on the throne but sometimes we get in the rotation of religion at the dead cross and therefore when we're at the dead cross where a savior's not even there we can't even get saved anymore because he's not there the gospel is the resurrection rotation rotation rotation and people talk why are you telling me about a dead man he's alive that's why easter is the most populated service we have of the year why because he's alive but we keep going gotta go back gotta go back we keep going here we go watch this the rotation of cause instead of christ the rotation of calls instead of christ cause instead of christ we think about what was the cause of something instead of what that was the answer about everything that's cause-minded what was the cause that i made the mistake okay what what is the answer that you're still alive to make the mistake y'all see what i'm saying it's a difference but sometimes we get focused and we get caught in the calls and let me tell you what lays in the cause condemnation that's why paul said therefore is no more condemnation those are who christ the answer is in christ condemnation is in the cause don't lay and rotate at the cause all day long get to the savior who is christ who sits on the throne ephesians chapter one we keep rolling man the rotation watch this guys the rotation of the part not in part we're trying to depart instead of impart that's what our relationships like pastor chris says every one of his every one of us should have a lost friend everyone should have a lost friend every one of us because we're there not to depart from the world but to impart us to the world last time i checked jesus did not run from us he came down with us so much so he even became us he could have stayed angel but he became humanity we keep going watch this the rotation of groups in that group watch this guys the rotation of groups and not groups meaning we have to as the church we have to quit grouping people yeah this one we get that little ugly thing called racism this is where we get that little other ugly thing called watch this watch this down you you no real talk the group the group the group hey service announcement guys the lady in here she have the same spirit that rose jesus christ from the grave just like you do could you please quit grouping her it's the body of christ so when you ever feel group just know somebody's grouping you through the lens of carnality and not grouping you through the lands of christ because last time i checked the bible says we're in one group neither male neither female neither bond neither jew neither black neither white neither poor neither rich neither spanish all are one in christ jesus the rotation groups that group there black lives matter that group there republicans that group there democrats that group that quit grouping yeah quit grouping we keep going we out of here the rotation band you come up the rotation of safety and not that skill no the rotation of death and not life y'all got that one paul talks about that in colossians chapter one verse six verse six he's talking about the gospel spread it quit spreading bad news now y'all heard me right the rotation of death and not life meaning are we in a rotation of just spreading bad news let's stop spreading death and start spreading life if it's not good news if it's not the gospel if it's not great news if it's not you look awesome if it's not your cool if it's not i made a great grade on the test if it's not man so many churches are being planted why am i spreading it why rotation we go on on the rotation of safety and not persecution we just want safety paul was in this prison cell paul wasn't concerned about safety he knew nero's about to cut his head off he wasn't concerned about safety and he was sending them out not to be concerned about safety either i'm telling you the world is going to come so gross and dark and we're gonna have the choice to make do we go get in the washing machine of religion or i just need to be safe or do we run out here in a group of people that's being persecuted and not even protected because you know what the church is going to do the church is going to persecute us for doing what jesus did defending the person that has no voice defending the person that they say is racist watch this they had no choice they was born in a white earth suit just like i was born in a black earth suit so we got to protect both suits the white suit and the black suit because last time i checked none of them had no choice but it's our job to protect them but guess what religion wants to do hey pick assad and perpetuate divide i'm not picking aside i'm here to protect them both because that's what jesus called me to do i'm gonna put my mouthpiece in and i'm okay we're getting a bloody mouth and a bloody nose but i'm not going to be in the rotation of religion and not protect people why are we doing that [Music] the rotation of separation and not colonization [Music] let me explain this so we're called ambassadors the bible paul talks about us as ambassadors what that is we're supposed to populate earth meaning we're a colony of god in this earth meaning we're a colony of christians a colony that word comes from colon y'all know what a colon is when you eat something it goes out of your colon it goes down your colon it comes out the other place right and you flush toilet that's that's a colon but i don't really talk but if your colon is detached if it's severed when you eat something it just stay in you you get poison because it won't come out so we get that word colony because jesus attached the colon of god to this earth so therefore everything that happens in the mind of god can now come out on earth so we are sent here to colonize the earth from the thing that we're attached to that's why god says pray this prayer jesus said pray this prayer our wet father that's where in heaven how be thy name thy kingdom come where on earth because jesus he attached the colony [Music] but what if we detach ourselves because of religion what if we just detach ourselves and say you know what they don't deserve this because they didn't do this or i don't have this because i didn't do that what if that's my story i was in prison what if a guy would have been so religious to never reach out to another guy that didn't look like he even wanted the gospel i wouldn't be here because he stepped through guys [Music] that's your job that's what god has blessed you for to step through to step out of the routine of religion [Music] to make room [Music] to remember jesus is over religion so how do you do it you do it three ways the first thing you do is you remember above all else be anxious for nothing remember above all else be anxious for nothing remember above all else be anxious for nothing i'm gonna keep saying it remember above all else be anxious for nothing that word right there is probably the most beautiful prefix in the bible re because you remember you remember the day that god told you you was enough remember the day you heard the gospel and you was enough remember that day remember you didn't you didn't you didn't say i need to do nothing you just i need to believe remember the day that you heard the gospel and god said you enough that right there it would kill anxiety yeah just remember that day reorganize that day in your head get all the members of that moment was the worship team was the guy preaching relive and remember that moment as a memory and therefore it would kill anxiety that's what paul is saying you got to remember be anxious for nothing watch these guys don't be even be anxious for good things remember the day that you was enough remember it [Music] above all else remember above all else [Music] be comes before do ephesians chapter 2 verse 10 your masterpiece in christ jesus but you have to know you have to know that before you do something so many times we want to skip past being and go do but you can't do unless you know you be remember be before you do you're enough be it you're enough be it if you ever get it out of order rotation of religion if you ever say i gotta do to be you better watch it john ball you enough bro you're enough you're enough you can articulate the word of god in ways that humanity has never heard before jill pettis you're enough elizabeth you enough warned you enough totally forward you enough hollings college you are enough no you have to be before you do all you're doing is birth out of your being be it i am enough to start a revival in atlanta that the earth has never seen before i do anything i am enough in the last one we're gonna worship [Music] remember above all else his grave not your grievances remember his grave not your grievances so this is what the world is dealing with right here the world is dealing with grievances if you look at the pharisees and sadducees and the zealots they had a lot of grievances they was grieving against humanity so jesus says hey i need you to remember my grave and not your grievances it's a lot of people that have the grievance against certain groups of people in this world don't be grieved remember your grief because if you want to be grieved i can let you know i couldn't have gotten your grave because at the end of the day he didn't have to get in our grave for us to be grievous against the world so if you hold something against somebody guys just forgive them he is colossians with this psychosis chapter three you go to the description right there i think 316 313 it says bear bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone forgive as the lord forgave you remember that because remember the moment he forgave you remember the moment [Music] remember the moment you got to make room to remember the moment [Music] his hands blood on so that you can touch something and he'd be healed his feet blood on them so that you can walk and prosper his head blood on it so that your mind will be renewed in the word of god wisdom and strength his eyes blood down so that you can see people through the lens of god and not the lens of humanity his heart blood on it so that we could be a new creation in this earth his back blood on it so that we can be healed not wounded and set free remember that remember that and always make room [Music] always make room [Music] so we're going to take some time to remember right now and that's our confession we will make room for him [Music] we'll always remember thank you jesus for that day that you pay for our sins you may rule for us we will make room for you lord jesus we will not sit in the rotation of religion [Music] that is jesus [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] all my religions [Music] to do [Music] whatever you want to do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on guys [Music] i love that pastor mayo just reminded us and i hope that we saw clearly jesus is above religion and i love that i was just as he was who's speaking it was just reminded it is no longer i that live but christ that lives inside of us right is no longer you that live but christ that lives inside of you and the thing that mayo walked us through today is when we draw near to him it's all about relationship who he is he promises to draw near to us i will make room for you that doesn't mean right here in chapels it means in your own life in every moment when you're about to take a test in a class when you're struggling through a message or a relationship with make room for him he wants to be a part of every part of your life that is what relationship is all about so can y'all help me and thank pastor mayo today [Applause] we love you we appreciate you we're so excited that y'all's best days are ahead of you come on yeah thank him one more time [Music] [Applause] [Music] and as he said before y'all be looking we will include in an email from student life when we schedule when we work out the date and the time for an interest meeting that he wants to do just for highlands college specifically so be on the lookout for that we will get those details to you soon and there are no other announcements you'll have an amazing day have a great lunch we love y'all [Music]
Channel: Highlands College
Views: 142
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: Jers8dbcmy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 38sec (3218 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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