Palestine & Principles

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hey Len Rose here so a bunch of people have been saying well a small Bunch why aren't you talking about Palestine as if it's some conspiracy or something and the they say that in spite of the fact that I have brought up that exact situation but the main thing to understand here is that what's happening in the Middle East now and what has been happening in the Middle East for centuries and all over the world for centuries is a symptom of statism and pack mentality and to point to one example and go this is totally horrible what does that add nothing like yeah there's horrible things going on there um and I don't pretend to know all the details of course you have conflicting reports and here's the thing people complaining about both sides of it are still the stinking problem because the underlying principle is what they don't understand the state of Israel it's a state it's a ruling class it's a government it's inherently immoral it's inherently illegitimate because it's a ruling class same with the state of anywhere else and the ruling class of the United States but if you focus on particular like Injustice or atrocity going on which I'm not saying you shouldn't but if you focus on that and get emotional about the symptom and you don't understand where it came from or why it's happening it's going to happen again that's why I always focus on the underlying cause which is the belief in statism and I will mention individual examples including what's going on in Gaza Strip and all that and historical examples and examples all over the place but the principle is what matters and and if there could ever be the perfect example of that right now it's Israel and Gaza and Palestinians because you have lots of people on both sides who think in terms of groups our group has been wronged by your group so your group is bad and our group is good and therefore it's okay for us to use widespread violence against your group not just the individuals who actually used violence in the other direction but just anybody in your group because our group is good so when people wave the Palestinian flag or when they wave the Israeli flag it's a fair guess that they're still doing the pack mentality stupidity even if their anger is completely righteous and Justified because they're responding to something horrible and injust and and innocent people suffering little children being blown up and slaughtered and just horrible stuff in all directions now if you say well in this direction there's more of it than in that direction okay that can totally be true in different cases and it has exactly no bearing on the underlying principle or the underlying cause of all of it which is the belief in authority and Hamas is totally a bunch of violent psychos who believe we have the right to rule and boss people around and the government of Israel is totally a bunch of power happy psychos who believe we have the right to boss people around so is every government everywhere always and sadly most of the people living in those areas do not believe in Freedom they do not believe in peaceful coexistence they're still just bitching over which set of parasit psychos to put on a throne to give them power over everybody else that's almost everybody in the world that's why what I focus on is the principle because you can't fix Gaza or Israel or the us or the Ukraine or anything anywhere involving authoritarian violence until the insanity of statism in the belief in Authority is yanked out by the roots in the minds of all the people and it's not in the Middle East they're going to keep doing it because they're going to keep being statists and innocent people will keep suffering and dying horribly because the people believe in Authority that is why it's happening you can point to some specific example in situation and say well historically this group did that and this group is claiming to do that but really these people aren't this and these people who are claiming to be those people aren't really those people they're different people who are claiming to be but really the original Israelites are the blah blah blah blah I don't give a if you understand the concept of self- ownership and non-aggression and self- ownership is an individual thing there is no Collective demographic group that owns anything if you understand the concepts of self-ownership and non-aggression and why the belief in Authority is so horribly destructive the histories don't matter that can sort them out like people thinking like moral human beings sorts that out and fixes it so when people wonder why I don't harp about a particular example of Injustice and it could be today it could be a historical example you don't talk about that enough I constantly talk about that because that is constantly a symptom of what I talk about and if you think me complaining about that particular Injustice is going to make any difference no it isn't until people give up the belief in authority and grasp and abide by the the the concept that every individual owns himself and that aggression is wrong none of the specifics of this group over here and that group over here the historical this that none of that's going to matter none of that's going to fix you can choose sides all you want between groups of people who all believe in having ruling classes in world or two after Stalin was allies with Hitler for a while and then that went South and then suddenly they were Arch enemies and then suddenly Uncle Joe Stalin is buddies with the US great it's the second worst M mass murder in the history of the world is now our allying we're supposed to like him because our Authority likes that Authority and our group says that group is now on our side against that other group and so you had horrible war and destruction and oppression and nasty crap going on in the you know the the Battle of Stalingrad for example just huge numbers of unthinking imbeciles killing each other because somebody else told them to and they all could point to some righteous thing to be angry about you invaded this you're doing this you're a bad guy your rulers are doing this bad stuff your rulers are doing this bad stuff let's sit around killing each other because we're too stupid to think for ourselves and actually Advocate self- ownership and non-aggression and when you do that you can use defensive Force against actual aggressors but you're not going to be thinking in terms of we have to defeat the Germans or we have to defeat Israel or we have to defeat the palestin the Palestinians are all this no the Palestinians are all that no Palestinians are people most of them are statists who believe in authoritarianism because most people on the planet do which means they're still part of the problem as is also the case with just about everybody in Israel and just about everybody on the rest of the planet that's why I focus on the principles because looking at a symptom and going this symptom is so horrible and terrible and gruesome and it must end it's not going to ever it'll move around it'll change names it'll change faces it'll change labels but it's not ever going to end as long as human beings believe in Authority that's the reality that's why I what I talk about is the underlying principle because none of the symptoms matter it's like some somebody who wanders into a bonfire every other day and he goes to the doctor look how badly burned my hand is the doctor's like oh we got to heal your hand your hand is so badly burned you got to stop walking into the bonfire and what's happening in the Middle East and what's happening in Ukraine and then domestically what's happening with the war on drugs and every tax collection agency and every authoritarian attempt to to stomp on dissent and disagreeing voices and we have that in Australia we have it in Canada the level of evil and the level of open violence varies a lot the nature of the problem doesn't it's still coming from the belief and authority and the fact that one group will have a bunch of people who are themselves didn't use any violence and they're being victimized like a bunch of children dying on all sides that's just horrible like in no way can you blame the children however when a group has a bunch of their children dying and that group Advocates authoritarianism and we should be in control we should have the power they're the stinking problem if you believe in authoritarian and collectivism and your children die you're part of the reason why and you're part of the reason why children of other people are dying because you don't know how to grow the up and become a civilized human being now that doesn't put you in the minority that's most of the world doesn't know how to be civilized human beings because most of the world are statists now there's a lot of statists who like in the US live very sheltered from that we don't have war in our backyard right now but they will proudly give billions of dollars to Ukraine to have some war going over there that they know nothing about and they'll feel compassionate about it because well we were told that they're the good guys and they're the bad guys so we're supporting the good guys no you're supporting war and sadly even the vast majority of the victims of war support the thing that makes War happen which is the belief in government and authority and it's so frustrating that even an amount of just horrible and suffer uffing an injustice of you know entire beautiful cities blown to rubble and tons of people killed little children maimed and slaughtered even that doesn't make most people question their own shitty belief systems and most people in the Middle East have shitty belief systems and most people on the whole planet have shitty belief systems because they still believe that the argument to have is who should be the authority who who should have the power who should have the control who should be able to force their opinions on other people as long as you're asking that question you are absolutely part of the problem and when it comes back to bite you in the ass and blow up your town your village that's just a symptom that's just an effect of the problem that you help to create and that's what's so infuriating about every example I could think of for the last however many thousand years most of the people who appear as innocent victims if given the chance would use the power in a different direction and would be victimizers that's that's just the reality of it because they still believe in authority and they still believe in government so yeah that's why I talk about the underlying principle because whatever this today's symptom of it the symptom this week this year this decade whatever that's not going away until the belief system of humanity changes it will keep going and it doesn't matter how upset you are and it doesn't matter how upset I am and it doesn't matter how horrible it is like looking at images of innocent people being blown to shreds that won't change it in case you haven't noticed lots of people have suffered horribly at the hands of authoritarian violence for pretty much all of human history and it hasn't stopped because most of those people can't even rethink their own beliefs after witnessing their own friends and family blown to Smither they still can't pause and back up and go is this why is this happening and might my own belief system be part of why this is still happening it is for the vast majority of people on this planet it is for every single human being who is not a voluntarist or an anarchist you're part of the problem you're still advocating violent aggression against your fellow man now whether it's in the form of oh it's just a little tax to pay for some whatever or in the form of let's go drop bombs and blow up a bunch of little children over there because they're the children of that group group that we decided is evil you're still part of the problem until your belief changes and you stop advocating authoritarian violence that's true of Israelis it's true of Palestinians it's true of Americans it's true of everybody so what good for those of you saying why aren't you talking about Palestine more often and the Gaza stripping what Israel is doing by the way Israel isn't doing anything individuals working for the ruling class of Israel like a bunch of them are doing evil crap that's not Israel doing something Israel is a place and like I've talked about the whole stupid collectivism thing of blaming the Jews for this or that or the other people's really all of them well not all of them then don't say the Jews it's just I keep pointing out that's just as stupid as saying men are the problem really all of us well not all of you well then don't say men are the problem that's idiotic and it's pack mentality thinking and it just makes things worse and in the case of men like I've explained a million times before the vast majority of violent crime is committed by men don't blame me for that I'm not one of the ones who did it blame the people who actually do that instead of a giant category that includes those people same thing if you're going to bash the state of Israel be my guest they do evil in a very similar way to the the ruling class of the US their militaristic imperialist where they're using violence to control as much as they can that's what they do that's what ruling classes do it's profoundly freaking evil so when people bash zionists Zionism is a political ideology it's a notion of this is what a government should do and the power it should have yes bash that by all means because it's authoritarian in the same way I bash the US government or the government of literally anywhere else any other ruling class that has the that thinks it has the right to Rob and control people by force but it's so frustrating to watch Humanity keep focusing on the symptom with this narrow little short-term view of what's going on and going here's this blown up building in dead children what are we going to do well what you need to do is think but that's probably not what you're going to do you're going to get emotional you're going to get angry and then you're going to cheer for some other authoritarian power that's going to do something in some other direction and kill some other children somewhere else and they're going to do the same thing meanwhile the evil bastards who fund the War Machine and sell weaponry and run the banking system and do all that they're back there cashing in on it and they don't give a crap about any of you and that's what's just so infuriating is there aren't there are ve very few all the way innocent people in the world other than children who you know don't even have a chance to know what the hell is going on yet because almost everyone in the world is cheering for one form of authoritarianism or another and they don't even recognize you are the problem and it's just it's so sad to watch and I even see a bunch of pro Freedom people fall into the Trap of we have to pick sides between this group and that group no we don't the only group groups that matter the only US versus them that matters are people who are willing to peacefully coexist with others and people who aren't and every single person who believes in government is not willing to peacefully coexist with other people now they don't recognize that they they think governmental power and authority is real and it's legitimate and it's necessary because they fell for that and as a result they unwittingly cheer for constant evil violence and whether it's in the form of just regulation or taxation or all the way warmongering and blowing people up the underlying principle is the same that's why I focus on the principle and why I don't harp on any particular symptom of it because all the symptoms are going to keep happening as long as most people are statists and when people aren't status there won't be any more of those symptoms to complain about there won't be large scale War they can be individual Crooks and people victimizing each other on a much smaller level that decent people will still have to deal with but these large scale injustices are a direct result of the belief system of the people and in almost every war or even just every political campaign everyone involved is still part of the problem because they're still advocating statism and authoritarianism and that's why that's what I aim at the thorough quote to a thousand hacking at the branches of evil there's one striking at its rote this is the rote what's happening in Gaza that's one of the many many many many branches of horror and Injustice and atrocity yeah it's really bad focusing on how bad it is instead of trying to understand why that happens at all doesn't get anywhere Humanity's been doing that for centuries and that's why I talk about the principle it's why I made candles in the dark to have other people get better better at communicating with other people it's why I'm working my butt off now um again I'm I have way more time to work on it now on the mirror which will help people to reexamine these things instead of still being part of the problem while getting emotional and upset and righteously infuriated at the symptoms of a problem that they help to create and it's so frustrating to watch because most of those people they're not evil they're not trying to make it happen they're devastated they're horrified by the effects of their own belief system but most people don't have the self-awareness or the intellectual honesty to back up for two seconds and think am I doing anything that contributes to this yes you are if you're not an anarchist or a voluntarist absolutely you are contributing to the problem not on purpose purpose not out of malice but because you were indoctrinated and you were ignorant and you were gullible like pretty much everybody I know myself included I was a statist for many many years and until you can reconsider your belief system you can righteously condemn all you want the symptoms of it it's not going to change until you and a lot of people like you dare to reexamine your own belief system to actually change what Humanity believes because that's the only thing that's going to end this crap
Channel: Larken Rose
Views: 4,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eaGFbSxU5Ls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 41sec (1361 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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