About Pokemon's Box Legendaries

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over the past year my channel has been going over stem my stem based creature collector where I showed off designs of mine that covered various science topics now I've been making these designs for the past few years and back then I noticed my preferences towards smaller and simpler designs so in the summer of 2022 I hunkered down and decided to make a pair of larger and more complex designs to be legendary creatures that would stand out from the rest of the roster in the lore now the largest creature collect Pokémon specifically has a Trope called box legendaries whose designs are deemed to be compelling enough to be the sole creature featured on the box art of their games so what makes their design so special and if you were to design something of a similar Trope what could you keep in mind so I drew each of the Box legendary pairs myself and took notes about the process as a disclaimer by now in 2023 I already decided to keep my project separate from Pokémon as I'm working towards making an independent game with my designs but before I show you the legendary designs I ended up with I wanted to share what I learned about Pokemon's box legendaries any product message or Masterpiece needs presentation while you shouldn't judge a book by its cover I'd be remiss to say that a cover Arts first impression didn't affect sales especially in the past before kiss could look up online reviews about a game video games have hosted a beautifully wide range of box Arts over the years however Pokemon has always had a rather simple cover despite Pokémon having 151 unique creatures to flaunt the cover just has one for each of the two versions they are the fully evolved forms of some of the first Pokémons you ever meet in the game Pokémon will continue to Simplicity into International releases where a single creature is placed in front of a monochrome p pattern but why the final Evolutions isn't that kind of spoiling what they'll turn into so yeah anyone shown in promotional material would technically be a spoiler for the game but it's a price they have to make to Garner interest and showing the fully evolved form is honestly more representative of game over just showing the first stages because you're supposed to grow those babies up throughout the game the cover might spoil what your starter Pokémon would turn into but it's also a goal to train your starter to become that cool monster that you saw in the box so while nurse Charizard Venusaur Blastoise and even Pikachu in the version that capitalized on the anime we have yet to see the Pokémon that are designed to be the star of the show the true topic of today's video box legendaries in Pokémon there are all sorts of species throughout the game wow but there's a few Pokémon especially near the end of the game that either have their own stories and or are rare that give them the legendary status some of them are treated as gods in the Pokémon World while some seem to be endangered species I'm not going into the dumb legendary and mythical Pokémon split today because starting from the second generation of Pokémon games the box art of the two versions each presented a legendary Pokémon with the first pair being Gold's hoo and Silver's Lugia so to learn about what goes into these special designs that are work to Grace our gim's eyes when she tries to buy us a new game in that summer of 2022 I drew each of these designs twice once to a simple shapes that I'm quite fond of doing and another trying to mimic the official art now when I did the L I didn't merely Trace over the existing official renders instead I put the official art to the side and tried to replicate all the details if you overlap them you can find that they're very different but my main goal here was to see how common complex the designs are so after these drawings I had notes about how hoo and Lugia unlike the future pairs we'll see in the franchise don't appear to be related to each other because they aren't hoo was teased in the very first episode of the anime and Lugia was made by the movie script writer teshi shudo for Pokemon's second movie shudo would later say in his personal blog that he quote was surprised that ended up getting used later in the games and TV show if you're a fan of the franchise I mean this was peak pokemania season bunch of kids were this is like seeing a movie starring Chris Pratt and Jack Black you just got to buy these games so I guess this doesn't mean that the Pokémon were designed for the box but rather they were already well-known creatures of the franchise that haven't been playable yet later on there will be a third version of this game with suun on the cover which lined up with the whole sweeton related plot in the game but back in 2022 I only focused on hoo and luki designs as they were on the covers of the two versions that came out simultaneously hoo is more complex than Lugia but I personally prefer Lugia shaped language I was also pleasantly surprised that despite being called the rainbow Pokémon hoo only has two colors in their wings red and green with a strip of white that makes the wings feel more complex than they actually are and this is how powerful a pattern is remember that fact so here we have our first pair of legendaries the bird of rebirth and the bird of ocean currents in the notes that I wrote back then I figured that Pokémon as a company was still trying to find their footing before settling on a formula which they would solidify in the following Generations generation 3's Ruby and Sapphire games had a very fun dichotomy between them Pokémon has always had multiple versions so that kids with different versions would pair up to trade exclusive mons with each other Ruby and Sapphire were themed after the land and the Sea respectively even the villains being underground nerds and jockey Pirates now the Box Arts this time around don't even have custom tailored art as they're just the official designs of the creatures imposed on a simple texture this still must have worked as Pokémon continue to do this for the next few Generations but who are these mons the Behemoth that is groud on and the Leviathan Kyogre in contrast to the different or which is of hoo and Lugia these two designs are made to be related to each other by sharing similar eyes and having patterns all over the body to complicate their design and here's the thing about the Silhouettes I had a much easier time simplifying each of these than I did with hoo as Groudon is a big spiky mountain and Kyogre is a round blob the seemingly complicated designs of these legendaries weren't due to their Silhouettes but rather the patterns that are on them additionally I want to bring up the bua Kiki effect across several languages if you show these two images and ask which one is called BBA or Kiki most people would assign Kiki to the sharp shape and BBA to the round one despite BBA and Kiki not being established words in any of those languages just as people can recognize the difference off of a design alone Groudon is characterized with edgy spikes and Kyogre looks like a comfy pillow it's not a rule Pokémon always employ but it's an option to keep in mind in making counterparts see because Pokémon doesn't hyperfocus on only having cool larly designs but they also have viable adorable mons to Garner various people of different tastes having several versions of the same game allows them to Showcase that range to get at least one of the versions to be picked up per household before we move on there's a spoiler issue again you only meet Groudon and Kyogre in the last quarter of the game while the start screen screen shows off a mysterious silhouette of them but they're right on the box there's no mystery still there's the precedent of ooh I should play through the game to finally have them on my team plus the Pokémon games are more than just a creature themselves with human characters and a story providing a satisfactory ending in the post games of Ruby and Sapphire there's a secret third member you could find to this weather changing Duo giving you an early glimpse into the third version of the game but again even though Pokémon would have follow-up versions like Emerald or even Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire many years later I was more focused on the initial pair as we're finally starting to see some Pokémons that are designed to be box mascots Generations 4's box legendaries followed a similar structure to that of generation 3's two related designs with shared eyes and later a third one that also matches their aesthetic now in the lore dalala and Pia are siblings as they control time and space there's this constant escalation in the powers of these Legendary Pokémon previously they're super powerful but rare species then they're Ambiguously a single being that guards the land sea or Sky now these are straight up Gods hold up in generation 4 archus is the creation God who created everything including the gods of time space and antimatter so how was it trying to draw diala and Pia why one might argue a Kiki boa s distinction between the two honestly I felt their personalities and Vibes were kind of hard to tell from each other in fact despite the body shapes their faces are similar enough that the same in-game Sprite of a statue could be painted differently to represent one or the other honestly this is more neat than anything but maybe it's due to the lack of differences compounded by how Pokémon Diamond sounds more impressive than Pokémon Pearl to a younger meme I just just remember anecdotes of people myself included preferring Dialga over Pia in general and again while I used to think that these designs were so complicated a lot of that complexity actually came from the lines that are drawn on their body there's technically more to talk about this Duo but I think it's best to tackle that topic later in Pokémon Black and White's lore a single Dragon was wielded by twin Heroes until the heroes argu about their goals in life one wanted to seek the truth and the other wanted to pursue ideals this argument split the dragon in Twain yielding two equally matched dragons who would argue and lay waste to the very land the heroes called home raram and zram don't look anything like each other what did that original dragon look like this is really cool though because it's not just a bua Kiki dichotomy we're seeing here but different texture Tes from fluffy to sturdy different themes from Fantastical to technological now when I was trying to redraw the official art here I almost gave up because of Zeon despite this pair having the simplest color palettes have you seen all the parallel lines on Zeon there's thin lines everywhere not even a pattern or a different color literally just Contours which makes zram the most deceptively hard Pokemon to draw so far the sequel's also had kurum who could combine with Ram or zerro which the box art already shows you again but by now I hope you realize that despite knowing what the final Beast look like the game's finale isn't ruined as there's plenty of twists and turns in the story with the human NPCs plus the way that these legendaries are presented this time around while every Pokémon thus far have been 2D pixelated Sprites the cut scene of RAM and zro used 3 models that's the first for the main series as some of the first Pokémon main Series games that isn't named after a color or a gemstone I find this pair to be quite clever as xerus and Yveltal look like the letters X and Y while the designs don't share eyes like some of the previous Duos their organic patterns and thin limbs make them feel like they're from the same enchanted forest all right so it seemed that for the different versions thus far Pokémon tries to balance out the themes so that one doesn't sound immediately better than the other for the general public like Land versus sea or Truth Versus ideals it's not a split of good versus evil but X and Y came the closest to that with the Dual representing life and death H but in the games they both power the same death laser that the evil team tries to use to wipe out France they both also have these adorable dormant forms in the game oh yeah I forgot to mention that this this was when Pokémon started to be predominantly three-dimensional this dude did feel a lot simpler to draw coming off of Z's lines because while the patterns provide more detail to the simple X and Y Silhouettes there aren't that many patterns on the body just a bold color of black and blue or red honestly lovely color schemes after the main story there's a secret third member to the group seemingly hinting at a possible third version of the game very much like how Rayquaza was was introduced however zygard didn't end up having their own game and was left unexplained until later entries to the [Music] series Soo and lunala present a spiky sun and the Round Moon just like how X and Y boox Legendaries were able to become icons for the title this pair was simplified into sun and moon symbols personally I love this as icon show just how how strong the Silhouettes of these designs are as they're still recognizable in the state also orange and blue is such a classic color combo complimentary colors as they sit across from each other on the color wheel these designs don't stop there though with Soo being predominantly white and lunala being mostly blurle having the day and night dichotomy in their color schemes all right so now he start to see Pokémon spell out just how knowing the beasts from the box are aren't just spoilers for the final encounters as the true spoilers have to do with the story the people are in what do I mean by spelling things out well now there are Unique Designs designs that would end up on thumbnails and ruin a surprise this is even more evident as the retelling of the story in Ultra sun and Ultra Moon actually hides the final creatures design in plain sight what the heck now this is some Next Level presentation Ultra necma Heights within the box art Pokémon has shown time and time again where they can still make satisfactory endings despite quote unquote spoiling the endgame designs but recently in games like these there have been more instances where they have one more card of their sleeve to one of the Box mascot designs you bought the game for we're entering some of the more recent games of the franchise so I'll start giving out spoiler warnings but I don't need a spoiler warning for Zan and Zama zanta because you actually encountered them in the game pretty early on this could be kind of clever though because if you look closely Zan and Zama zenta look kind of weird here they aren't the same strong bold dogs on the cover of Pokémon sword and shield and it's for you to figure out why through the game to be frank this wasn't my favorite Duo so far they're siblings so they look similar to each other and it doesn't help that they also share the same body plan unlike the generation 4 box Legends and they have a similar style and texture to them with dogs wield something metal though there are muscle tendons on the metal parts so it looks like the organic dog is being fused with the armor or sword I admit by now I was getting very lazy in my redraws as my computer was about to explode into hot summer o so it covers some asan's details with their rain while I didn't draw them facing forwards I do find the shape language for zent to Shield much stronger than Zan swords as the title still tries to make the icons out their designs even if the icons don't really reflect their whole Silhouettes now these dogs aren't the only endgame designs you see in sword and shield going to talk spoilers now all right no the Final Bosses aren't the dogs it's eternus and what a cinematic battle they are with them soaring into the sky to come down as a Master Hand to Smite you and then Bor Bor the doggos are here to save you cute the heroic music I wish they did this kind of reveal with Rayquaza back in Ruby and Sapphire instead of keeping them in the corner until the Emerald version also it's refreshing to see how the Box Legends aren't some giant opponent you have to tame but this time they fight side by side with you as Heroes I guess sun and Moon's Legends also started to Trend and you know what it shows how flexible this Legend Duo structure could be Pokémon will start making DLCs now and the main legendary creatures were no secret they're right there in the title with the icons based off of their designs and despite there being two DLCs these were both additions so you weren't choosing between or Shifu and cerx even if you are making other choices in the game but I didn't do a deep dive on these designs as a shorter DLC stories were mostly about just them whereas the other Duos so far represented a larger game speaking of other Duos we revisit the C region from generation 4 in legends of archus by now we know what archus looks like and if you didn't there was a retelling of generation 4 games just a few months prior so we know Dialga we know palia even both of gira's forms so what's new and legends arus shh it's a secret look at the box art there's just a slight Pikachu looking at you but look how strikingly different the box art is compared to all of the previous games there's no longer one strong Pokémon to entice you instead there's a destination a painted Mount Coronet to show that this game is supposed to emphasize exploration though I think the game ended up being pretty linear but where's dalga and Pia heck where's arus it's a secret spoilers by the way until this time stamp diala and Pia gain new forms in this game as they're both horse flavored like the god that created them with alternate kosma eternus and now these origin forms of dial and Pia Pokémon is now hiding creature designs to surprise their player during the game's finales oh by the way archus design doesn't change and I guess just posting an image as archus on the box would be underwhelming because people already know what archus looks like but with this the eighth generation comes to a close so let's talk about the most recent set of Pokémon games like Zan and Zama zenta you meet coridon and meon pretty early on in the game but in scarlet and violet you actually get to own them in the beginning what a Twist you can't use them for battles however as they become your bikes to roam around the theoretically open world of Pala this is probably the most personal the player got to the Box mascots since the first mascots which were evolutions of your starters when I drew these two it wasn't that long since they were announced and long before the actual games came out and while the ride on are both an old bikes with similar body plans the bike wheels naturally gave them some strong shapes I actually really like this pair despite them having similar body plans due to how different their themes were with their designs reflecting the past and the future going to have some spoiler talk now all right so scarlet and violet doesn't have a unique design to be the big bad guy unlike the previous few games but they do surprise you with the final trainer battle who do show off designs that you couldn't beat before but final opponent is back to the Box legendary which again is completely fine in fact the story for Gen 9's ending might be one of the strongest endings in the series this generation also had a pair of DLCs with their respective Legends which were displayed from the GetGo though some of the designs were kept a mystery until release these weren't out when I was doing my deep Dives back in 2022 So speaking of 2022 what did my designs look like if this was any other project I shouldn't be showing you these designs are these not my final bosses aren't they spoilers for the ending not really besides by now we've established that endings don't always have to be about the final creature and even if you do know what they look like that design can encourage you to continue exploring and there are still ways to make that finale exciting I feel like for this video it is worthwhile to show you what I drew back in that summer even if I plan on using these designs in a game one day so without further Ado how are you experiencing this video right now whether you're seeing hearing or feeling the material of this very video nay of anything in life how are you experiencing the world around you the nervous system can be categorized into two parts Parts first part being the central nervous system which is your brain and your spinal cord the second part is all the other nerves in your body called the peripheral nervous system when the world activates your sensory receptor that sensory neuron from the peripheral nervous system sends a signal through some nerves towards the central nervous system where you can process that sense of taste smell sound sight or touch those nerves that send signals from the body toward towards your spine and brain are called afferent nerves as you are affected by the world aphora represents how you take in the world around you and they would have the power to change your senses their ability logical sensor would make them immune to moves that shareot typ as them and make them gain Health instead however if you want to make an effect in the world around you your brain will send a signal down another set of nerves from the central to the peripheral nervous system towards your muscles to make movement those nerves are called efferent nerves epor represents how you change the world around you and they would have the power to change your Motors their ability passionate motor would have them power through type immunities and abilities that Grant immunities to still deal damage but only when they're using moves that share the same type as them this passionate motor power through logical sensor sure why not osur should resist those types anyways so this pair had a little bit of a Kiki booba going on and also a theme dichotomy of something looking mechanical versus organic as an aside I will have a muscle cell stemma in the future and while epor is more of eff neuron I don't mind the similarities too much I mean Pokémon once had a generation using the same flower species twice I don't plan on apasa and epor to be my box mascots per se as I'm not doing the multiple version deal like Pokemon they're just a product of a time when I was exploring conventions and tropes of other creature collectors and these are designs that I'm inclined to use in my larger personal project that is stma [Music] let's recap Pokémon's main Series games usually have a bold and simple Box start with a single creature in the middle and some pattern behind them while the first generation used the final evolutions of the starters having three possible starters doesn't always match up with the Dual versions of the games thus box mascots were designed to beat Strong powerful late counter as a goal for the players to one day meet and play with in the game the Dual versions required Pokémon to create Rivals counterparts siblings to justify the existence and popularity of both copies so how are these Duos designed it would be silly to say that there are any strict rules but upon drawing over these designs I saw that there are many options in making a pair of enticing monsters such as using different colors sharp or round shapes different body plans and different themes just to name a few even though some people might prefer one side to another providing contrasting designs can attract people who like the other design more as Pokémon provides a range to widen Their audience with every generation in this coming year I'll be continuing my work on my stemma project now while I'm coding on gdau to make an independent game out of my designs I'm in no position to make any promises but I keep telling myself even if everything crashes and burns like how I had to hop out of unity this year the sto project isn't just a game it's the set of creature designs that I'm personally proud of but with that said I'll still be up and trying my darnest this coming year not just the game but also this channel heck I already have a video in mind for January so if you like today's content and like to see my journey follow along you can check out my playlist about the project so far I'm very thankful to everyone whove seen and support Ed the channel this year I feel very fortunate to be able to share these videos with you additionally I want to thank my patreon members for their direct support finally thank you for watching and cheers for the future
Channel: n0Rtist
Views: 320,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, stem, fakemon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 42sec (1602 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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