About my Acolyte coverage…

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[Music] hey guys this is Justin hello and welcome to another video so I wanted to do a bit of a channel update and also discuss why my coverage of the acolyte is going to be a little bit different first of all you probably noticed I've been posting less frequently some of you know this some of you don't I also have a hockey channel and we are in well not the middle now the end of the playoffs so that's been my focus for the past few weeks but with the acolyte coming out tomorrow expect the uploads to increase quite dramatically and I'll be focusing more of my time here we're in the Stanley Cup finals now so only four to seven games left all season I'm shooting for the Oilers for those wondering you can find my hockey channel just by looking up e hockey anyway what was I talking about though why is my coverage of the acolyte going to be a little bit different well I want to take some time to talk about how media works and what it's like to be a YouTuber I know some of you find this kind of interesting so for a while I've been on the I guess Disney plus screener list how this works is basically people who are critics or review content whether YouTubers or bloggers all the way up to Big Outlets like IGN or Forbes can apply through the publicity arm of Disney plus to get access to episodes early for the purposes of making reviews for example with Andor I think I got the first three episodes a little early Ahsoka it was two and this is really helpful because it allows me to prepare content in advance like I can drop a video the day the show releases or usually before actually which is nice because you know it helps you decide whether you want to watch the content and for me obviously not having to scramble to prepare the night of is nice and I can also start to prepare lore videos to drop throughout the week this is very common for media generally I'm also on for example the advanced review copy list for Star Wars novels when you're a YouTuber you often get you know invited Early Access to games whatever else it's just kind of part of the gig the Disney plus one was obviously the most important because that's what's driving Star Wars right now there's sort of an application for that where you indicate audience size how wide your content goes and that's different than like the special Creator programs where you get flown out to the red carpet or ever else I've never been invited to that and I don't really care about that either however and you might be able to tell I've had my access to the Disney plus Star Wars screening program revoked and I started to notice this around the time of the bad batch where I saw many creators some significantly smaller than me others significantly larger starting to post about I think they got at first like the first half of the Season then the second half and that would have been really nice for me because those episodes released like in the middle of the morning I've got three kids some of you don't know that but I don't work until they go to bed so you know 700 p.m. that night so coverage of something like the bad batch is very difficult because I've got to either hope that I have time to get away at some point while the kids are distracted to not just watch the episode but actually prepare my coverage and that just didn't happen so it meant that my bad batch review videos were coming out a full almost 24 hours after most of the media Publications and you know it's Disney's world they can do what they want it's just quite frustrating especially because the acolyte is going to be from like an audience interest standpoint at a significantly higher level and I'm not sure why I got taken off list that's kind of the most frustrating thing in my experience across various mediums access to review material doesn't actually depend on whether you give negative or positive reviews you know I was very critical of Star Wars Battlefront 2 especially the single player which I really didn't enjoy very much and I continued to get offered Advanced copies of those games I'm very critical honestly of the majority of Star Wars novels that come out and I remain on the advanced reader list for that I've seen people who are quite critical of the Disney Plus shows stay on the list for that so I don't really know but I don't think it's simply because I was particularly negative or critical of one show because again just looking at who remains in the program and when it comes to something like Ahsoka I actually quite liked that I didn't like the finale but the rest of the season one I thought was good Andor I obviously really liked Kenobi I didn't like so it's sort of a mixed bag which I think is true of most people to me that leaves two options one the program just got revamped and I didn't make the cut for whatever reason but I kind of find that unlikely I mean I'm one of the larger Star Wars creators on YouTube and I do ongoing coverage of the series so I don't think it's that two I did something that got me on their bad side something that whoever runs the Disney plus publicity team saw as a no no and what that is I can only speculate I actually emailed when I realized I'd been taken off the list and the only thing that they would tell me is that I was not listed as an approved attendee and again that's fully their right I just am curious why because because I don't think anything's really changed about my content I mean I guess I've covered more news and whatnot since I started the channel but I mean my first video was talking about the Last Jedi leaks crappy video I've always been very critical of aspects of how they do their business like how the comics are blatant ripoffs of fan artwork how many of the shows sort of don't properly exist as TV shows and are this weird hybrid of show and movie which often doesn't work but none of it's new so I don't don't know I genuinely don't know it's just it seems like if anything they've broughten the pool of people who have access to this and also this isn't a shot against them it's not their fault either the thing is and I've talked to people in other niches not on the Disney side but when it comes to like Community screening it can be one little thing that the wrong person or the right person sees that gets you off the list permanently and the thing about Star Wars for example there are so many podcasts so many Outlet so many creators plus just the mainstream appeal that it's pretty easy to knock one YouTuber off and that's that so I don't know a little bit frustrating but if you guys have any ideas obviously let me know what you think I will say it's not all bad um watching it episode by episode is how I would choose to do it as a fan and one of the unfortunate things about being a Star Wars Creator is I've essentially monetized one of my interests which is great because on a dayto day basis it means I get to work with things I enjoy but when it comes to actually being a fan there's always sort of work tied in so on the plus side watching it week by week is how I would enjoy to do it but it also means that I'm going to be swamped when it comes to work so I guess we'll see the good thing about the acolyte is I believe it's releasing during the evening so hopefully my coverage when at least not conflicting totally with other responsibilities should be pretty prompt but you won't see the same amount of videos as you otherwise would it's just not possible before we end however I do just want to do a patron # ask for those who don't know by the way you can go to my patreon join for as little as a dollar I think that's the minimum price now and I do like these monthly posts where you can include your question I really try to get to most of them alongside my normal hasht ask ask e that is # ask questions gez this one comes from Mike who says why didn't the CIS make greater use of Corvette escort class ships in the Clone Wars TV series from an out of universe perspective it probably just has to do with small ships not appearing very well in space but I mean in Universe if you look at the Navy of the CIS they didn't really need a ton of Corvettes the CIS Navy contained both a good mix of light vessels like the munificent which despite being 8825 M long was pretty lightly armored and used small fast Weaponry same with the recusant which was very very common in The Fleets according to Wikipedia it had 60 point defense laser cannons 30 dual laser cannons plus a ton of other goodies so those were essentially large screening vessels contained ordinarily in the fleet so there's no real reason to mix Corvettes alongside them especially when you consider the fact that the CIS was pumping hundreds often of droid star fighters in each one of these ships so your anti-star fighter capabilities are coming from well other star Fighters so hope that helps answer your question again you can check the patreon out there I've been trying hard to revamp it and give you guys stuff that's worth your money but we'll see if the experiment doesn't work I'll just close it down and hey I don't want to waste your money or your time that's all I've got for today though let me know your thoughts on all this and more down below [Music] n [Music] oh
Channel: EckhartsLadder
Views: 78,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ptyxO4Fe7mI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2024
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