Ableton Live 11 Tutorial - Instruments Tour

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hi i'm lauren bregetzer and i'm going to give you an overview of the ableton live instruments the ones that come with ableton live 11 suite now this may differ depending on which version of ableton live that you have but what i have here set up is just one track a midi track with just an arpeggiator another one with chords depending on which instrument i'm using so before i start again all these different instruments will show up under the sounds category like if you're not looking for a specific instrument but a particular sound you can go through and drag one of these presets on there it'll call up whatever preset it is whether it's a an analog or a sampler or simpler you can just go in here and it will automatically load in what it is so if i go through here and i want to grab a pad or something like that i can click on it and just audition it i'm going to drag that onto my chords track here and it calls up you know whatever instrument that may be it looks like it's three stacked simpler patches here so that's a way of just grabbing sounds without worrying about different instruments but to get the different instruments in ableton live 11 i'm just going to click over here at the instruments category and we can see analog collision i'm going to skip the cv instruments and the drum rack and the drum one drum rack and drum synth because those are you know separate when you're programming drums electric external instrument impulse instrument rack operator sampler simpler intention and wave table i'll briefly go through all of those really quick all right so to start off with i'm going to grab analog so that's an analog synth emulator i'm going to drag that onto my arpeggiator track and with this arpeggio let's hear how it sounds just by default and it's got two oscillators you can detune one of them play with the filter resonator now if i want to grab one of the presets from it i can just click on the triangle to expand it out and maybe i want just some sort of um oh bass sound [Music] drag that on there and this shows up as an instrument rack which i'll get into later but it has uh the analog in there as well as some effects you can adjust with these macros here all right so let's get rid of that moving on the next instrument is collision so collision is an analog modeling instrument and so it's very similar to the resonator effect that you saw earlier um you can it's set to just by default it's set to beam i'm gonna hit play on there [Music] you can change materials [Music] and parameters and it comes with a healthy set of presets right next up i'm going to skip the cv because those are part of the control voltage tools and i'm also going to skip the drum rack because that's a drum rack and drum synth because those are percussive elements we're going to deal with that in a separate video all right next up is electric i'm going to go into the chords section for that so i'm going to just drag electric onto this chords track and let's just hear how it sounds and discover what it is [Music] so it's meant to model uh these vintage electric pianos whether it's a rhodes or wurlitzer style pianos you can go in and again there's a bunch of presets but i can just play with the different elements [Music] there's some great presets with that but you also might find some better ones under the sampler category so moving on the next instrument that we have here is external instrument that's if you want to plug in an external instrument into your audio interface so that's something we're going to skip for the time being impulse is also a percussive instrument that's sort of been replaced by the drum racks so it's not used all that often i'll uh i'll just completely skip that instrument rack is just not a specific instrument it's a rack because you could have multiple instruments so you want to layer those on top of each other i'll cover that in a different video all right next up we have is operator operator does a couple different things and it's one of the more powerful instruments in ableton live even though it looks pretty simple here it's basically a four operator fm synthesizer but it's also an additive synthesizer so if you want to learn up read up on fm synthesis you can learn all about that but here i just have one oscillator playing so it's just a single sine wave if you want to use the fm functionality you can go in and depending on the algorithm my algorithms are down here i can see this this this oscillator feeds into this oscillator here so i actually turn up this second oscillator [Music] and adjust the fine tuning to create sort of these different harmonic shapes that you don't get from an analog sounding synthesizer sort of clangerous type sounds metallic sounds glass type sounds things you won't see in an analog style synthesizer again it's also an additive synthesizer so if i click on this oscillator button here it shows me a single sine wave i can actually draw in harmonics on there and sort of create my own waveform not this one this one [Music] has a nice filter attached to it but you can also grab these these wave presets so i can grab like a 64 um harmonic sawteeth wave or a square wave [Music] or a harmonic sawtooth wave and you can just mainly draw in whatever you want [Music] so you can use it to create all kinds of interesting sounds so a lot of big sound designers like to use operator and it's great for that all right so next up is sampler sampler is a multi-sample device going to have multi multiple samples and layers and velocity layers that it can be very complex it's similar to contact from native instruments and has a whole host of similar sounds to context if i open up operator i might just jump into the presets maybe go into the let's see if i go into the presets for sampler i go open up orchestral and i can find these you know brass quartet string quartet which are new in ableton live 11. um [Music] and drag that onto that chord track and let's see how that sounds might take a second to load because it's loading up really long samples but let's hear it sounds [Music] sounds fantastic i can do the same thing just drag that brass quartet on there all right let's hear that sounds [Music] that sounds awesome so that's a variety of different things you can have if i want to grab a pad sound i can do that yoga pad [Music] [Applause] [Music] maybe don't use that for anything all right so you can see all the different sounds that you have and you can choose from so sampler is great and also if you want to build multi-sampled instruments sampler is really great now simpler as the name sort of implies it's a simpler version of the sampler um oftentimes you use it in drum racks so you have different samples like a different kick drum sample and a snare drum sample and you put them in a drum rack and simpler is what's used to trigger those but you can also use it for um you know melodic sounds so i can actually go in here and grab this you know single vocal sample of singer singing in awe i'm going to go in here and i can trim the start button here and maybe bring the volume down and it's taking that one sample and creating a you know chordal instrument that i can play chords with so let's hear how it sounds [Music] that's pretty amazing just from one vocal note and just a single instance of simpler i can use that to create you know different types of sounds all right next instrument we have is tension so tension and i'm gonna use my arpeggiated track for that is a stringed instrument modeler so um just by default almost sounds like a nylon guitar being plucked and there's a bunch of different samples with that but you can change the way it sounds i gotta get bowed [Music] so it sounds very violinish if i slow my tempo way down [Music] you can run that through different effects processors and have a lot of fun with that so last up is this wave table so with wavetable i it's it's new and able to live 10 and it's a powerful you know obviously wavetable synthesizer as the name implies just opening up it gives me one oscillator one thing i like is you can click on this triangle to expand it out and you can see your two different oscillators on the screen here your lfos three different envelopes as well as this matrix and filter section so you can go in here and just [Applause] just with the basic waveforms and you can go in and there's different categories you can change the position of the wave table [Music] and this is there's going to be a much larger tutorial on how to use wavetable but it's quite powerful again it has great presets but if i go in here to this you know sawtooth wave i can add the second oscillator [Music] detune one [Music] use this filter section in the bottom left i can easily attach this envelope to to that cutoff frequency just by dialing it up in the matrix [Music] it has this great unison section that you can use shimmer or classic are my two favorites on there [Music] so that's it that's my quick overview on the different instruments that you have with ableton live 11. um of course you can use your own external synths if you choose to through the plugins category but other than that enjoy these because they're very powerful especially when you combine them with different effects that you can layer on top of there thank you and stay tuned for the next video
Channel: The Audio Professor
Views: 502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lofi, music, live, lo fi, fl studio, logic, how to, tech house, tutorial, andrew huang, masterclass, how to make music, ableton live 11 tutorial, live performance, ableton live 11, mixing, ableton live, ableton tutorial, logic pro, mastering, music production, bedroom pop, electronic dance music, beat academy, how to make beats, music production for beginners, production, daw, best daw, you suck at producing, ableton 11, making music, music producer, production music live
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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