Abdusattorov is Afraid of No One

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hello everyone and welcome to a very nice game that was played last year in December in the video World rapid Championship you guys requested the scene now a few more games by another big hablusato of the board one uh star player of Uzbekistan who now won the feed HS Olympiad and I thought okay we've shown a couple of games from the world rapid Championship but we've shown his game against Magnus I think from uh niponishi and maybe maybe one more uh not not really sure but we have not shown his game against Fabiano Corona and Abdul sattro as you guys know or maybe some of you don't is the reigning world rapid champion and uh to attain this title he defeated pretty much everyone he defeated karwana here he defeated Carlson he defeated he defeated he defeated the Boris Golf and he defeated uh he defeated pretty much anyone who was there to defeat and he rightfully I won the title but this is one game that we haven't shown from that event and like I said as you guys requested to see more games it's really really a wonderful one because at that time okay he was strong but no one really expected him to win and no one really thought that he could play play against us as such strong players but here he shows you exactly why he can so here we have pawned the C4 he opens with the English opening and fabigos Ponte E5 The King's English variation uh Knight the C3 and now Bishop to B4 The Chronic hero counter attack we have knighted D5 again immediately attacking the bishop and Bishop back to E7 we have Pawn to D4 Pawn to D6 challenging the E5 uh defending the E5 Pawn Knight to F3 and now Fabi advances the Ponte E4 end attacks this Knight here Knights the D2 We have Fanta C6 chasing away the Knight and now we trade Knight captures Queen captures and now Knight the B1 very very impressive stuff but this is all standard Theory but quite a journey for this Knight coming from from G1 to B1 uh Knight to F6 and now Knight the C3 we have castles and now uh there were a couple of games back then uh when where Bishop to G5 was played but here with Bishop the four by another break and it is now as of move 10 that we have a completely new game so far he goes for the bishop uh right away with night stage five with Bishop back to D2 and now Pawn to F5 grabbing more space here and if F4 is allowed then yeah another back will be in a lot of trouble so he plays E3 uh seemingly uh F4 is still possible but for the moment your knight is hanging so you have to attend to that Knight back to F6 and now Bishop to E2 continuing development preparing the castle Bishop to E6 and now we have Queen the B3 uh not really doing all that much as B7 is defended and also the bishop is an E6 uh but it is a tricky move to uh to meet and here uh best for Fabi would be something like A5 bring the queen over to F7 to put more pressure on uh on the queen here and then execute B5 or you could execute B5 immediately it is possible but Fabi decides not to do this he goes Knight to A6 now he wants to bring the Knight to C7 Castles by uh another week and now Knight to C7 and here he gives um a deadly there uh can he capture the opponent B7 uh it looks like it will be incredibly dangerous but uh dosatro shows that he is not afraid and he calculates everything precisely Queen characters on B7 the sort of poison Pawn is captured and now Rook 8 to B8 attacking the queen and indeed if you go for the A7 Pawn for example Queen captures then your queen gets captured here Rook 8 Queen B7 Rook after B8 and now you no longer have any Square after main characters here Rook to A6 you have no more squares for your queen and your queen will be lost however after Rook ate the V8 he plays Queen captures and C6 and okay now Rook captures on B2 Fabio gains one of his pawns back and now Bishop to C1 as the bishop on D2 is hanging so Bishop to C1 Chasing The Rook back we have Rook the B6 attacking the queen and now Queen to A4 uh now again putting pressure on the pawn here uh so Rook F to B8 uh offering the pawn and while you could capture this uh here another brick shows that like morphe uh he is not a butcher he is an artist and he plays Pawn the C5 and pawn to C5 is a really really classy move uh and uh you will of course find out why fear Fabi plays D captures on C5 and now uh there are many moves that you could play in the position but there is only one move that wins the game for Abu satrov so feel free to pause the video here and try to find this idea while I give you a couple of seconds foreign so for those of you who were able to do it congratulations on spotting this uh maneuver and for those of you who just want to enjoy the show it is Bishop to A3 and this is uh the idea uh we give up a pawn back temporarily and now we will claim it back with the threat of just Bishop captures and C5 that will win a whole lot of material so here Fabi moves the queen offers the queen trade and Abdul satrov says no problem let's trade Queens Bishop captures on C5 I'm still up a pawn and now Fabi plays Rook the B2 if you trade Queens nothing good is really happening you just agreed to play a worse position Knight captures now attacks The Rook uh and you're still down upon you really have nothing uh to to show for in this position so instead we have rooked the B2 the Queens will get traded off but at least fabino gets in active Rook on B2 and now we have uh Queen characters um on these seven Knight captures on D7 and now Bishop back to A3 not allowing The Rook to remain on such an active square and well you could go Rook to C2 then we play something like Rook F to C1 Fabi goes back Rook to B6 and now Rook F to C1 again absolute strongest from Abdullah of putting pressure on that undefended Knight on C7 uh so we could move this Knight and then uh the Knight on z7 will be in trouble so Fabi plays Rook the C6 but this really doesn't help him abdusader just captures an E4 and it looks weird because now there's a rook on C6 but it doesn't matter if the Rook captures it then we're gonna capture with the a rook and the Knight will still be hanging so it's a free Pawn so Rook captures on C1 check Rook captures uh we have F characters on e4 and now Rook captures on C7 luckily we have our Bishops so you don't have to worry about any back rank mates from Rook to B1 Fabi does go for this with check but now just Rook the C1 Abdul satram is very confident in playing the same game against Fabi Rook captures on C1 Bishop captures and now Bishop captures on A2 Fabi gains one of his pawns back but he is still down upon and Abdul satrov does have the bishop fair so can he win this the position is objectively winning but uh he has to play a very very precise moves and here he starts with the bishop to A3 uh we have King to F7 Fabi starts bringing his King into the game and now King the F1 uh maybe a bit more precise would be Bishop to B4 simply preventing this Pawn from going to A5 it's a pass Pawn so you know uh it cannot go to A6 and also if it can go to A5 then that will be good for you but it's a rapid game of course you can't have all the time in the world to decide such things so King to F1 now comes spawn to A5 Fabi immediately takes advantage of this bishop to B5 now attacking the Knight also guarding A4 and Knight to B6 with King to E1 and now Bishop to C4 so Fabi uh kind of claws his way back into the game uh we have Bishop to C6 Abdul satro would very much enjoy keeping his Bishop pair but now Bishop to D5 and now if Abdus absor doesn't want trade five we will just repeat and save the game but uh it is uh not yet time for such things so Bishop captures Knight captures and King to D2 still uh it's a position where Abu satra is up upon King to E6 with Bishop to f8 putting pressure on the pawn here G6 and now Pawn to F3 uh having a beautiful Center here but his E3 Pawn is now a little bit weak so the king can't really move from D2 King to F7 going after the bishop and the now comes Bishop to D6 it was uh basically a dare here Fabi is asking do you want to play Pawn characters on e4 uh but I I I I I I can't really remember and I didn't have options of checking this uh if abdusadra was incredibly low on time but here instead of going for King to seven you could play some like into F5 but still it's incredibly difficult to hold this father played King to F7 and now comes the bishop to D6 he doesn't go for the trade but if you guys are interested ESF captures and E4 was a winning point being that if the uh pieces get traded off captures captures this is of course winning for white white is up two points there's no question about this you simply defend one of your pawns and you go collect at this Pawn this is a very very simple stuff so I imagine abusatra was incredibly low on time here and he is playing Fabiano Corona so Bishop to D6 was played now King E6 and now ah he goes for it uh F captures an E4 which is a bit weird as you would prefer your the black ink to be further away from the action but he shows that it still works now of course if you capture this we're just gonna play captures on D5 and this is objectively winning King D3 we push over the black king we control for example a4e for you you control all of these squares you're just gonna collect the pawn and there's no way for the black ink to attack any of the the two uh Central white pawns so here at night 6 Fabi keeps the pieces into the game now King D3 we have A4 starting to push the pass Pawn but now Bishop to A3 we have Knights the G4 putting pressure on the pawn here now D5 check King to E5 and the bishop the B2 check King to D6 in here abdulsatro just played H3 and it was in this position animal 46 that Fabiana corvana resigned the game and a wonderful wonderful victory for another Abdullah in round three of the uh feeder World rapid Championship 2021 so here just to give you an example of how simple this is once the Knight moves and there really aren't all that many squares where you can go to uh Bishop covers this if you go if you go Knight to F2 you're just all the way back from the action so let's say Knight H6 we're gonna play King D4 now we're just gonna start pushing those pawns let's say Knight F7 E5 comes with check uh and this is a very tricky move because if Knight captures you're just gonna play Bishop to A3 check and collect the Knight so it uh there's no way of actually doing this King E7 E6 which is with the Knight again if you go here then we just uh attack the knight uh completely winning let's say you go here now we just got bashup A3 checking has to go out on board King E5 G5 now whatever you play doesn't really matter King F6 Knight B7 and now we start pushing Pawn to D6 H6 Pawn to D7 check King to d8 King F7 and of course now this is a game over so I know you guys enjoy it when I uh finish the games as sometimes you know you uh uh it might be trickier to win an end game then it would seem at first uh so yeah really really wonderful game by Abdul satro of it all came down to this moment where Fabi said uh you know I don't uh I don't uh I believe that you are as good as you appeared to be and he played this Knight the C7 idea basically the whole Knight A6 the C7 idea uh doesn't really hold as the B7 pawn it never was never really poisoned but Abdullah rose up to the challenge capture the pawn and he uh he he showed us that uh Fabi never really had anything there he had an active play and he had ideas but with perfect play it was uh very very much insufficient uh so yeah once again really hope you guys enjoyed this if you are interested in a couple of other Abdullah of games if you've only started watching chess uh maybe during the Olympiad then I will put a playlist of the world rapid Championship 2021 in the description below first thing you will see so you can check it out there are a couple of Abdul Saturn of games like his game against the Magnus Carlsen and the animation there are both of the games against the animation as uh yeah they also went into tie break so they had play a few games more and there are a couple of Crossing games there so you might enjoy that as well and always there is the Bobby Fischer playlist in the description below will be the second link if you guys haven't watched the Bobby Fischer Saga uh feel free to do that as well uh so yeah that's the game hope you enjoyed it I would like to thank Keith Singh Kathleen Althea Cashman Robert arathon cold feet and Reckless spawn for a contribution to my channel thank you a lot I really appreciate it as usual you can check two of my previous videos here thank you for watching and I will see you soon continuing to check up on your wonderful suggestions such as this one and whatever else happens in the Chess World so thank you all I will see you soon and have an excellent rest of your day
Channel: agadmator's Chess Channel
Views: 128,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: agadmator, chess, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, youtube chess, trending, trend, mindfulness
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 11 2022
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