Abby Phillip fact-checks Vivek Ramaswamy on conspiracy theory

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We have here Rylee Miller. He's a law student at Drake University and a clerk in the Marion County Attorney's office. He's a Republican who is currently undecided. Riley, thank you. On the debate stage, you have somewhat of abandoned the tact and diplomacy that I would look for in a president. I'm all for keeping it real and dogging the establishment. But there's gravitas and that I look for and those who represent our country. How do you see the balance between keeping it being authentic and maintaining that presidential demeanor? I appreciate the question. I think it's very candid. This is what I love about Iowa. I get tougher questions from you guys than I do from the media. That's and that's good. That's why we're here. So I appreciate that. Look, here's the standard I used for holding myself to or holding any president to. I want us to be able to look our kids in the eye and tell them that I want you to grow up and be like him. It's been a long time since we've held our presidents to that standard. That's the standard. I want you to hold me to. That's a high standard. Now, I think about that in judging the way that I comport myself in different areas. Am I going to tell my kids to go to school and be a bully? No, I'm not. But I'm going to tell them if somebody bullies you or hits you, you're going to hit them back ten times harder. And that's the way I'm going to lead this country. You can't you have to be, as we say in our family, you have to be strong enough to protect your kindness. So if you watch those debates carefully, I don't engage in four letter words. I mean, there are other candidates have called me dumb scum and worse that I'm not going to repeat here. I didn't go after them. But if they're going to come after me, I'm not going to be president. Whether it's Xi Jinping or Vladimir Putin or anybody else who's going to roll over when I'm leading the United States, the same rule applies. If you hit us, we hit you back ten times harder. But it's not for the sake of being a bully. It's for protecting our inner kindness, too. And I think it's important that we have a president that has both of those attributes. I've done more podcasts probably than probably than most presidential candidates in history combined, mostly because podcasts are new. I'll admit that. But I will tell you, that's a different setting. And so I believe I think it's the book of Ecclesiastes that teaches and my faith teaches me the same thing. There's a time and place for everything. There's a time and place for fortitude. There's a time and place for justice. There's a time and place for mercy. And I think it's going to take all of those attributes, every last ounce of each of those attributes to stand for this country, to reunite this country and revive who we are. You don't want a wilting flower in the White House, but you also want somebody who understands what we are fighting for. That's the standard I want you to hold us to. We will aspire to hold ourselves to. And I think that sometimes being a parent is what gives me my moral clarity. And I hope through the rest of this campaign we're just getting warmed up. I hope to be able to earn your trust that, yes, I do have what it takes. To tell you the truth, I'm not going to hide the truth from you. You want someone is going to speak truth to power. Vote for somebody who's going to speak the truth to you, to the Republican Party. Do it unvarnished without sugarcoating. And I don't do much sugarcoating. But also somebody who is you, I believe one can stand for the ideals that would make our founding fathers proud and would make our children proud as well. Speaking Speaking of those debates, let me ask you about something that you said at the debate last week. You use the phrase inside job to describe what happened on January six. The next day, Capitol rioter Alan Hostetter highlighted your comments at his sentencing. He is going to prison for 11 years. How Hostetter threatened members of Congress. He brought a hatchet, knives, pepper spray, stun batons, tactical gear to the U.S. Capitol. Are you concerned that a convicted felon like that is now promoting your comments in court? So here's my concern, Abby, and I want to tell you guys where I'm at. If you had told me it's close to three years ago that January six, 2021, happened, if you'd told me three years ago, back when I was a biotech CEO, not steeped in this world, I was just consuming passive media, but was focused on my world of developing medicines. If you had told me that January six was in any way an inside job, the subject of government entrapment, I would have told you that was crazy talk fringe conspiracy theory nonsense. I can tell you now, having gone somewhat deep in this, it's not I mean, the reality is this We do have a government first of all, we have to acknowledge that has lied to us systematically over the last several years about the origin of COVID 19, about the Hunter Biden laptop that we were told was false by 51 CIA experts and otherwise before we now know that it was true. You can go straight down the list that Trump-Russia disinformation collusion hoax, all of it. Now we come to January 6th. The reality is we know that there were federal law enforcement agents in that field. We don't know how many. I think it's shameful. Let me finish this answer. Well, let me just as I'm going to I'm going to go ahead and interrupt you here because because I notice that the establishment has approved this message. I know there were federal should be able to talk about. You're saying that there were photos. This is important to talk about this federal agents in the pardon office on January six. There is no evidence that there were federal agents in the crowd on January six. So why before Congress, when pressed on what the number was, they didn't say there were none. They just couldn't say. You're saying that there is no that you have not seen any evidence. So we've seen Mark, and so you've seen multiple informants suggesting that they were we know people we know people were FBI informant. So we're asking, is there any evidence that may just come back? QUESTION Well, let me clarify. It was very uncomfortable. I'm going to clarify. I know this is an uncomfortable high people, but we have to do the truth. I'm going to clarify my question because I want to make sure that you understand I understand this deeply. And I told you I was here three years ago where no evidence. Yes. Where is the evidence that the government had a plot, an inside job? But no, I what inside job. So I'm not going to I'm not violent. On January six. We're not going to let you put words in my mouth. I'm going to put my words in my mouth and I'm going to tell you what the evidence entrapment was involved, entrapment, planning or executing January 6th. So I'm going to give you I'm going to give you hard facts. And if I may, Abby, I know this can be a little uncomfortable, but we're going to we're going to go through it. And you can and you can you can push back on the evidence and you can push back on that. And let's do this fairly. Why did they suppress footage of now what's been released, 200 hours of footage of shooting rubber bullets into that crowd, shooting tear gas into that crowd? You didn't see that before. You saw what the response was to that. Now you see footage coming out of actually rolling out the red carpet for Capitol Police. Mr. Ramaswamy again right through the front door of that credible evidence should have been, you know, for Mr. Ramaswamy, the vast majority of the footage shows and my police officers being over and I want to talk about one word violence really import rioters. That's going to get a hard story, some hard facts of it. So what? Here's what entrapments cherry pick. I'm not cherry picking and I finish up not sure if and I'm not sure if the samples to the contrary to the country the cherry pick example you know cherry to the government is what the government cherry said. 12 hours of footage when there was 200 hours of cherry picking was the government, not me. Release the whole thing and let me let me just finish one thing too, because this is super important as a topic. So when you bring this a civil libertarian issue of our time when Russian hackers kidnaping, I want to keep it going to be really clear on this because it's the same issue in the same FBI, same even part of the FBI. Three people who are in alleged plot to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer were acquitted at the end of trial because it was entrapment. That is, government agents put them up to do something they otherwise wouldn't have done. They give them credit cards with spending limits of up to $5,000, encourage them to buy munitions, plan something they weren't otherwise willing to plan. So much so. And I want people at home to know this, especially CNN viewers to know this, is that one of the jurors went to those defendants and apologized afterwards, gave him a hug, apologized seeing what the government had put a poor guy up to who had to go to some Mexican restaurant across the street to get hot water. These people were exploited with credit cards up to $5,000. FBI agents putting them up to a kidnaping plot that we were told was true but was entrapment. Same thing with the Capitol Police, people letting them on the floor. Many of those people saying, Mr. Comey, look, the government cannot put you up to something and then charge me like, that's wrong. I don't want to have all of it to the left. I don't I don't want it. I don't want to have to interrupt you. I really don't. But I don't want you to mislead the audience here. I'm not I think they've been misled by mainstream media. 14 The mainstream media has misled 13. Police were charged in that plot. A majority of them were. I said three of them were acquitted on grounds of entrapment. What you what? That's a fact. What was I wrong about that, folks? Was I wrong about what I said? What I want you to understand is that acquitted on grounds of interest nine works. Sure. Apologize. Fine work. Yeah, but you said. But the three who were put up but never got back. Stage January six. That's unacceptable in the United States. Look, I just want people to understand three people were acquitted. Nine people were convicted. That plot.
Channel: CNN
Views: 516,108
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Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2023
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