Aubrey Plaza is The Most Awkward Woman On Earth..and Weird too

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she does okay so you're working yes yeah but you have long beautiful hair you're perfect you're perfect off you are so I just was like I'm doing it and unjust it was actually at Parks and Rec I decided this I left like one of the last days of our shoot the last episode I just like went from there to the audition and I had a plan to flash them Oh like my but your Twitter handle it evil hag why evil hag because I like it I don't know because why sorry why do I feel like you're my daughter and I and then I just went there and I said and I just like threw the script out and just set looked into the camera and said a bunch of like really dirty things then I flashed them and then I left and then I got it and I'm not really you know an Instagram influencer that's trying to drum up stuff like that but I've definitely you know have repeat commenters commentators comments yeah yeah sometimes that'll catch my eye and I know well that person's really going for it wonder what their problem is and he was just down he was like whatever you want me to do tell me where to put my hands Wow now it's pretty down there too that's like my favorite that wasn't even in the movie that was just something we just did for fine you're very funny in this new movie and it was grandpa yeah it's dirty grandpa which ones would you rent a lot cuz you got free rentals obviously yeah just the perks I think I probably rented the matchmaker starring Janeane Garofalo over and over and over again really I think I've seen that movie more than anyone in the world the match I have a headland yeah yeah she goes to Ireland and she's like what the this is it's a comedy so what I say intimacy it's not so intimate but do you did he to me it's a love story okay did you give a speech did you have to give a speech for this think so of what I can remember of it I think I said thank you thank you to young Hollywood for this award thank you to all the young people you old people my girlfriend she took that ages have applied to a tanks but on whatsapp you can see when someone last news what's up it tells you it says like last scene like and I was like will you won you won what selection sighs so I said yeah but it has it didn't have to tick it just says when they were lost online cousin Anna seems suspicious to me what was she doing during that time I don't where was she I know did she have a good answer not sure nothing at work she's a lawyer she's a lawyer it's not work they don't work yeah once I tried to get a job and it said that only people with over 10,000 Twitter followers gonna apply for this job yeah isn't it depressing that's ridiculous terrible yeah I don't got a thousand I'll get you some have you cold yeah just 20 senator I'll be like this guy is just you Instagram alcoholics or Instagram I take photos of me drinking regular alcohol shoot very funny sexy with robertinho is that was that day even more intimidating than the others yeah that day was yeah it was scary it was an entire day of us just like pretending to yeah pretty much you're just trying to put out fires and prevent disasters and our shoot had so many so many disasters natural disasters at one point there was a the Santa Clarita fire was like in the distance coming at us and we had to evacuate we were in the fire path that was fun despite all that what's your favorite Instagram account to follow is that one that you most enjoy following and looking at pictures of you're attracted to Robert De Niro that's right who's how how old is Robert De Niro leave Bob at 73 I'm sorry Bob I didn't I didn't have sex with him on film well I didn't you know for the for the televised you know I did it for myself I don't know why I did it I'm sorry next question but they had rigged my bra anyway so they were like it won't pop off it's fine and the very first take they were like action and he like went towards me it just went pop and then that's how we started the day and I was like well at least we broke bad after he yelled cut he just turned around and went right through and it shattered and he had glass all over him and me and the gaffers were with duct tape trying to get pieces of glass off of him and he went to the hospital there was just like stuff like that Mike don't but it was really fun and we had a great cast and what describe that experience well you know the movie is my character of lenore is I for me it's a love story we're soul mates didn't you I read interview with you're not talking you said you looked forward to getting old so here you are you making a joke about all people but you you say you you want to get oh yeah I actually have a weird fascination with old people when I was a kid I really wanted to be an old woman that's a little snippet of the film right over your grumpy debut and I was like I don't want to go down to the beach around everybody cuz I know I'm gonna barf and he was like just do it in the ocean and I was like why I've never heard of that and then I tried it a swim out there tried to get away from all the children's yeah and I threw up a bunch of time I just swam away I like to follow a lot of people that I don't know like older actors that I'm like wow I can't believe Susan Sarandon is on Instagram but she up to like Julianne Moore and like Michael Keaton and Tom Hanks like Michael Douglas I just follow weird people that I don't know my brother put her picture up on reddit it went viral he put a video on YouTube to prove that she was real and within like 36 hours got over a million views it's two years later grumpy cat starting her own movie recently tell me about that phone call from your agent we want you to voice grumpy cat I was sitting on my veranda this seems the show does seem fairly physically demanding yeah there's a lot of weird like stunts and animals and just I'm just rolling around the dirt a lot but I really know it that's right I started out as a human being maybe in the first episode of season one and then I died and then an evil psychic mutant villain took over my body and now I'm just kind of floating around on the astral plane trying to figure out how to get out of another dimension of time and space well explained very well explained you did you took a DNA test that's right how and were you what brought it about I know you've been waiting to hear my results for a while Seth tell you what I am so no can you believe we made out we did making out with me on the TV out of my dressing room because that's what I do number one yeah you're getting real cocky about it first stay number one it is the first date that's right that's right first state to ratify the the Constitution yeah whatever we're number one and everything you know I saw this picture of you dressed as an elf with Donald Trump in the picture look at this picture that's year with Musial back in the big this Donald Donald with his son Baron yes that's true I'm dressed as naughty the elf in my former life I was a mascot person that Robert De Niro's character lies and says he's a professor and my character has this kind of like obsession with having sex with a professor so I kind of zero in on him and I'm like I'm gonna you and then we do and come to our house party and because it was Dewey Beach which is in Delaware and anything goes there I think these two guys were just like yeah yeah O'Shea Jackson jr. is in it he tells you he's awesome how did you get him in the movie he I actually deemed him on Twitter I was like will you be in the movie I know you know those mall fountains like the pools in the middle of the mall I always thought that if I was an old person like an old lady I could jump in there and swim around and you know I'm like they wouldn't like arrest me because I could be like I'm old and my friend Justine who's a crazy dog lover texted me in the middle of the night and was like oh my god I figured out what breed Frankie is she is Nederlander cuckoo Honda and I know I'm saying that right well-known so you weren't in the first two right no those movies were made in the late 90s I was born because I'm eight yeah well it's kind of like that's his character you know and and it's kind of like he's met his match with me you know he's a dirty grandpa and I'm a dirty girl young lady yeah Stevie was from from Bakersfield and Frankie well I'm convinced that she that there was a Dutch prince that was shopping on Rodeo Drive and accidentally just lost her and then she went in to a construction site and was hiding and then they found her there so she's actually belongs in a castle and have you know you know how he um I know of him yeah you know of him okay so yeah she was in the next dressing room right right right yeah you were being really loud she she's an actress okay I like to lie page laughing makes me happy crazy by the way that's also that cup is also available if they at the NBC experience we're just talking are where you miss parks and recreation I try to get in there and suck on his nipples and he was like batting me away and I didn't know if it was like in character or not cuz you never you know you never know right yeah and and then they they cut the camera and then Dan called me back and he's like Bob does not like his nipple area paid attention to and forevermore will be I'll sleep there Bobby but if you would like to sleep there you yell at me alright tonight please every night okay every night okay okay I'll see you there all right
Channel: Flip Flop
Views: 762,310
Rating: 4.8759294 out of 5
Keywords: Aubrey Plaza
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 21 2018
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