Abandoned Sailboat! In the Atlantic Ocean

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yeah this is kind of um strange behavior for a sailboat in the water it's not going anywhere our sail's not up motor's not on halyards are all twisted no sign of anyone well this is one awfully abandoned sailboat Wolfhound from the Irish Yacht Club I have no idea what's inside I'm gonna go search around I hope I don't find any dead bodies or anything crazy like that this place was left in a absolute wreck I can hear water can hear water splashing around underneath of me I'm afraid to open doors and cabinets afraid of what I might find around the corner hello it's ridiculous things well no dead bodies thank God thank God this is absolutely crazy by the way here I am 800 miles from Bermuda 1500 miles from the United States standing on a very nice Swan 48 I think it's a swan 48 yep standing on a very nice Swan 48 in the middle of the ocean when just this morning I woke up on a 42-foot Calvin gazelle and here I am so this is day two uh we've been dragging this thing for a little less than 24 hours we've made it about 50 miles uh it's kind of funny because we're towing a 48-foot boat with a 42-foot boat this boat is uh longer and is definitely heavier uh than my boat yet we're doing our best to try to get her to Bermuda we were running low on fuel after spending 47 days in the ocean so we convinced of passing freighter to stop and give us 50 gallons of diesel but after another couple of days of pulling the boat our engine ended up breaking so now we had two boats both with broken engines we spent another three days trying to pull this boat with just our sails alone until the weather picked up quickly and we had to cut the boat free as the line wrapped around our Rudder uh threatening to break it off after cutting free the abandoned ship the wind died and we were be calmed for 23 days in the Atlantic in the doldrums but eventually we made it close enough to Bermuda they get towed in by the pilot ship
Channel: Ocean Research Project
Views: 2,410,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -B66YP9niNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 49sec (169 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 23 2022
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