Abandoned Pioneer Resort. Adventure #32

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you talk cheaply on money waste ami or worries blood sweat your tears run down your face fast forward I'll be sure the new you we said there's so much more Oh a swan [Music] right I always won [Music] well it is officially winter time in the caribou I am not that excited about it but damn it I'm making the best of it I got this fully custom camera mount here thanks to my friend April April I underestimated you it's called two hair ties and your rear view mirror actually it's a pretty good angle today I'm just going somewhere close to home because it's like minus 10 snowed a foot overnight and the wind is howling but this is probably the location that got my rested in exploring abandoned places some where I used to go all the time as a kid I haven't been there in like seven or eight years now pretty excited [Applause] so I'm off the road now in four-wheel drive probability of me getting stuck today relatively high that's why it's always really important that you always adventure alone I know how much you guys like my solo adventures because you always comment and tell me usually say that I'm stupid or something but I know you're so where am I going today I'm not releasing the location of this cuz it's very close to town but it's also very unknown very few people know about this there's no history on it I've just heard stories but it's in relatively good shape kind of and I don't want to get in trashed so I'm not giving away the location but it's an old pioneer resort he they used to take you out there in like a horse wagon or whatever and you could live like a pioneer for a week and why it got abandoned I'm not entirely sure I can't confirm or deny this but one story I heard is that someone died out there so they had to shut it down I just passed the turn here but I can't confirm that so don't don't rely on that information but it was the pioneer resort or whatever I just don't know exactly why I shut down I thought there was a road here there was a road Gordo's on before went up that way and I know it's not that way well maybe the road loops around I don't kind of just trekking across this field right now my one fear is that there's a big rock underneath the snow wait there's good news the road does loop around I'm just coming back to it now I just took a much longer shortcut I'm just getting here you didn't know what to look for even if you were on this random back road you probably just drive right by here just a park on top of a all righty-roo so like I said there is no written history about this place all I know is is what people of locals have told me people that grew up right around this area so I don't know when this was built how long it lasted or when it was abandoned so you'll have to just kind of appreciate it for what it is so it's definitely not that old cuz just cut with chainsaw not not axe but cute little porch out the front here you go in here there used to be some laminate or some lino then you got a few shelves right there I guess there was a stove there you can see the pad and then where the chimney went out nice big swallows nest for ya this nice cozy bed yeah not much left here when I used to I used to ride my dirt bike here when I was a kid like an elementary school and there's quite a bit left in here there was a collection of eight tracks and some old books some other neat stuff [Applause] lots these coffee cups left here the old tree do you guys think that there is a purpose for this log being much longer than the rest over here they're all the same I don't know I remember when I was a kid there was also a giant jar of soybeans here but around the back of this cabin there's a tack shed nothing left in here now I don't know if this is stuff for horses or not but when I was young there was some nails there there and they had horse tack some leather stuff hanging on them but it's gone now another nest so I see an old fenced off area here that's new fence over there barbed wire you see the old one kind of wraps around probably where they kept the horses so if we head on down towards the lake there's a pretty luxurious bathroom I see luxurious because it is a his-and-hers pretty nice that's just a joke one thing that always really really amazed me about this place is it's right here on this lake pretty small little lake absolutely no fish in it wives you build a resort in the woods on a lake with no fish I don't get it found a picnic table down by the lake I guess it's just a one-person usually there's two sides to these things so I would like some opinions what do you guys think is making these holes in the lake this one looks a maybe it has some cracks coming off of it but possibly trails usually I would say ice fishermen but nobody goes to this lake and there's no fish in it alright so there's the main cabin and if we head this way there's this building and they had a water tank here I don't know if that was drinking water or just elevated so you could have running water I don't see a way they would have heated it for hot water lots of nests here sounds probably a big pack rat not sure what this was maybe a shower room I don't know that's wood though yeah it definitely wasn't a shower room tell you that old-style construction like that that sure does withstand time better than this I've got a real nice refrigerator here there's another platform there I'm assuming there was another cabin here I don't know this flooring is completely gone so maybe earlier or maybe it's just been moved or maybe that's what maybe that's the platform that that thing was on I don't know then this to me looks like a drying rack for fish or maybe for an animal could have done some hunting out here because well they didn't do any fishing I'm also very confused with the power line situation this comes all the way from the highway and then down here then it just ends coil wire there I don't know if this was power for this little resort but it doesn't run over here to the resort and there's no poles or anything it just ends at the lake alright time to pack up and get out of here oh who is phoning me hello hey hey can I call you back in a in a bit yeah I'm in the middle of filming that's okay but already time to pack up and get out of here my fingers are so cold that my phone won't read the thumbprint scanner as always though taking out about pictures leave nothing but footprints catch on the next one [Music] the server might you always one [Music] when you're so much [Music] yourself yes the last of [Music]
Channel: Destination Adventure
Views: 50,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BC, British Columbia, Canada, Explore, Adventure, History, Discovery, Discover, history, historical, resort, abandoned, forgotten, lost, found, canon, xa20, gopro, hero 3, forest, deteriorating, preserve, native, indian, cabin
Id: NPl9VB-rVoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2017
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