Amazing 4 Year Transformation - Tour our Renovated French Chateau Home

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hi I'm Anna welcome to my home, come in! this is an 18th century and 19th century  Chateau in Normandy France which I bought   with my husband Philipp four years ago when we  bought it it was a huge renovation project it   needed everything redoing so that's what  we've been doing for the last four years   we moved here with our two young daughters  and ever since we've been learning lots of   renovation skills and doing as much as we can  ourselves this is our evening salon [Music]   when we renovated we had to replace all of  the fireplaces because they had been damaged   during the war and we were lucky that we were  able to Source most of these marble fireplaces   second hand and yeah I feel like it adds a little  bit of charm and character back to the room one   thing that we were lucky that was still preserved  was this beautiful 18th century moldings that we   have in this room and the height in here we have  four and a half meter ceilings and lots of light   coming in from all the windows so it's a really  beautiful space to spend time you might notice   that we have a lot of muck on our windows and  that's because at the moment we're undergoing   a huge renovation of the facade so it's an  ongoing process we haven't finished yet but   we're getting there when we started renovating  The Chateau we tried to Source elements that   would look very in keeping with the period of this  Chateau so for example there was like only about   five radiators that were still existing in the  chat and obviously to heat the Chateau we needed   to buy a lot more and we were lucky that we were  able to Source these radiators which are replica   radiators and they're exactly the same design  as ones that we found here in the Chateau and   wherever possible we were keeping these windows  so we've got original Windows here so these are   18th century windows with a spanulette openings  which are really beautiful so they open it's a   really unique way of opening a window but I love  it and we quite like to mix contemporary and   modern styles for example the color on the walls  has a little bit more of that kind of modern feel   and all the furniture in here we like to source  as much as possible second hand and vintage for   example this was a little table that we were  able to pick up online from an auction house   it was actually from the Carlton Hotel in Paris  so that was really cool wherever possible I like   to use contemporary Fabrics with a mix of the  traditional Furniture so it doesn't have too much   of that sort of Museum feel in here these back  doors that we have were actually not here when we   um bought the Chateau this had all been  blocked up with concrete and it had been   made into a downstairs shower and toilet and we  were lucky enough to find these original doors in   an outbuilding and we were able to restore them  and with the help of our Carpenter Benoit we   were able to refit them and put them back one of  the advantages of the back door is that it gives   you a nice ventilation through the Chateau and out  onto our garden into our back Garden here foreign and it was a completely blank slate and we created  some moldings here with our Carpenter Benoit and   I had a lot of fun creating this mural which was  inspired by the Roman Villa Olivia and I decided   to make it a little bit Normandy Style with the  apple apple trees here we found this up in the   attic and these were lamps that we sourced second  hand this flooring is Pierre de burgon and it's   not original when we bought the Chateau there was  a 1930s floor we had to take it out because we had   to bring in all the electrics all the plumbing  in under the Big Stone steps at the front under   the step under the doors and then right the way  here through and Under the Staircase so it was   a massive job and Philipp literally dug it by  hand the trench there was a huge hole in the   middle here and we had to obviously remove all  the tiles that were here they weren't original   anyway so we decided to take that opportunity to  put down this beautiful Pierre de burgon which   is a typical 18th century flooring and I feel  like it's perfect and in keeping with the style   of our Chateau through here we have our dining  room which we have recently finished renovating   we are still um looking and sourcing Furniture  so it's a little bit empty at the moment in this   room I went a little bit more kind of Daring  with the color Choice most of the time I'm   in my comfort zone when we're painting things  green or blue and it was Philip's decision and   he wanted to have a red dining room it's  said to stimulate appetite and we decided   to have all of our friends and family here  for Christmas and we ate here in this room   and we had beautiful Candlelight and I can  confirm that the food looked amazing one of   my favorite features in this room is probably  these hidden doors it's a really clever design and it takes us through into what we are  currently working on at the moment which   is our side entrance to our Chateau  and what I like to call the boot room   because basically it's where we chuck all  of our coats and our boots and I'm looking   forward to getting this done in here is our  kitchen which we finished last summer it was   probably the biggest renovation project we've  undertaken since buying the Chateau [Music] thank you foreign the heart of our home it's where we spend all  our time we also created this island which we   wanted to feel like it was like a big old table  that you find in Chateau kitchens but that we   transformed into an island so we didn't want  it to feel like just kind of a block in the   middle of the room Philip's favorite feature in  our kitchen is probably our La conch stove and   that's because Philip is the chef in our family  wherever possible in each of the rooms in our   Chateau I do try to do something that's a  little bit unique and in here I had a lot   of fun creating these tiles and learned how to  paint and fire tiles so these are my own design   so we chose this burgundy Stone so it's Pierre  de burgon again and I feel like it looks like   it it was always here and that's what we try to  achieve with this renovation and every bit of   furniture in this kitchen was designed by us and  made by our Carpenter again it's a really lovely   light space and we have a lot of natural light  and very high ceilings when we began designing   our kitchen it all started from this painting  which was one of my Nana's paintings and it   hung in her kitchen I decided to use this as  the inspiration for the colors in here and I   love to have it in here I feel like it fits  perfectly and obviously reminds me of my nana   let's continue upstairs and I can show you some  of the guest rooms before when we first bought   the Chateau our project was always to open a bed  and breakfast here which we have done and we've   run it for the last four years and we closed it  in October these guest rooms are still there we   haven't moved into them yet I know a lot of people  wonder why we haven't moved into them but this is   our first floor where all of our guest rooms were  and are so through here we have our Blue Room   you'll notice one feature that we have in here is  that we have double doors these are the original   18th century drawers and we fitted in these modern  doors because as we were a guest house we needed   to have sound insulation in each of our guest  rooms we wanted to make sure that every room   had an ensuite bathroom and it was not always  really obvious how to do that originally these   were cupboards either side of the chimney and they  were a little bit small so what we ended up doing   which was quite crazy was shifting this whole  paneled wall 10 centimeters like this much in   order to get enough space to make a toilet on one  side with a sink and a shower on the other and on   this side as a shower and I think one of the most  complex things was figuring out how to plummet let's walk through to one of the other  guest rooms this is our green guest room maybe one of my favorite rooms actually and again  I created a Lino printed wallpaper this time   inspired by roses in these two shades of green and  through here used to be a small children's bedroom   and we decided to transform it into the ensuite  for this bedroom and we were able to restore   this original bath which was the only bath  in the whole chateau and it was a lot of work I think probably the best feature in this bathroom   is sitting in this bathtub and looking  out over our front garden and the 13th   Century Village Church which you can  just see the Spire over there [Music] through here is the last bedroom that we renovated   and I created again another of my lining printed  wallpapers in here and I think the best feature in   this room is probably the Alcove bath and shower  that we created a bit of a headache for Philip   with the plumbing but I'm really happy that we  we did it because it's a beautiful feature and   there's also kind of a cool space which is we have  this cupboard here and hidden up in the ceiling of   the cupboard is actually a trapdoor that leads  above the Alcove and during the second world war   the family that previously owned the Chateau  would hide all of their weapons up there okay   shall I show you something that I don't really  want to show you I'm a little bit ashamed of   if you follow me down the corridor into this  would be the 19th century extension well it's   not quite finished as you can see this is what  we like to call the rooms of Doom but this gives   you a little bit of a glimpse at what the Chateau  was like when we first bought it [Music] foreign we're going to be transforming these two  rooms into a master suite so if you can   use your imagination this is definitely  going to be the most spectacular Suite   when we finish with it and it's going to be  a huge transformation it's what we're going   to be working on in the next few months so if  you don't want to miss out any of the steps   of that process of renovating this space  definitely subscribe to our Channel [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: How To Renovate A Chateau
Views: 1,477,197
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Keywords: Chateau, chateaulife, newlife, countrylife, diy, renovating, familylife, restoration, france, castle, doing it ourselves, chateau diaries, doing it our selves, living in france, chateau Bed & breakfast, boutique hotel, luxury hotel, house tour, chateau tour, french property, country life, barock, architecture, architectural digest, escape to the chateau, howtorenovateachateau, escape to the country side, renovation, french style, house and garden, Architecture daily, open door, inside
Id: FPvvEgSqj_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2023
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