Abandoned Mansion: The Final Episode

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huh [Music] so [Music] dang look at that sunset look at that view welcome to renovating an abandoned mansion welcome to the abandoned mansion my name is matt and today is a momentous occasion because today this episode marks the time when this house is it's hitting a big milestone we'll talk about it later but big milestone on this house okay let's let's just start with the obvious there's a lot more rock on it than the last time you saw i thought we were gonna be done by the next time i started a video but we're waiting to put the rock in around the door that's a temporary door we got the frame in but that's a temporary door we don't have the real door and so we're waiting on all that that's going to be done fairly soon the roof is 99 done you see we're missing a little bit of roof right there but all of this all that roof was not done last time around the chimneys it's all done now chimneys are all rocked up that wall is rocked this wall needs a little more this wall is done except for right in there these walls are on here done oh my gosh look at the sunset yeah yeah it's okay it's not it's not it's not that crazy oh my gosh it's super look at this wall around the garage totally done oh my gosh look how beautiful this rock work is totally done you can tell it is freshly finished because there's still the scaffolding here with all the rock up here but yeah this house is starting to look like a house and not a freaking construction zone but that the outside exterior stuff is not why we are here today no no no quite the contrary as you can see in our interior we still have a lot of studs that are not covered with anything sorry it's so dark in here but you get the gist everything is still studs and then our sheathing on the other side of the wall and we need to change that we have all the plumbing done we have all the electric done and now it is time to insulate these walls so all of these walls in our living room all these walls and our entry way here in our dining well just that part of the dining room and everything back here in the bedroom in the bathroom all of these walls need to be insulated now previously in this house they were insulated with like the batting the fiberglass batting that you stick in between studs we are not doing that we are doing foam insulation but i wanted to start it today because we're starting the foam insulation tomorrow i wanted to show you guys today without the guys here without the crew here what this place looks like before so i want you guys to remember this i'm probably never gonna forget this because this is how this house has been the entire time i've had it pretty much when we first bought the house it looked like this but with dang there's actually still some of the fiberglass batting up there that is probably the last insulation in this house we just never took that part out the entire house was insulated and i think the very first i think part one episode i came in here and ripped all the insulation out of the house because i wanted to see all of these boards back behind the insulation to figure out what parts of the house were rotten and what parts of the house were good turns out a lot of the parts of the house are rotten which is fine it was fine but we got it all fixed up now all the rotten parts of this house are not rotten anymore they have been replaced with new wood there is not one single rotten board left on this house which is pretty crazy and took us over a year to get that done a lot bigger project than i thought but soon we are going to get back to insulating and get all of this insulated you can see all of our wiring in the walls these are little light switches that will turn on little lamps that are next to our bed which will go right here it's crazy that i know like where our bed's gonna go in this house we're that far along we have pipes in the walls we have drains and water pipes and it's crazy there's drains in the floor and over there all the plumbing is done in this house all the pipes are wrapped in insulation that are going in exterior walls like this right here that is a faucet that's going outside this is a gas line that's going to go to our fireplace everything is ready to be insulated with spray foam and it's going to be pretty crazy so demolitia i'm going to enjoy the view of this beautiful view tonight in preparation for tomorrow's epic video where we start prepping everything needs to get prepped they prep all the surfaces all the floors in here are going to get covered the windows all be covered they start all the prep so they can come in here and spray foam all the walls and get this house insulated so demolition have yourself a great night i will see you bright and early tomorrow morning hey day two day two is not very exciting so we're not gonna spend a whole lot of time on day two but what i want you to see is what they started doing here is just prep work so you can see they've totally lined the floor this is the garage which we are also gonna insulate this garage but they do all that so that doesn't get all over the floor in the garage we are doing these garage walls these exterior walls you can see they also have the windows wrapped up here so we don't get that foam all over the windows and then have to go clean it all off or off of our nice wood in here so i was actually just noticing you can see there's light coming through this window the sun is on that exterior wall right now as you can see and so there's stone on the other side of this osb and then there's an air gap in between the stone and this wall and i touch this and it's not hot it's not really even warm but it's a pretty temperate day out here it's not bad it's like high 70s right now but then when i touch this it's noticeably cooler because it has that much more area to not let that heat come through which is why we're going to insulate even the garage because that sun beaming on that rock on a not crazy hot day does make a temperature difference in here so we're going to spill this all with spray foam right here to keep that heat out especially on those 100 degree days where especially on those 5 degree days we want to make sure there's not heat passing through this wall either direction that window over there is wrapped up as well this room is actually a condition space so this will actually be insulated in between the garage and here because we're gonna have heater and air conditioning blowing in here so that's all gonna get spray foams this roof is gonna get spray foam because that's actually ceiling and then the roof is right on the other side of that so that has sunlight beaming down on it right now it's probably very warm to the touch this window wrapped up all of this is going to be foamed that is my underground bunker they covered that up so that we don't get foam down in there this room is my office you can see the window is all closed up here as well to keep all of that spray foam off the stuff we don't want it to be on so tomorrow demilitia bright and early we are going to start spraying insulation in all these walls and this house it's going to be crazy like i've just seen this house look like this for so long like seeing these boards for so long the interior of the house like overall has not changed the look very much but it will tomorrow hope to see you there i know i'll see there because it's gonna be in like one second hey we're back i'm actually here with chris what's up man how you doing chris is from atx thermal and chris did the installation in the demo ranch hq and it's been working out great i was going to ask how's that working out for you super good so that building is all off grid uh we do have an air conditioner in there but like since it's off grid we don't have infinite power and so we want to you know insulate it well so the ac is just running all the time the heat isn't running all the time and it actually barely runs at all because that's great the building's small which is nice but also it's well insulated so you do spray foam insulation our main focus is spray foam insulation uh that's primarily 99 of what we do we also do fiberglass baths not everybody's budget is set for foam uh so we will also do fiberglass as well so foam is more expensive why why is that what are the benefits obviously there must be some benefit yeah i mean the biggest benefit that you're gonna get with spray foam is your air seal so your fiberglass batch you've got basically a fibrous fat material air movement can pass right through that right spray foam 100 stops the air from moving when you have air movement you have energy loss right so yeah if you can stop the air movement you stop a lot of cold or hot air coming into your house right so they've actually already started as you can see so we have this foam all sprayed in here this is all going to get sprayed in the garage as well let's just walk through the house sure i hear a lot of people talking about closed cell open cell foam what are the differences there well close saw is going to be a hard rigid foam we use those a lot for metal buildings or crawl spaces the majority of time we use open cell on residential construction wood frame construction so this is open cell that is open cell and actually i mean you can you can tell it's it's it's a more soft foam um the rigid close cell foam it's hard as a rock you can't break it with your hand really yeah and so this you can't see these studs right now because you all totally filled up that space so that you're going to come back with a knife cut all that flat we call it scarfing but we come back and we just cut it off flat so you can hang your sheetrock right up against the wall so all this gets cut flat then we come up with sheetrock on the wall and you can't even tell that there's anything done to this what is that all right just don't worry about that little guy i don't i don't know what that is the guys have already finished the youtuber apartment and the gym up here so this is completely done as far as the spraying of the foam goes so you can see totally different look up here the ceiling is all done completely filled in the walls are all done these interior walls you don't do because we're not worried about transferring heat between rooms so you know one of the first things i noticed when i walked up here today the guys had finished spraying this yesterday and just the deadening of sound that you have there's no echo immediately yeah it's just the sound just disappeared it is weird it's like a thermal it's also great for sound because there's stucco on the outside of these walls and they were wood and you come up here and you talk and it echoed and now it's yeah there's no echo anymore which is good totally full oh you were also saying i heard you telling one of your guys earlier all these double studs there's something special you do there too right so if we spray in between this cavity we have a good little solid fill here but we have a gap here which airflow can move through so i have the guys come back and caulk all the double studs all of your headers above your windows for instance take a look at this area right here we've got one two three three four five six gaps here of potential areas where air movement can move through so we need to seal that up spray foam is great but we can't get that spray foam into those little cracks so we use caulking uh sometimes if the crack is big enough we use a poly seal which is a can i think what you guys probably don't even realize you think yeah of course air could pass between two boards he's going way over the top here because not only it's not just these two boards there's also sheathing on the outside which is going to stop air there's also rock on the outside there's a lot of stuff to stop it you're really going like above and beyond to stop air it's a big deal for you i mean if your job is insulating i guess you want to do it to the utmost and so whatever air you're putting and what you're paying for in your house yeah we're trying to keep it right you don't want your ac that you just paid money to generate cool air in your house to just seep out and go out to the hot texas air this is looking good okay now we're gonna go check out the guys that are spraying they're spraying downstairs right now we're actually in their foam workspace trailer this is where it happens last time we were here when we did the hq we talked a little bit about the rig i'll show you a little bit more so what we have right here are reactors this is a graco reactor and basically this heats up the material this material loves heat if it doesn't have heat it doesn't work so we have an a side and a b side okay a combination of those two make foam so we have a generator in the front side of this that's giving us power that's all it's air for once we have power we can run all of our equipment inside we have an air compressor in there that provides air to the to the hose and so basically it starts out here you pump the material through this reactor heat it up to a certain temperature you have to expand you can have two going at one time right this is a double rig a lot of rigs will just be a single rig which means you can spray with one gun we've outfitted this rig with two so that we can have two guns on a house this size you need two you need that yeah so what we have here is just the pump so once it pumps the material into the reactor it's recirculating it's heating it up and it runs three lines for this hose we've got an a side a b side and the airline airline and you can't see the gun but once it goes to the gun has a little mixing chamber that's where the magic happens so it mixes right there in the end and that what's that causes the chemical reaction that makes that foam start expanding goes on like a liquid expands out has an exothermic reaction and it's done let's go see that in real life all right so we're running a little behind on help today so i had to recruit somebody oh matt he hates me i didn't mean for you to work on yourself all right let's give it a whirl let's give it a try all right nice steady so you did this when we were out on the on the headquarters and you didn't do too good i think i think you lost that competition but uh we'll work on a little bit there you go that's not too bad i'm remembering now that's cool not getting all whipped i needed corners better yep so go all the way up and make sure you come all the way up to the top [Music] not bad we're getting a little bit better that's cool should we just let the pro do it though yeah let's let him do it oh wow yeah that's way better dang cool perfect so one thing to watch out for too is that foam when it comes in here we'll push all these wires out which is why we have them all hooked down really well so all these wires are tied in and you put all that foam back here pushes them out here and then later when you come through with the knife to make it all flush you could not really these wires as much but little thin wires like speaker wires and stuff it could push them down and your knife just goes right through them so we got them all tied in there really well and then while they're spraying they also try to watch and make sure they're not pushing any wires out of the wall so chris it's very obvious when you look at a wall what the spray foam is gonna do but you're just talking about something a little more complicated yeah so we talked about the walls we're gonna do a full fill foam on that we're stopping air movement on the exterior walls but we also have the attic to worry about so if you look up here we've got these tight little areas in this house and yeah we could put a fiberglass bat right here to protect us from the hot attic temperatures but you're just going to have a burning hot area so what we're doing on your house is we're doing a full encapsulation full encapsulation means walls all the way up the roof deck yep complete seal so on these areas big difference we're going to foam this whole area up here and you're going to have a conditioned attic space within about 10 degrees temperature difference really for the inside of the hole so you're going to actually like get past all these boards and go spray all of those in between those rafters straight up the wall yep and over to the roof cool all the way up that'll look pretty neat later in this video when we see the difference between now and then we also have these big rooms which right now there's a lot of stuff happening you can't really hear it as well but they're echoey so pretty soon once all that's filled in they're not gonna be what about for this ceiling and in the kitchen okay there's an upstairs above that what do you guys do for sound insulation because we're not worried about heat transfer through this floor well sound is controlling sound is completely optional right but if you got young kids it becomes we do not optional we do it they're very loud so what we're gonna do here is we're gonna spray two inches of foam on the subfloor itself to help kill some of that sound and then we're gonna come back actually with the fiberglass fat right at the floor so we're gonna have two inches of foam a pretty good air space and then a fiberglass bat it's going to cut down the noise tremendously yeah and you're still going to hear it that sound's going to travel through the floor through the studs straight to our sheetrock there's some places you know we can't totally insulate it but it'll help muffle it the worst thing is wood floors upstairs and i asked matt what are you putting upstairs he said wood floor sizes i tried so hard to tell meredith carpet upstairs she was like carpets gross and i was like but our kids are so loud and we're gonna hear them on your subfloor you've got an inch and an eighth advantage subfloor which we actually have two layers yeah because that was that was the old one and instead of ripping it up we decided to just smooth it out we smoothed it all out and we put another one on there so we have a lot of wood flooring or not this helps more than anything having the two layers absolutely really so that's going to cut down a lot of that noise that's good you're still going to have noise traveling like you said through these joists through all the joists down through the sheetrock so sound bats and sound control is great for high decibels those would be voices yep when you're singing in the shower or whatever you want to do but a kid jumping from those stairs down to the banking or your face and your media room or whatever yeah it's hard to contend against that yeah and my kids they're really loud like really loud that guy's really tall yeah so a lot of people ask us whenever we're foaming how when's the tall guy showing up so we go through the house so we're gonna spray the first six feet or eight feet whatever the guy can actually reach with his hands yep and then as you see he's gonna get in he's gonna get on stilts or a ladder or a rolling scaffold go do all the rest of it that's cool you worry about the uh foam squeezing down those ventilation tubes up there the duct work no i mean they're pretty flexible um you can't put a bind i mean the foam expands yeah quite a bit um for sure it's something you're cognizant of to not put too much it tends to take the the path of this resistance gotcha [Music] yes [Music] um [Music] okay so they've sprayed this room it's all dry and now they use this big sawzall with this giant blade it's called scarfing cutting shaving shaving and they come shave off all the excess so that makes sure that we have the cavity totally full of foam there you can see it's nice and smooth she rock would go up nice against that then he's getting it all off the studs there with that scraper so right here you can see they've used that sawzall but there's still foam on top of these studs so he comes and scrapes everything perfectly flat that was a mistake that's a horse brush so this is a horse brush that's the one thing that we found that'll clean the studs better than anything else that's cool interesting so back here in the youtuber apartment now or the youtuber hotel room this is where it's all done so you can see they have trimmed all the excess off and then they came and scraped all the two by fours and if you notice there's still some stuff sticking out but it's soft foam so as soon as you put sheet rock on it it's gonna push right down anyway so this is done this is ready for sheetrock yeah which is crazy you just got to come back and do some caulking on all the double stuff all the headers we'll put caulking around there make sure no air and i see they also filled these foam around the windows so that's all done just need to come closer sweet super cool and as you probably can imagine all the stuff that's high up high in between these joists you don't have to trim you don't have to make it flat you can stay all bubbly like that because it's going to be covered with sheetrock that just goes to the wood right there and that's it so they're not going to come back and cut any of that but like that is going to be she-racked as well you can see it comes up over the two by fours or the two by sixes that are there so that will have to be all cut back because there is gonna be sheetrock all on that roof but that again there's gonna be sheetrock here too but none of that's touching it so you leave all that that's back under that's buried under there all the stuff like this you're gonna have to cut make it all flat which we are gonna do pretty soon on this episode [Music] is [Music] final day and everything is nearly done they're basically just cleaning up now what do you think it's starting to look like a real house yeah we haven't showed this this is all the batting so this is just sound insulation that we talked about earlier in this video i'm gonna be like throwing some heavy weight in here it's going to be loud just so this is just to help all the people who are going to sleep while i work out because it's probably not going to be a thing but you just want to have some nice insulation around all the bedrooms so this bedroom you can see it's got some nice sound deadening in between the other rooms and then obviously these spray foam on all the exterior walls and ceiling there so good this weird we've just seen this room in studs for so long this addition to the house wasn't here we made it an addition so like we saw this from nothing there was a cedar tree right here and now there's a house that we saw go up from nothing so it's pretty weird as you can also see all the sheetrock is being delivered because the sheetrock is starting tomorrow so many things are gonna start going fast i think so it just means this thing is gonna start looking like a house so fast it's gonna be so good yeah beautiful view out there i was talking about you so you can see in between all these boards too they've caulked in between the window they've put foam in there so they're trying to seal up every little crack they can to make sure that nothing can get through here or as little as possible heat transfer will go through there so no drafts coming through nothing like that bringing any heat from outside or taking any heat we put into this house to the outside so that upstairs is all done this room they just have to clean up there's still some guys here they're just picking up and then they will get all this paper out sweep everything out and this stuff is done i think echo weird you can hear that echoing that's crazy yeah there's a sheet over it hello i mean it is a giant metal box in the ground but it's gonna be euro yeah cause my other office is like a quarter this size i think yeah this is my office this is where all the youtube magic well the editing part and the uploading part will happen right here with some more sheetrock on the walls ideally kind of can get a feel for how tall everything is jeez you look like a teeny tiny person in this hallway these ceilings are giant it's very tall so one other thing they have to finish is this batting right here that's all going to go up there under that floor because that is kids bedrooms up there so that still needs to be packed in there as well so nearing completion though but soon that'll all be packed up there we're in the other upstairs section now this is where all the kids bedrooms are and it's all done sprayed trimmed wow crazy right it's weird so and they still need to do uh sound deadening up here but all finished all sprayed look how crazy it looks it's gonna look really crazy with sheetrock in here sweet so this wall too is gonna have sound ending on that because that goes out into the living room and this is a bedroom here you can see all the way up to these giant ceilings way up high it's all sprayed they wrapped up our big beams so they didn't get any overspray foam on them and then the ceiling there sprayed as well so cool so all of those boards are going to be covered up with sheetrock but these are going to stay exposed all down that huge wall by our big fireplace totally done and sprayed so i wanted to give a big shout out to atx thermal for coming out here they are the ones who serviced us in this house but they also have locations in the dallas and amarillo area they service a great deal of the great state of texas so i'm going to link them down description below i'm going to put their phone number down there if you guys are doing anything like this from a minor renovation to a huge project like an abandoned mansion they can help you out and they're really awesome to work with and they are really paying attention to all the details i mean every double stud is getting caulked in this house to make sure that it is as airtight as possible which is actually really good because we are up on the top of a hill so it's very windy up here anytime it's like a little bit windy in town it gets like twice as windy up here so like giraffes will come through this house if there are any spots for them to come through so it's very important that every area where they can't seal with foam they seal with caulking it'll be crazy to see how much quieter the wind is too that's true when it's windy up here it's so loud in here yeah it's like but it's because we've always just had right thin cheating on the outside now we have stone and insulated walls hopefully i mean ideally we don't hear it and then once we get the sheetrock even more so dang this room looks crazy from down here that's a lot of work and they had to use scaffolding to get all the way up there that's a bunch of work and the master wing all done over here so we have this ceiling here this big arch ceiling this barrel in here and they sprayed all up and the rafters there they took the boards out so they can get the gun up in there spray all on that that is all insulated as well and they'll put them back in there and then sheetrock actually is going to curve over that right that's going to be all sheetrock ceiling i think so that's gonna be crazy so cool it's great hey meredith yeah have you seen that beautiful view jeez look at that did you know that when we bought this house it had rock on it on the outside all the studs were done the windows were installed uh insulation was done and that's exactly where we are now so we tore this house down way further than we thought we'd over over a year ago this house was at the exact same stages at now like we just got back to the stage that we were at before we tore everything down i mean like when we started for those who haven't watched since day one all the windows were broken all the boards were rotten but that is how far they had got back so they started building this house in 2001 and they stopped in 2005 and then all the windows eventually got broken out they stopped like this they had rock on the outside they had stucco like this on the outside they had all the windows in great brand new windows they had all the insulation in and they had just started sheet rocking a tiny amount of sheetrock was installed in the house and then they abandoned it they left it and kids came up and broke all the windows rain got in for 15 years rotted all the wood and we bought it a little over a year ago tore it all down so that we could get to all the rot replaced all the rotten boards a lot of rotten boards way way when we bought it we didn't think we were gonna tear all the rock off of it no we we didn't plan on that at all yeah but then we tore some off and realized how rotten it was and then we had it we had to do it all tear it all off so then replaced every rotten board then we had to put all the sheathing back on it because we had ripped all the sheeting sheathing off or 90 percent of the sheathing off because it was rotten falling apart and then we put stone back on it we put stucco back on it we put some boards on it now too on the outside siding so i guess what you call that um and then we put windows in it that was before everything we put windows in it and then now we have insulated it we are exactly exactly to the phase that this house was at in 2005 when they abandoned it just crazy that is so long ago that was a long time ago so my question meredith is this house cursed like what if this is what if we think we're gonna make this into our house and move into it but like something something in is gonna stop us from that that creeps me out don't say that someone was up here the other day and they said they saw a ghost they did it's true i don't know if they saw they they said they saw it they thought they saw a ghost so anyway our kids are gonna watch this video you know oh shoot no kids it's fine that's assuming well i mean if we move in then we know there's not a curse well but demolitia i actually have a bit of possibly bad news i haven't told you but i've been playing this for the last couple episodes um this is the last abandoned mansion episode we're ending the series thanks for sticking with us guys thanks for watching this episode we love you and we'll see you next time so [Music] me [Music] my [Music] so [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Matt Carriker
Views: 2,447,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: matt, dr, dr., dr matt, dr. matt, vet, ranch, demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, vetranch, off, the, offtheranch, vlog, vlogger, vloggers, vlogs, vlogging, blog, daily, best, vlogged
Id: Te_qk7vmB7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 42sec (2022 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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