Abandoned Lost Mines filled with what? ~ Steam Railway & more!

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so without looking for a mind full of bottles there's Jones house they're all the addicts up on that mountain up there this is yawns actual back garden what a cool but garden this is the coolest part one of the old mine leaks the watercourses going through the back garden haven't got a mine unfortunately but we've got one of the leaks that brought the water to the water wheels where we're actually going so you're one of my plans to dig this out and have water back in it restore it that would have been because none of the meats in mid-wales still survive almost like a footpath this is a boundary of your gun but this is one of the oldest sessile oak woodlands in Europe very ancient really yeah you're very fortunate to live here you're so lucky I can just see makeup spoilage through the trees up there you can see why I like just millions of mines everywhere let's go and check this and it yes yes there's one and it just making out down there consumed in it's almost blocked to the top with bottles don't see the old office is down here I can see the ruin and then clinging to the side of the gauze and quite amazing yeah but what a place to work with the terrain it's it's very steep yeah there's five at it three of them are open it's one of them's over there but it doesn't go anywhere very short and it goes to the shaft and then there's another added up there in that cleft in the rock face and then the one they've already seen down there and another underneath this by the office so we can do these so we've got the we got the mine office here it's right on the edge isn't it around that must have been a wooden deck used to go around the building overlook Oh imagine working here day in day out that's the door there yep and there's a fireplace absolutely tiny hmm yeah I was gonna ask you the same thing is it like a milk churn or something possibly I'm not sure well first impression looks very very small to go in I was very very small when I took it out that's right you dug this out when he was a young lad completely blocks but I was reading that there was a level on this side of the river and if you look over there there's another one see the vein clearly crosses the river right here so I started digging about here you took a guess took a guess and pop one straight through it's a squeeze but it opens that very nice leader to going to fit now so we're in this took you a while to dig out must have lovely so I'm very glad to dig it home it probably took about two or three weeks yeah yeah every evening every evening having school but it was awfully satisfying I think that this is what you'd call a flat place so it's an old used to be one plate of iron I'd say there's a bend up here rather than the expense of having to curve the rails to go around the corner they want to push the wagon on this swivel plates and literally just pushed it 30 degrees and then you carry on on the rails they've saved the expense of having the curved rails specially this and it was driven in 1865 by 1865 basically to offer drainage to the main shaft Wow this is usually driving down there look it's it goes down to a 12,000 level so it goes down about 72 feet well it can't go damn it we know there goes the other on the other side well see this up there there's another and it across is the shaft this goes all the way to the surface this shaft and another level crosses it okay like yep I mean you can get across further up the upper level carries on a long way on the other side and I have laid the ladder they deliver across it okay yeah that's a bit I'm worried about consider the next way out another pain here so why I say things pretty useless but it's issue I like that how the ones that come back through one little hole like that yeah you can see the rebels in here and everything the reports that I was following though to say quite clean even they have rails and ventilation pipes and everything in here please didn't find any or something during the war oh yeah looks like a survey marker or something like a thing there it comes out of the hole that it was instead of a squeeze in it it should go try that one out all the way up the this is fight so it must be to the farm yeah you dig this out - no this is already open I displayed in a bit bigger but unfortunately there's the engine on it oh that's a shame but if you look at the end you can see the vein really clearly running up oh yeah yes see that vertical line and that's Brett sure that's load Brett sure so it's basically smashed up country rock inside a cemented vein here as well all you see is like pebbles it looks like beach pebbles in a in a cemented mass of quartz and iron and leather stuff core Brecher so it's completely barren there's no war at all [Music] I spoke for oh yeah it's a seer rating badly as well all the rock is this flaking it's so surely this it is unfortunately nothing to preserve these days now you're trying your best with chemistry leave the way you go you don't want to take the wrong turn in the woods I've seen the film the wrong turn hey have you seen the film the wrong turn they take a wrong turn in the woods it was bad this really doesn't look safe but there's a few old ones let me see it make up a few old ones it's a lot of screwed up ones in there so we're I don't get why would you cook through all our effort to go up there to dump all embalms you need your clamber up all less stream loads of whiskey posit there was a definitely a few old ones of you but I'm not going to bother going and then digging them out there's yarns house we're still on this lead we're looking at another level near this house there is it's pouring with rain yes as open they're all them bottles of Aurelio was open all their models would be really old yeah I'd say eighties whiskey bottles they were there was a few real old ones in there did spot a couple of broken ones what's that there's loads of them and the answer is I don't know this is vibrating probably well hmm there's five or six of them and they're ancient trenches coming down the hillside right from the top to the bottom but they wiggle about I don't think the fibrates ah I think the roads waterways so can't really see much going on here I can't see there's a shaft imagine warping you in the dark which we do that is 800 feet deep holy [ __ ] and you can see whether this is where the angle Bob [Music] on either side right here yep so we drain these to where they are see our trench around here and they both go in these to be a lovely wooden door friends it is one side the right-hand side is still there on top of the spoiling now right old Valley there there's a big spoiler over there look across the valley it's a little stone arch level it only goes a short way and it's collapsed but you can see the ravine where he lost mine is where we went in a few months ago over the railway but all of that's known as that Hadar united lines that whole complex on the other side there right because there were five mines united under one company sir I hear the dog in distance yeah and now they see that over in the far side of the valley there that of a building yeah that's the powder magazine that that we restored last year two years ago we put the roof back on it and rebuilt the gable ends and it's it still got its original wooden lining on the inside so we restored that how it would have looked originally should go over and have a look at it we built the roof from the walls and that's cool it's lovely so it's a powder magazine for for this mine so they kept all the explosive detonators and fuses also meet absolutely tidy let's go in [Music] the oppressor is still here which would have dropped down onto the pinions inside there so that if they of their winding to clump up is they have to let go or something that actually hold that in place that will spit back down again and the north of the breaker will hear information that will try to tighten these on the brain as well when you're lowering the same time you would be working on the breathing so it makes me quite another thing is I've added 30 but nonetheless it's still a very nice survivor I'm not so look at that how deep the service with its 800 heating up top so about 700 600 feet from where we are now wouldn't it be interested to know us over there so I know one person and they have to say about that side lunges on the rails sticks out into the level way there's no something down you get it's quite a long way yeah amazing them I really wish you get over there really distressing I'm soaked and muddy my leg is something like this do you feel crops that no I just I enjoyed it we could be gonna get halfway that's one that doesn't count for the rest of the way I think it'd be a bit silly for us to try to me across not really we can't get anywhere if this went all the way what I would do is get floorboards and later the cross and they did do a bridge but it doesn't go all the way so there's no point really it's the rail fits then it would be worth doing with that making a bridge out of it Oh safe is this stuff this way you don't know sacred I'd say this heavy rail yeah I trust me okay let's not get on there then yeah oh this little thing you down yeah yeah you haven't seen that yeah there's been interesting stuff down there let's go for a one-guy you see the big spider that's a big scary spider the old glass bottle Marisa spotted all right that's all yeah nice - lovely bottle digging whoa see there's a roof of the level up there that's the roof of the original tunnel and it went off around the corner but it's just gone and that goes down another 700 feet wide angle wow I'm a bit stone just fell on me then knock the camera on your hand it is fell off there [Music] [Music] baby there's a big beastie cave spiders that's the actual name is it yeah if you look at the nature books they're called cave spiders they're cool yeah oh there's another big creepy down there up there's the steam lines the Veiler right right over railway line can you see the lines of the trees that's ray Yann works on was the fireman and the guards in that's right yeah and come and see what he's got in his garden was absolutely amazing wait till you see what he's got his very own steam railway line the sheds a bit knackered but isn't that cool and how long is it 45 mil track in scale it's about three and a half miles long so in real life it's 200 that I've taken the name board to the stations in over the winter with the whistle boards are still there so take a lot of the stuff in for the wind how many carriages you have 30 20 or 30 and we've got ten engines as well three with Justine you you father built this yes yes it's father sculptor by the way in this one of his early works Wow look at it how long did it take you to build the first stage was from station down there to the loop here don't know probably the whole thing took us about four or five years in the summer we get dollars and we have lots of people come here with their own steam engines because we can deal with six or five or six trains on the line at the same time passing at the different loops I like the bridge bridges and we had they kept the solid rock solid cast the Cassidy embankment at this is the mine gotta mine with the tracks can winter oh yeah yeah it's your job and it's your hobby whatever so where is that station it doesn't exist that one doesn't exist I thought you'd have copied where you work no no we wanted to build something new so that's where you weren't it's quite a difficult line to fire though because it's quite steep you can see how steeply it goes that round there turns back into the woods that is so cool laughter have to come back when we're running the firm oh definitely look at someone else really cool that you have there's me on a lucky chap living here he's got a cool the museum to show you one day we'll do a video on that we're so close to a thousand subscribers now so when we hit that number we're gonna give away your ones book he's gonna sign it obviously one copy of the book the value of the book is forty-five pounds so going to a free draw let it run for about a few weeks randomly pick a name and give that person but what we're gonna do and the book is on the minds writing this value here so all about the minds behind this plenty of underground we've just been yeah an amazing book it's on Amazon rich mountains are led check it out and thanks again please share the channel like subscribe do whatever you can get the word out there and all the best here
Channel: Lost Mines
Views: 58,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cave exploring, caveman, splunking, underground city, gold hunting, haunted cave, lost caves, metal detecting, archaeologist, caves, mines, lost mines, abandoned mineshaft, abandoned mines, mineshaft, cave, exploring, abandoned, adventures, gold, treasure hunting, treasure, exploration, cave diving, mining, haunted mines, underwater mines, wales, uk mines, mine exploring uk, welsh, ancient mines, repelling, repel, underground repel, tight squeeze cave, headlamp, mine exploring, abandoned mine
Id: 8xQVXw1ll88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 15sec (1635 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 26 2019
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