This Copper Mine That Will Amaze You With Its Color And History

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wow [Music] hey folks we're back out exploring so today this evening we are going to the secret copper mine and this is about as lost to mine as it gets yeah so yeah definitely we are right in the middle of the world looking for the entrance so as I said it's a secret copper mine and it's extremely well hidden extremely lost but we reckon we've found out where it is roughly so we're going to follow this stream and then hopefully we'll find it we've got the ROV as well because there might be some flood workings Lois is with us too Lewis is with us so bear with us go away as we try and find the entrance yes that's a pretty cool tree covered in loss it's a beautiful place isn't it it's the haunted forest from The Wizard of Oz It's a Wonderful stream here it's so warm so I'm carrying carrying my waders instead of wearing you're not in your uh over suit going no I know yes you do the Casual Explorer well disguised yeah found something oh yeah spoil oh yeah we've got us a spoil hit well spotted yeah very overgrown very well spotted yeah so we're on the right track up there somewhere then yep that's definitely look at all the Rocks yes absolutely yeah right onwards and upwards let's go I think we found it there's a black hole in this stream I'm wondering if this is it yeah I think I think we can never mind yes oh look at this nice yay oh cooler there we go how about that then there's one there too there's one there too in the middle of the Woods Miller nowhere that's fantastic oh that's a short one oh just a little trial isn't it I like the Cool Breeze yeah this is nice very very nice and it looks like it's adrift because you can see there's what looks like a load in the roof yes so this could well be a drift on the copper load Cool Breeze Lois down yeah yeah strong isn't a shaft somewhere off yeah there's some communication isn't it definitely let's go in let's go let's do it yes that's really big screen already now then I think we found the right mind because straight away we've got copper look at that look at that bingo that's a squeeze yeah yeah we got we're on we're right there on the copper load brilliant oh look all the way along wow yes straight from the entrance as well and there's some sulfur in it as well look at all this oh it's amazing this is a nice looking load look at this this quartz here yeah it's um quite flowery isn't it yeah it's a cold school close nose wow all over here loads of it wow [Applause] there's big rocks on the floor so it's not a particularly old level we've got a series of mid-19th century shuttles here oh yes I think we found it yeah [Music] it's like almost turquoise beautiful [Applause] oh yeah another one of that whatever I thought it was proper for a bit but it's a float it's a floated bag oh yeah we've got us a Tramway on the floor look there's a shady rubbish that exploded him in the water and then swine collapse here yeah we're into this sort of shayley question stuff here the the question formation which is very uh very violinist look how it's uh how it's delaminating away right there I'm gonna go in it yeah gonna go anytime soon what level we're up a bit in here weren't they yeah let's see the nature of The Rock has changed I've noticed that wow oh what's that animal yeah is that a sheep's gold what is that oh it's a bird is this yeah how'd that get in here see his wings it's a big bird whatever it is just in the entrance though there as we just walked past I saw a big mess lots of these uh station box in here very good knickers away with them yeah bars remember that the mind with the wagon that we found years ago yeah it's just like upended flat bars that's it with the copper mixed in and cemented onto the iron the rails are turning green for a while I love it right amazing yeah oh yeah lots of little oh my God trial cross Cuts here where they've tested the lows because these colors oh wow yeah oh wow nice nice beautiful oh my God look at that look at the colors wow I have to take photographs that is something else wow this is beautiful just hidden in the middle of the woods amazing completely hidden and we looked at these formations two locations oh yeah but this that's pretty so that is copper sulfate secondary mineralization it's not the copper ore it's not the miners are after but it shows that there's copper in the load because this is that secondary mineralization that deposits right it comes as a result yes I was looking at that rather a little spectacle they look like fence posts they're not they're half Timbers aren't they yeah yeah this is a typical color on this one here [Music] so beautiful yeah I wonder when the last person to be in here was it oh look at this look at that wow oh we got us a shark with a happy pump on top of it whoa so that is your typical Rising main but it's got a great big hand pumped on top of it oh my God look at the color of this it's like out of the world look at this look at this how it stands the rocks on the floor wow oh wow look at that beast that's who they are already going yeah oh look at this video and gets a picture of you with it tend to remind it wow and it has a maker's plate on it how old is it yes cold Brookdale Cobra day did do some research yeah absolutely look at it yeah so they so what they would have had they would have had this wooden launder here they would have had a cistern attached to it so that when they're pumping out the water it would pump into a cistern or into a pipe that conveyed it into one of these wooden launders that run along the floor here so that the water doesn't just go straight back down the shaft again that they're trying to keep dry and this Rising main goes straight down the shaft so obviously we'll follow that in the ROV and then that's looking back out by but look behind you oh now then this is Specter how about this then these colors look at these colors wow the whole wall is just blue I've never seen anything like it isn't this something look at this I've never seen anything like it wow amazing we've got green just the copper that's right it's various oars of copper yeah the green which is more like American sort of color no never in all the years you've been this is absolutely Sublime and all of my engine yeah look at this this this shade of blue right here it's unbelievable absolutely spectacular we've got the white Hydra zincite we've got the green sort of malachite shade of copper and then we've got this blue sort of linerite colored copper and it's it's quite slushy as well um which is this sort of ribstone coming down the wall this flowstone and then we've got these which are even more it's all almost like an indigo color and they come all the way up here it is quite literally 50 shades of blue this is amazing yeah [Music] wow look at this how intense is that blue [Music] quick observation I think before we muddy up the water should we ROV that first yes so I'm gonna cut this
Channel: Lost Mines
Views: 7,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lost mines, abandoned mines, uk mines, mine exploring uk, mine exploring, abandoned mine, finding lost mines, mine exploration, gold hunting, copper mine, copper mining, exploring abandoned mines, gold mining
Id: 3DtVf8t-GME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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