Abandoned house in Ohio

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like an old farmhouse in Ohio so if anyone's living here or not I'm gonna check it out looks vacant I'd say it's vacant pretty pretty bad shape imagine it's from the 1800s been an attempt to renovate some contemporary PVC you see like going on [Applause] staircase let's check out downstairs first I always think these old locks are pretty cool with that paint teal it's an old door we got some drywall going on so there's been some attempt to get this place back in order [Applause] down there fireplace that looks pretty cool some ceiling coming down looks like their drywall attempt failed because of moisture hole in the door let's the old bell you need to bring that s it whines outside sorry for the bad filming this is my first time filming an old home abandoned home I say at fireplaces in every room probably to keep warm like this old staircase the woodwork we check windows are wide open nice big room there's another stairway probably fed from the kitchen maybe hmm might go upstairs in a minute that's really to the Attic a lot of drywall wasted I guess they ran out of money maybe let's check out that attic space I love ya they'll be vultures up here a lot of nothing whole lot of nothing Acey yet my child what these windows were above the doorways I always see those an old buildings but I always wondered act as some kind of event maybe they keep this maybe they since heat rises maybe they open those to make sure the heat was dispersed throughout the house just a guess gotta love this old woodwork that way a lot of effort in trying to make that homes look pretty this must been I'm guessing maybe a kitchen not really sure well that's it my first youtube video van in houses thanks for watching
Channel: Anotherday Down
Views: 2,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: l9u4f9hugS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 21sec (501 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 27 2020
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