Abandoned Boat 'Will It Start' After Over 3 Years

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so this boat hasn't ran in over 2 years do you think it'll start let me know let's get a bet going let's see how many people say yes and how many people say no I've been looking at this boat for a long time wondering what its story was not been well maintained now I guess it got donated somehow to somebody well here I am wondering if I should get involved with this I got a phone call to come take a look at this boat hasn't been running I guess a year or two the first thing I'm trying to do is get this back hatch to open up but it's not wanting to so I'm going to have to try to figure that out you still have a tag on your hat though I know looks pretty nice down here surprised it's dry yep so I was showing you the muscle salad on the side of the boat you can tell it definitely hasn't been clean for a long time I was wondering where that was coming from how that water turn on cuz I turned on the breakers down here that was flooding the sink up there cuz the water turned on figure out where that was coming from We're here to try and figure out how this Boat Works I see you got the deck up a little bit Yeah so we were hired to see if this boat would start I think Matt's beginning to wonder if it's going to start or not it's not going to start the way it is what are you trying to do so all the batteries and the battery chargers are in that hatch they're in there and so far that's all I can get it to open and now I can't even get it to close the owner said that he held his button down for like a minute and then the hatch opened so I've been holding it for like more than a minute and it's only opened about 4 in and now I can't get it to close we got Matt a new hat what do you guys think yeah I don't know about this hat well I'm going to try to jump power in and see what happens so I jump power in there's my charger and I got power jumped to those two studs right there and now I got this opening let's make sure it'll close all right let's hop down here and see what we can find sounds like to me all the batteries are dead you hear that clicking sound and all that that's um you need your battery tester well I do but I don't think I have it I think it's in the truck well getting the power is the beginning for it to start right yep I think the first thing we need to do is change out some batteries how many you got four group 27s so we have a couple at the office yeah he's going to have to approve it first yeah I think I have two group 27s at the office oh I see what he did no wonder that wasn't working now I understand this is just a booster oh a whole bunch of water just came out when I when I stepped on the yeah the swim platform cuz I turned the build pump on oh okay good that means there's water in it should you put it back down I can get it back up now you can now that yeah scary thing is I don't know that with my power pack battery charger disconnected I don't think that his build pumps are really going to work very well well I mean it it's it shows it's turning on right here but I'm not sure how long it'll run we need to uh talk to him and he needs to decide what he wants to do okay we're done here let's wrap this up well I'm heading down the dock as you know it's about a quarter to a half mile going to go and drop off something to the dock Masters and I'm hoping that I'm not going to get rain on it's looking pretty cloudy looks like Plan B is back over here we just saw them like last week I want to say they were downtown at a and now they're back over here at the Perry it's a beauty I know we're going to be coming up on 100 footer how I know is because they called me yesterday and wanted service and unfortunately we were not able to help them in the time frame that they needed they said they were only going to be here two or 3 days and they had hoses that burst or something so I know that it was going to be a bit of a job to be able to help them and um our schedule is just way too pack so we're coming up on it and look at this nice one over there called Freedom 150 ft he told me yesterday unfortunately like I said we weren't able to help them but boy it's a beauty it's a monster love those windows where you can see out when you're traveling here we on the air handler side of things so already got the flex duct removed and all the the uh brackets that are holding this pan down removed right now I'm working on the tedious task of getting the drain line removed and then I'll turn it to the side and unscrew the copper lines after that's done we'll get this out clean up the space a little bit put the new unit in get that all hooked up uh we're not going to run Freon through right now because it needs to be uh vacuum pumped pretty much all the debris and the air and all that stuff gets sucked out the lines for the air conditioning all the freon can move smoothly without any obstructions but other than that we're moving pretty smoothly it's going pretty good A lot easier than I thought it was going to be we're still here doing the air handler this is our new air handler and right now what I'm working on is the drain line for it so the way it was set up before is that there was I actually have it around here somewhere it was pretty much teed off in the back so imagine it like this all right but the way that that we're setting up the new unit is that we had to turn it pretty much I'd say 90° to get the copper where we needed to be so we had to move the drain lines as well so unfortunately we had to plug the uh other side and we're only going to use one side of the drain so I'm going to have to shim this up so it has enough fall to get into this line so it doesn't overflow the pan and after that all we got to do is hook up the copper the wiring the flex duck just bolt it to the floor and we'll be good to go well I made somebody's day I even got a hug so they are super excited that I came to see them today it always feels good when you put a huge smile on somebody's face and I got to tell her that we appreciate them greatly and like I said I was afraid I might start getting rain down and it's starting to sprinkle here but I'm going to screw you to my car I remember I'm about a quarter mile away so I'm heading that way this looks like a customer of ours boat but I don't think that it is this one might be a little bit different we haven't worked on this one I don't think but almost the same color is pure pleasure I like the lights on the top there the red lights on the blue looks pretty cool whiskey Papa got all the wires connected up and the drain line connected up all we need to do now is hook up the flux hook up the copper but we need some special uh fittings for this copper do a suction test and make sure there's no and after that he should be good to go today's weather here in Key West is overcast and cloudy you can see and it's very humid very still and warm sweating buckets not complaining too much though I know the rest of the world is freezing or maybe not the rest of the world but all you people up north oh this morning very odd had heavy fog here it doesn't happen but I think maybe in all the years I've lived here I've seen it two or three times so not very often I think I've been here for 15 years now so we're going back to finish up on uh the air conditioning here on a boat the guys installed it yesterday and we had to finish up a few things today I have tjs down there pulling a vacuum on it right now which checked good at minus 29 in of mercury vacuum and I'll show you what we're all about and what we're going to do when we get there got my kegga refrigerant here just in case we have to top it off so the factory overcharges and the overcharge is supposed to be able to cover 15 ft of line set the copper tubing that runs in the boat same thing as a house perfect world you could just open the valves and the pressure should be pretty much good but we'll have to add a couple things or we might have to add some refrigerant to it so we'll go check it out I was talking on a video yesterday and again today man it's like these boats it seems like they're never way back there by the parking lot they're always all the way down here at the end of the dock almost it seems like that's the luck of the draw all right and we are going right up here grab TJ and hop down below we'll verify some wiring so you guys want me to get closer to that strange looking boat who can identify what brand that is what make it is that thing is very cool looking a lot of Windows though it's got to be [Music] European 2983 it's been holding okay go grab that flashlight TJ I dropped that cap down here somewhere drop that cap okay let's hook this side up a that's open that's open all right you check the wiring right yeah okay oh I see it back there all right it all looks good yeah we should be okay drain hose is down uh okay go turn The Brak around for me okay fans working a manual temperatures working put that back to Auto all right it's coming down that's looking good uh looks like we're going to be a little low on refrigerate oh not not bad8 I think we're doing okay let's go back there it's nice work dude yeah all right she's blowing cold ice cold good and the pressures are good let's go monitor that for a little bit so blue and cold and then the Fan's in Auto and so as this meets set point which let's go inside temp see how the temperature starts ramp the speed start so that's normal and the compressor will turn off if you set point if it gets too warm in here the fan will kick back up to high speed and then the unit will kick back on then that cool light will turn on and off right there let's go down and look at these pressures really quick let me show you how these valves work I don't know if you're familiar if you crank this all the way down totally closes the system off if you well it closes off the compressor right right yes and then the line set stays open if you bring this halfway up that'll release the charge into the line set okay and it'll also allow you to read pressure okay but if you take this and you take the stem all the way up like this that now closes that off okay okay so you always want to Snug them bring them all the way up and snug them down don't not super tight because there's a seal in there yeah and the seal is adjustable if you look right here see this little gland right here it's a little gland nut yeah see where my fingernail is yeah you can put a wrench on there and snug that down if it's if it's like bubbling right there yeah cuz sometimes on older units it'll leak right there you open this up so crank it down like halfway and then you just snug that up a little bit same thing on the other side so this one ratchet it and run it all the way up and then you got a snug this goes on the high side so halfway is halfway is how you get into it get into the yeah yeah well that went perfect TJ did a good job pulled the vacuum cracked open the valves got the system serviced up and uh turned it on and it's blowing ice cold and the pressures are good morning life is good if you like this content be sure to give us a thumbs up I'm not sure if you realize but those thums up are extremely important even though it's a simple task on YouTube
Channel: Will Fix That
Views: 109,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: repair, boats, repairing, mechanic, electrical, hydraulics, engines, we fix boats, fixing boats, boat repair, boat repairs, boat maintenance, paint jobs, will fix that, gas engines, maintenance vlog, boat repairs maintenance, Matt Mobile Marine, Mobile Marine Repair, repairing boats, will it start, will it run, will the boat start, will boat startup, merc cruiser, abandoned boats, abandoned boat will it start, abandoned boat will it run
Id: 58GtexG44RE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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