Rhino 7 Product Design Modeling Tutorial Part 1

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hi everybody welcome back to the channel i know it has been a few months since i last uploaded a video because the last year was a bit stressful i took a bit off i worked on a lot of different projects and since my last video the channel grew a lot so thanks to everybody subscribing and we're now over 2000 subscribers i think so thanks a bunch to everybody subscribe and if you're new here welcome i'm daniel and we are learning in this channel about keyshot about rendering about industrial design and today we're going to take a look at rhino [Music] and we're building a water cattle now it sounds exciting but this looks like a nice water kettle i just bought this i thought um it might be a good exercise to build this guy in rhino so this video is targeted towards people who already use rhino maybe they want to be more proficient in modeling so i'm not going over the basics i want to make this video more specifically targeted towards industrial designers and maybe visual artists who want to build their own models if you don't understand a tool that i'm using and i'm not describing it in too much detail maybe take a look in youtube and you will find definitely some answers there i will describe the tools that i'm using as much as i can but describing tools is very time consuming so we want to go through this quickly so this video should show you how i would go about modeling a 3d model for a product and that doesn't mean an existing product right now we have an existing product but this also means working from sketches working without any existing data so you can use those modeling techniques as well for your own products if you want to look at the finished model i link it down below you can download it from my website and yeah i'm ready i got my coffee take yours and i'll see you inside all right so i'm in rhino and i want to show you the finished model um so this is the finished product that will have you should be able to see all the keystrokes that i'm using i have an overlay so that might make it easier for you to understand what keys i'm pressing as i said this is targeted towards industrial designers so you can think of this being your own product again you can download this from my website and you'll be able to use that in any scene that you like but of course it's more fun to do it yourself so lean back relax enjoy and build this model so currently i am modeling from this live example here so this could be your sketch this could be a hard model that you have maybe built in the workshop this could be a clay model that you have from your for of your product you don't really need this physical model it really helps with measurements um and proportions of course but i also have set up pure rev i linked that down below as well purif is a nice inspiration image gathering program so i just put in all those images that i found online of the kettle and i'm looking for specific angles i'm looking for details such as the lower part i'm looking for angles that you might not have usually so of course i have this guy next to me it helps a lot but if you don't just gather as much information from of your product as you can and you'll be able to to look for those references during this process i also found the side view which we'll use in a second and here are some dimensions as well this helps as well but i have measured it myself and they don't really add up so i'll tell you the the real measurements later on all right let's see what will be the challenge for this model um it is fairly easy if you look at it but it will get complex as we go along especially the handle will be a very complex part um and of course we want to have as many details as we can in order to make the render in the end more compelling and more realistic but we'll start simple and just look at the overall shape and then add the details from there all right currently i am in rhino i'm in rhino 7 right now it is the newest version um it does not really matter which version you are but we will use one tool which is rhino 7 only but the rest you can follow along with any version i'm quickly talking about my rhino setup i usually have a personalized toolbar here i am not going to use this one to make it easier for you to follow along but i have set up a few other things for example i am working with the gumball so if i have something here you will see this axis appearing and this just allows me to move along those different axes and also scale scale object objects in different directions rotate them so this kind of makes my life a little bit easier you can check on and off the gumball down below here and i think in the mac version it will be up in the upper toolbar somewhere the second thing is i'm checking almost all of those check marks down below these are the snapping tools basically so what that means is if i do a new line here it will snap to for example the end the midpoint of a certain element and make sure the project is off so here you can see i'm able to draw from the midpoint so i'm using those quite often and make sure that osnap is on object snap is on otherwise they will be grayed out and you'll not be able to check them i'm not using smart track it doesn't really work for my modeling style i'm not using it because it interferes more with my modeling than it helps and but i will show you a few tricks that you can use in order to not use smart track but also have all the features and the third thing you will see down here i have a second window and usually it looks like this we have a lot of white space in here so i'm moving some of those tabs up there like display properties and materials into a separate window and dock that down here so i'm using the space much better and in the display setting window i can uncheck and check things like tangent edges curves on off so that helps me declutter the viewport sometimes to see things more clearly so this really helps all right let's get rid of this and start modeling so the cool thing about purif i'm changing over to purif i mentioned this side view i can just highlight this and press ctrl copy to go over to rhino and ctrl v to paste this side view image i'm going into the front view and it will ask me for the first con of the picture and just drawing this picture up here this will be the image that we're modeling off from next i want to get rid of this black background and if you change from display to properties go to material and scroll down you can use a color mask and this usually is black by default and here i'll just alpha out this background so we can see it more clearly next we want to make sure that this is the right scale and as i said before these dimensions not are not really um correct they might be but it's not um they're measured by you know some arbitrary points i measured my cattle here and i know that from the height of the cattle from here to down here is 160 millimeters so what i'm doing is click line polyline or normal line here and and just go to the zero point so we want to start at zero type in zero enter and that will start us off in the zero point and then i'm typing in 160 in order to be constrained to 160 millimeters and make sure you are working in millimeters otherwise you won't be able to follow along and next i'm holding shift and this constrains me to the set and x-axis so we want to have a straight line up and next when i click this line will be perfectly straight up and 160 millimeters long all right now we want to resize this image so go to the left go to the move tool and i'm seeing that i have grid snap on i'm turning that off quickly and just go to one of those corners and move that up to the end of the line and next we want to scale the image and we want to scale it in two dimensions so go right click or long click on this scaling tool and scale 2d then because we have the snapping tools enabled we can snap to the end of the line hold shift again and then select the lower part of the kettle so now we are scaling this image along this axis basically and when we snap to the lower point of the line we are now sure that this image is perfectly scaled now we want to center it so again go to the single line click once for the first point and then i want to hold shift and go over to the right side of course we can zoom in and click once again and now we have basically the middle of our kettle and if we hold shift to select all of them we can move both of these to the left and we have a midpoint that we can reference i can use this midpoint and snap it to the end of our previously created line so now it is perfectly centered and we're ready to go model one thing i want to do is create a new layer call it underlay select the image right click and change the object layer and now we can lock this layer in order to make it non-selectable so we can't move it accidentally and also we can check the image on and off while we're working so it is also quite helpful all right for our first element i'm choosing this body part here and we already have this top line but let's create another one and we just start in the center because we want to revolve this around the center point i'm going to create a second line and end it at the end point here as well then i'm going to right click in order to go back to the same tool you can also hit the space bar so let me hit the space bar this gives you the last use tool also enter the same thing so you can use either one interchangeably um and i'm just clicking once hi i'm going down and i'm over building so what that means is i don't have any edge here so because the shape is rounded i want to over build because i don't know where this will actually start so this virtual edge i don't really know where it is yet i'm doing this the same thing down here as well so i'm over building and next i'm going to zoom in and find two points that are kind of defining the angle of this line because i don't really have a tool where i can measure this angle perfectly but this way i'm pretty sure that this is the right angle and now i can just go here and scale it up with holding shift and as you can see at some point they intersect and these are my virtual intersection points now i can go to the trim tool trim those guys off select the top one and this is basically our general shape of the main body all right next we want to fill it those guys go to the curve tools the affiliate curve tool and i'm thinking of i think maybe 12 millimeters i think that worked really well and for the top one hit again i think we're gonna go for radius 100 click once click twice and this will create this fillet so i think that should be fine looks good so people who are in industrial design or modeling you probably heard of continuity and curve continuity um so i don't want to go too deep into this just know there is a difference between certain arrangements of fillets or transitions so this means between two lines or surfaces so we will have two lines there's a transition and um there's four different continuities and i've just found this on the internet and so these four different continuities are g1 to g0 g1 t2 and g3 and i think those explain it quite well so g 0 means we have sharp edges there is no transition happening um g1 is what we just did is those fillets and they are typically the fillets that you will find the issue here is you might be having or getting those highlights um at the point where they start because they don't blend into these two surfaces smoothly they are just tangent so you might have some issues in the final render so that's why we have curvature blends so g2 is curvature and this just means so g2 and g3 is a smoother transition into the fillet or the blend so here it is explained a little bit more detailed we'll have one two three or four cvs aligned to the um the other surface and that just gives us more and more quality of this blend but since we're working with straight lines by default these are curvature already because we will have one two three four cvs aligned so i'm not bothering with creating curvature transitions here there's no real difference in the final product then but just so you know that there is differences in those blends and if you don't work with completely straight lines you want to make sure that your blends are curvature continuous and just for an example you can recreate this fill it down below as a curvature fillet so it doesn't really change much but we can try still and i'll just show you how i would go about doing this so what i'm doing is go to select i'm selecting all the curves that i created right click on layer 1 change the object object layer and slowly double click to change the name to curves so now since this first layer is red you can change the color here it will highlight this much much better but we still are working on this black default layer and that's why that's because we want to see the difference between this transition and the one that we're creating and i can hide the underlay quickly and what we want to do is go to curve tools so i'm going up to the adjustable curve blend and this will allow you to create a curvature blends and clicking once for the first line once for the second line and we'll get a pop-up window and this will show you the difference between tangents in curvature so with tangent we will get two cv points and with curvature we'll get three of each and now i can look at the original affiliate and while holding shift i can click on one of these center points and kind of adjust this blend as best as i can so that you cannot really get perfectly to this fillet you will have to have a little bit more space in order to create a softer blend but that looks good for me so click ok and now we have this original fillet that we can delete go to the curvage affiliate and right click to change object layer so now this is our our curved blend okay now i'm highlighting all of this go to join and for creating this body i'm going to go to surface tools there is a tool called revolve and i'm choosing the revolve axis and click full circle in order to make a full 360 degree circle so in the perspective viewport right click and go to shaded or rendered mode and this will show us what we created coffee break and data approves all right back to work so i'm showing the underlay again um go to the right and we will hold off of this of creating the handle now i think i'm going to go for the spout next and similar what we just did go to curve tools i'm going to use a polyline now and i'm just generally following along this this line in the center right click because now we can actually adjust this a bit better so i can highlight this cv point and because i have the gumball showing i can just use this accent set axis to move it around and adjust it according to the image and this is again overbuilding so we don't have we don't have edges in the final version but i'm creating the general shape first and then blending those curves as a second step and here i see that we have a little bit of a curve here as well so i'm just adding another line to the front somewhere like this and join these guys to have this also later on so next i'm going to the fillet curves tool again so we have a radius of 100 you can see if that is enough or it's too much thinking 80. this should be fine i think down here we don't need more than 50. yep that's too much let's say i think 20 should be fine yeah 20 looks good and here is well i think 50 should be fine yes all right so this will give us a little bit of a curve down at the end now we want to create the volume and for that i'm using the command pipe but i'm not sure where i think it's in the solid tools pipe but i can show you how to use the command line so just type in pipe uh up there not even pipe just pip and we'll pop up in this selection box just click enter to select or select this tool so sometimes i'm using the command line when i know what i want but i don't know where i can find it um you just type in the command so now we can choose the thickness of our spout of the pipe and i know it's i think 12 millimeter so six millimeter radius six enter and enter as well this will create the pipe around our sketch so next i want to chop off this top part go to the curve tools line and i'm just creating a straight line with holding shift select it and go to trim and we're going to trim off this top part and if you go back to the perspective this gives us a nice rounded spout here in the end perfect all right next we want to create the top part and for that i'm going to the front view again and we don't really see how deep it goes we can go back to purif and see how this looks so you can see it's going down in order to create some sort of free space for your fingers so i think we can eyeball this quite well so go to the polyline tool and i'm just hitting grid snap on in order to just outline the general shape of this handle all right this is the very basic shape i'm hitting explode in order to select this top um line in order to create this um slope shape on top is we need to bend it down a little bit so what we can do is change degree change it from a one degree line to a two degree line which gives us three points to interact with i'm selecting both lines select the corner and drag down a little bit and that creates the perfect sloped curve here all right now i can select everything and join it again and we can go to surface tools revolve select the axis and since we already selected the full circle we just press enter twice and this creates our 3d surface so now we have the handle almost ready we don't have any fillets yet so there's no rounding off those edges yet and that's because i want to create the general shape first and i also highlighted this here so first don't be afraid to rebuild i didn't have to rebuild yet but first shape second refine third detail and the fourth is the structure of my model so i think this should be this is basically the outline of how i model so right now we're in the shape section right next is the top surface or the rest of the of the lid for that i want to see how the center looks so the center of the lid is a swooped surface so what i'm going to do is draw two lines and connect them with a curved blend so let's do that go to a single line and i'm building it a little bit to the top so it doesn't interfere with what i built down there so a three millimeter line here and then go somewhere you think it should start or end i think it's maybe right about here and i have grid snap on so i know it's in a nice even distance from the top and then hold shift and what i'm doing is hit tab once in order to constrain again to the x-axis and now my hand is free and i can choose any endpoint that i want the line to end so here is a perfectly straight line and now we want to create this curved blend so left click adjustable curve blend hit the ends that one you want to connect don't hit the other ends otherwise they would connect so go to curvature if it's not already there hit ok and this is now our curve for the surface of the lid hit join to join those curves and what i'm doing now is hit once on the set axis arrow my gumball and hit 100 or 50 or something to move this up a little bit out of the way of anything else in my scene i usually do it that way so i can just go minus 50 and it's again in the original position so 50 up and that just moves this out of the way right now we want to see what the rest of the lid looks like so i think here you can see that there's a step down a step inwards and then it covers the swooped surface that we just created so let's just build this we don't really have the measurements i could do them but um it is up to us i'll select the polyline go to the end i think we're gonna go three millimeters down three millimeters to the left and then just cover um everything that we just created so maybe 18 millimeters down and i'm holding shift and press tab again in order to free my left hand up and then hit this end point here and then create the finished polyline with a right click right this is our lid i think we can join this now and now if we need to make any adjustments we can click on the show points in order to maybe just move some cvs around so i think maybe if we need to make it a little bit shallower we can move those up we can move those two inwards a little bit maybe in order to create more space all right this is the finished side profile of the lid so now let's revolve this go to surface tools and hit revolve and access again and full circle so enter enter creates the full circle now let's see how it looks in 3d so this is our lid and now we want to create a space for the lid um before we do this i can look at some of the details that the the main body has so for example the main body is made out of metal but the lower part is plastic so at some point it needs to change from metal to plastic and that point is here you can see the parting line so we want to create this parting line in order to have a distinction between those materials so go back to rhino and from the side view what i'm doing is creating a line which will be our literal parting line so go to curve tools create a single line and we can start in the center and if you press once you can hit b for both sides so this creates a line from the center of the line now if you hit shift and drag outwards you'll be sure to cover all your whole model so hit once the next step for me is to create the um the cut but since in in reality those material cuts are always a little bit bigger than you think so it will never be at the zero we want to create a little bit of a distance so what i'm doing is hit offset curve and make sure that the cap is selected cap flat we need a flat cap and um just type in a small number like 0.2 and this creates a little bit of a offset or space between those materials which is much closer to reality this basically creates a rectangle if we go to the perspective mode and go to surface tools and extrude straight you will see that this will create a thin sheet and now i also want this and extruded in both directions so either click up here both sides or hit b and i also want to overextend this so this covers the whole base of the of the model so now if i'm not happy with with the cut position i can move it up a little bit and since this is completely solid i can go to solid tools and go to the boolean difference tool and make sure to set delete input to yes hit once for the cutting part and right click to accept and now we have this parting line so this is now a completely straight line through but it creates a nice differentiation between those parts later in your model and next we want to give this a inside basically so again we're in the solid tools and we're gonna hit shell and now we want to select the surfaces that we want to delete so this top surface and i want to have a thickness of five millimeters because the inside wall is or the kettle is insulated so the inside wall is offset off the outside wall by about five millimeters so hit five enter so now this creates this hollow body now we can see if our lid fits inside which it does we modeled correctly but you can also see that we need another lip here so in our um inspiration images reference images you can see this lip so we need to still model this so we need to offset this point two millimeters this cut so what we can do is go to the perspective and select our the outside ring of our lid so we can move this up a bit in order to make it more clear i can go to offset curve what we just did as well and hit the edge corner of the of the lid and since we already had a distance of 0.2 this is perfectly fine just click once so now we can extrude this curve downwards and we know that the height here the lip is three millimeters in height so we want to extrude it for 3.2 and make sure that solid is selected on 3.2 enter and we have our cutting element so we can move this down so it intersects again with our main model and select the main model again go to solid tools and boolean difference click the cutting tool and right click in order to accept now we have this inset and now our lid perfectly fits into this gap another thing is you will see a lot of curves that you created for certain steps along the way and sometimes they are a little bit in the way of working so what i do from time to time is just select all the curves go to the select select curves and right click to curves change the object layer now you can hide this and you'll not be as distracted so now you can see your model clearly if you need them they're they're still here but with one click you can just hide them but we're still working on the default layer all right let's add some details to what we just created um for example the spout needs to have a thickness as well so what i'm doing here is type in cap as a tool and i think this should be in the solid tools so solid tools and right next to shell you will find cab planar holes which i just love to type in cap and enter and this just basically seals all um planar holes that we would have so this is now a solid and with a solid we can also shell it so click on shell this newly created top surface and i want to have a thickness of maybe half a millimeter since it's made of steel it can be fairly thin all right let's add some fillets now to some of our elements so for example this is not perfect yet you will see in our reference images that the lid is quite soft down here so let's do this so go to solid tools we need to fill it edges and for this we need a quite big phillips i think maybe three millimeters for now let's see how this works out um yeah we can go even higher with five go back and hit it again five millimeters since this is quite um soft so right click again to select edge fillets again and the top one should be maybe two millimeters this creates these soft edges off the handle next i want to add some on the low part so again this one of my tricks that i do just hit the arrow here once go up 50 and now you'll be able to see underneath i think two millimeters for the low one let's see this should be fine now i can click again and type in minus 50 in order to [Music] move it down to the original position so same with the lid itself you can also just hide the main model go to visibility and hide objects now we can add those fillets here so go solid tools again and fill it edges i think we need now a few smaller ones so type in one millimeters for one millimeter for the these inside edges and i think a two millimeter for this one since this looks like it's a bit more rounded on this image so now with this model shown we can also fill it uh those small edges so select all these at outside edges as well as those down below with a small radius 0.2.25 should be fine and this creates a nice highlight in the end in in your renders the same thing goes with this edge and here we need to select both edges or you can just chain those together so hit c or click up here to chain edges and click once to select this whole edge right click and this should round these edges as well right next or last thing for now is to join those two together because there are welded you don't see really well on those images but they are welded together so they have a fillet here as well so we want to create this fillet in order to do this we need to join those together on the side you can see that we overextended this spout here so we want to move this part up a little bit in order to be inside the volume of of the can so what you can do and that's a that's a nice trick i'm i'm trying to use less often but it's sometimes just easier to do hold down control and shift at the same time and drag around those edges and this will just select anything that's inside your selection so in this case these points and these lines and now we can go to transform and move tool and move these along this line upwards into the volume of the can we could have made a line and and cut the rest off but this just is a bit easier quicker in the end so now select both of those volumes go to solid tools and boolean union so you will see that this inside it disappears if we wouldn't have done this would have some parts of the spout shooting out here so we don't want this now in the 3d mode we can go to solid tools fill it and fill it this edge and i think i'm going to fill it it with one millimeter so type in one select the edge right click and this should be
Channel: Daniel Brunsteiner
Views: 15,000
Rating: 4.9693875 out of 5
Keywords: Rhino, Rhinoceros, Rhino 7, Rhino 6, Rhino 5, CAD, modeling, product, productdesign, industrial design, design, model building, reference, product design, course, tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 8sec (2288 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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