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yo guys everyone here thank you for joining me today so in this master's class we are going to learn everything head to Zak about how to start a shop in Cocke shipping business which include how to link your shop the account with China brands how to pick different suppliers how does those returning refunds books on traffic just about anything you need to know on shopping or shipping and also as a bonus I will also teach you how to use email marketing and also blocks you know to push up your drop shipping suits and this video is actually quite a long one it's things about an hour and a half so you will definitely enjoy every single things it does our video and please please please support me by subscribe to my youtube channel as you are the reason why I'm creating such great content so I was using a video in this video I will show exactly how you can dropship to shop it by using channel brands and it is absolutely for free so couple of steps you need to do in order to get things done and I highly recommend you to follow each steps by taking action in actually doing it while watching this video now let's get started so register yourself as a shopper seller in Malaysia is a very very simple thing to do as long as you follow the instructions in this video I guarantee that you would get your Malaysia shop is selling a camera gesture at the end of this video and I also like you to follow and do everything that I'm going to show you in this video at the same time when you are watching it as it will really really help you in setting up your shop easily account once you finish watching this video so let's get started step number one literally install shop apps on your phone in order to register yourself as I shall be seller and it is a must you cannot skip the steps so once you are in click on me and click on sign up and register yourself therapy user and please write down this details on a separate piece of paper or on the excel sheets you can also put your phone number or log in with your Facebook or also using your email I'm just going to use my email address to register myself as a Sharpie user so once you are done step number two will be go to your PC and type in choppy cell on your Google so we are going to manage our shall be seller on our PC instead of our phone I prefer to manage my shop is on a bigger screen instead of my headphone so step number three on this lock in column put in the same details that you registered just now on your the apps so it is very important that you write down these details on a separate piece of paper or on your excel sheet so that you will not lose it and pretty much you are done congratulations you already successfully register your shall be seller account so after you have installed the apps and get your store up and running the next thing that you want to do is go to China brain you can register yourself a account for free after register just go to sign in you so risk assignment once you are here just go to a over here and click on my authorized Oh you so over here you get to select or the store that you want to sing with China brain just click on this got the right new store and click on shop P so enter the username of your shop and authorize now you so it is really a simple step to sink your China brain account with your sharpie and then just click on the country so I'm from Malaysia and click on login so you will receive a OTP one-time password to the phone number that you register when you delivering from a sharpie and then just key in the replication code over here I'm very fine thank Leon yes over here you you you you and you're done now let's go to Settings so we want to turn it on so that it will automatically update the stop level joined safe okay the next thing that we're going to do is just to search for the items that we want so for example I am on a clothing business so I want to select some of the clothes from China brain and then post it up on my shop P so for example I want to sell this jumpsuit leggings I'll just click on publish perform is shoppi market is Malaysia and then my store name is Rehan continue okay and just select the category of the products okay I just randomly choose order degree so just so just make sure that you put the right degree on it so everything is pretty cool you can select the products images just make sure the product description is right so just select the logistic that you want to use I'll just choose on post at you and select the colors and brands material everything so just make sure that you give some time give us some time over here and select all the necessary information and then when you're done just click on save and publish so what it does is that channel breville automatically push this product into my shop ii account my shop we shall account now let's go to shop reseller and let's go to my products nobody's not here yet let's refresh you so as you can see here this is d yoga female fashion comfortable pants jumpsuits from my China brands so you automatically push this product from China brain to my shop B seller account and from where you can actually eat it's all the products name the product descriptions category and also the price as well yeah and you get to choose the shipping method as well so this is how you can dropship to shop P by using channel brands hey guys I bring her here subscribe to my youtube channel by hitting the subscribe button this video is make especially for your boy if you have any questions or anything that you want to learn write it down on the comment box below and I will create a video just for you so your boy want to know about how and what to do when people buy from you and shopping whether to pay Channel brain using our money first or you will go directly really want to know this thank you and I have subscribed to your channel too I've learned a lot from your videos thanks your boy for your support sure I can bring you through this now let's get started let's say that you are on a tourist business so you have your toy from China brands or in your shop istel next a customer arrived at your store and buy the toy from your shop istel so the money that your customer paid to your puppy stop at this point some people hold the money before releasing to your choppy waters you can add and set up your bank account on bank account Rafi and the finance when you receive the order you now need to buy the toy from China brands and ask the supplier to send a product for you on your behalf so you need to use your own money first to buy the product from China brains yes you need to use your own money to buy the product first from China brands so when will you get the money from shop II the money from yourselves will be credited to your seller wallet within two to three days after the item is delivered to your buyer or after the buyer acknowledged that he or she has received the item by clicking on order receive so this is how the process of buying and selling a shopping or shipping with China brings so now let's have a recap so you publish a product from China brands to your pistol and the customer will pay it to your shop II and sharpey will hold your money at this point you don't need to buy the products from China brain by using your own money and the supplier from China brand will ship the products for you the money from ourselves will only be credited to your seller wallet within two to three days after the item is delivered to the buyer or after the buyer acknowledged that he or she has received the item by clicking on order receive so this is the process of buying and selling of shop a drop shipping yo hey guys everyone here thank you for watching this video in this video I'm going to show you how you can look for those products they are very high in demand but not much of competitors so you can start to earn good money on shopping and I also have prepared a list of the top 4 products they are actually very very high in demand but not much of competitors so just make sure that you go down to the description box below and download this list so I will see you inside the video so let's get straight into it so you are selling in sharpie and your products cannot seems to UM get any sales and you have tried tons of method and paying couple of hundreds or even thousands on Facebook ads and still nothing happens well maybe your product just no one care to buy so in order to help you to increase the chances of your products getting so you need to know what's our products are actually choppy consumer are looking for and this video is going to teach you exactly how just log in to your shop easily account now you need to have at least one product that is selling in your store in order to use this function if you are a new and has not decided what products to sell yet no worries you can just render me and the products into your store when you have done added a product to your store go to my eggs and go to keyword X and click on add new keywords X select your products and click on confirm click on add recommended keywords and click on add keywords so before we do our product research on shopping we have to understand what are these terms on top over here means so search volume this is the particular keywords that's such in sharpie for the past 30 days this is the maximum amount of money you are willing to pay in order for your ads to show the higher bids means that the keywords are profitable and that's why people are willing to pay a high price alright let's set some rules when you are doing a research please remember this do not sell any products that you think can sell as a business entrepreneur will only sell things that consumer want so rule number one only pay attention to the search volume that has more than hundreds rule number two ignore branded keywords such as Nike sell me this type of keywords only served the brand's fans rule number three pay attention to longtail keywords instead of shock kill keywords longtail keywords will be casual watch for men and shot kill key which will be men watch your search terms have to be as specific as possible rule number four if you are a dropship or sell products that is like and small as a big object like babe will cost you a bomb in shipping rule number five a search volume and competitions that is at least or above zero point two I will show you this later in this video so with these five rules in mind let's do our keyword research let's start with a man watch so men watch key words has about thirty four thousand three hundred and seventeen search volume it seems like a good product to sell just let me hold you over here let's go to shop B and check for how many listings are there in shopping with these keywords so we have a 100 pages man watch we have 50 item per page and we are looking at competing with five thousand listing over here so the winning ratio will be thirty four thousand two hundred and seventeen over five thousand and thirty six so it seems like a good item to sell well not really remember the rule pay attention to longtail keywords instead of short tail keywords as a new seller you do not stand a chance as your products will be on the last page on the listing and people is not going to look at the last page of the listing let's try another keywords woman watch bracelet watches so we have 394 search volume now let's check our competitions volume so entropy same things we have 394 search with 100 pages of 50 items in one page so it will be 0.08 not too bad right but it is not good enough as our standard of search volume and competitions is 0.2 and above let's look at another keywords cat food freedom so we have 381 search volume let's look at Sharpie so it has 76 pages with 50 items in one page we are looking at 3800 listing so the ratio will be 0.1 well it is getting better but still not good enough our roof is 0.2 so the trick over here is that you need to go deep down in order to have a chance to make money in shopping well it is hot and you really need to take your time to do your product massage I have prepared a list of the top 4 products where the search volume ratio and the competition ratio is above 0.2 and one of the product has a total search of a thousand 318 and they are only 32 listing in shopping definitely a must sell items I put the link down on the description box below feel free to download my list and if you do not want to waste your time and would like to hire me to help you to search for the keywords that is related to your products comment below in this video and I will help you to do so our fees will be charged so in this video I will show you how to select for that so dropship on your shop pistol and also tools that you can use to find the reading products for you to sell on job drop shipping store remember to subscribe to my youtube channel to learn more tricks and hacks on online business now let's get started in this video I am going to share two important things in order for you to earn money on your shop leadership in business the first one I will talk about how to choose between general and niche products to sell on your shop is top second how to use Google Trends to look for the high demand products how to choose which product to sell I saw a lot of sellers that just started up their drop shipping business on lazada or choppy they randomly just pick some products and push it to their online store and expect people to buy well we do not start a business based on luck we need to strategically plan set up and run a business in order to increase the chances of getting in success so let's cut the crap the best product to solve is a sub niche products for example if you are selling my g-spot shoes you sell only everything that is related to Nike sport shoes such as shoes lace or running shoes so you do not sell 19 t-shirts you only sell everything that is related to 90 spot shoes well the reason being is that if you go to general and sell all sort of things your shop you know works because they are already a lot of people are doing it if you're selling to niche you might not going to get a lot of traffic either so go in between these two not too niche and not too general so that's what I call some niche and you will be fine second another huge mistake the Sharpie or laser eye drops permit is to choose products based on I think this can sell how you are not going to sell to yourself a good seller is the one they able to identify the needs of a certain product in the market and supply this product to market so you are selling to the market so you need to precisely know what products are actually needed in the markets and dropship this products to your shop P or like that honest or same thing to increase the chances of people buying your products so the true that I am going to use over here is Google Trends Google trend is a free tools that you can use to look for products that are trending and you also can compare between two or more products now let's learn how you can use these tools to look for the winning products and earn some good money with your Sharpie or your lazada dropshipping stop so first of all all you need to do is just go to your Google and then just type in Google train just click on this Google Trends okay the second thing that I when you come to this page over here because it is in United States so you have to change it to the country that you are in or the place or the country that you intend to sell your products to so I am in Malaysia and our summer products - I mean in Malaysia so I just gonna select Malaysia it is in Malaysia now so if my business is about techfoot so I'm just gonna type in royal Canon rockin is one of a very famous careful brain in Malaysia so we just want system so what Google Trends gonna tell is how is the demand of this brand in the past 12 months let's scroll down a bit more so over here Google Trends also show you which part of Malaysia has the highest demand for this royal Canon Brent so you have language oh ho KL / and Pahang let's scroll down a little bit more so over here you'll get to see what actually people are searching for so people are typing in like Oracle in Malaysia written cat food hair and skin so if you are a seller for reckoning those are the products that people are actually looking for so if you are drop shipping to shoppi or your lazada or Shopify whatever is it those are the products that you must sell in your shop because those are the high demand products so next if you want to compare on which products that you want to sell between two Banda let's compare 90 we farm Under Armour you so as you can see over here Nike is actually much more popular than Under Armour in Malaysia it's gonna be more so interest for Nike and Under Armour so if you are a seller and you need to choose between which brand you should sell between Nike or Under Armour this one Google Trends the tema is much more higher or Nike so you might want to consider to sell Nike but what actually what products of Nike that has the highest demand so let's go a bit more so I'm like e vapour max Nike joy right Nike feels good like he really magnified so if you are selling Nike on your superior lazada so those are the products they actually very very demanding in Malaysia so if you are selling like key products those are the products that you have to sell in job online shop okay so this how you can use Google Trends to look for products that are very high demand in Malaysia so that you can sell it on your shop and eventually be able to help you to boost up yourselves yo hi guys in this video I am going to analyze for you between China brands and Aliexpress which one is better for you for your shop II and also la serda drop shipping business this video will be great for those that just starting out drop shipping or those dead thinking of starting up a drop shipping business now let's cut the crap and start learning first of all let's look at the common things between these two suppliers so China brands and Aliexpress are both China suppliers for drop shipping both of this to platform are able to supply drop shipping products for shoppi and also rather that seller the shipping method for both are pretty much the same as both platform are from China and their products are from China as well so wait what are the different between these two platforms Aliexpress and China brass might look the same but they are actually very different on how they operate their business Aliexpress is a platform that consists of thousands of different suppliers manufacturer wholesaler in bit however with China brand it is very very different China brands actually own all of their products it means that all product from China brands are actually sell by one supplier which is China brands itself so they have a huge-ass warehouse to store all your stuff now let's look at shop integrations Aliexpress cannot auto sync all the products details pricing and stop level to shop en la serda Aliexpress only able to auto sync their products with Shopify channel brands on the other hand is able to auto sync product from China brands to shop B and also to lazada enable to auto import all product details from China brands to shop P and also lozada being said so these are toasting functions he seems that it only works in Malaysia as far as I know I get a lot of feedback from seller from like out rebuild Thailand and Indonesia saying that they cannot actually auto sync products from China Brennan to Gaston this means that they cannot auto import other products from China brands to the seller store so if you are a la da da or shop P seller from Malaysia you can take advantage of this auto import features products variable Aliexpress has a huge advantage on this with millions of product selection from Aliexpress you definitely able to find the products that you want to sell on your store due to the fact that China branch is the sole owner of all of their products therefore the variety of products over there is very limited so Aliexpress is definitely a winner in products variations just look at a example it has ad products whispered with the cello backs keywords in China brands and Aliexpress has forty nine thousand nine hundred and eighty products listed in Al Express it is more than six hundred times item listed in Aliexpress comparative China brands so that is the huge difference next let's look at pricing and stock level as a general pricing in Aliexpress is cheaper than China banks the reason is very simple a big portion of the seller in Aliexpress are manufacturer in themself so they can offer very cheap price to buy stock level to be much more higher in Aliexpress as well as a big portion of the salon Aliexpress manufacturer just look at a example so this stepping back is selling at nine dollars and 76 cents in China brands b14 stock balance that's the way a similar stepping back in Aliexpress and it is selling at $13.60 in al Express with 980 three pieces left so at a glance you may think of that China brands will be better options due to the lower price compared with al Express well do not get attracted to channel brands so fast this is just one of the supplier out of thousands of suppliers in unexpressed I'm very sure that you can get our suppliers that is with similar pricing with channel brand is not lower so then the product level is way too low in China brands the products it may be gone by the time you get your first sales enjoy on my store so should I use China brands or Aliexpress for my lazada and shop the adoption business if you have a seller from Malaysia I will suggest you to use both Aliexpress and also China brands the reason is because the auto Singh and products import feature by China brands is really really helpful as able to automate most of the things which include products level tracking however due to the limited products variations I will suggest you to use Aliexpress for more products to sell in your shop and also as a general the pricing in Aliexpress is much more cheaper than in China brand as well so for those that is not from Malaysia I will suggest you to use Aliexpress as all of the products in China brands will be in Aliexpress anyway and Aliexpress can beat the price in China brands anytime as well so is there any advantages of using China brands for my trash ping shop in my opinion the only advantage of using China brands is the convenience of dealing or new with China brands if anything happen or if you have any question that you want to ask so instead of like you are using al Express you need to deal with multiple seller so if you have any things that goes wrong or if you have any questions about the product you have to contact the seller individually just imagine if you have 10 sellers in Aliexpress you have to deal with this and sellers individually so we take a lot of time and effort to do it but with China brands you only need to deal with China brands themselves because every products that is in China brands are owned by cannot bring themselves so it is pretty convenient in the sense so into this video I will talk a bit about how to determine the shipping cost for your shop II as a drop shipper the only way to determine the shipping cost is when you buy the product from China brands so what you need to do is at least very simple for example this is the products that you want to sell just click on it you okay and then just add to cut well you do not really actually need to buy these products so he's already to my cut so I just gonna come here so just proceed to checkout you you you so in order for you to determine how much is the shipping cost you have to add a shipping address so country is Malaysia so use this shipping address so you just have to clean everything over here and then it will automatically update the shipping options that you can choose from so it's from 329 up to $18 is depends on how fast did you want the products are shipped to your customer well you do not need to do this on every single products so if you are selling in shop in Malaysia so your customer will be definitely from Malaysia so this is the range of the shipping cost that you will need to charge your customers so you will be approximately from $3 to $18 so we were pretty much we are going to use this $3 Anthony night yes it is the cheapest options think about 10 to 25 days to ship the products to your customer so in Malaysia it will be around like the thin ring gates so if you are selling your products and then ring it on your shop is top so you may want to add another 15 ring it s - things to your product selling price so this shipping cost will not be seen by your buyer on your shopping instead what they are window see is over here so what you need to do is let's go to others because we are not going to use impose on you and just put the price will be topping it so the shipping fees will be traveling it ok so if you are selling a product a 50 ring it and then the customer we're gonna pay a chopper and get for your shipping fees if you want to do a free shipping what you can do is you a coward a shipping so by doing this you are going to give up free shipping but remember your cost is 15 ring game so what you need to do is just add up the trough ring get into the cost price so you are selling the products at 27 ring instead of 15 ring gates so you are actually included the shipping cost into your products by doing this you actually give a positive impression to the buyer that this product is giving out free shipping so it is much worth the money to get it from you because you are giving free shipping but you are actually already included the shipping cost into the selling price so I hope that on this video able to clear up some of the doubt or questions regarding shipping cost or how to price your product shop P when your drop shipping with celebrate in this video I will be sharing the top 7 shoppi dropship in supplier that you can use for your shop be business so the dropship supplier that I am going to introduce to you over here I divided into two categories the automata and also the middle the automated rush this pliable push the products automatically to your shabby store and it will automatically update the available stuff for us law this time drop shipping suppliers are recommended to beginners for the manual supplier you need to update and keep track on the products manually and this time our supplier only recommended to get one shall be drop shipper so now let's look at the top 7 dropship supplier the first one China brands channel press is the most popular shop leadership is supplier at the moment I have triggered a couple of videos regarding these suppliers channel brain is very similar to Aliexpress all their products are from China it has a wide range of products we were ID for you to drop ship to your shop bestow the two downfall about China brand is dead the long shipping durations and also not so great customer support second come on tab component is the second most popular door should be supplier 47 in measure the reason why Malaysian like it because of the supplier from local not all of them and tasks the shorter shipping durations however recently I received a lot of complaints from my diehard supporters saying that kuhmo 10 takes more than 14 days to deliver their products maybe because camote enough filled with China's place beside this the host price also have very high and tasks Allah will have lower margin Despero save value to you safe value to you is same as cotton the only difference is that all say value products are all store in Malaysia so if you are shippi seller in Malaysia you may to consider to use safe value to you we've saved ready to you once an order is even say better to you will ship the products to your customer within 34 holes so this had a tree automate drop shipping supplier which mean once you sing with your shall be stopped then you automatically update all products details which include stock level the coming next drop shipping suppliers will request you to manually content the suppliers and also manually update your inventory I cannot be another Aliexpress top drop shipping suppliers that you can use for your shop in drop shipping stop or any of your drop shipping business but there are a couple of things that you need to do you need to manually contact an Express supplier to ask do they provide drop shipping services to the country that you are staying unless you are using Shopify then you can automatically push the products to your Shopify store by using or below second ask this price do they have any moq to order from them moq simply means minimum order quantity look at the rating have you prefer 4.5 stars above seller with 5000 above the wheel as them for a approximately shipping feast so that you can estimate how much you're going to send your selling price the only downside I can find using Aliexpress photo shipping is the shipping duration which is long-ass Alibaba Alibaba used to only sell to customer orders large quantity but some of the cell in all Europe are now selling to smaller customer need to manually contact Ali Baba's prior to us today providing services to the country the yes day as this applies do they have any moq and also choose only supplier they have we will 4.5 available response time will be edible sent edible and ninety percent are both on-time delivery rate defecate each gate is similar to a express it is a dropshipping forum the mini focuses on products from China and China wholesaler he products catalog has more than the de lins products he ships internationally the downside of this site is that some products me up to 30 days for delivery last but not least China regions China which is both wholesale supplier and also a drop shipping supply perform it is a platform London for dropshipping electronic goods as the electronic industry is a major sector in Chinese manufacturing industry this platform is many selling electronics goods some of the products from this website provide free shipping so this is the top 7 shop leadership players that you can use internationally and in Malaysia for your shop in drop shipping business auto shipping supplies they provide a huge variety of products mainly from China therefore it is very long shipping durations I love China company and now to be directly sell on shop II or Lozada which are actually killing local seller therefore it is really really important that you plan out what sort of products that you want to sell how to sell it and also do your SEO and also others traffic driving method to be competitive in the markets so do comment below how it works on your business with this drop shipping suppliers and do let me know if you have any questions or anything that can help out with your business thank you very much my name is wing thank you for watching in this video I'm going to show you a tool where you can search for thousands of suppliers for your drop shipping business this is not a pay video it is a honours reveal from myself so the tool that I am going to introduce to you guys the called self Oh some of you guys might have of it and some might not I will go through everything about self Oh which include how it can help me to grow your a shipping business and also we work for your drop shipping business as well I have lifted a link for you to access to a cellphone at the description box below you can check it out as a bonus for you guys I have also created a free ebook for you all to download on how you can use Soho to grow your drop shipping business class tricks and hacks on how to drive more traffic to your drop shipping business just go down to the description box below and download it now let's get started let's look at how sell for able to help you to grow your drop shipping business so in a nutshell seller is a service that provides eight thousand plus company they're able to supply products to you in a drop shipping and wholesale methods it provides you on what is the trending products they are currently selling in the market with clear statistics such as average selling price rate of selling and the best part is that where you can get the products directly he also provide a series of trainings for your drop shipping business and he also provides the suppliers contact email and also what's a number so this is the front page of salvo just like any business the front page is full of self talk you can go three if at the time but for us we just want to dive in into the real deal so this is the main pitch of salvo we will be going through everything on top over here so do not worry and Sarah is really a super easy and simple tools to navigate and to use so for example I went to sell water bottle all I need to do is just type in water bottle in this search box over here Soho has a hundred and ten suppliers they can provide you water bottle but we only one surprise they're able to provide drop shipping so on the left hand side over here just select drop shipper so Shiho has about 46 different suppliers they're able to help us in drop shipping water bottle and the best thing is none of these suppliers are duplicated it's not like Aliexpress you will not have the same seller on the same products so we have different suppliers from different country let's click on one of the suppliers you can directly contact the suppliers with the phone number provider over here for a fast response so there's no minimum order for the water-bottle and all supplier list over here is checked by salvo so you can have a peace of mind when doing business with the suppliers in salvo now let's click and check out the supplier website so this is the company website you can check it out and if you like what you see over here just go ahead and contact them now let's try another supplier so this applies from China let's check out their website you so this company is similarly from Aliexpress which you can directly buy the products from their websites so it is very different from the previous suppliers I get a lot of questions asking wait wait to get different suppliers for dropshipping business because all I get is Aliexpress and China brands so cellphone is by far has the most lister suppliers in it so your problem will be soft you would get eight thousand plus supplier for you to choose from from the drop shipping business now let's look at another brilliant function we should call this color products so having everyone there like what is the best selling product in the current market well you can actually look for this products by doing research on Google Trends you can check it out on Facebook Amazon and also on eBay live sell hope it makes things much simple and easier for you so in discover products on Southall you get to see what is selling hot in the current market how much people are actually selling and how is the competitors level how good is your selling in Amazon and also how many competitors is it in Amazon and the best thing is that you can even contact the products supplier immediately to drop ship the products for you is save you tons of time to do your research on Google Trends Amazon eBay and also others platform by just one click you get to have all those informations in one place next if you are wondering like which products are able to help you to generate more sales on your drop shipping business cell wall can help you on this as well let's say that we want to compare these two products so I will show you the selling rate total listing and also the average selling price of each individual products with this function you can make sure that every single product step you are selling on your online shop has the highest money earning potential for you so you do not have any junk or any crap products that you're not able to help me to generate income on your online shops next I'll provide training and guide to help you to build your online business as well so how much does actually self cost and is it really worth the money first of all I do not recommend self or for anyone that just thought the drop shipping business for less than three months the reason is very simple drop shipping is not for every single person and for a beginner you might not even make it to the first three months and give up on your drop shipping business and your first four weeks so do not register self oh if you are a newbie if you are a drop shipper that has experienced at more than three months or you have already meeting some good money and would like to explore more then self or is for you so there are two type of membership of salvo the first one one year assess which cost you $67 a lifetime assess which cost you a hundred and twenty seven dollars I will definitely recommend a one of hundred and twenty seven dollars for lifetime assess next is it worth it let's get it straight several advantages is having a huge list of supplier and provide information on what is the trending products that is selling about in the market well you can google for a huge list of supplier and filter it out yourself which one is the digit one you can also use tools like jungle scout pack star or even Google Trends on chatting up what is solid hot in the current market if you are willing to spend the money and time on this research then you can skip cell phone if you are looking for a more effective one-stop tool to help you to grow your drop shipping business cell phone is for you I have lived the link for you to access to cell phone edit description box below you can check it out and as a bonus for you guys I have also created a free ebook for you on how you can use server to grow your drop shipping business class tricks and hacks on how to drive more traffic to your drop shipping business just go down to the description box below and download it now so if you are wondering how and where to buy your drop shipping products for your Shopify lazada or Shakti store or someone just want to know how this actually things works watch this video now now let's begins so there are three things you need to know about drop shipping products the first one your customer do not know that you are actually doing drop shipping your customer do not know where your products come from and they definitely do not know your shipping price for that cost price and also they do not know which company you are buying from so they do not know all this stuff unless you tell them and this also means that they do not know anything between you and your suppliers and your suppliers also do not know anything about you and your customer so things will not cross over you act as a middleman between customer and suppliers and whatever that happens between you and your customer your suppliers will not care as well and whatever problems happen between you and your customer your suppliers do not care to what your customer care about is whatever their order they received exactly as you told them in your shop that's all about it now let's have a quick recap on how this drop shipping works so you listen products on Shopify shop T or nas elasto when someone buy from you you buy the products from my supplier and your supplier will help you to ship their products for you so you do not keep any stock and you do not deal with any shipping at all okay let's get into details so you list this product from Aliexpress to your online store and your Shopify or your copy store or just any store that you want to start off shipping and James buy this earphone from your store now all you need to do now is to buy this product and ask the supplier to ship it for you so click on this earphone select which shipping company that you want to use well different products and different countries you have different charges and also different shipping methods so if your cost can cover the shipping cost choose a faster options while you may earn a bit lesser but James will be much more happier because he get to start to listen to his favorite Jay Chou so very soon so once you done this to him by now okay please stay very very focused now and this pie is really really important so on this shipping information you have to put your clients details and not your own personal details remember I - you guys early in this video your supplier will ship this product to your customer so if you put your own address your supplier will ship to you instead of James and James will never go into Kelly's new ear foot and he does not able to get to listen to his Jay Chou song he will definitely be very very upset so stay focused on this contact column put your client name on this mobile column put your clients phone number and for this address put your clients address okay so it's all about your clients when you are done scroll down to select your payment method when you're done then go down to check make sure that this product is the right one okay just before we proceed with the payment one last very important thing that you must do is to write a note to your supplier saying that you are actually doing drop shipping so that the supplier will not put the receipt of the products purchase inside the puzzle so that your customer will not know that you are actually buying it at $4 and sell it to them at $20 now go to the live message and you can write something like this this is for drop shipping so the supplier will know what to do with it I mean you can put more details in it but generally I will just put this is for drop shipping so when you're done all this then only your proceed if the payment and the supplier will ship these products to James and James will be very happy because he get recent to his Jay Chou so so this is how it works make sure that you followed through every single thing that I share with you in this video so thank you for watching my name is you ring Han thanks for your support so you have published and sing your sharpie or lazada account with china brands but it did not show up and you refresh a thousand times and republish your seller account 200,000 times and he's still not working so I have published a video about the 50 problems that you will faced when dropshipping shoppi and china branch and this video works as well on lazada so check this video out and you will get all your problems off so what you can do in did not show up after publishing they are only four options that you can go with the first one refresh your browser second clear all your cookies and history and refresh again with for 24 to 48 hours it used to be immediate activation but when I sing my Shopify account with China brass recently it needs about 48 hours to show up if all above still does not work the only option that you have is to contact China branch customer service so just some feedback from my opinions after using China brains so there are a lot of bad comments about the delivery problems the product problem as a truck spreading around the markets but none so far it looks fine to me however the lack of products in variety an unstable system is my only concern and also the customer service is not very helpful in solving problems so I've been shot China brain still works and all the best to your venture so this video consists of the top 15 problems faced by my subscriber on choppy dropshipping with china brands and i will also show you how to solve this problem as well i cannot drop ship with channel bread with my shopping account this is one of the most asked questions on my youtube channel so shop en la jolla drop shipping business module only available in malaysia so if you are from country that Lapine's thailand singapore unfortunately you cannot drop ship using china branch on your shoppi or your la serda business i already authorized my account but my shop did not show up if you already authorized your shopping account with channel brands but you still did not show up you have two options the first one refresh your browser second before 24 to 48 hours if it still does not work you have to contact china brands customer service I have published my products on shoppi from china brands but it did not show up the answer will be quite similar to the previous questions you need to refresh your browser on China brands and also shoppi or with for 24 to 48 hours if he still not working you need to contact channel and customer service when I press on publish item on internal brand I get this upload up to 9 picture message well I got this problem as well and China brand customers so this asked me to contact sharpie and shop it does not care about this so it does happens on certain products if the product they choose has such problems then you need to choose others products what if I want to do Co D the co d simply means cash on delivery well drop shipping business module does not support co d the only a separate cell account for Sharpie dropshipping no you do not need a separate seller account for shoppi drop shipping you can use the same seller account to start your choppy drop shipping business can I use cotton and China brands together on my sharpie drop shipping yes you can use a combination of cotton and China brands in fact you can use multiple suppliers you wanna count no problem on this one if my clients want a refund a replacement you have to immediately contact China brand customer service and the decisions of returning the money or the product is based on their decisions so you have to talk to them how to get the top product to sell in shoppi you have to use the keywords tools provided by shopping I have made a video on how to use this tool visit the link on the description box below everyone is selling the same items how to be different the next level of drop shipping will be private labeling China brand do provide this type of services which you can put your own customized logo on the products so you have to contact and a brand customer service regarding this they can help you to put your customized logo your company logo on the products however there is a minimum order for the products that you want to private labeling on the shipping division is too long they are not any solution yet for this no shipping price equal to long shipping durations and high shipping price because to short shipping durations this is the nature of business unless your volume is big enough to negotiate the shipping price with the shipping company how to let her brand to know where to send the products when you receive an order from shop e you need to buy the products from China brands and instead of putting your own address on the shipping address put your clients address what others alternative supply I can use for dropshipping you can use cotton CJ drop shipping and also save value to you is Shopify better than shop the drop shipping well if you are ready to spend some money in your drop shipping business I will recommend to go to Shopify because you have to pay a monthly fees for Shopify and you also have to spend some money on eldest month as well so if you are new and want to play it safe I recommend to start with shoppi drop shipping first where can I find more drop shipping supplier you can use cell phone which consists of eight thousand plus suppliers from US China and others country to find basically everything that your the sell online I have made a video on how to use sell whole check it out at the link at the description box below so comment below are sort of questions to you have on the comment box and I will try my very best to help you up in this video I will be talking about West marketing strategy that you can use to drive more traffic to your lazada and shop this time in 2020 I have lived a quiz inside this video to make sure that you understand the concept each in this video leave your answer in the comment box and now let's dive in so in general there are two marketing strategy that you can use to drive more sales to your business the first one will be the internal marketing they're provided by Sharpie or la-da-da which every professional seller are using and this method is pretty much arm straightforward and you can learn it from lazada or shoppi university itself the next one will be external marketing strategy if you are selling for quite a while now in a shop your lozada you will need to start focusing on external market technology if you want to be more successful with your online business and in this video we will be talking about the external marketing strategy so with external marketing strategy Evo comes in three different level level one will be posting on social media like Facebook or YouTube level two will be more on web 2.0 where you will be doing like website and blogging and the level tree will be email marketing whether real money lying so all these three level objective is to focus on driving more traffic to your business we will be going through each steps on how it works and you can start immediately after watching this video now is our quiz time so what are the three external marketing strategy that you are going to use to boost up yourselves in 2020 comment below your answer now let's get into details so level of you'll be posting on social media like Facebook and YouTube the easiest way to further boost yourself is to have your individual Facebook page for your online business and the purpose of this page is to post your most recent products sells and also building a more interactive community for your business and I'm sure that you know how to create a page for a business if you don't I have created a video on how you can do it on the description box below so check it out three ways that you can narrow your customer to your online store by using Facebook page the first one will be call to action button so for example this is one of my page that I set up to direct my customer to my website that sell cat food on this learn more button is where potential customer can click on it and it will bring them to my shop again post this is the most easiest way to direct customers to our page for example this post over here get your cat food energy post price and this is my URL link so when people click on this link even direct them to my online store that's or messenger this is when someone messaged you and you set up the auto reply if you are not dead to reply immediately you can put something like hey I am kind of busy now I will get back to you ASAP so while waiting why not you check out my online store at WWE we are having massive sales now so these are the three strategies that you can use to drive more traffic to your online store next let's look at YouTube you cannot just simply record a video of your products and publish on YouTube and expect people to watch and buy from your website it is not going to work that way you need to strategic your content and the best video content for products video will be reveal and also how to use that particular products so for example if you are selling like hair extensors this video has over 500,000 will and most of the things that she is selling is more on on hair products in this video she share the tips and tricks for seamless blending hair extension basics and as you can see over here on the description box check out the irresistible me hair products the people that interested with her products can bite through the links and this is exactly what you need to do if you want to have more sales for your online store if you're selling hair products you can produce a similar video like this but with different keywords you can do something like 5 hats for her accessor as these keywords are already in high demand and another way to look for potential keywords is by using YouTube buddy it is a free tools that you can download to search for YouTube keywords I had put a double link at the description box below check it out so once you have downloaded the apps using the product link you should be able to see a new section on the right hand side over here and this section will tell exactly how competitive is the keywords and whether it is worth to target for or not beside others you should show you others related such that you can go after and it is in my opinion is a must tool to have for all YouTube video creator next we are going to venture into blogging blogging is a great way to boost more traffic to your online store so there are two type of consumer the first type which those they already know what they want to buy and this type of consumer will directly go to website Sharpie or lozada to buy what they want and the second type would be the one that know what they want to by but they do not know which brand to buy away is the best price in the market for the particular products that they were to buy it and this is the customer that we are targeting this half customer do not directly go to la serda or shop it to buy the products instead they will Google the product first they will gather all information needed and then only buy or nozzle our shop P for example if you want to buy a Dell laptop for your design work the very first thing that you will do is to search on Google such as like what is the best outcome for designer and this is where your website will pop up and your potential players will be true your article and if your article able to give their what they want they will click on the link which will direct them to your online shop and buy from you for example this website product nation.com it has laptop to deal with all of your graphic designing works he introduced all the best laptop or designer and each of these products has a link to berry on Lozada or shoppi this article may be responsible by shorty or Lazar a shop owner or is just a plain affiliates link so if ever website introduce your products it will definitely increase yourself and also follow us on your shop II and Mozilla stop next we're going to look at email marketing I cannot stress enough on how important is it to build your own email list and email list is just like building your own customer base generally there are three outcomes to any online business people visit your store and exist without buying anything from you and they will not come back and you will lose this customer forever the second type of people visit your store and buy something and will not come back to you force a temper chase and you will lose this customer forever and a total of people will visit your store and buy something from you and they will continue buying from you an email marketing is to focus on all these three categories mmm everything able to keep the first and second type of customer in your database so you still keep them even though if they did not buy from you on the first time so if you have any promotions or any new products that comes in into your own business you can sell to them for the third customer you can ask them to buy even more from you so all you need to do is very very simple just register yourself a get response in your marketing which is the cheapest price would be about 15 dollars per month once you get that you can place the link on your YouTube channel your Facebook page and also your website I start building your list for example on my website which I'm selling 10 foot products I have a set of former people can subscribe to my email list so every time when I have any promotions on my cat food I will send them an email and that is all you need to do all you need to do is just create a form give them a reason why they have to subscribe to your email list and when you have new products or if you have any promotions just send them an email so if you're looking at building your online business to the next level these are the three main things that you have to do first things turn your Facebook page and YouTube channel start your website and blog start collecting email address so comment below or most loved things that you want to learn and I will create a video for you my name is Elaine horn thank you for watching you hey guys in this lecture you are going to learn how to increase your sales by building an own email marketing system the biggest mistake that most lazada seller or any drop shipper do is that they do not have their own clients email list and this will cost them losing 90 percent of their business so let me show you what do I mean for example when a customer comes to your store from your facebook ads or any link that you promoted on social media they might buy or not buying your products so if they do buy you get to earn some money from them but if they do not buy you will lose this customer forever well even if they buy from you they are very high chance that they will not come back to your store again well there are tons of seller out there that might be selling the same or similar items as yours so for example if they are 20 people visit your store every single day 10% of them Buy which means two customer buy from you and the other 18 did not buy from you so you're missing out that 90% of the customer that do not buy from you and they are very first busy so this also means that you are losing 18 customer every single day just imagine this you're earning per item is 20 ringgit and 18 customers did not buy from you at their first visit and this means that you are losing 360 ringgit potential earning every single day and in a month you have lost about ten thousand ringgit so what we want to do is to build a system they're able to offer others products to this mary % of customer that did not buy at their first visit and also we want to sell others products and maximized this 10% customer they already bought from us this system is very simple when a potential customer click on our facebook ads or any link that we promote on our social media instead of directly going to our website they will first go to a landing page to give us their email and also their name after that they will be directed to our store so same thing over here they might or might not buy our products if they buy we get to earn if they're done is okay as well as we already have their email address and also their name that we can sell them others products through email marketing if this customer buy from us it will be great as well as we get to sell them other similar products in the next couple of days by using email marketing so instead of losing the naree percent of potential customer that did not buy from us now we get their contact details and we get to sell others products to them consistently with this email marketing system we are actually building our own client base so in the future when your business grow big enough and you decided to have your own independent online store you can send an email to this client base and start selling to them one is get respond and why we should use get response I have been using a response for nine months now previously I have used others email marketing tools however they are it is too complicated to use or it is just too expensive so get response just like any others email marketing tools in the markets such as a mail chimp or click funnel I get explain is way more simple to use cheaper and the most important thing is that it works the same like others email marketing tools just like any others email marketing tools get a spawn able to help you to create email marketing or stéfano landing page marketing automations webinars and also others essential email marketing function now let's look at the price the cheapest get response email marketing services start from $15 per month for plus which gives you more email marketing tools and functions and professional package for at once email marketers enterprise package will be definitely out from the window I will highly recommend you to start with a basic account for now as your email list grow you can consider upgrade to Plus account click on this tried 30 days free get response account now although it is a free trial account get response is giving you a very generous full access to all the function on this basic account you need to register a free 30 days trial with care respond now as I am going to get you on how to use get respond to run and sell your products by using email marketing you cannot just put your landing page up there and expect people to click and subscribe you must offer something to add change for customer details always always remember this no one will give you their details without having anything back in return so a couple of things that you can offer you can offer lucky-draw for free products discount coupon free sample then buy any product from a stop or just a massive discount of your products so just be creative we are here to create system to collect our potential client it ails so that we can inform them by email when we have any promotions or products to sell to them the four-step system will be creating a landing page direct the traffic to this landing page via Facebook ads or any social media platform or any advertisements subscribe to our landing page and there will be directed to our lazada shop a store or any website when we have new products or promotion we can sell to them by sending email in this course I will be showing you how to use Facebook Ads to drive traffic to your landing page and also how to do a retargeting marketing if you do follow this course you should have learned the basic of Facebook marketing and also learn how to get your potential clients information such as age group and also interests I will not go through over here so just feel free to go over it on the previous lecture before continue to the next first of all is login to your Guerra spawn account click on list on top over here you need to create a list a list is where you group the same type of customer together for example if you have two different group of customer one group is those that buy female products and the other is by mu products so you need to create two different lists click on Chris and give a list name I'm just going to put it as llegará testing and this is just a demo video where I want to show you how to set up things when you done this good landing page as you can see over here you get to choose tons of different type of templates over here I do not recommend you to spend more than five minutes in choosing on templates I know that it is hard to choose when you have so many options available to you but they still give a simple design instead of choosing any templates which you can do it on your own anytime I would like to show you how to build from scratch so just click on built from scratch and click on any desirable design that you want D for letting pitcher name as you can see on the left-hand side over here there a lot of tools that you can use everything in this page is highly customizable how do you want to design your landing page is really up to you but the ground rules are keep everything simple and remember your landing page is served for one purpose which is to collect your customer details that is all about it so keep your message clear and direct I am going to put an image over here I will be fast forwarding this next I'm going to delete all wording over here as well as I do not want too many destruction on my landing page so I'm done as you can see my landing page is very clear-cut and it sends a very simple and direct message to my potential customer subscribe and get a chance to read that's all about it next we have to also make sure that this landing page is showing up great on mobile as well go to the top over here and click on this mobile icon click on let's go mobile so everything looks pretty good over here I might just want to readjust a bit on the size of this image when you're done next we are going to look at that Thank You page so thank you page is the page that you want to direct your customer to after the subscribe to your email list over here just keep everything simple as well I'm just going to delete this stuff this stuff over here and put my own holdings two things I want to show you over here this button over here is where we want to put our online store URL into it so that when your potential client clicks on it it will direct them to your store same go to this show me new arrival install so what I want to do is go to my la da dastoor or whatever online store that you have copy the URL on top over here go back to our get response Thank You page double click on this button and click on this symbol over here on type just select web address and paste your stop link over here you can change the button ruling as well next we are going to do the same SEO for the link below when you had done same thing over here check on a mobile version of it so I'm going to make this words a bit smaller so that it fits well when you identify your next steps page title edges for your reference so that you will not confuse with your others landing page on the description box over here you need to put centers with keywords tests related to your business as if you helped you to rank your landing page on Google a bit higher these descriptions will show up exactly like this on Google so make sure you put in some keywords that's related to your business I will just put in get your free cat food supply for one month over here next for this URL we want to put a name that's related to our landing page and this will be the URL link that people is going to click on it next on this choice list we're gonna choose the list that we created early on you on this Facebook pixel ID column you have to put your Facebook pixel that you created previously and put it over here so that it can retarget marketing later on and you also get to track those step register and those that did not register on our landing page when everything is done over here just click on publish so this is the link to your landing page where you can put on your social media or everywhere that you want that drive traffic now let's test it out just click real landing page put in your name and email address on it click on sign up so this is your Thank You page click on the button just make sure that you're able to bring you to your desirable URL or your online stop so it sure exactly what I want my email marketing system to works awesome so that's it for now I hope that you really enjoyed this video and you get to learn something from this video as well do support me by subscribe to my youtube channel as you are the reason why I'm here creating such great content I will see you in the next video bye bye
Channel: Weng Honn
Views: 51,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SHOPEE DROPSHIPPING, shopee dropshipping philippines, dropshipping shopee vietnam, how to start dropshipping in shopee, dropshipping aliexpress to shopee, làm dropshipping trên shopee, how to do dropshipping in shopee, khóa học dropshipping shopee, drop shipping di shopee, chinabrands shopee philippines, how to sync chinabrands to shopee, how to link chinabrands to shopee
Id: iK8PB_cT7ZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 59sec (5039 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 07 2020
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