a YACHT for his 18th BIRTHDAY

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advertise to the options either way you can wear bowties every day morning date two here in the South of France it's like 7:00 a.m. right now today zones birthday rapper by the way this morning we're going on a Mercedes Benz boat I thought they only made cars but I guess they've got a boat not sure what else the day holds okay is this the most original name who come up with Wolfgang it's the best one for the first vote obviously what is this what is this fire is the gardener they maintain the garden then they it's a controlled fire yeah when they cut down the trees in the birthing drive that is a controlled brush fire not a forest fire doesn't it kind of look like Tom Cruise and risky business car though yes happy birthday son for whatever reason Owen didn't sleep last night how tired are you right now on I'm tired how many coffees did you have this morning I had three shots of espresso and one you know you're talking at like half speed on yeah well I have to like think about what I'm saying before I say Bowen Oh fall in the water thank you for the ride good thank you good to meet you thanks mom I'll see you later nice to meet you bye guys man so many cars out this morning huh I'll see you down here 215 ready to fall asleep back at the hotel for like ten minutes I just need to like get situated how was your nap okay okay that's for your luggage thank you thank you so much all right are you coming with us I see you're at the shuttle all right I'll see you there you ready yeah Oh hon they're fully good jawed is that our helicopter in addition to the boat and the fancy car Mercedes is also giving us this taking us for a ride in letting us fly in the while we're here look at these things just finish up lunch I think we're gonna take out one of those fancy Mercedes now I want the AMG one the high-performance one I also feel bad for Owen he was up literally the entire night I guess jet lag got the better of him so now he's just like completely zonked out I think this car right will wake him up oh and you want to go for the car right now which one of these is mine this one that's a kid thank you well you sure you want to do this wolf yeah yes I'm sure you're gonna have a good time I'm gonna put on the roof now and I'm okay there is a reason why I do not own the sports car okay here we go either a turn a lot careful the brakes are unreal in the downshift not matter this road is like there are no break down lanes is like an inch wide it really is in the corners on the other side try to just like like animals out here can you believe what happens when you hit the gas oh my god incredible we figured out how to make the drive the car drive itself look we're on the highway the car is completely driving itself right now it's steering my feet are off the brakes and gas hands-free straight chillin over here literally on the freeway okay this is the cut this car is the vloggers dream you still have to pay attention but the car does do a very nice job of driving see the steering wheel watch it move look at this no hands taking a really quick break from driving here going to the Super Mario that means Supermarket French no that's fine god that is a pretty car huh yep is it locked yeah what are we getting in here what do you get it what about free books get some rebus for me so that's it I think so it is 7 p.m. now we just got back from a long drive I'm exhausted but I promised Owen would go swim in the water which apparently is freezing and since we leave tomorrow morning now is our only chance so we are going to swim in the water it's called a fur Nick Euler or Verne it there oh and that water does not look kosher for swimming in but I thought what is a diamond is when it's on a cable can we take this yes we are closer yeah this is Christi locked now this is where you want to go for a fuel dip look at the way I work you don't think this is too rough Owen all right okay
Channel: CaseyNeistat
Views: 4,756,976
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Id: uy6MzxJSnWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 15 2016
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