A World of Three Zeros | Muhammad Yunus | Talks at Google

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[MUSIC PLAYING] SPEAKER 1: Good morning. Today I am delighted to introduce our moderator, Jack Hidary. Jack was trained in neuroscience and AI and then started several companies, including dice.com, which he took public, and remains public, and is a leading tech job board to this day. Jack has been involved personally with microfinance for many years, both in the US and abroad, and has been named a global leader of tomorrow by the World Economic Forum at Davos. Here at Google, Jack is at Google X, where he is the quantum magician and helps lead machine learning. Please join me in welcoming Jack Hidary. [APPLAUSE] JACK HIDARY: Thanks, David. Welcome today. We have a very, very special guest here at Google. We're happy and honored to host this guest. In 1976, a young professor of economics at Chittagong University in Bangladesh went to a local village, Jobra. And what he realized interacting in that village, as he talked to the woman in the village, the various people in village, is that if he gave out small loans, he can create a series of sustainable businesses. And betting on women would be the way to go. Protip-- don't lend to a man. Lend to a woman. Number one, the stability, the connection to the community, and also all the people around her that she brings aboard in that sustainable business-- customers, vendors, employees-- as she grows that business. 30 years later, the work of Grameen Bank, started in that Jobra village, was recognized by the Nobel Committee with a Nobel Prize in peace for Professor Muhammad Yunus. MUHAMMAD YUNUS: Thank you. [APPLAUSE] MUHAMMAD YUNUS: Thank you, Jack. Thank you. JACK HIDARY: Thank you. And so we're delighted to have the professor here today. Just in terms of our agenda, we'll be chatting together, professor and I, for about 30 minutes. And then please start thinking of your questions. For those who ask questions, we have a book for you. And so that's a bit of an incentive to get up there. So professor, let's start. Professor, before we start talking about much of what you do internationally, let's actually start right here in the US. Many people know about Grameen. Many people know the wonderful work that you've done all over the world. Many people do not know about Grameen America. We have with us here in the audience the CEO and head of Grameen America, Andrea Jung. Andrea, thank you very much for coming. And people don't know that while the model has been working very, very well overseas, it's actually working very well here. In fact, Grameen America, in my understanding, has already loaned out over $700 million of loans and to thousands and thousands of borrowers right here in the United States with a 99% repayment rate. I think you're on the way to do about $1 billion of loans next year. So I think it's very exciting that the model has extended and scaled, not just in countries like Bangladesh, Uganda, and others, but also right here in the US. So maybe just first some comments about your thoughts on microfinance here in the US. MUHAMMAD YUNUS: Thank you, Jack, for inviting me here. Actually, I'm just coming from San Jose branch of Grameen America right here. So it's not New York or someplace else, right next to home. California has four branches of Grameen America, two in Los Angeles, two here in San Jose and as well Oakland. In total, we have 20 branches all over the United States-- seven branches in New York, in total 11 cities, 20 branches. So within these four branches in California, there are 17,000 borrowers. It started four years back here. It started eight years back in New York. So within that, we have given out within 40 years nearly $100 million dollars here. Mostly women, undocumented women. We don't require any documents and so on. So no collateral-- just like we do in Bangladesh. They have taken-- JACK HIDARY: So the pattern continues. Better to bet on women than men. MUHAMMAD YUNUS: Absolutely. Oh, it is 100% women. Bangladesh 97% women. Here, 100% women. So totally within the United States, we did 20 branches, as you mentioned. We'll be coming to about $1 billion loaned next year. That would be our 10th year of operation since we began in one branch in the Jackson Heights, New York. And we just recently opened a new branch-- or about to be opened a new branch in Miami. So this is how it's expanding. And these women, totally about 100,000, nearly 100,000 borrowers right now. And we are planning how to next 10 years. Next 10 years, if you continue, with just mere doubling of the number of branches from 20 to 40, it will mean half a million borrowers from 100,000 to half a million borrowers. And lending out to, in 10 years, about $10 billion with the same repayment record of near 100% without any documentations or anything else. So that also shows what we started back home in Jobra village in a small way. Not only has it expanded globally, it reached out to countries like United States, a difficult life of the people even the inner cities, every city that you have. Everybody says we have lots of poor people and invite us to do that. Our problem is we don't have a banking license in this country. So we cannot take deposit-- JACK HIDARY: That would allow you to scale even further. MUHAMMAD YUNUS: Absolutely. We can go unlimited way. So until then, we have to have money from somebody else to lend out money to reach $10 billion in in the next 10 years. We need $250 million. So with $250 million-- JACK HIDARY: The license will allow you to have that capital, take deposits. MUHAMMAD YUNUS: Take deposits. Globally today, we have over 300 million borrowers, mostly women, all over the world. So almost every single country has microcredit program. Europe and Asia and everybody. JACK HIDARY: Yeah, let's come back to Bangladesh, where it all started. People know Bangladesh is a very populous country, 165 million people. One thing you point out in your book, a very interesting stat, that all those 165 million people are living in a landmass smaller than the size of Iowa. Now we looked it up, checked it out on Google, that Iowa has a population of 3.1 million people. So 165 million people living in the space of Iowa, not to mention which the danger of climate change, which Bangladesh is really at the front line of. We're going to get to that zero in terms of the climate change one in a bit. But talk to me about what you took away from your early experiences over the first 20 plus years in Bangladesh, and then how you evolve from thinking about just microfinance, which is really the early part of your career, to now social business. MUHAMMAD YUNUS: As we did the microfinance in a small way in Bangladesh, as it's growing, I was noticing many other problems of the people, poor people. First of all, poverty also means poor in health because it goes together. When you're poor, you don't have enough nutrition and so on. And it creates lots of problems for children, mothers, and everybody else, poor people. So I was drawn into that, how to address the health care issues of them. The first one was the problem of night blindness. Children cannot see at night. Most of the families, at least, one or two children do not see at night. So I got involved with that. I started trying to understand why it happens. This is such a disease. So everybody told me that it's vitamin A deficiency. So what we did, we start a business of selling vegetable seeds after a long process of what we should do. Encourage them to grow vegetable, eat vegetable. Close to their own home, they can grow that. As Grameen Bank grew, as seed businesses grew, at one point, we became the largest seed seller in the country. And the night blindness disappeared from the whole country. So we saw that even in such a simple thing, you don't need a doctor. You don't need a big infrastructure. Simply getting used to that idea. JACK HIDARY: And on the needs, actually, you then were able to create a few years later, another social business on top of that business, which is an insurance program for farmers, that when you buy the packet of seeds, it builds in. You have insurance in that. And then actually you can get repaid out depending on how the weather turns out. So you actually build social business on top of social business. MUHAMMAD YUNUS: Yes, it kept continuing that way. Have the health insurance, more comprehensive health insurance of any disease. We set up little clinics with full doctors in the village because people cannot go to the city. So we have the doctor. We have the paramedics. We have the clinics, everything in the village, covered by the insurance program. So insurance program is a separate program done in a business way so we cover all the costs. Within this money that we generate from the insurance coverage, we have all the facilities. We cover our cost of every single health centers that we do. So we have cities of those kind of things, health centers, which I still do, and the insurance program. So we did the insurance. And now we have a joint venture social business with the Intel Corporation to bring a special kind of technology for women for identifying risky pregnancies. It comes in the form of a bangle. It's a beautifully designed ornament but very powerful technology to monitor your system and also give you messages week after week in the pregnancy situation, telling you at this week, this is a six-week-old pregnancy. You may feel these kind of symptoms. Don't worry about it. This is normal. But if you feel these kind of symptoms, push the button. We'll get connected with you. JACK HIDARY: We know from many studies that prenatal information really helps for successful birth. Let's talk about another social business that you started, Grameen Shakti, in terms of solar power. And that gets us to one of the zeros. We do have your book here today, "A World of Three Zeros." One of those zeros is about climate change. So you put that in the top three. And all of us are very, very concerned about it. Bangladesh, your home country, is, again, on that front line with, I think, 80 million of people in Bangladesh literally in the potential flood zone as waters rise. But talk about Grameen Shakti about not just giving away solar panels but making a business out of it. MUHAMMAD YUNUS: Yeah, every time I see a problem, I want address that. I create a business to do that. But the business of the kind that where we don't want to make money at all personally, company has to recover the cost that in operation and all the costs involved in it. And the surplus will be plugged back into the business. Investor can take back the investment money over time, nothing else from that. That's the spirit in which we created the social businesses. And we continue to do that. When we go in the villages, we see as the sun goes down, everything gets dark because there is no electricity all over Bangladesh. Only the kerosene lamp comes up with the very feeble kind of light that you get. You feel sorry that as if you are still in the cave age. You have all these Googles and everything-- didn't change the life of Bandladeshi people. So one idea came to my mind. Why don't we bring solar energy? Everybody said, no, this is difficult. You can't do it in Bangladesh. It's very expensive technology. So I started looking at it, how expensive it is, cn it be done. So finally, I decided we'll do that. We created a company right away. We called it Grameen Energy, or Grameen Shakti, in Bengali, to sell solar home system. Initially, it was so difficult to convince people. They said, no, no. This is too expensive. We are not used to it. Maybe it's just a magic. It will disappear after a while. It's not a guaranteed thing. So then we learn how to address this issue with the people. We ask them how much money you spend on kerosene every month. Then they calculate. Ah, we spend so much. And our deal is you give me the kerosene money every month, whatever was spent. I give you the electricity. And you continue to pay the same amount over the next three years. And then after the three years, you don't have to pay a penny to anybody anywhere. So you also don't have to buy kerosene. You don't have to pay anybody. So then this is attractive proposition. Then it started soaring. We started selling thousands and thousands of solar home system. Today, we have 1.8 million solar home in Bangladesh. In the middle of it, we became the largest off-grid energy system in the whole world because there isn't any more. JACK HIDARY: Also you're empowering all those entrepreneurs who are selling the Shakti system. And that brings us really to the second two zeros, right? So we have first zero in terms of climate change. And then in terms of carbon emissions, we want to have net zero in terms of that, and then in terms of unemployment and poverty. So many of your businesses are not just delivering interesting services to people, such as solar power. We also can look at Grameenphone, which is [INAUDIBLE]. But also empowers thousands to millions of entrepreneurs who take control of that and then deliver that. And Grameenphone is an example. So maybe talk about these next two zeros-- zero unemployment and zero poverty. MUHAMMAD YUNUS: On the zero poverty, one of the things we did, the microcredit, to help people to start income generation for them. And focusing on women because they are the unused resource, and people never thought that women can contribute in income of the family. We just focused on them. JACK HIDARY: What's your statistics, by the way, in terms of how many people in the community are affected when you help start one business, one microfinance business? What's been your stats on that? MUHAMMAD YUNUS: We don't have stat in that research terms. But you start buying things. Somebody sells more. So you start selling things, somebody starts-- JACK HIDARY: I've seen a stat of about 50 to one, that for every one woman that you help with a microfinance-oriented entrepreneurship, about 50 people are directly affected in terms of that. MUHAMMAD YUNUS: So we did that. And we said the poverty is not created by the poor people. Poverty is created by the system that we built. That's the reason how they're poor because it is imposed from outside. It is not grown from inside. So we are trying to fix that system. One of the things which came to us quickly is the financial system, how to amend the financial system, design the financial system to work for the poor people. They were explaining to us, the bankers and so on, no, it cannot be done because poor are not creditworthy. So I kept asking them, should you tell poor if they are creditworthy or not, or whether poor people, or the people in [INAUDIBLE] tell you whether you are people-worthy or not. So you have to be people-worthy. So that's your challenge. You have to come up with that. But they didn't take it seriously. We took our job seriously to make it a people-worthy system. And we created that system. And it works not only in Bangladesh, globally. Today, Grameen Bank, within Bangladesh, has over 9 million borrowers. 97% of them are women. And they own the bank. And the city and the board, making decisions for the bank and so on. Largest bank in the country in terms of clientele. And it's very well-run in the sense that it is sustainable, never lost money. Surpluses come. Profits come. Profit is distributed. JACK HIDARY: Having borrowers on the board itself is an unusual move for a bank. Let's just put it that way. MUHAMMAD YUNUS: Because they own this. This is their bank. And they run it for their benefit. So we wanted to see this is an institution which is designed for the purpose of helping people come out of poverty. So that's one that we try to make income generation, poverty, and so on. And one issue come that they are all illiterate women, all these 9 million families that we have. We wanted to make sure the children from those families do not remain illiterate. So we wanted to make sure the children go to school, have education. Grameen Bank took the responsibility of ensuring children stay in school, don't drop out, and give scholarship, give loan for higher education. But one thing came out of it. After they come out of graduation, after that there's no job in Bangladesh. With 165 million, you're not creating those kind of jobs. And I couldn't give any solution to that. Then I took a different position. I challenged the young people. I said, why are you looking for job? Who told you to have a job? I said, a job is a completely wrong idea. I said, it is just pushing you in the completely wrong direction. You should feel like you are not a job seeker. You are a job creator. Feel like a job creator. Act like a job creator. Feel big rather than feel small. JACK HIDARY: And then you started an organization called [? Nobin, ?] which-- talk about that in terms of that goes now outside of just microfinance and banking into entrepreneurship. And again, your message to millennials around the world, not as Bangladesh, is instead of just thinking about taking a job, think about starting a business. Obviously here in Silicon Valley, a lot of young people do take that advice. But you really see that as a global message. MUHAMMAD YUNUS: Absolutely. So we tell them, look, your mother took a loan 20 years back, 35 years back-- $20, $30, $50. That's how her life began with that. And she became an entrepreneur. If your illiterate mother, who never crossed the boundaries of your village, could turn into an entrepreneur with a $40 loan, what's wrong with you with all the education and everything that you have learned? You are looking for somebody to help you to get a good job. This is not fair. You should be thinking about doing better than what your mother has done-- JACK HIDARY: Job creation. MUHAMMAD YUNUS: Job creation. You have regressed. JACK HIDARY: So how does the system work? How does it know-- MUHAMMAD YUNUS: So what we did, we created a social business fund, a venture capital fund, and asked all the young people to come up with business ideas. If they don't have business ideas, we go and you say, go and consult your mother. She has lots of business ideas. So why don't you should come up with one of them and explain to us what you want to do. Then we invest in your business as a partner, not as a lender. So we become a partner with you-- it's our business and your business-- and make it successful. And once it's successful, return the money that we gave you because we are a social business. We are not interested in your profit. Profit just stays with you. And go on. We just put you in the orbit. You go on. Be entrepreneur like your mother, and be proud-- JACK HIDARY: So tell us about the process. When they apply as an entrepreneur, what happens? How do you evaluate all this? MUHAMMAD YUNUS: The basic principle of what we apply is nobody is rejected. So anybody can apply, and it will not be rejected. And nobody's abandoned, meaning that even if you fail, still we'll not abandon you. We'll take you back to and start helping you to do it again. But no, this action means you come up with the basic idea, but it's not formulated in a elaborate manner that you have not thought through. So we'll help you develop it in a-- go to the full extent and make it a complete one. And then we invest in it. So we work together rather than say, ah, your project is-- JACK HIDARY: So it's not just the money obviously. And what we learned here in Silicon Valley, obviously, is that looking at Y Combinator and so many incubators, you can't just give someone a check and invest in their company. You've got to really nurture that company and help them along and help shape that company. And that's what you're finding. MUHAMMAD YUNUS: That's right. So we do that. Only difference between the venture capital and Silicon Valley, perhaps, would be that you want to profit from the ventures itself. We took the profit part out. We are not interested-- JACK HIDARY: Social business fund. MUHAMMAD YUNUS: It's a social business. So you do that. That's [INAUDIBLE] people like, OK, if I can take the money, I can do that. And all the profit belongs to me. Why not? JACK HIDARY: And now professor, you are scaling because, I think, you gave a talk in India about seven years ago. And one of the people in the audience came up to you after the talk and said, hey, I'm interested in starting a social business fund to do this exact same thing in India. And you said, well, maybe he is. Maybe he isn't. Who knows? A few months later, you get a letter, saying that he's ready with $1 million. And you gave the OK for that to happen. And now seven years later, they're still going. MUHAMMAD YUNUS: They're still doing very well. JACK HIDARY: So what happened there? Who was that individual? MUHAMMAD YUNUS: [INAUDIBLE] from Bombay. [INAUDIBLE] just speaking [INAUDIBLE].. Then he comes out of the lecture hall. He said, I like your idea about this. Can I do that? I said, of course you can do it. But I didn't take it seriously. People say that all the time, that I want to do it. But I don't know what happened. But this guy became very serious. And then he wrote me a letter. He said, I want to do that. I want to use $1 million of my own money. You said, $1 million at the beginning is enough. I said, yes, I still believe that. Now his answer is beautiful. JACK HIDARY: Because it recycles the money and then it grows. We might have some people in this audience, who will tell you after this talk, so yeah. MUHAMMAD YUNUS: And that'll encourage another person in Bangalore, [INAUDIBLE]. JACK HIDARY: Who also did it. MUHAMMAD YUNUS: He also did it because he saw that [INAUDIBLE] is doing it. He met him with a conference like ours and so on. [INAUDIBLE] He said, we can do it. And [INAUDIBLE],, who is a person we knew from before from the microfinance, he started from microfinance. She said, my family foundation can give you all the money you need. So together, [INAUDIBLE] and [INAUDIBLE] created another social business fund [INAUDIBLE].. JACK HIDARY: Right. Another example of social business-- a lot of us here worry about the planet back to climate change but also in terms of recycling. And so one of the social businesses that Yunus social business started is called Savco Millers, which takes plastics that will be otherwise in landfill and recycles them into a range of consumer products out there. And that's, I think, doing quite well. MUHAMMAD YUNUS: Very well. JACK HIDARY: Maybe talk about-- MUHAMMAD YUNUS: Yeah, it's in Uganda. That inspired us, seeing that they're doing. So now we look at the plastic as a major issue. And then we're holding a big conference in plastic how to save us ourselves from plastic because the plastic ocean and all that's happening. So how to take this waste plastic and gather and recycle them in making it long-lasting products, like furniture, like utensils, and people can use, so that they do not end up clogging the rivers, clogging the oceans, and so on and so forth. And then it's a difficulty of plastic waste is it's now coming to our food chain, to fish. Fish eating them and kind of digest it, sitting in the stomach. And we're catching them. And it passes on to us. And even our water system in many cities have very fine fibers of plastic coming in to many cities now. So it's dangerous signals already. So one of the things that we are doing, as an example learning from what we did in Uganda, take Mekong River in Vietnam. It's also filled up with lots of plastic. So set up social businesses alongside the bank. Create-- JACK HIDARY: Down the river. MUHAMMAD YUNUS: Down the river. So collect it, and offer people if you bring this, we pay you. So we don't have to employ lots of people. Just you bring it. [INAUDIBLE] we buy it from you, all the waste material. You can bring it from your homes. You can bring it from the rivers. So we keep on giving a recycle and make furniture, housing materials so that people can use it as a housing material, and so on. So this is something that we are going to launch. And [INAUDIBLE] everybody else, beware of plastic what you do, particularly in the packaging materials, particularly in the water bottles, in the straws, which are the dangerous part of the plastic thing. So we see it's possible. If you keep your mind in a creative way to address this issue, at the same time asking the producers and the users, be careful. Don't use it. Use something else. Or asking the chemists to come up with biodegradable plastics rather than the one which is nondegradable. MUHAMMAD YUNUS: Great. Let's come back to where it all started, back to microfinance. I want to talk about banking and microfinance now. What's interesting is that here in Silicon Valley, there's been a number of startups who said, many people cannot get loans because they don't have traditional credit. We have a credit system in the US, have a credit score. One of three big credit agencies, and if you're not on there and you don't have a great credit score, you can't get a loan. And so these startups said, we have a brand new idea. Our idea is we're going to use your social reputation. We're going to check out social media. We're going to use other things like that. And of course, that's not a very new idea at all because you started that 30 plus years ago. But they actually have been successful. And their repayment rates are very high because they are using these alternative ways [INAUDIBLE]. But in terms of the large banking infrastructure, the large banks of the world, what has been their current stance towards microfinance? You've proved it. Grameen America now has proved it right here in the United States. This is not something that just works overseas. It works right here at scale, a billion dollars of loans going out next year. I know Deutsche Bank had a microfinance-oriented support for some time. What has been the reaction? And what would you want to see the large banks do? MUHAMMAD YUNUS: This is a battle which was going on for many, many years with me, challenging them why you should do that. Now I keep saying that yes, it's very difficult for these banks to come to the poor people because it's designed for the rich. I said, the structure and the architecture of the banking system is it's designed on the more you have, the more you get. So it doesn't translate itself. If you have less, you don't get anything. You have none, you get nothing. So we need a different kind of architecture to create bank for the poor. So one is a bank for rich. Another is bank for the poor. That's architecture that we used in Bangladesh, created different legislation for ourselves to create the bank for the poor. The bank for the poor has not been created elsewhere. We have been encouraging India for many years to create that law. But that [? dog ?] got [? clocked ?] in the parliament with the select committee, this committee. It doesn't come out of the legislation. So we are encouraging Indian authorities to make big NGOs, who became very successful, very good microfinance program. But NGO, they always depend on outside money. So I have requested the central bank, Reserve Bank of India, to give them a temporary limited license that they can do what they are doing, nothing more than that. But they will be allowed to take deposits. So now there are 10 licenses that have been issued. So now they are very happy because they have disconnected with the international-- JACK HIDARY: And deposits are coming in. MUHAMMAD YUNUS: And deposits are coming in. So that's another thing. So we need to create a different sorts of [INAUDIBLE].. I give the example of the conventional banks are like a supertanker. They go into deep sea, carry lots of weight and materials with them. I said, but the microcredit is a dinghy boat. It doesn't need a deep sea. It goes from little shallow water and so on. The architecture of a supertanker, you cannot design a dinghy boat with architecture of a supertanker. Then it'll drown itself. So I said, why don't you design a new architecture? There's a new legislative formula. If you have the resource, everybody can create a micro [INAUDIBLE] bank. All you need to do, this is the objective of this bank. This is how it is done. Repeatedly it has been proven women are paying-- men and women both are paying back payment is not a problem. And it's a sustainable. All the branches of Grameen America right here, which is the most expensive country in the world, they cover the cost. They cover the operational-- JACK HIDARY: Sustainable. MUHAMMAD YUNUS: Everything is sustainable. My question is then what's the trouble with you? What can't the people get it? All you do is the flourishing of the payday lenders. And the payday lenders interest rate starts from 500%, 2000%, 2,500%. You tolerate it. But you don't do the thing that people can get rid of this payday lenders. Pawn shops all over the country. So this is a kind of mismatch. We don't understand why people do in one way and then forget about the things. Is it completely proven things. It's not yet unproven kind of somebody's utopian ideas and [INAUDIBLE]. JACK HIDARY: Yeah, so professor, let me ask you one more question. And then I want to turn to the audience. So think of your questions. There's a book in the back if you ask a question. So there's a microphone there. So you want to line up, and ask some questions there. But let me ask you about when we were in New York together recently, we talked about how today of 7 plus billion people on the planet, only about 3 billion, only about 40%, have access to the internet. Now then the first 3 billion took about 48 years to get online, right? Since the start of the early stages of the internet till today about 48 years. It took about 3 billion people to get on right now. The next 3 billion probably will not take 48 years. We're talking about just a handful of years to double in terms of going from 3 billion to 6 billion. And, of course, there are various projects here at Google and elsewhere to even get that last billion online as well. So within short order, certainly a doubling of the size of the net. Now how do you think about that? Most of the people who are borrowing from Grameen Bank in various countries, most of the people involved say with solar power with Grameen Shakti or others do not yet have access to the net. But they're about to get it. How does that, first, change the nature of microfinance when you can communicate with your borrower digitally and maybe even send and receive digital money in terms of forms of e-wallets and other kinds of transactions that way? So how does it change microfinance? And then, also, how do you think about it in terms of the greater impact on that woman in terms of education for her family, for her community? So maybe just in terms of the doubling size of the internet in terms of both the microfinance implication and scaling of microfinance and then in terms of education of the social impact. MUHAMMAD YUNUS: The way I tried to explain it, I said, the technology, internet, the connectivity is like something like breathing. You have to make people breathe. And it's air that which is free so that you can breathe it without saying how much bill is coming from air to do that. So that's the kind of ultimate, that you have to ensure that it is something like air you can breathe and function together. Several things happening. And I mentioned one of them in my book about [INAUDIBLE].. He has created the computer, which he thought all these Googles and Amazons and all the things that you have information that you have on the internet, Wikipedia and so on. Only 3% of this information is used by 80% of the people. So his idea is, why don't I take this 3% and put it as a preloaded into the computer? So if you don't worry about all this internet. JACK HIDARY: Right. So it's local on the local hard drive. MUHAMMAD YUNUS: It's just built into the computer itself. And he has been marketing it as a social business and so on. We're working together on that one. If you need to refresh that, because once you preload it, very soon, in a week or so, it becomes kind of outdated. So all you have to do whenever you are visiting a connectivity point to somewhere, you take it with you. So it is a small gadget. Plug it in. Wait for a couple of hours. It refreshes itself. You come back. It's as good as new. So this is one way to do that. JACK HIDARY: And that's a social business. Endless he calls it. MUHAMMAD YUNUS: It's called Endless, yes. Right here, he's based right-- JACK HIDARY: Yeah, right here. MUHAMMAD YUNUS: Right here. So this is one, how to address the problem of not reaching them. And now bring the basic thing that you need, which everybody needs, 3% of the totality that everybody is looking for. And you can choose which of the part that you must have. So you can add that part. There is a standard one. You can have [INAUDIBLE]. So you need all the things here. And then another activity that I see, the telecommunication. As telecommunication expands, here comes the internet facility with the telephone itself. So in Bangladesh, telecommunication has advanced in such a way with 165 million people, now we have 125 million telephone subscribers. So every family, poor, rich, beggars-- everybody has telephone. So with the telephone, you have internet facilities. So this is another way. But it has to be ensured that it goes for a good purpose that you use it. Question is when we have these facilities, why don't we use it for a purpose people need? And that's where come your artificial intelligence and Google X, how to make that artificial intelligence to bring health care for people. JACK HIDARY: On the phone. MUHAMMAD YUNUS: On the phone, on the phone is possible. Or phone-like gadgets, which I don't think this gadget will remain this shape in the next 10 years. It will be a different shape probably. But whatever gadget brings all the information, all the communications, everything in that gadget. Also health care services that you get your body is monitored all the time. And if you have any symptoms of any deviation from a norm, it will be immediately warning you what needs to be done so that fix it so that you can protect yourself by prevention rather than let it wait for 10 years and it becomes a complicated disease. You are running around. There is no cure for it. JACK HIDARY: Particularly because the mobile phone, as you're pointing out, is going to be the primary, if not the only connection, that the next 3 billion will have to the internet. You look at a startup in London called Babylon, which is delivering today AI-based health care and triage to about 1 and 1/2 million citizens in the UK officially by the National Health System there. And so you can see this is becoming a reality. That becomes portable to the kind of phones to deliver health care as in your example, AI-based health care. MUHAMMAD YUNUS: So I'm saying that if you focus on the objective that is for something to solve people's problem, remove the moneymaking part of it-- I'm sure you can have a moneymaking part on business, but this business is not the intention of making money-- suddenly your eyes open up completely. You see things which you never saw with the glasses of the dollar sign glasses. Here you don't have to worry about the stock market, IPOs, and all the-- JACK HIDARY: Just focus on the goal. MUHAMMAD YUNUS: Just focus on the goal. And make it happen. It's possible. That's what excites me. Technology is so powerful, there's no reason why anybody has any problem in this world if you only remove the idea of making money out of it. So you can have two kinds of businesses-- moneymaking business, fine. At the same time, parallely, you can have social businesses, business to solve problems. And that's the kind of thing that we are trying to encourage. I'm pointing out in the book that it's possible. Every young person, every tech person, everybody can do that. And all it needs creative power, thinking power. And once you do that, lots of things are already available. You can create a lot more, which you have never done before. JACK HIDARY: Excellent. Do you love the professor's energy? [APPLAUSE] Four decades in. Super strong. Let's have some questions. State your name, please, for the professor and then your question. Make sure it's a short question. We want to get quite a few in. AUDIENCE: Thank you. Thank you for coming. My name's Tony. I work here at Google. I wonder if you could talk more about the zero poverty because it seems to me there's a lot of poverty which you're not addressing. There's lots of refugees. There's famine. There's oppression. How do you get to zero poverty with all these problems? MUHAMMAD YUNUS: Just bring the case of Bangladesh because that's where we were. When the Millennium Development Goals were declared, goal number one was to reduce poverty by half by 2015. So we thought this is just [INAUDIBLE].. This is what we are supposed to do. And this is what we are doing. So we kind of expedited the whole process so that we can reach out to more people, to see that they can start unleashing their own energy, creative power, and so on and so forth. Ultimately, when the 2015 came with the stocktaking what we have done, we've done pretty good. Out of the eight goals, we achieved six of those goals by 2015. Two came close but didn't make it completely. One, which made a surprising result is the number one-- reducing poverty by half-- we achieved by 2013, middle of 2013, 2 and 1/2 years before the target. So we felt very excited because one of the poorest country in the world achieving-- reaching goal number one ahead of time is an exciting news for all of us. And now we see [INAUDIBLE],, sustainable development goals, with 17 goals. Number one goal is to reduce poverty to zero by 2030. And we calculate how we have been reducing over past. And we see at the speed that we are reducing poverty, if we continue at this speed now, we already will be reaching zero poverty before 2030. So this is kind of a statistical measurement issues and so on. But you are right. There are many special groups-- refugees and displaced people, war-torn people, all kinds of people, people with the difficult to function, disabilities, and so on. How do you address that? So that's where you have to be creative to bring that. Just because refugees, they are not to maimed people. They are fully energetic people. JACK HIDARY: And they could be social businesses-- MUHAMMAD YUNUS: Absolutely. The refugee camp is a whole society by itself. There are doctors. There are engineers. They're just simply pushed out of the country. Doesn't mean that they are helpless people. They don't know what to do, how to begin. They are functioning. They are business people. They are teachers. Everybody has been pushed out. So you recreate the whole thing, society. But the problem is host country, most of the time, do not allow them. They don't give you a license to operate. They don't give you permission to get into the law business that you want to be in the lawyer because you are a lawyer, a very successful lawyer back home. You can't do that. So those are the things to be resolved, political things. This has nothing to do with poverty and so on. Refugee doesn't mean he is a poor person. He is a very rich person. Today he's a refugee. So he's looking for opportunities to get things done, started. So this is a special group. But there are many groups of tribal areas in remote places, people who are never mainstream, life stream and so on. That's where the technology comes. Technology comes to bring information, marketing facility. You don't have to go to the city to sell things. You do it on the internet, you can sell things. Design business to make it happen. That's what we call it in social businesses and so on. And also bring education. You don't have to go to Harvard University to learn. Harvard University or a university anywhere in the world, top universities, they will be everywhere in the world. Even if you are remote a most brilliant student in the Harvard probably will be someone in a remote village in a remote country in Africa. He's a brilliant student. He never left his country, but he's performing because he's attached to it. That's the technology is making it happen. Today, everything is possible provided we address this issue not for making money. Then it limits yourself. You don't want to go to the places where your profit is not as much as somewhere else. So you start comparing. In social business, you don't compare. Here there is a problem. Here is a solution. We come with a solution. Only thing you want-- it has to be sustainable. And make sure your cost is as low as possible so that people can afford it. And make sure that it's effective, it is efficient, and you can continue to improve on it. JACK HIDARY: Professor, let's have some more questions because we have quite a few people. Let's have a quick question. Rapid fire. AUDIENCE: I'll try. JACK HIDARY: OK, your name? AUDIENCE: My name is David [? Karem. ?] I'm a product manager in machine intelligence. A major concern for us is that we're replacing many jobs with automation. Another is that algorithms are inheriting our biases. We believe these issues are correctable. But I'd just like to ask you maybe your thoughts on how. AUDIENCE: How to do the correct-- JACK HIDARY: Wait. So it's really two questions here. So you squeezed in two questions. I see that. I see what you did. AUDIENCE: And I even have more. JACK HIDARY: Yeah, so first in terms of what you and I talked about in New York in terms of machine learning and AI is now going to create automation, which may threaten quite a number of jobs. But also a second question he's asking, he was asking in terms of AI is created by us. And sometimes without meaning to, we're putting our own biases into the AI. So the AI is reflecting human biases. Even though it's artificial, it's reflecting our biases. So maybe these two questions on, how do we address some of the joblessness that may come from AI? And how do we address some of the biases that may unintentionally seep in? MUHAMMAD YUNUS: Yep. I tried to explain it in the book, just that issue, by saying that we are told that 40 million young people are coming to the job market every year. And it is growing as the population of the world grows. And is a threat. Existing unemployment and the threat of the technology and all this existing. Now 40 million young people coming every year to the job market. I said, I interpret this in a different way. I see 40 million young entrepreneurs entering into the world. It's an exciting news. It's a question of looking at what you're looking at. I said, these young people are there to be entrepreneurs, not a job seeker. Job is a tiny little thing for [INAUDIBLE].. This doesn't fit into the destiny of a human being. You sacrifice your creative power when you take a job in most of the cases. So I said, why sacrifice yourself? Be yourself. Be an entrepreneur. That's natural thing to human being. And I give the history of human being on this planet. I said, we are always go-getters. We are problem-solvers. That's what we are. Suddenly some theory tells you that no, no, only destiny you have, you have to find a job. So every young person is running around to find a job. So this is one direction that we have. And I said, yeah, all the technology is they're taking away jobs. I said, who creates this technology? There are two drivers of technology. Now I am sitting here in Google talking about technology. There are two drivers of technology. One, money makers, who want to make money by using technology. So everything is because in your head, you have to design something to make money. So greatest money that you can make. You create the jackpot. That's the technology you will create. This is your built-in. Another one is war makers. War makers want technology for different purposes. There is no social driver of technology. If there's a social driver of technology, they will say, how to create technology so that every young person in this world will absolutely have all the knowledge and education? Let's do that. And it's a costless operation we want to do it because we don't want to make money. Suddenly our minds open up completely. We design those things because we have no intention of [INAUDIBLE] as I said about the stock market and all the investors and so nothing. Don't worry about them. All we worry about-- have I done that? Are they doing that? Have I created technology to take all the health care for everyone? Health care is a problem everywhere. Look at what is health care doing in this country. It's information politics. And the cost goes up and up and everybody. It doesn't matter. It doesn't make sense in this day and age people don't have health care as a part of a regular thing. I said, it shouldn't worry anybody. But it does. So we can bring technology to make it happen-- education, health care, opportunities, being entrepreneurs. We can create a whole slew of things within technology so that anybody who wants to get into entrepreneurial activity will help them. We can do that. We connect everybody to make that happen. So that's the driving force missing. If we have that, then suddenly those whole new world will emerge. JACK HIDARY: Professor, let's take more questions because we have so many people who want to ask questions. Your name, and go ahead. AUDIENCE: My name is [INAUDIBLE].. So I was wondering about how social businesses will compete with money-making businesses? And I think you have talked about having different stock exchanges for social businesses. So can you talk more about it? How will the economic model look for that as a social stock exchange or something? JACK HIDARY: Yeah, let's give some short answers because we have so many people. MUHAMMAD YUNUS: OK, yeah. In a social stock exchange, we have been talking about it. It has not been created yet. We need a minimum concentration of social business so that people could start buying and things. We have crowd funding kind of things today in social business. People who want to invest in social businesses, they can do as a crowd funding. Social business funds are being created but not an institution to exchange shares from each other. That we have not done. But this is an idea. Some call themselves social exchange, social stock exchange. But this is more of a charity kind of thing. They're not the one that we are really talking about, real shares being transferred to each other. JACK HIDARY: Great. Next question, please. Your name? AUDIENCE: Hi, I'm [? Sonali. ?] And I'm from India. And my question is regarding the agriculture sector. I know that in India, agriculture sector is the biggest employer. And I know that's true of Bangladesh as well. And the problem is that in India, I see a lot of nonprofits which are trying to help families who are dealing with climate change or bad government policies. And usually what happens is that they are able to deal with them. But whenever there's climate change or something, it's causing the farmers to actually abandon whatever their primary occupation is. And it's leading to open migration because they go and seek jobs that's construction workers. And I know that's true of Bangladesh as well, where a lot of people are working in these cloth factories, which are-- MUHAMMAD YUNUS: Garment. AUDIENCE: Yeah, the garment factories. MUHAMMAD YUNUS: And he threatens that [? you ?] will be over. AUDIENCE: Right. So my question-- JACK HIDARY: Not me but something out there. Yeah, so bring us to your question. AUDIENCE: Yeah, so my question is that even if you build up a social enterprise and you're kind of funding enterprises which are very susceptible to, say, climate change or government policies, how do you deal with that? MUHAMMAD YUNUS: Quickly to respond to that, you have been talking about NGOs and nonprofit, not-for-profit entrepreneurial organizations. Yes, they have their own way of doing that. Because we tried to bring it to a business formula. So that you are responsible. You make sure your cost is covered by operations so that you sustain yourself. Continue in business. And no feel uncertainties of NGO world because funding has to be done from outside every year to keep you running. So agriculture is a fantastic area of a social business. And we see everyday examples. There are many examples in the book also that what can be done. And one example is, quickly, one company, big company, was involved in potato. Got interested in social business. We did that. Then what he did, he created a new social business in Europe. 30% of the vegetables grown in Europe are thrown away. What is their problem? What did they do wrong? They are not shaped in a way the consumers have been interested. A cucumber fat on one side, thin-- JACK HIDARY: The bananas, the wrong angle. MUHAMMAD YUNUS: The wrong angle. In the industry, it is known as ugly vegetable. And the ugly vegetable happens to be 30% of the total vegetable production. So what this company has done, created a new social business company. Absolutely nothing to do with making money for themselves. To solve the problem of throw away good food. So they buy up all the throwaway vegetables and chop them up and make nice little packages, calling them ready-to-cook vegetables. JACK HIDARY: So you didn't know when you're eating it that it was an ugly fruit before. MUHAMMAD YUNUS: Whether it ugly or not ugly, the shape doesn't matter when you cut them up. So people like it. It's very cheap because it came from a very different source. So this is one area, how to protect from the wastage. And marketing is always a big problem in agriculture everywhere all over the world. Coffee growers don't get the money that the coffee drinkers are paying for it. Comparison is unbelievable comparison. It's a penny versus several dollars kind of thing. Cotton growers don't get the money what the cotton consumers are paying. Similarly cocoa growers don't get the money what chocolate eaters are paying them. So we create a social business in the middle. We take the coffee from the growers and sell it in the ultimate market. Whatever processing is needed, we do that and bring the money back to the growers. Because we are social business, we are not interested in making money. We are only solving your problems. That's it. Once you have that idea, this is a very, very simple idea. You can make a more interesting thing to make that happen back and forth. So the problem of market-- and this is a huge problem. Wastage is a big problem. How to make [INAUDIBLE] save this wastage. Many [INAUDIBLE] gave one after the production. Before the production and after the eating, there is a lot of [INAUDIBLE] Lots of waste in the industry, in the agriculture industries, lots of waste. And you can create social business to bring it back into the good food chain. So it's a question of where our mind goes. If there is a problem, if our mind goes in a simple way, removing all the hazy ideas of profit-making into that, then suddenly you'll see in a very transparent way. And your creativity comes into action. You create a business, which not only works in this tiny corner or where you're working. Suddenly it becomes a global because the problem is everywhere. Whether you're working in India, whether you're in USA, in Africa, it doesn't matter. And amazing things happen. Similarly, from the agriculture, you move into the forestry. Today, deforestation is the standard in everywhere. You can turn it completely around because forestry is a very good income-generating activity. So if you see that possibility, instead of leaving forestry as a ministry of forestry in the government, nothing will happen. Nothing will get done. It will get on deforestation. If people say, no, we want to keep the forest. We want to make sure the forest grows. We want to make sure deforestation is reversed. And deforestation in a social business way, it's impossible. It's a question of changing the mind. That's all. JACK HIDARY: Thank you, professor. Next question, please. AUDIENCE: My name is Dan. Are there barriers to creating social businesses either in Bangladesh or maybe in the US, who are more familiar that are preventing people, either legal or do we need encouragements? And because obviously we have lots of nonprofits, which is a different model. But probably a lot of people who are doing nonprofits, would they be better doing social business in some cases? MUHAMMAD YUNUS: We don't face any hostility. The oh, you're social business. You're taking away my business. Nothing like that because in most of the cases, there is none operating in there. For example, if you want to bring clean water to the villages as a social business so that they can drink clean water. We do that because nobody else is there. Even the profit-makers is not there. AUDIENCE: Are other legal barriers, like in-- MUHAMMAD YUNUS: No, no, no. We said, all the laws that are existing, we follow the same law. We don't want to violate any law. We proceed with all the regularity authority, restrictions, and so on. We don't want to disrupt anybody's work. We want to play in the same marketing place, no problem. If somebody's already doing it, we applause them. You are doing it. But we want to do it, make it cheaper for the people that you cannot reach. That's fine with us. So we don't see anybody as taking away our business because we don't want to protect our business because we are not here to make money. When you to make money, then you see as a kind of somebody who's competing with you, taking away something. We say, you want to work? We want to work to solve the problem. You want to make money? Go ahead. Make money as long as you can. But we are coming to make it cheaper, better for people who are not rich by you. That's all. JACK HIDARY: Professor, here in the US, we've seen the rise of the B corp movement, which is exactly the end to this point. Because when you start a C corp or a traditional LLC, there's certain responsibilities you have to your investors. And there is this expectation of dividends going out of the company on a typical basis. The B corp allows for more of a social business structure. Started in Vermont initially, but now has spread to a good number of states across the US because companies are incorporated at the state level, not at the federal level. And we're seeing a lot of good traction with the B corp model, which is one of the primary social business models out there. So I think we're seeing some good initial traction. And it does help to smooth out some legal difficulties that if you try the C corp social business, you might have some issues. So some good signs, I would say. AUDIENCE: Thank you. MUHAMMAD YUNUS: Thank you. JACK HIDARY: Next question, please. We are just moving through these. This is good. Good, professor. AUDIENCE: Going back to giving out loans to women only, I was curious if it's because you try the same model with men first and you weren't getting the money back. Or where was this decision in the trial and error? And then also subquestion is of these businesses that these female entrepreneurs started either in Bangladesh or around the world, was there a common trend in the businesses that they started or the ones that were successful? What types of businesses were successful? MUHAMMAD YUNUS: On the men-women issue, that we started this in Grameen Bank when we just a little initiative in one village in Jobra, which is just next to the university campus. I have been criticizing the bankers a lot. I was very nasty towards the bankers in Bangladesh, criticizing them that are wrong. Their design is wrong. They created an institution which doesn't make any sense because banks are supposed to lend money. They do it in such a funny way. They lend money to people who already have lots of money. They don't lend money to people who don't have money. I said this should be the other way. That's the logic. So they laugh, like he laughed. Everybody laughed and said-- [LAUGHING] JACK HIDARY: That's the evil banking laugh. MUHAMMAD YUNUS: Absolutely. What a silly thing to ask. That's what we do. And then I hit on another point. I said, you also don't lend money to women. Because in Bangladesh, at the time that I was raising this question, 99% of the borrowers of all the banks of Bangladesh are men. 1% or less are the woman. So I said, you are not only against poor people. You are also against women because your results show that. This is not me making it up. So they said, no, no, women don't come to us. I said, no, your rules are so bad because when a woman comes to the proposition with if she's a rich person, she's a able person, always manager will look at the business proposition and then say, have you discussed with your husband? And then he will say, why don't you bring your husband along next Monday so that we can discuss? I said, has it ever happened in the history of banking in Bangladesh a man brought his proposal to a manager and manager said, have you discussed with your wife? Why didn't you bring your wife with you so that we can discuss that? And I said, that's where the discrimination begins. And that's why people don't feel encouraged. Women don't feel-- when I begin, I wanted to make sure I correct it because I've been so vocal against it. So I shouldn't commit the same mistake. So I wanted to make sure half the borrowers in my program are women. And it was a tough job. Women say, no, no, don't give it to me. Give it to my husband. So I don't know what to do. I keep on explaining to my students because I'm working with the students, who work together. They were very frustrated working with the women. These are girl students who were working with me to go to the women. They said, maybe we should forget about them. They said, they don't know anything. I said, no, that's not the way. When you hear that they are saying they cannot do anything. They are afraid of money. They don't want to create trouble for the family. Always remember this is the history which is making them say that because history made them so fearful of everything that happens new. So they want to cling to the old things. They don't want to expose themselves on new danger of exposing themselves. I said, we have to peel off the fear layer by layer. It takes time. So we go back again and again. Build confidence in them. It took us six years in doing that. Then we came to 50-50. Then we saw something new coming up. Money going to the family through women brought so much more benefit to the family than the same amount of money going to the family through men. And you can write a whole book on that. The kind of differences that you see is so visible, so obvious doing that every family have them. Then we said, why are we having this restriction of 50% for women? Why don't you open it up? Then we opened it up and focused on women. It slowed down our work so much because men are just jumping around to take money. Here, women are so reluctant, so make sure that she understands everything. So we accepted that. But gradually, it jumped up to 60%, 70%, and went beyond 90%. Then we say, let's slow down so that we can keep some men into the picture. So we stopped in 97%. That's how we remained 97% forever so that we don't eliminate everything. But when it came to the USA, they didn't bother about men, just went straight to women. And that's done fantastically well. JACK HIDARY: Good learnings. One last question, please. But don't worry, you guys will get books. Don't worry. Go ahead. One last question. AUDIENCE: Hi. JACK HIDARY: Your name? AUDIENCE: I'm Melissa. Earlier you were mentioning how it's really exciting that 14 million people a year entering the workforce and how everyone should be an entrepreneur and go into social business. But it seems to a very small percentage of people are willing to become an entrepreneur. And even a smaller percentage are willing to go into social business. What's going to have to change to mobilize young people to get into social business? MUHAMMAD YUNUS: See, I have always feel inspired. The previous question was what is successful in businesses and new entrepreneurs that are coming up. I feel encouraged what I already explained to the young people in Bangladesh. If your illiterate mother, who never had any experience of business of any type-- she doesn't even watch TV. She doesn't know how business is done. If she can become entrepreneur, not one, millions of them in Bangladesh, now probably millions of them in the US. And 300 millions of them worldwide. I don't believe people are not entrepreneur. I believe they are entrepreneur. Simply, our system that we build suppressed it, locked it up, said you have to have a job. So everybody is running around with the CV, with the recommendations, telephone calls so that I can get a little job with you so that my life is done. I said, that's not what the human beings are created for. It is wrongly designed. Our mind is twisted around to make us believe that job is the only thing that we have to do. Our education system is twisted around. Our family conversation are twisted around because that's what the theory says. You are born to work for somebody else. I said, we are not born to work for somebody else. I'm a free person. I do things on my own way. Unleash my own energy on creative power. So once we establish that, everybody will be entrepreneur. So why did all these women become entrepreneur? Because you put the money on the table. That's the only trick we play. When you see money on the table, I said, why am I sitting around? There's money. I can do something. So today, that money doesn't exist. In the schools and colleges, you traditionally see recruiters coming from different companies. You see that all the time. And see which of the recruiter you can discuss, see who can get a job in that company. No financier comes into the campus saying that if you want to be entrepreneur, this is what your facility would give. This is our social venture. This is this venture. This is that. We are better than anybody else. Even if you fail, it's OK for you. All kinds of attractive offer there. Nobody comes. So I don't know how do we become entrepreneur. In empty hand, you cannot be entrepreneur. You need some money in your hand. And the financial institution is responsible to provide that money. I said, in order to catch a dollar, you need a dollar. Without the first dollar, you don't catch the next dollar. But nobody gives that first dollar in the hands of an unemployed young person. That's the tricky thing. You may have a most brilliant idea of business. You go to any bank, any investor. They will just throw you out. Who are you? That's the trouble. JACK HIDARY: Professor, it is an honor and pleasure to have one of the true visionaries of our time here with us today. Please let me thank Professor Muhammad Yunus. MUHAMMAD YUNUS: Thank you. [APPLAUSE] JACK HIDARY: "World of Three Zeros." We have some of the back for the questioners. Thank you very much, professor. MUHAMMAD YUNUS: Thank you. Thank you. Wonderful. Thank you, too.
Channel: Talks at Google
Views: 21,539
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Keywords: talks at google, ted talks, inspirational talks, educational talks, A World of Three Zeros, Muhammad Yunus, muhammad yunus interview, finding success, how to be successful, nobel peace prize, save the planet
Id: 8YHtLGI172k
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Length: 60min 30sec (3630 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2017
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