"A WORD TO THE LABORERS"- 9/5/2021 Virtual Worship and Communion

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[Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning and welcome to sunday school at hutchison missionary baptist church i'm deacon michael gibbs your superintendent this morning we have a great lesson coming to us from exodus the 15th chapter verse 11 through the 21st verses and our subject this morning from our commentary is praise with music and from our sunday school book celebrating with songs our key verse this morning is verse 11 who is like unto thee o lord amongst the gods who is like thee glorious in holiness fearful in praise doing wonders we find in our lesson today as we begin there's a question and the question is it speaks to us of god there's no one like god also in the lesson we will find moses announced that the lord is to be feared reverence because he has mighty deeds i could really go on about this lesson this morning because it's such a good lesson but today we have with us this morning we have with us minister sandra woods would come and bless us with our lesson review god bless you god keep you we don't have our banner of attendance ready today i know but uh we will have that next sunday lords willing we ask that you enjoy your holiday be safe god bless you and god keep you at this time we will hear from minister sandra woods good morning church family today i'm reviewing the sunday school lesson and today's topic was celebrating with song and it comes from exodus 15th chapter 11 through the 21st verse the key verse which is a wonderful verse uh reads uh from exodus 15th chapter and the 11th verse who is like unto thee o lord among the gods who is like thee glorious in holiness fearful and praises doing wonders this scripture today in our lesson is known as the song of moses as you know uh exodus was written by moses and these scriptures tell three different things the deeds of god the dreading of our god and the dwelling of our god at the time moses and god had led the israelites from pharaoh's army through the red sea they had made it to the promised land and at this point they were so happy they were singing and rejoicing for all that god has done for them so the song in these scriptures celebrate god's attributes how with his outstretched hand he allowed enemies to be swallowed up in the red sea and they also rejoice in this song in the mercy and in the grace of god and how he not only led them from captivity and out of bondage and led them away from their enemies but he also redeemed them so that they knew that they were in good standing with god and that they were redeemed it was god's desire to lead them to the promised land here on earth but he still wanted to guide them and us to heaven in the second section of our lesson the dreading of god which includes verses 14 and 16 in this part the song of moses shifts from me shifts from meaning of the song to remind people of god's powerful presence he reminded them that he is not like any other god he is to be respected it talks about how people find themselves at odd with god at odds with god and will hear of his mighty works and tremble in other words people who are not on god's side this section tells the dread they will have if god has to show them the power much in the way that he did pharaoh's army they did tremble and they were afraid of the mighty hand of god and the song in verses 17 through 21 the closing sections of the song god is bringing all of his people together and he's placing them on a mountain of their inheritance and that mountain symbolizes a nation being exalted above all others and protected throughout their lives so throughout our christian journey we should carry a song in our hearts to affirm and to show and to remind us of our trust in god how we can always depend on him how we can always know that what he's doing is right it should also remind us of our devotion to god how we're committed to him and how he reverence him in every way and then of course the reverence of our almighty god is the third thing that this lesson should remind us to do so how and when we celebrate god is important to him and it's important to us we should celebrate god every time he does something great for us we know that we don't limit our praise and worship of god to sundays we should praise him every time he does something to us just as the israelites did so whether it be in song or poetry or dance or even with instruments we must do like the israelites worshiping him for all he has done and celebrating him in song thank you and god bless [Music] good morning hutchinson family this is lady nisha and welcome to today's broadcast you are in for a treat i hope you enjoy make sure you like comment and subscribe and don't forget we love you and there is nothing you can do about it hutchinson how many of you know we serve an able god this morning a god that's able to heal and keep and sustain us forgive us and deliver us he's able to keep us from falling in to present us worthless he's an able god right now let's celebrate him this morning he's able to see [Music] all we could ask or things [Music] you god is able to do just what he said he would do he's gonna fulfill every promise to you you know that don't give up on god he won't give up on you he's able come on let's celebrate him today come on and sing it now jesus [Music] oh yeah come on praise james come on just what he said [Music] [Music] [Music] come on god is able to do everybody [Music] to come on [Applause] one more time wherever you are come on [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on come on [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] there ain't no doubt to pick you up turn it around cause he won't give up on you don't give up on god cause he won't give up on you no don't give up on god cause he won't give up on you he's able [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] second timothy chapter 1 verse 7 says god has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind covert 19 has hit our community hard but we must not fear god is with us god works through us and provides a way for us through god's words through medical treatments and doctors but you may still have questions and that's okay questions like is it safe what if i have a pre-existing condition where can i get it it's good to have questions because questions lead to answers and answers will help us find our way people of color were part of the testing of the vaccine people of all backgrounds of people who had pre-existing conditions i liked that i thought that made me more confident so get the facts visit getvaccineanswers.org so that you can make an informed decision when vaccines are available to you and then we'll be able to do what we've been missing so much have live worship experiences serving others and connecting with one another in person as soon as we can learn more at getvaccineanswers.org [Music] what do you see when you look at the cross it's so much less about shouldering a burden and so much more about laying it down laying down your life to follow the only one glorious enough to overcome all our tears all our struggles all the worries of this world to point the way to everlasting high on a hill the old rugged cross stands firm as our hope of resurrection proving that nothing can stop god from proving his love for you [Music] so lay down your trophies look forward to your crown and cling to the cross of your king [Music] i love you lord my god just because you first [Applause] sweet jesus then you rose to set me free i love you [Music] [Music] you first [Music] am so glad you came and you gave your life for me when i was lost you came and rescued me [Music] people we [Music] hallelujah you are my source oh you're my choice push you everything everything [Music] i will i'm no follow wherever [Music] [Applause] know [Applause] me hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Applause] me me [Music] who are you know [Music] [Music] you you are me [Music] oh oh be wrong me [Applause] he woke me me thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well good morning my brothers and sisters this is the day that the lord has made certainly we rejoice and we are glad in it i pray that you are enjoying the worship experience and you know this is first sunday the time that we have an opportunity to remember the sacrifice of our lord jesus christ on a hill called calvary oh they hung him high stretched him wide he hung his head for me and for you he died certainly that's not how the story ends but bright early sunday morning he rose with all power in his hands where would we be without the sacrifice of our lord and savior jesus christ and this morning we have an opportunity to remember him that's what the word of god says as often as we do this we commemorate we remember his sacrifice and we do this until he comes again and the bible gives instructions paul speaks to the church and he says let a man examine himself i trust that you have your communion elements or that you are moving now to get them and in the process of doing that let us gather together as a family as jesus did on that night in which he was betrayed gathered there with his disciples as a family we do that not only as a household but as a family of faith we're able to connect as we are still navigating this virtual space we are socially distanced but we are spiritually connected and as we connect by faith as we connect remembering the sacrifice we as a church family and you in your individual households as a family we are able to worship together to remember jesus together and so our father and our god as as we gather together now as the community of faith and as individual households we are so very grateful for you giving us your best in the person of your son jesus the christ thank you lord jesus for sacrificing yourself for shedding your blood forgiving your body for us we're so undeserving of your love but we thank you this morning that because of this sacrifice we have freedom and remission of sin forgive us o god your word declares that if we confess our sin you are faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us of all unrighteousness we pray this morning would you create within us clean hearts and renew right spirits within us that we may be your representatives your ambassadors in the earth again we tell you thank you keep us together as a family as a household but even more the family of faith where there is division where there's envy and strife and bitterness and unforgiveness we we move it we cast it aside now and we commit to doing your work in your will in jesus name amen as we prepare to partake of this communion i want to share with you how soviet grateful i am to be your pastor this is a moment where i'm reminded of how god has joined us together and though we've been navigating in this virtual space we're pushing through the difficult days and i believe that the best is yet to come thank you hutcheson i want you to know that i love you and there is nothing you can do about it let's remember jesus on the night in which he was betrayed he there with his disciples took bread blessed it broke it and said take eat all of it this is my body given for you let us eat together [Music] and then like manor he took the cup he blessed it he said take drinky all of it this is the blood of the new covenant shed for the remission of your sin let us drink together well i'm assured today that because of the shed blood of jesus because of his body which is given for us we are alive today we've got something to rejoice and to shout about to look forward to and i want you to know that that same jesus that hung bled and died was buried and rose on that third day ascended into the heavens and guess what he's coming back and i don't know about you but i want to see it until that day we've got to hang on in there through the difficult days that we are navigating through and that's why it is so important to hear the word of the lord how many of you are ready for the word of god on this morning come on put it in the comments i'm ready for the word i'm ready for the word i'm ready [Music] for the word of god well let me call your attention to paul's first letter to the church at corinth first corinthians chapter number 15 and the 58th verse paul writes therefore my beloved brethren be steadfast immovable always abounding in the work of the lord for as much as you know that your labor is not in vain in the lord father bless this time together stand in my body i pray think through my mind speak with my tongue cause your name to be glorified your people to be edified the devil to be horrified in jesus name and the people said amen well it's labor day weekend and on this labor day weekend against the backdrop of paul's first letter to the church of corinth there in first corinthians chapter 15 and 58 he said for as much as you know that your labor is not in vain i want to talk briefly i want to give a word to the laborers a word [Music] to the laborers labor day was instituted here in these united states to pause and to celebrate the notable accomplishments and the vital work of those who labor in this country across very various spectrums of work skills tasks responsibilities and corporations across this nation it is the workers who fuel the greatness of our economy is the workers who have allowed us to be considered one of the greatest nations upon the face of the earth and as we prepare to pause and to honor in this weekend and specifically on monday the work of laborers in this country i want you to pause and to think with me how important the laborers are to the work of the kingdom of god laborers are so important that jesus speaking to his disciples he said the harvest is truly plentiful but the laborers are few in order for god's work to be done laborers are necessary just as jesus made that clarion call that laborers are few we are seeing something very disturbing in the times of this pandemic due to aid and and and assistance by way of the federal and and state governments there are many workers that have opted to live off of unemployment of course you know a few months ago those benefits were dried up but never the less there is a shortage among many corporations companies are instituting uh very uh noble and and and and and and beneficial incentive plans just for you to sign on because just as in jesus's day so is it today there's a whole lot of work to be done and very few who are willing to do it very few who are willing to do it to the degree that it is shown that 80 of the work in many most organizations are done by 20 of the people that's why for some people this pandemic was was was really a much needed break from some of their normal tasks and functions in the church and that's what kind of intrigues me many times when i hear people say they're ready to get back in church are we ready to come back and sit on the pews or are we ready to come back and work now paul is speaking to this church this church of corinth a very gifted a very talented and anointed church some of our teachings on uh the phenomena the the pneumatological enablement of the holy spirit of god that's all pneumatology is the study of the spirit of god his function in the believer as a part of the pneumatological work of god in the life of every believer is this spiritual gift the diversity of spiritual gifts which enables us to do the work of kingdom building and in our discourse and teachings on these spiritual gifts we must refer to paul's letter to the church at corinth who was a very gifted church a church who had been spiritually enabled by god to do uh a multiplicity of things within uh the family of faith but even more in the community abroad for that is the call of god that we use our spiritual gifts not only within the confines or of the four walls but we use them beyond the walls but what paul noticed is that these very gifted and anointed and skilled workers and laborers had had had fallen in their passion they had fallen in their zeal they did not work with the same level of intensity that they used to work in and so paul stops in this 15th chapter of the book of first corinthians because he wants to have a talk with them on the heels of telling them about spiritual gifts he noticed that they got caught up in a question and as i talked with you laborers there are many who in this in in these times in which we have lived if we are honest we will attest to the fact that we do not work as we used to in the things of god not just because of this pandemic but even before this pandemic we were not moving with the same zeal and passion and intensity in the area of the work of god and for this church at corinth they got caught in the question of death there's not a single person in this pandemic that doesn't know somebody that has been negatively impacted whether they have succumbed to sickness be it pandemic or other natural ailments in their body or have knocked on death's door for many believers it is the uncertainty surrounding death that hinders us from effectively living let me say that one more time it is our uncertainty concerning death that hinders us from fully living there's somebody so worried about death that they can't even live paul settles this by giving clarity concerning death and he begins to talk to them about the reality i believe that's around verse number 50 that the corruptable must put on incorruption the mortal must put on immortality that death is a conversion process that as long as we are in this body we are limited in mortality we are faced with corrupt ability we are faced with the inevitability that we are are living unlimited time and for some like at the church of corinth they viewed death as a moment of defeat but paul clarifies that because of the finished work of our lord jesus christ i wish i had somebody that can thank god for the finished work of jesus christ that's what we just did in the act of remembering jesus through the the taking of holy communion in the finished work of our lord jesus christ he conquered death hell and the grave for generations upon generations prior to the coming of jesus christ and the salvific work of jesus christ on that rugged cross there were many who true enough were defeated by death some of the greatest laborers in the kingdom of god abraham come on think about abraham and and think about noah think about david and solomon think about gideon and barack and deborah and esther think about all of these great figures who though they did the noble work of god one day they died on the front side of calvary though prophesying and foreshadowing the work of jesus christ isaiah and jeremiah and ezekiel and even daniel they still died but the coming of jesus christ took the sting the deadly sting out of death to the degree that paul said o death where is thy sting glory to god o grave where is thy victory for the sting of death is sin the strength of sin is the law but thanks be under god i think somebody ought to just tell god thank you right now but thanks be unto god who giveth us the victory paul writes through our lord jesus christ and he says since that matter has been settled he shifts to verse number 58 he said knowing this therefore my beloved brethren brethren through our belief in the finished work of jesus christ everybody who believes in the in the accomplishment that comes from the cross that no longer do we have to fear death hell or the grave death simply becomes sleep for the believer hallelujah hell no longer has any power and the grave simply becomes a temporary resting place as we await the second coming of our lord jesus christ we do not immediately go into heaven don't you dare declare that god needed another flower when your loved one passes he doesn't need a flower he doesn't need an angel he doesn't need a rose all these other things that we declare they are not in heaven immediately neither are they in hell immediately they are there resting in the grave and to those who believe and sl and and and accept jesus into their life the bible says they do not die but they sleep they rest from their labors they rest in jesus until jesus cracks the sky that's what paul writes to the church at thessalonica he said don't be ignorant don't be ignorant for the lord shall descend from heaven with a shout the voice of the archangel the trumpet of god the dead in christ shall arise first and we who are alive and remain we will be caught up but thanks be unto god he says here in this letter that corinth y'all i'm getting too excited who gives us victory through our lord jesus christ he says get over the question of death and now therefore my beloved brethren i'm calming down now be steadfast and movable always abounding in the work of the lord the word for the laborers the word to the laborers is that number one we we don't have to get caught in the question of death but then the second word that he gives to the laborers is that we must assess the quality of what we do he says be steadfast be resolved in the tenets of our faith what i what did i just tell you a part of a part of those doctrinal beliefs is is is what we believe even concerning death what we believe concerning the finished work of jesus what we believe concerning the salvific work of god these are some of the fundamental beliefs and he says as you are doing the work of god you must believe god in such a way that nothing shakes you nothing stops you nothing moves you you know anytime you make a definitive decision to do the work of god the enemy that devil he loves to hit you with his heart as blow some of you have been hit during this pandemic but he says to them particularly in that time where the early church was being persecuted beaten battered bruised boiled for the work of god simply for doing good they were being persecuted but he tells them be steadfast immovable always abounding in the work of the lord he says you've got to have as as as as my mentor uh he he says you got to have stick ability you got to have that unwavering determination like the old church said i'll go if i have to go by myself i'm not worried about who's doing what and i know that this pandemic has modified what we would normally do in the service of almighty god we cannot physically stand at the door to usher we we we don't always get to be one of the uh many numbers of those who sing in the choir anymore as we reduced it down to just six or eight people at a time we don't we don't get a chance to do what we used to do the way that we do it but guess what the work has shifted beyond the walls think about the countless hundreds of families and people that have been fed in the food drive you've been doing the work of god even this week we are raising uh we we are endeavoring to raise over 500 cases of water and you all have already responded to the call to do the work of the lord you're working you're shining in your professional career you're shining on college campuses you're doing god's work even in the uncertainty surrounding this pandemic teachers and doctors and lawyers skilled laborers doing what you do he says be steadfast don't let the devil don't let this pandemic don't let your personal problems peril and predicament stop you and move you you gotta tell the devil bring it on because i will not stop in fact i'm gonna go harder in the service of god that's what god is looking for church somebody that declared i'm running trying to make it to 100 because 99 and a half won't do i must work the work of him who sent me while it is day for when night come no man can work he says be steadfast be unmovable but notice finally what he says always abounding giving to god the best that you have that's why we get that word excellence god doesn't want half-hearted service you know we love to say stuff like if i get it wrong charge it to my head not my heart you get up to sing a song know you hadn't practiced you get up to read no you hadn't practiced get up even preach no you hadn't studied we gave god if we're honest half-hearted service but but i believe that if we can work these jobs five sometimes six days a week and give to our boss secularly our best then should we give the source of all resources our best paul would tell the colossian church whatever you do do it with all of your heart as unto god not for men and so when i give god my best when i preach i give it my best i preach like it's my last i know i hadn't been hooping in uh what about two months now but i still teach and share the word with fervor with passion having studied and heard from god because i want to give god my best i ain't worried about pants on the back if nobody ever applause the work that i've done i'm looking to hear him say well done i know i'm not the only one is there anybody that want to hear him say well done if you want to hear him say well done you got to do well you got to do your best and if when you've given the best of your service lord i'm trying to keep my calm here telling the world that the savior is come don't be dismayed when men don't believe you for he'll understand and say well done i know i got some laborers who become discouraged who become disgruntled but can i give you the last word he says for as much as you know that your labor is not in vain in other words what he says is quitting is not an option for some of you you walked away from church because i know church people make it hard church people make you not even want to believe in god sometime for some of you you gave your best and and you were met with jealous and insecure people sometimes you tried to help people who turned and their ones you tried to help turn and hurt you yes that happens but you cannot quit you you were doing the work of the of the lord and wonder how people who wasn't doing nothing for god were prospering and here you are having to endure hell in high waters but quitting is not an option for as much as you know that your labor is not in vain what is he saying don't quit because serving the lord will pay off after a while i ought to tell somebody keep on working keep on obeying god i would rather stand before god knowing that i've done well that i would hear him say well done than to worry about people that won't like me whether i got it or not whether i do it or not i'm not doing it for you anyway i cannot quit i would rather stand before god knowing that i had done my best than with regret like that one who heared his talent i'ma talk about that hallelujah in the next couple of weeks may even be next week but we've got to resolve i cannot quit you remember i told you the other week let us not grow weary in well doing for in due season you will reap if you faint not it is important for us with balanced theology to understand that that the greatest reward cannot be formulated and designed on this side there's no accolade there there is no plaque there is no honor or honorarium there's no uh compensation [Music] that there is nothing here on earth that compares to that great reward to be able to live eternally with our lord jesus christ and we've got to keep heaven in our view yes god gives us glimpses of reward he he gives us the ability to see the fruits of our labor he gives us the ability to get pets on the back and and to be honored and appreciated and there's nothing wrong with that but the greatest appreciation is the reward of eternal life your labor in the lord is not in vain and even if no one appreciates you on this side one of these old days we will get our greatest of rewards when we stand and give an account before the lord jesus christ [Music] you may not always get a chance to feel and and and and to sing appreciate it but know that nothing you do goes unnoticed by god god knows he's recording it and so laborers we got work to do we're going to be talking about this all month we have work to do god has greater work for us to do and i want you to be a part of that i want you to shift your perspective and be like isaiah here am i send me and the first step of doing that is to receive to receive the lord jesus christ into your heart and if you're on this broadcast today and you've never accepted jesus christ as your lord and your savior i want to give you an opportunity of a lifetime the best decision you can make on this side that will secure your eternal reward on the other side it's simple if you've never accepted him into your heart pray this prayer with me father i come to you now i admit i'm a sinner in need of your salvation i believe you sent your son jesus and according to scripture he died for me and on the third day he rose that i may have a brand new life i turn away from my old way of living and i embrace my new life in christ thank you jesus for saving me if you prayed that prayer for the first time i need you to visit us on the web now fill out that membership form www.hutchisonmbc.org now that you're part of the family of christ you need a specific family of faith a local house of worship that you can connect with and you don't have to be physically in montgomery you can be one of our virtual members you can connect with us in whatever city and state you may be in i would love to be your pastor and welcome you to be a part of helping hutcheson to go higher let's receive the lord jesus christ today come on you know you need to make some changes you know you've been looking for a church home is a great place to go to heaven from as we prepare to sign off today i want to remind you of our daily prayer call we are praying with you and for you each and every day at seven o'clock am central standard time on the take off prayer call and i want you to take that number down shared with your family and friends and also remember to submit your prayer requests to hmbcprayer gmail.com again hmbcprayer gmail.com i'm praying with you and for you that your prayer requests would become praise reports that support what god is doing on the prayer call and even the more we will be starting up our new midday bible study series old and new school is returning make sure you come by the church and get your book we're starting also a new sunday school unit make sure that you've signed up for a sunday school class and again you can stop by our church tuesday wednesday thursday between the hours of nine a.m and two o'clock p.m now i need your help specifically this week as we prepare to give unto the lord you know that you can support god's work in the giving of your tithe and your offering we have several convenient ways to give of course you can stop by the church 860 east grove street montgomery alabama zip 36104 you can drop it off in our normal uh business hours or you can mail it in or you can give via giblify searches hutchinson missionary baptist church on your apple or android device there you can set up a one-time donation or even reoccurring donations finally you can give via cash app dollar sign hutchinson mbc 860. people of god let's so into the work that god is doing and i want to remind you of our hutchinson higher pledge we need you to covenant with us as we're doing so many necessary upgrades even in this pandemic and we need your help and your support as we strive to reach that amazing goal of one hundred thousand dollars in over and above giving and i thank all of you who have given thus far let's keep pushing because i believe by the end of the year we will reach and meet even exceed our goal to the glory of god now this week i need you to bring your water from uh tuesday wednesday or thursday we're collecting water for the victims of hurricane ida let's continue to pray for all of those that are affected in parts of our country specifically we want to ship over 500 cases of water to louisiana we partnered with delta phi delta on the campus of alabama state university and they have partnered with other student organizations and we are leading the way off campus to make sure that between our church and each and every single one of you and community organizations that we can help to reach this goal all to the glory of god i thank you for those that have already brought your water and thank you in advance to those that will bring your water or you can make a donation they're one of those convenient methods of giving but make sure you pick other or put in the four line hurricane ida project let's do that and i'm declaring that as we continue to be laborers in the kingdom of god that god would bless us and strengthen us comfort and keep us meet every need in the name of jesus let's receive the benediction as we leave this virtual sanctuary but never from the presence of god now unto him who is able to keep you from stumbling and falling present you faultless before his presence with exceeding joy to the only wise god our savior be glory majesty dominion and power now and forever in jesus name amen and remember as always i love you and there is nothing you can do about it be blessed have a wonderful week [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] you
Channel: hutchinsonmbc
Views: 680
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: OK5c04smmoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 16sec (4396 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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