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hi guys welcome back to my channel i hope you're all doing well it feels so nice to be sat down and just talking to the camera i have been in bed now for five or six days i wasn't even gonna say that i've been um really ill because i just thought you know like it's just probably better to not talk about it because before i've done the tests and stuff my corona test came back negative which i'm not going to like i felt completely honest i was pretty shocked about um for a couple of days i really did think i was like this is it like i definitely got it because i was super super ill in bed but if you think about it colds and normal flus and coughs etc like they are still around and i think i've just had like a really bad winter cold this week for me has not only been rubbish because i've been ill but i have been receiving some like weird amount of hate online and it's been pretty rubbish to be honest like sometimes i just find like weird amounts of hate come for me at just really random times like it can be just the smallest thing i'll say the smallest thing i'll do anything up on my story like i think maybe some of you will have seen there's been a bit like a scandal because i used the word chaff on my story which i actually just want to straight up apologize for um i am that person that thinks ridiculous amounts before every single thing that i do every single thing i say every single thing i put on my story because of how prone i am to getting lots of hate and with this i think it was just a bad misjudgment of the word like i think growing up it was a word that like was used so it was just thrown about like in my school times have changed since i was in school and clearly now like it is a word people would find offensive so i just want to straight up say i'm really sorry i've been so close to deleting twitter well this is the 100th time i've nearly deleted twitter because it is so not good for me if i've been messaging my sister like all screenshots of all these tweets that have been going viral of people being like let's like cancel her like we don't want to see her in 2020 people are still going on about how i'm like an animal killer like bringing up the whole italy food thing into it like things i've just not meant anything by and people just love to i don't know sorry this is such a negative start to a video i've been like sitting down and talking about it just it helps me like get it out of my system because anyone else i speak to about it like my friends that my family like tommy they just say like just don't read it like don't read it i don't know what's wrong with you like why would you read that stuff just don't go on your phone it's easier said than done i don't know like i'm just rambling to you guys because you feel like you're my friends and i can just splurge it out and you have nothing to say back to me because i'm speaking to a camera so kind of it's like therapy for me okay it's therapy i attempted a meal prep this evening but it really was not quite making me feel great so this is what we've gone for instead i've made like a little um yogurt bowl with like fruit and honey and stuff um i just feel like i got a bit of sweet tooth this evening so i've put bridgeton on um i haven't seen it yet and everyone's been going on about it i'm gonna give it a watch i'm 16 minutes in and i'm not hooked yet um so i'll let you know how that goes good morning everybody i'm so sorry that i really abruptly stopped filming yesterday i had a nice rant and then i ate some dinner and then i literally just went to bed it was just one of those evenings i really really didn't do much myself and tommy are about to go to the supermarket now the joys of lockdown this is about the most exciting as it gets i spent all morning doing housework i've literally worked so hard my dressing room is finally now tidy and clean it was an abomination before like i was actually embarrassed to show you so i didn't i mean i showed the whole of my instagram so if you follow me instagram you would have seen it but it was so bad i managed to clean it i'll show you that in a second but we are going to go to asda now and do a bit of a weekly shop we need to get waters because i'm really funny and i don't like drinking the tap water in manchester because it tastes really different like the water where i was from down south tasted so clear and fresh and cold and nice and this water here i mean all we need to do is get like a filter like a filter jug for the fridge but i don't know i've become really strange and all i drink is bottled water now so we've run out of bottled water so we're gonna get some more water get some more coke zeroes because my coco addiction is a problem probably why i'm not losing any weight just put on the lights now so you can see um i spent all morning in here sorting out my wardrobe room because it was an absolute tip i did have some candles on here that made the room smell really nice by just blowing them out because we don't need a fire hazard whilst we're out of the house but yeah i'm glad i sorted it out it needed doing so so badly and i feel much better for it now quick ootd because i mean this is the world's worst outfit i am wearing gym leggings this little gray gym top and then this palm angels jacket which is actually tommy's funny story i made him buy it because i absolutely loved it on him i thought it looked so so fair and then he's worn it about twice and i've worn it all the other times and it's a really expensive jacket and he's like you basically made me buy that jacket for you didn't you and i'm like really right guys so we are in asda now say hi hi he's wearing a hat and a mask you can't even really see him um right so when asda we decided to come to asda we do like to normally go to tesco's but i don't know it's good to mix it up you know so we need to get waters we're throwing it in i mean probably might take you off i'm gonna take you off the um trolley because it's just not really working let's be real you're way too low down you can't see absolutely anything oh that's better isn't it we can actually see now so yeah hold on anything in particular you'd like to get yeah new set of knives why that's nice isn't it can i get one to play mario kart bees these oh that's nice flowers i was literally just thinking about i'll never get them in your eggs there's cringe in it yeah don't worry it's fine you've got some flowers the other day um we just realized that we're not really going to be buying much food because we are still kind of having meal preps and we don't really need to get that much food but i'm still picking up fruit some bananas they can go nice and ripe so i can make them cake with that okay some absolutely chews it out today aren't they would you say they're playing some absolute tunes in asda today [Music] tommy's getting a picture and i'm just going to run away tommy didn't believe me that they sell almond milk on like non-refrigerated shelves you're a good viewer so i am owed an apology actually i'll kiss you said math oh thank you he wanted to buy the cold almond milk but i was like just get the warmer milks is cheaper i think it's cheaper was it cheaper was it more by 10p oh 10p give me the trailer [Music] right guys we're back from the supermarket i'm not gonna lie bit of a stressful experience because three of the bags split um we didn't even pack them that heavy because we've had bad experiences with that before but i have just done a little organize of the fridge that's what you've just seen there i don't know why my boobs are this big like am i having a nose bleed yep i'm having a nose speed lastly one second honestly i've been getting oh sorry i've been getting so many nosebleeds recently and it's really bad to be honest i don't know i don't know what i'm going to do about it whenever i'm like stressed or like under the weather or whatever i just it just knows bleeding there's been no speed but yeah basically just organized the fridge and now i'm going to pat everything away and start a fresh and then this evening i'm going to make a cake and yeah as i'm saying i don't want my boobs look that big really weird i am coming on my period supposedly today okay this one really isn't stopping okay i'm going to come off camera because this is kind of concerning okay guys i'm all good nosebleed has stopped thank god um yeah i do get them all the time at the moment so it's kind of normal for me i've just unpacked everything now so you can see what we got we actually stayed relatively healthy this time we really didn't get anything but we didn't get a lot of food as i said we are just doing meal preps over the next couple of days i got some soups some yogurt um mouthwash i got apples i'm trying to keep a fruit bowl even though i never take anything out of the fruit bowl i actually just really like the way it looks and it's nice to have a fruit bowl for like tommy or something once have like a snack but i've decided i'm going to be making a betty crocker carrot cake um because really what else is there to do with the evening um i've done betty crocker mixtures before when i was about three years of age you really would think that i would actually make it from scratch myself and i can do that but i just this is just really quick and simple and easy um takes like literally two seconds i've basically already done it this just needs to go in the oven now right guys betty crocker is now out of the oven and now i would be lying if i said i wasn't slightly disappointed in the rise we don't have much fries it actually doesn't look too bad on the plate but in real life i mean it's literally flat it's a pancake and even went as far as to buy some betty crocker cream cheese i say i mean if this isn't a cheat job then i don't know what is um i also got some really cute little miniature carrots because this is a carrot cake and then i thought i could sorry about me nigella i thought i could like crush up some of these walnuts and like um put them on top as well here we have the fiesta resistance what do you think unbelievable i'm quite proud of that to be honest i mean i know the carrots are fake and i'm going to just chop some like walnuts up in the middle but she did it right by gordon ramsay do you think yeah it's a really cool cake now oh thank you i appreciate that um yeah i mean it's literally just for the two of us but i mean probably just for me actually and there's a massive gap there between those carrots oops we've got the candles on we're just having a nice chilled one we're gonna watch the rest of cheer you're gonna watch dresses basically there's a netflix documentary series called cheer and it's the best thing i've ever watched if you guys haven't watched it you need to watch it because it's literally the most amazing series ever it's all about cheerleaders it's basically like bring it on but in real life it's amazing good morning guys i have been the worst vlogger this week i'm so sorry so i'm coming to you with an apple watch like sorry who do i think i am whenever i see like super fit people in like gym stuff and like really great bodies and stuff they're always wearing an apple watch now so i was just like you know what i'm going to get an apple watch in hopes that somehow i put the apple watch on and i'm just like a fit mastery legend um it didn't happen i put the apple watch on then there was no transformation so i've decided that now i've got the apple watch i am going to have to start doing a little bit of exercise so that's what we're going to be doing in a minute it's chucking it down with rain right now and i'm in a bit of a predicament because the carpets in this this is the most first world problem in predicament um but the carpets in this apartment are super super expensive like the landlord literally the one thing he said to us was like if you ruin these carpets you are dead meat so we never ever wear our shoes in the apartment or anything but to work out aren't you meant to wear trainers but i can't wear trainers in the apartment i'm gonna have to do it barefoot but is that gonna cause an injury i don't know just you know wednesday morning thoughts every single day my apple watchers that give me a little reminder basically telling me that i've not exercised telling me that i need to stand up at 2 a.m tell me on the other night i've got a reminder saying please stand up you taking me it's 2am if i sit still any longer through this lockdown then i might actually just freeze in the sit still position because i don't move and it's not good i was gonna film youtube video today um i was gonna film reacting to my old videos that video but i kind of need to be in the right frame of mind and in the right mood to film a video and i'm today i'm not really feeling like that i'm just feeling like a nice chill day do a bit of exercise have a nice healthy lunch blah blah maybe go to the supermarket if you want to come supermarket with me again it gets that exciting in this lockdown it really does i can't breathe i am so unfit for everyone wondering what workout i just did i did two chloe ting like 15 minute workouts one of them was a ten minute one was a 15. the watch is saying that i've burnt 197 calories so nearly 200 calories oh let me just pause my workout hang on and i worked up for 25 minutes it's better than nothing i look at the sweat i'm going to try and do that every day um because i always see olivia neal talking about chloe ting work out so i just typed in chloe ting and they're like really short and they're really easy and i feel like doing that is better than doing nothing right guys i've just about recovered from that somewhat murderous workout and i actually forgot i did a big asos order the other night and it came a couple of days ago but i've just literally not even had a moment i mean i'm literally locked out of course i've had a moment but i just keep forgetting to open them so how about we talk through what i picked up because i actually can't remember my online shopping gets a problem through lockdowns it just it just happens because there's nothing else to do i didn't even realize i bought this much i bought more coats i don't need more coats what is wrong with me it must be an issue it must be there must be like a type of condition where you're like you're addicted to buying coats and i have it like i actually have it i picked up this pair of nike they're kind of like velvet corduroy i mean they're not for everyone um but they are from like they're these joggers they look um let me see yeah i'm not i'm not sure how i feel about those i literally just bought a gray puffer jacket on zara please somebody explain to me why i picked up a gray puffer jacket on a sauce in fairness though i do think this coat wins over the zara gray puffer because this one is oh wow okay this is why i'm obsessed with buying coats i feel bad about it and then when i try them one i'm like actually i don't feel bad about it anymore this is actually from weekday which is like a brand on asos that i do pick up quite a lot of things from this is absolutely gorgeous i love these weekday coats because they're super puffery and like really big and oversized and i look like a martian i actually like how asos things come on hangers sometimes like they're more sort of premium things they put on hangers nice little touch this is the second coat that i bought it's in like a kind of gray khaki color i'm really into my khaki colors at the moment i don't think i'd wear it with the belt necessarily i'm not sure how i feel about the belt um but this is really nice nice smart oversized coat that i kind of envision wearing like a tracksuit underneath or jeans or something the last coat i picked up from this order is this gray similar style to that one i just tried on um like long blazer coat this is absolutely beautiful i actually don't own a long blazer style coat in a nice gray color i did pick one up from primark um a while back but it's in like a darker gray color this is really really nice i absolutely love this i might as well up my wardrobe game a little bit considering the backgrounds of my pictures on instagram at the moment are so shockingly samey and boring the theory behind it was make out it's really good so then that's the focal point of the picture and the background doesn't really matter i'm pretty sure that finding the right pair of jeans for me will actually be the death of me i don't think i've ever actually found a pair of jeans that i absolutely love the fit of and i'm not sure if these are the ones either i'd like to do them up in fairness they aren't that bad it's kind of disheartening when you have to like size up six thousand sizes to get a nice pair of fitting jeans it's like it doesn't make any sense like i shouldn't have to buy a thousand sizes over the size i am to find a pair of jeans that fit me these are just a little bit too tired also a little bit more mom style in this region the second pair might fit a bit better oh dear dear now these are big enough that i could probably take off in these honestly that is probably the last time i'm ever gonna order jeans because i just cannot find i look these are just way too big for me this is the last time i'm ever ordering jeans if you ever see me on a vlog ordering jeans or buy them in a haul then please comment down below saying why are you bothering because you're never going to be happy with a pair of jeans these are just making me look like i don't even know what an idiot let me look in the mirror actually i'm obviously just a jogger girl a tracksuit girl and that's just the way it is jeans are not for me right okay that's fine so just organics just organic picks all week then feel much better now i've got a nice matching track suit on not uncomfortable jeans that don't fit me also i tried this kylie skin stuff um last night and i really really liked the moisturizer but this kind of stung my skin a little bit i'm not gonna lie it's like a little foaming face wash um not sure about that one but this moisturizer oh my gosh it made my skin it made my skin feel like a baby's bum um so i'm definitely gonna be repurchasing that in the bigger size i was absolutely buzzing when they gifted me this little set i couldn't believe it i was like oh my god kylie's skin that absolutely made my week um my lunch has just arrived i mean i've ordered some lunch on delivery jacket potato so i am going to go and munch on that now i mean i are having jacket for tear tours but he's finished his how was it nice 10 out of 10. so i'm going to eat this now healthy-ish lunch evening guys so i have my very cute very sexy cloud pajamas on um it is torrentially snowing outside can you see that torrentially snowing really snowy heavily snowing anyway it's snowing a lot outside so it's currently 10 o'clock and we're gonna have a nice cozy early night which i can't wait for um i was having a nice bath earlier this is how it ended up um the nosebleeds came again why i'm still having them i don't know um so i'm definitely gonna have to go to a doctor about that because the one that i had in the bath i'm gonna bring this vlog to a close and i am sorry it's not been the best vlog um i'm gonna edit it when i get to bed now i don't know what this box really consists of she's been a few days of my lockdown hello hello hello guys just start coming here make a quick appearance i've come to use the bathroom oh duty calls i mean i don't think you'll see any of this in clips so yeah they'll hear it so just like you're running water it didn't monetize you could just say it's the tap the parts are sleeping spray everywhere tell me clean that up the actual struggle with living with a boy i i'm literally going to be doing the same as what i've showed you today pretty much every single day for the rest of this lockdown comment down below if you want to see more vlogs like this through my lockdown to show you what i'm doing on each day i'm telling you guys so much now through this lock down and hopefully i will see you all in my next video bye
Channel: MollyMae
Views: 1,507,046
Rating: 4.9761262 out of 5
Id: lbMAzC45rjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 14sec (1154 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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