A WEEK in our life, SAILING around the WORLD

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look at this beauty of a Mahi is it a female yeah it is it hasn't got the big over the last year and a bit the ocean has really become our home albeit slightly roler and a tad more salty than your traditional bricks and mortar big ones up but we wanted you to join us on this one and feel what it's like to s from The Windy shores of Columbia down to the Mirage that is the sand blast [Music] Islands it's about 5:30 in the morning and today is leaving for the sand blast round two but we're actually going to have a little pit stop in Rosario Islands which are kind of just by careno overnight cu the Cape is quite High which is the lightning index it's not a perfect weather window but it's the best that we're going to get there's a kind of acceleration Zone by Baron Kia here and so our rough route is next to here to about here it's not ideal cuz today we have this here but we are right in here and so it's gusting yeah it says it's 30 but I mean right now there's not much wind so we're going to just take our take our shot and go it will just be a bit spicy till here because we've got let me show you the uh the waves are pretty pretty big out there so they're yeah 3.4 M but in here they should be hold on they should be smaller so yeah the headland's protecting us a lot yeah we're pretty sheltered by all this and then once we get here we kind of start turning down and then we're a lot more sheltered as you can see in here yeah this first little bit might be a little bit spicy but feeling good it's early in the morning I would say we've got tons of energy we didn't really sleep last night but it will be great and yeah this our girl is excited already the sun has just started to rise it's such a beautiful morning and we thought it' be great to take you for a week in our life as we live on this Sailing Boat and we travel around the world if you haven't kind of checked in here before welcome my name is be And my partner's name is Zach he's outside dealing with some lines at the moment but we're currently in a very small remote place in Columbia called Porto valara and today we're going to start the journey to the sandblast Islands which we've dreamt of for a long time but yeah it should be a varied week of sailing and exploring and a little bit of spicy weather and then yeah anchoring if that's what you're about make sure to click subscribe and enjoy the journey because it's it's never dull and it's yeah it's always always a wild ride out here where's the [Music] key orir we'll see you see you soon okay lines are out the water good y F's almost clear just wait for it to come around I'll tie the anchor on while I'm here first read no no no second there yet yeah I'm good [Music] yeah [Music] we just got the main up cuz it's really protected in this Bay at the moment we're going to see what the wind's doing but we're probably going to try and get the whisker pole up in here as well just cuz out there it's going to be a bit bumpy and yeah we just need to see which way the wind's actually going though I'm not too sure we think it's going to be a bit more from there I don't know we'll see in a [Music] minute [Music] [Music] beautiful that's better it wasn't long until we were out of the bay and into the mo life jacket is on please it's going to get [Music] bumpy the big ones [Music] up Hing along 8.1 8.3 very happy it's a bit mushy out here the water's still disgusting as well it's is so Brown water's Brown they being back home yeah so yeah it's all good we've got 40.1 miles to go to flying along to the Rosario Islands which is Menville it's only 950 so I just came in the front head to put the plants in here cuz they're stable in here and smell this really nice smell and we made this homemade air freshener was up here and yeah it's leaked everywhere which is just boat life through and through so now just going to it up honestly if there's not one thing that leaks or spills or breaks then is it really a sailing trip the line here is from where the river magdalina and the ocean mixes so we're still probably in very or pretty fresh water at least and like a lot of sediment and then literally the 20 M over there now is like clean ocean water so random but it's such a contrast again I thought we this is kind of all the Sean H already mixed but yeah apparently yeah that's clean water just and that's why we saw logs just now yeah luckily we had a bit more wind behind us we flew along the coast past cenya before arriving at our stop for the night the Rosario Islands now for the best boat riches getting in Zach's already been in because he dived on the anchor when we first dropped in the spot and it wasn't dug it was like on its side by a rock so yeah he was in the water and I gave some he was far away from the FR but I gave it some backed up and an could jumped over the Rock and dug so we're dog we've got plenty of chain out was dog down there hm jumped over dog jumped over dog The Rock jumped over the anchor I think we're delusional at this point good swim will will fix me right up oh it's nice it's good isn't it it's so deep oh he kicked the boat okay we're up we had a really nice stop there the winds did a bit of a 360 overnight but yeah our with the windows going there might be a bit light winds the first day and and then the wind picks up overnight and the waves are a bit horrible we've got 2 meter on our kind of corner the whole time it seems it might be less hopefully it's less but it might just be a bit of a bumpy trip it's only an overnight though and we should get in the next like midday afternoon is shouldn't we so it's not a massive sale no but yeah we are heading out and just looking at this I have Google Earth up I have Navionics up and I'm looking at the depth and the water but it's the depth says 24 M and the charts say 6 M so that just shows how you shouldn't rely on just charts when going to the little Rey Island yeah let's [Music] go there feing on some baitball slow [Music] up why are we putting the main up with no wind stop us rolling so much when we get out there cuz there's a a boat in front of us which has just gone out and we can see they're rolling loads already yeah and they've got s [Music] up [Music] nice one flipping egg so hot yeah yeah I'm boiling on to that you did so good you can get that up so quickly that is just up there put the whisker pole up and yeah we're deciding to not be as be these waves of them get pretty hefty so we're going to run with them a little bit more but no it's really nice out here that we've got don't know 15 20 knots behind us maybe a little bit more actually we're going quite fast AP is being bit hit M um I think it's definitely time for a bit of an upgrade when we get to Panama but we'll keep this one as a spare but yeah it's it's I don't know 30 years old so it's definitely it's done well it's done really really well but it's an old one and it'd be lovely for it to take into consideration like the wind and waves and stuff that would be a luxury because sometimes it will steer us up into the waves and that just breaks the trust with it a little bit but that great first morning I mentioned the a pilot was occasionally pulling us Beam on in the bigger swell which meant we would hand steer on a broad reach and when tired switch again to Running With The swell on a run it worked pretty well and before long the sun was setting and we were preparing ourselves for the night [Music] ahead [Music] just gone from a broad reach onto a run pretty uneventful shift apart from some lightning in the first hour all around which I hate not going to lie but seems to have pass now and yeah Zach's going onto his watch see you at 2 uh no you it's going no good morning it is about 7: in the morning now and 26 miles to go so not long it's good night we had some slightly bigger waves at points but the AP really behaved herself just after I was talking about needing to upgrade in the hle US all night which was at first I think but still need a backup anyway we yeah just on a broad reach now we did a sale change at I think we did one at 11 to wing and wing and then we went back to Broad reach when we crossed our hor at 6:30 so yeah doing good it's a nice day out here Zach's just about to put the line [Music] in [Music] [Music] waves obviously look non-existent on camera every time especially on a wide angle lens got no chance but it's lovely up here that was the AP having it moment so I think that's my sign to go back to the cockpit oh yeah oh he's beautiful he's amazing got fish W the first Mahi on this handline too so yes oh you want the net yeah that was wicked woohoo look at this beauty of a moi is it a female yeah it is it hasn't got the Big B so we're just coming up to the sand blast Islands and I'm so happy anyway Sails are really fluffing now there is just no wind so we're going to get the motor on drop the sails and motor in around the [Music] reef [Music] holy crap we're in and it feels so good it was a bit hairy at points because there was about a 2 m swirl coming in and we were kind of Surfing it until we got in you never want to do that really around Reef but we were on the lookout and it was all fine we were going to go to another Island just on the outter Reef called Coco banderos but the review said it could be a little bit rolly and we noticed when we went past that there was one catamaran and one Moto um and it's one of the most amazing spots so clearly the monol is left so we decided that just to hang out here um but I was a bit nervous about cuz it's pretty much Uncharted I was a bit nervous about looking and seeing the Reef figuring out where to drop and everything just really didn't want to end up on a reef and we've just learned like three boats in the sand blast recently have ended up on reath but we haven't and we're anchored in 8 MERS we're in such a beautiful spot and it's we've actually arrived in Paradise as we were kind of crashing through waves last night I was thinking a lot about what's steering us there all bloody Rudder we rebuilt our and it steered us from col well Aruba to Columbia to Paradise what better feeling yeah such a good feeling and now we've got two Mahi and we're going to go around and share all our fish with with people and we made it to the sand Blass can't believe it after so long dreaming about this place hope you enjoyed hopping on board for this one next week we slow down with Island life pcho Pancho Pancho and start the beginning of our love affair with these Special Island
Channel: Teulu Tribe
Views: 66,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sailing, sail, ketch, couple, travel, adventure, explore, colvicvictor, yacht, world, young
Id: a8dycN1A2bg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 22sec (1342 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2024
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