A Wake for Samuel Beckett: Classic Performances

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I shall soon be quite clear at last in spite of all perhaps next month then it will be the month of April or of May for the year is still young a thousand little signs tell me so perhaps are wrong perhaps I shall survive st. John the Baptist day and even the 14th of July festival of freedom neither I would not put it past me to hands on to the Transfiguration not a speak of the Assumption I do not think so I do not think I am wrong and say that these rejoicing will take place in my absence this year I have that feeling I've had it now for some days and I credited I could guide today if I wished merely by making a little effort but it's just as well to let myself die quietly without rushing things cause I still have my little fits of impatience from time to time I must be on my guard against them for the next fortnight got three weeks but without exaggeration to be sure quietly crying and laughing without working myself up into a state here I shall be natural at love I shall suffer more then less without drawing any conclusion I shall pay less he to myself I shall be neither hot nor cold anymore I should read Chevy I shall die it's heavy without enthusiam I shall not watch myself die that will spoil everything have I watched myself live have I ever complained then why rejoice now I am content necessarily but not the point of clubbing my hand I am satisfied there I am repaid I have enough I need nothing more let me say before I go any further that I forgive nobody I wish them all an atrocious life and then the fires and ice of hell and then the execrable generations to come an honored name yeah enough of the scene [Music] you this evening we open our celebration with an anthology of classic moments from Beckett his prose his radio play all that fall and his legendary waiting for God oh these performances reveal the resilient vein of humor at the heart of Beckett's work no matter how tormented his characters have extreme their predicaments he was an uncompromising artist he gave no interviews he attempted no explanations he preferred simply to keep working at his craft he was meticulous about the detail of every production he developed a deep friendship and record a small group of directors and performers and supervised every facet of their work I was privileged to work with him on many productions and it was a bit like working with a sculptor or a painter it's as though he were drawing my character with a piece of charcoal and then he would take a rubber and rub most of it out he would sometimes move one hand half an inch near to my elbow and then take the other hand and move it half an inch away from my shoulder many of the famous productions were recorded in the radio and television studios of the BBC and as Beckett looked on and helped to shape them he relished the precision and the new dimensions these media would give to his work wide he said scarcely a word about the meaning of his work a huge industry of explanation has built up around him if we need a touchstone perhaps we can find it in the citation of the Nobel Prize for Literature it was awarded to Samuel Beckett in 1969 for a body of work that in new forms of fiction and theater has transmuted the destitution of modern man into his exultation is for penny lunch was a ritual vitiating buy no base thoughts of nutrition he advanced along the railings by easy stages until he came to a branch of the caterers he wanted a sensation of the seat of a chair coming together with his drooping posterior at last was so delicious he rose at once and repeated the sit lingeringly and with intense concentration Murphy did not so often meet with these tenderness ease that he could afford to treat them casually the second sit however was a great disappointment the waitress stood before with an air of such abstraction that he didn't feel entitled to regard himself as an element in her situation at last seeing that she did not move he said bring me in the voice of an usher I resolved to order the chef's special selection for a school outing he paused after this preparatory signal to met the for period develop at first of three moments of reaction which according to the coop school the major torments of response undergone then he applied the stimulus proper cup of tea and Pacus of assorted biscuits tuppence the tea tuppence the biscuits a perfectly balanced meal as though suddenly aware of the great magical ability or it might have been the surgical quality the waitress murmured before the eddies of the main period drifted her away nearer to you dear this was not a caress Vieira concluded as she thought her performance in much better style and she'd begun it was hard to believe as she set down the tray that it was the same slavey she actually made out the bill there and then on her own initiative murphy pushed the tray away tilted back his chair and considered his lunch with reverence and satisfaction with reverence because as an adherent on and off to the extreme theophan ism of William of champu he could not but feel humble before such sacrifices to his small but implacable appetite nor amidst the silent grace on this part of himself that I am about to ingest may the lord have mercy with satisfaction because the supreme moment in his degradation had come the moment when unaided and alone he defrauded a vested interest some involved a small something between a penny and tuppence on the retail valuation but then he had only fourpence worth of confidence to play with his attitude simply was that if a swindle up from 25 to 50% of the outlay and affected while you wait was not a case of the large returns and quick turnover indicated by souq then there was a serious flaw somewhere in his theory of sharp practice but no matter how the transaction were judged from the economic point of view nothing could detract from its merit as a little triumph of tactics in the face of the most fearful odds only compare the belligerents on the one hand a colossal League of Pluta manic caterers highly endowed with a ruthless cunning of the sane having at their disposal all the most deadly weapons of the post-war recovery on the other a seedy solipsistic for the seedy solipsist then having said his silent grace and savored his infamy in advance drew up his chair briskly to the table seized the cup of tea and half emptied it at one gulp no sooner had this gone to the right place then he began to splatter irritate and complain as though he had been duped into swallowing a saturated solution of powdered glass in this way he attracted to himself the attention not only of every customer in the saloon but actually at the waitress veera who came running to get a good view of the accident as she supposed murphy continued for a little to make sounds as of a flushing box text beyond its powers and then said in an egg gun scorpion voice I asked for China did you give me Indian though disappointed that it was nothing more interesting Vieira made no bones about making good her mistake she was a willing little bit of wetted labour incapable of betraying the slogan of her slavers that since the customer or sucker was paying for his gut-rot ten times what it cost to produce and five times what it cost a fling in his face it was only reasonable to defer to his complaints up to but not exceeding 50% of his exploitation with the fresh cup of tea Murphy adopted quite a new technique he drank not more than a third of it and then waited to veera happened to be passing I'm most fearfully sorry he said Vieira to give you this trouble but you think it would be possible to have this filled with hot Vera showing signs of bridling Murphy uttered winningly the sesame I know I'm a great nuisance but they have been too generous with sturckow juice generous and cow juice were the key words here no waitress could hold out against their mingled overtones of gratitude and mammary organs and Vieira was essentially a waitress this is the end of our Murphy de frauded a vested interest every day for his lunch to the honorable extent of paying for one cup of tea and consuming 1.8 three cups approximately try it sometime gentle skimmer you offers the mafart dan are you not well well did you ever know me to be well that they emit me I should have been in bed but there you proposed to me the doctors gave they up he knew that did you not the night America later they came for me with enactments you have not forgotten that such the Pope's no I cannot be said to be wet but I am no worse the deed I am better than I was the loss of my sight was a great fit if I could go deaf and dumb I think I might pant on to be a hundred or have I done so was I a hundred today am i a hundred Maddie all is still no living soul inside there's no one to ask a world is feeding when scarcely stirs the leaves the birds are tired singing because she ruminate in silence the dogs hushed the hens SPO talking dust we are alone there is no one we draw out on the tick of time I can vouch for that I was how can you vouch for it I can vouch for it I tell you he what my relation I don't you on the tick of time I had the compartments to myself as usual at least I hope so or I made no attempt to restrain myself my mind but why do we not sit down somewhere are we afraid we should never rise again sit down on horse the only pitch for example there is no bench then on a bank let a sink down upon a bank there is no bank and we cannot I dream of all the roads in other lands of another home another another home what was I trying to say something about your mind my mind are you sure my mind oh yes alone in the compartments my mind began to work as so often after office hours on the way home in the train to the guilt of the bogies your season-ticket eyes it cost you 12 of the now you are on an average seven and six a day that is to say early enough to keep your life and twitching with the help of food drink tobacco and periodicals until you finally reach home and fall into net add to this not subtract from it read stationery various subscriptions tran hairs to enroll light and heat habits and licenses hair trims and shapes tips to s course upkeep of premises and appearances and a thousand unspecified sundries and it is clear that by lying at home in bed day and night winter and summer with a change of pajamas once a fortnight you would add very considerably to your income business I said did I hear a cry this is Tony I fancy our poor husband is in constant a and beats our unmercifully that was a short not what was I trying to get it business is business a business old man I said retire from business it has retired from you what has these moments of lucidity I feel very cold and weak on the other hand I said there are the horrors of home life the dusting sleeping erring scrubbing waxing Wayne Washington mangling dry mowing clipping raking rolling scuffling shoveling grinding tearing pounding banging slamming and the brats the happy little healthy little howling neighbors brats of all yes and much more the weekend Saturday intermission and then the day of rest have given you some idea but what must it be like on a working day the wedding up writing what muster delights on a Friday and I fell to thinking of my silent back streets basement office with its obliterated plates rest couch and velvet hangings and what it means to be buried there alive only from 10:00 to 5:00 with convenience to the one hand a bottle of light pale ale and to the other along ice-cold little Hey nothing I said not even fully certified death could ever take the place of that it was then that I noticed we were at a standstill why are you hanging out of me like that have you swoon dawei I feel very cold of a faint the wind is whistling through my summer frock as if I had nothing on over my bloomers I have had no solid food since my elevenses you have ceased to care I speak and you listen to the wind no no I am a God tell me all and then we shall press on and never poles never falls till we come safe to Ava never paws safe to Haven you know Maddie sometimes one would think you were struggling with a dead language yes indeed and I know for well what you mean I often have that feeling it is unspeakably excruciating I confess they sometimes have it myself but I happen to what we hear what I am saying oh well you know what we'll be dead in time just like our own poor dear Gaelic there is that to be said Oh God oh the pretty little woolly lamb crying - suck it smug there's has not changed since our kidding where was I in my composition at a standstill I know I concluded naturally that we had entered a station and would soon be on our way again then I said on without his game not sound things are very told today as it nor would he get down nobody get Nam then has time who I and nothing happened I realized I never we had not a station did you not spring up and poke your head out of the window what people that sit on me why to call out to be told what was the mid side did not care what was a Miss no sat aren't they his team or never to move again it would not greatly might in gradually hey how should I say growing desire to well you know who welled up within me nervous probably in fact now I am sure you know the feeling of being confined yes I have been through that if we sit here much longer I said I really do not know what I should do I got up and paced to and fro between the seats like a Cajun beast that doesn't help sometimes after what seemed an eternity he simply moved off the next thing was peril all in the abhorrent name I got all injury led me to the meds or fever as they call it down from here virus icicles the V becoming it in accordance with brings all the rest you know you say nothing say something Maddie here you believe me I remember once attending a lecture by one of these new mind doctors I feared you call them spoke a lunatic special no no just the problem mind I was hoping he might shed a little light on my lifelong preoccupation with horses but ox a neurologist no no just mental distress the name will come back to me in the night I remember his telling us the story of a little girl mm-hmm strange and unhappy in her ways and how he treated her unsuccessfully over a period of years and was finally obliged to give up the case he could find nothing wrong with her he said the only thing wrong with her as far as he could see was that she was dying and she did in fact die shortly after he had washed his hands of her well what is there so wonderful about that no it's just something you said the way he said I have haunted me ever since lie awake at night tossing to and fro and brooding on it on it to another wretchedness when he had done with a little girl he stood there motionless for some time quite two minutes I should say look enjoys his table then he suddenly raised his head and exclaimed as if he had had a revelation the trouble with her was she had never really been born he spoke through out loud knows I left before the end nothing about your buttocks Maddy there is nothing to be done for those people which is that that does not sound right somehow what way am I facing why I have forgotten what way I am facing you have turned aside and I bowed down over the ditch it was a dead dog down there no no just arathi news in June rotting leaves in chiku yes dear from last year the year before last the year before that again [Music] I spent some time by the seaside without instance other our people the seed of the soup prepare the mountains or the plains but personally I feel no worse off there than anywhere else I took advantage of being at the seaside to lay in the store of sucking stones so there were pebbles but I call them stone yes in this occasion I laid in a considerable store I distributed them equally between my four poppers and suck them turn and turn about now this raised a problem which I first solved in the following way I had say 16 stones for each of my four pockets those being the two pockets of my trousers and the two pockets of my greatcoat taking his stole from the right pocket of my greatcoat and putting it in my mouth I replaced it in the right pocket of my grey coat by installed from the right pocket of my trousers which I replaced by a stone from the left pocket of my trousers which are replaced by a stone from the left pocket of my gray coat which I replaced by the stone that was in my mouth as soon as I had finished sucking thus who are still four stones in each of my four pockets but not quite the same stone and when the desire to suck took hold of me again I drew again on the right pocket of my great coat certain of not taking the same stone as the last time and as I sucked it I rearranged the other stones and the way I have just described and so on but this solution did not satisfy me fully it did not escape me that by an extraordinary hazard of or stone circulating thus might always be the same form in which case far from sucking sixteen stones turn and turn about I was really only shocking for and always the same turn and turn about but I I I shuffle them whether my pockets before I began to suck and again while I sucked before transferring the hope of obtaining in more general circulation of the stones from popular father yaks yeah it was only a makeshift I could not lob content a man like me so I began to look for something else and the first thing I hit upon was but I might do better to transfer the stones four by four instead of one by one that is to say during the surfing take the three stones remaining at the right pocket of my great coat and replace them by the four on the right profit of my trousers and these by the four in the left collar of my childhood have these by the four on the left pocket of my great coat and finally these by the three from the right pocket of my great coat plus the one that was in my mouth as soon as I finish sucking yes it seemed to me at first that by so doing I would arrive in a better result from further reflection I had to change my mind and confess that the circulation of the stones fall by four came to exactly the same thing as our circulation one by one but if I was certain of finding each time on the right pocket of my gray coat poor stones totally different from their immediate predecessors the possibility nevertheless remained of by always chancing on the same stone with any scruple for I'm consequently of eye sucking not the sixteen stones turn and turn about as I wished but in fact for only I know it was the same turning turn above dabeh Elwin so I had a seagulls were than in the mode of circulation but no matter how I caused my stones to circulate I always run the same risk whoa it was obvious that by increasing the number of my pockets I was bound to increase the chances of enjoying my stones in the way I had planned that is to say one after the other alter their number was exhausted had I had eight pockets now instead of the four I did have even a most diabolical hazard could not have prevented me from sucking at least eight of my sixteen stones turn and turn about the truth is I should have needed 16 pockets in order to be quite easy in my mind and for a long time I could come to no other conclusion than this and short of having 16 pockets each with its own stone I could never reach the goal I had set myself short with extraordinary hazard and even a pinch I was a double the number of my pockets but I'd only by dividing each pocket into with the help of a few safety pins let us say the quadruple the rookie could get more than I could manage I did not feel inclined to take all that trouble for a half measure but I was beginning to lose all sense of measure after all this wrestling and wrangling and to say all or nothing I finally reached the solution in elegant assuredly what sow sow oh all it was necessary was to put for example to begin with six stones in the right pocket of my great Kota supply prophet five in the right pocket of my trousers and five of the left pocket of my travel now that makes a lot twice five ten plus six sixteen and none for none remained the left pocket of my great coat which for the time being remained empty good now I can begin to suck watch me closely I take a stone from the right cover my great coat suck it stop sucking it put it in the left pocket of my great coat the one empty I take a second stone from the right pocket of my great coat suck it put it in the left pocket of my gray coat and so on until the right pocket of my gray coat is empty and the five stone six stones I have just sucked are all in the left pocket of my great coat causing their on constant saving souls not to make a balls with I transfer to the right pocket of my break coat in which there are no stones left the five stones in the right pocket of my trousers which I replaced by the five stones the left pocket of my trousers which are replaced by the six stones in the left pocket of my great coat at this stage then the left pocket of my gray coat is the gained empty and the right pocket of my gray coat is against applied the right way that is to say with other stones than though they have just sucked these other stones I then begin to suck one after the other how to transfer as I go along to the left pocket of my brain code being absolutely certain far as one can mean an affair of this kind but I am NOT sucking the same stones there's a moment before but others I want the right pocket of my gray coat is again empty and the five stones I have just sucked one after the other are all without exception in the left pocket of my gray coat then I proceed to the same redistribution as a moment before or similar redistribution that is to say I transfer to the right pocket of I break cold once again available the five stones in the right part of my trousers which and replaced by the six stones and the left pocket of my trousers which I'd replaced by the five stones of the left pocket of my great coat and there I am ready to begin again do I have to go on no but it is clear after the next series of sucks and transfers I shall be back to where I started that is to say well the first six stones back of the supply Father the next five of the right partner by stinking old trousers and finally the last five in the left pocket of save and my sixteen stones will have been sucked once at least in impeccable succession not one sucked twice not one left unsung but he found I didn't give a tinker skirt it was all the same to me whether I sucked a different stone each time or always the same stone to the end of time they all tasted exactly the same if I had collected 16 it wasn't a suck them turn and turn about but simply to have a little store so as never to be without heap down I didn't give a Fiddler's damn about being without when they were all gone there would be all gone and I wouldn't be on either worse off or hardly I mean so the solution to which I rallied in the end was a throw away all the stones would one which I kept now and one father's now and another which I of course who lost or gave away or throw away or swallow azog a dog ran into the kitchen and stole the crust of bread the cook up with the ladle and vigil he was dead then all the dogs came running and Doug the dog or two and all the dogs came running and Doug the dog or two and wrote the poem the tombstone for the eyes of dogs to come a dog ran into the kitchen and soul across the bread the cook up with the ladle and beat until he was dead then all the dogs came running and Doug the dog or two and all the dogs came running and Doug the dog or to doubt the dog too you again come here till I embrace you don't touch me you want me to go away go go did they beat you where did you spend the night don't touch me don't question me don't speak to me stay with me did I ever leave you you let me go look at me will you look happy what a day who beats you tell me another day done with not yet for me it's over and done with no matter what happens I heard you singing that's right and another that finished me I should Darius all alone any things have gone forever and he sings well it's not master of one's moods all they have any great form I didn't get up in the night not once you see you pissed better when I'm not there I missed you and at the same time I was happy no isn't that a queer thing happy well perhaps that's not the right word and now then now there you are again there we are again there I am again you see you feel worse when I'm with you but all the save you must be happy yourself deep down if you did but know it happy but want to be with me again would you say sir well say you are even if it's not true what should I say say I am happy I'm happy so am I so am i we are happy we are happy Oh what do we do now now that we're happy we wait for gada things have changed here since yesterday I'm if it doesn't come Oh we'll see when the time comes we're saying things have changed here since yesterday everything uses look at the tree it's never the same pass from one second to the next the tree look at the tree was it not very yesterday well of course it was there yesterday do you not remember we nearly hanged ourselves from it but you wouldn't is it possible you forgotten already that's the way I am either I forget immediately or I never forget and pop so unlucky have you forgotten them to heart so unlucky he's forgotten everything I remember lunatic you would nearly kicked the shins off me then he played the fool that was lucky I remember that but when was it and his keeper he gave me a boat that was pop so and all that was yesterday you say of course it was yesterday and here where we are now but where else do you think not recognize the place where you know what is getting recognized oh my lousy life I'd crawl them out in a mop and you talk to me about scenery look at it lucky I'm devastated from it I'm yourself calm yourself Union landscapes tell me about the worms all the same you can't say that this there's any resemblance to Mack cold country for example you can't deny that there's a great difference Mack on country who's talking to you about the mekin country that you were there yourself for the mackerel conquer no I was never even back our country I puke like beautiful ivory right yeah yeah yeah in the catcon country oh you're a hard man to get on with Coco it'll be better if we pop it you always say that and you always come crawling back the best if he killed me like the other what other what other like billions of others for every man his little cross until he dies and is forgotten in the meantime let us try and converse calmly since we are incapable of keeping silent you're right we're inexhaustible it said we weren't thinking we have that excuse so we weren't here we have our reasons all the dead washes they make a noise like wing ratley's like sand like leaves they all speak together each one to itself rather they whisper hey Russell a murmur hey Russell what do they say talk about their life to have lived there's not enough for them I must talk about Dewey dead is not enough for them you're not proficient they make a noise like feathers at leas like Ashlee at leaves say something try say anything at home what do we do now we wait for GABA huh this is awful sing something no no no no we'll have to think of something different see let me see ha ha ha well what was I saying with you go on from there have you saying when they in the beginning it'll be me one with this evening I was saying I was saying I'm not a historian we met we embraced being praised we were happy what do we do now that we're happy hey wait a minute come in where wait we're going waiting I've coming ah the tree truly do you not remember I'm tired look at it I see nothing yesterday it was all black and there now it's covered with Lee please in a single night must be the spring but in a single night I tell you we weren't here yesterday another of your nightmares and where were we yesterday evening according to you how do I know in another compartment there's no lack of void good then we were not here yesterday evening what did we do yesterday evening to try and remember do express regret it about what Oh our dinner nothing in particular yeah not in my back yesterday evening we spent fluttering about nothing in particular I've been going on now for half a century you don't remember any fact any circumstance don't torment me Gd the Sun the moon do you not really I suppose they must have been there as usual pop so unlucky off so the bones may be like fish friends it was pop so gave them till you live in there and a kid that's right come and kick me it was lucky gave you that and all that was yesterday show your leg which both pull up your trousers pull up your trousers I can't the other the other big there the wound and it's beginning to fest and what about it the querĂ­a boots I must've thrown them away when I don't know why I don't know word on it no I mean why did you throw them away Custer was hurting me fair they are in the very spot where you let them get they're not mine not yours mine were black leader Brown you sure yours if not well a kind of gray and those are brown sure what a kind of green sure well of all have you see how much a lot of blood on his seat I see what happens uh that's another blooded and in mentoring somebody came and took yours and left you his why because his route to tight for him so he took your fat man would you type for you not for him I'm tired let's go we can't wanna we're waiting for Gotham huh what do we do do we do hoo hoo nothing to do but I can you're right would you like a radish that all there is those radishes and turn it other the carriage no in any case you overdo it with your cutter Oh give me radish it's black it's a radish I only like two pink ones you know that neither wants it I only like two pink ones we'll give it to me that I'll don't get a carrot you know this is becoming really insignificant not enough what about trying them I've tried everything no I mean the boobs would that be good thing it would pass the time I can assure you it will be an occupation a relaxation a recreation a relaxation then you'll try you'll help me I will of course we don't manage to bad badd between the turbot yes yes yes try the left one huh we always manage to find something a deity curiously pressure we exist yes with additions but let us persevere in what we have resolved before we forget ah here we affirm the other hog try and walk oh ah well it fits good then we're trying listen nona no Michener listen you'll be sorry try the other one [Applause] well if it's two he doesn't hurt not yet then you'll keep them too big you may have socks one day true then you'll keep them that's enough about these boots job where the might as well sit down that's where you were sitting yesterday I can only sleep [Music] [Music] [Music] Diddy's here ah it's all over how much polish it's all over I said it I was on top don't tell me hmm come let's walk it off huh oh that's a nap I'm tired and you'd rather just be stuck there doing nothing yet well please yourself let's go we can't why not we're waiting for God though huh could you not stay still I'm cold we came too soon it always happened in lightbulb that night doesn't fall it'll fall suddenly like yesterday then it'll be nice never can go gonna be day again when we do when we do will you stop your whining ahead about my belly full of your lamentations I'm doing well farewell Lucky's hat I've been here an hour and I never saw it why you'll never see me again and you were in the right place now our troubles are over must have been a very fine hat woohoo here what hold that you how does it fit me how would I know no I mean how do I look hideous but not more than usual not immortal ish then I'll keep it because mine effed me or half or say it I'm Yorick we're not playing very but we could play lucky and pop sir never heard of it you can't be lucky and you'll be thought so hold on what do I do cussed me no T stronger gonna conquer spirochete tell me the thing what say think hey think big calm that's enough of that tell me the dance I'm doing dance hog ah I can't go ah there you are again at last of course where have you been I thought you'd gone forever they're coming who I don't know how many I don't know look it's god oh god though at last we're saved let's go meet him Coco come back ah there you are again the good morning Hey ah where were you they're coming there - we're surrounded children not up there and Bastille does know out there huh quick look there's not a soul in sight there off you go quickly you won't I can understand that we see your only hope left is to disappear where behind the tree behind the tree but decidedly this tree will not have been the slightest useless I lost my head forgive me it won't happen again tell me what to do there's nothing to do you stand over there there stand there and watch out back to back like in the good old days you see me coming what you see me coming no all right you must have had a vision what you must have had a Pichet there's no need to shout here you are though carry on now after you no no you first no I interrupted you on the contrary ceremonious hey punctilious big finish your phrase I'll tell you here is your own model that's the idea let's abuse each other more and very abortion Moe kyun sure that children corrector to recap now let's make it up yeah go go EB your hand hey kit come to my arm your arms my breasts off you had a separate agenda agenda her eternally that the test jar huh how time flies when one has fun what do we do now let's do the tree just the velum the tree yeah your turn do you think God sees me you must close your eyes God and visit on me and me I mean give up what it who is it did you go to at last reinforcements at last hell is it god oh we were beginning to weaken but now we're short to see the evening out penny poor pops oh I knew it was him who got her it's not God oh I've got him it's not God oh and who is it it's hot so here ya help me out he can't get up let's go we can't what up we're waiting for Goblin ah hey perhaps he has another bone for you huh kicking you not remember it was hip yes ask him well perhaps you'd better help him first - do what - get up you can't get up he wants to get up and then get up he can't get up I don't know let us ask him for the bone first if he refuses or even man you mean we have him at our mercy yes and we should subordinate our good offices to certain conditions well yeah that seems intelligent all right but there's one thing I'm afraid of what that lucky may get going at any minute then we're bollixed lucky lucky the one that went for you yesterday I tell you there were ten of them no no before that he was the one that kicked you fishy their largest life at the moment he is in a at any moment he may get going and if we gave him a good beating you mean if we fell on him in his sleep yes it seems a good idea but could we do it is he really asleep no the best would be to take advantage of pop so ask you for help he'll help him we help him in anticipation of some tangible return and suppose let us not waste time in idle discourse let us do something while we had the chance this is not every day that we are needed so let's make the most of it before it is too late let us represent worthily for once the foul brood - it's a cruel fate consigned us what you say it is true that when with folded arms we weigh the pros and cons we are no less accredit to our species the tiger bound to the aid of his countenance without the least reflection or else he slinks away into the depths the tickets but that is not the question what are we doing here that is the question and we are blessed in this that we happen to know the answer for in all this immense confusion one thing alone is clear we are waiting for Gardo to come ah hell off all night to fall we have kept our appointment and that is an Internet we are not Saints that we have kept our appointment and how many people can boast as much billions you think so I don't know you may be right ah all I know is that the hours are long under these conditions and constrain us to consign them with proceedings which as I say you which at first sight may seem reasonable and so they become a habit you may say it is to prevent our reason from pounding that has it not long been straying in the night without end of the abyssal depths that's what I sometimes wonder hell you follow my reason we all are born mad some remain sir I'll pay you how much 100 francs not enough well wouldn't go as far as that you think enough no it's far as to assert that I was weak in the head when I came into this world that is not the questions 200 we wait we are bored yet no no don't interrupt we are bored to death there's no denying it good diversion comes along and what do we do we let it go to waste let us get to work in an instant all will vanish who shall be alone once more in the midst of nothingness 200 we're coming matter with you all hell I'm going don't leave me they'll kill me whatever go go hell hell I'm going help me up we'll go together you promise I promise I'm gonna come back never we've got the Pyrenees yeah anyway like I've always wanted to wander in the Pyrenees you wandering them Oh hearted pops oh here here pity it's revolting if give me a hand I'm going oh well I'm going I suppose I'll get up myself in the fullness of time what's the matter with you go to hell are you staying there well for the time being come on get up you'll catch a chill well don't worry about me I'll come on giddy Dumpty pigheaded [Applause] [Music] Hey we've arrived who are you we are men sweet mother he gets up I don't know try not now no what happened please stop it you pest it's a nothing but himself what about it a snooze do you hear that he wants to know what happened never mind him sleep pity pity what is it are you sleepy I must have been this bastard pops Oh at it again Oh make him stop and kick him in the crotch will you stop it crap laughing hey help help he's off help help he's down what do we do now maybe I could crawl to him sure leave me or I could call to him just call to him hot so hot so no reply together Pacho ha he moved you sure his name is Pancho huh mr. pop so come back we won't hurt you that's what you're talking about the man I'm afraid he's dying it would be amusing what would be amusing to try with other names went off the other to pass the time and we're bound to hit on the right one in the end I tell you his name is pop so we're soon see Abel Abel hell hunting one I'm beginning to weary of this vote e-rep Chavez cocaine kay-kay he's on humanity look at the little cloud hair there no Jimmy well what's so wonderful about it let's pass on now to something else you mind I was about to suggest that but to what suppose we get up to begin with let us worth try it child's play simple matter of willpower and now he'll let's go we can't why not we're waiting for God ah ah how would we do what do we do Oh what about helping him what does he want he wants to get up why doesn't he he wants us to help him get up then why don't we what are we waiting for we must hold him feeling better who are you do you not recognize this I am blind perhaps you can see into the future since when I used to have wonderful sight but are you friends ha ha ha you want to know where friend he means friends of his well well we proved we are by helping here exactly would we have helped him play where these French possibly who we won't quibble about that now you are not hi women I women do we look like hi women dammit man can't you see the man is blind damning so he is so he says don't leave no question of it all the moments how do you feel now how much longer watch me cop him around oh we are not carry a kids you were saying that your sight used to be good I heard you right wonderful wonderful wonderful side expand expand let him alone can't you see he's thinking of the days when he was happy memoria Jarett or menorah that must be unpleasant we wouldn't know did he come on you all of a sudden quite wonderful I was asking you if it came on you all of a sudden I woke up one fine day of blindness fortune sometimes I wonder if I'm not still asleep and when was that I don't know but no later than yesterday don't question me the blind have no notion of time the things of time are hidden from them too well fancy that I could have sworn it would be just the opposite some died version where is my video he's around somewhere why doesn't the answer when I call it seems to me he sleeping maybe he's dead what happened exactly exactly the two of you slipped and fell go and see is he hurt I can't leave you you needn't both go you go after what he did to me never yes yes and let your friend go he stinks what is he waiting for what are you waiting for I'm waiting for God him what exactly should he do well to begin with he to pull on the rope as hard they like so long as he doesn't strangle him he usually responds to that if not is you give him a taste of his book in the face and private as far as possible hey you see you've nothing to be afraid of and it's even an opportunity for you to revenge yourself and if he defends himself no no he never defends itself I'll come flying to the rescue don't take your eyes off me wait make sure he's alive before you stopped there's no point in exerting yourself if he's dead breathing let him have it wait dog huh Oh ah the brute what's gone wrong now I think my friend has hurt himself and lucky then it is he who lucky I don't understand and you oppose Oh certainly I am popped Oh same as yesterday yesterday we met yesterday you don't remember I don't remember having met anyone yesterday but tomorrow I would remember having met anyone today so don't count on me to enlighten you enough up Prague good but you're bringing him to the pair to sell him you spoke to us he thought he danced you had your sight as you please let me go huh where do you go from here um [Music] ro what have you got in the bag sack um don't go yet I'm going what will you do if you fall apart from help we wait for me to get up let me go on on really before you go tell him to sing who lucky to sing yes or to think or recite but he's dumb dumb dumb he can't even crow you dumb since when have you not done tormenting me with your electricity time it's abominable when when one day is that not enough for you one day like any other day one day he went dumb one day I went blind one day you go deaf one day we were born one day we shall die the same day the same second is that not enough for you they give birth astride of a grave the light gleams an instant then it's night once more um haha why will you never let me sleep I felt lonely I was dreaming I was happy for that past the time I was dreaming don't tell me I wonder was he really blind I do putzy blind he told us he was blind but what about it it seemed to me that he saw are you dreamt it let's go oh that ah you sure it wasn't him who got him the who taught him not at all not at all not at all let it might we'll get up oh I don't know what to think anymore a big help me was I sleeping while the others suffered am i still sleeping and when I wake up tomorrow I think I do what'll I say of today with Estragon my friend in this place until the fall of night I waited forgot oh the taught so passed with his carrier and spoke to us probably but in all that what truth will they be he'll know nothing he'll tell me of the blows he's received and I'll get him a carrot the stride of a grave and a difficult bet down in the hole lingeringly the gravedigger puts on the faucets we have time to grow old air is full of our cries that habit the great debt nur at me to someone is looking of me to someone is saying he is sleeping he knows nothing let him sleep on I can't go on what am i sent off we go again do you not recognize me no sir it wasn't you came yesterday no sir this is your first time yes sir you have a message from aster God oh yes sir he won't be coming this evening no sir then he'll be coming tomorrow yes sir without fail what does he do mr. Gatto you hear me yes sir well he does nothing sir how is your brother he's sick sir perhaps it was he came yesterday I don't know sir has he a beard mr. Gowda yes sir is it fair or black I think it's white sir Christ have mercy on us what am I to tell mr. Gatto sir tell him tell him that you saw me and that that you saw me you're sure you saw me you will come back tomorrow and tell me you never saw me ah what's wrong with you nothing I'm going so am i which are asleep long I don't know where should we go not far oh yes let's go far away from here we come why not we have to come back tomorrow what for to wait for GABA ah he didn't come no now it's too late yes now it's night and if we drop him if we drop him it punish us everything's dead with the tree what is it it's the tree I'm like what kind I don't know willow why don't we hang ourselves with what yeah I've got a bit of rope no we got let's go wait that's my belt hey it's too sure you can hang out of my bed who'd hang off the mine true show just the same hmmm might do it a pinch it is that you'll be strong enough wish you see not worth a curse you say we have to come back tomorrow yes then we could bring you good Peter broke yes he yes I can't go on like this that's what you think it would pass if it might be better course we'll hang ourselves tomorrow unless God will come soon if he comes we're saved well here we go well on your trousers what pull on your trousers you want me to put off my trousers go on your trousers true well shall we go yeah let's go our celebration of the work of Samuel Beckett continues on Wednesday with performances by two outstanding interpreters of his work first Patrick Magee and the play specially written for him Krapp's Last Tape just be listening to that stupid bastard I took myself for 30 years ago hard to believe I was ever as bad as lack well thank god that's all done with anyway and jack macgowran is the tortured figure in a Joe haunted by the voice of Shaun Phillips anyone living love you now Joe anyone living sorry for you now that that comes on Saturday you'll pay her don't you penny our hearts tuppence as long as you like what just help you don't run short Joe ever think of that hey Joe awake for Sam continues on Wednesday at 9:25 the news and sports on BBC one in a moment [Music] our celebration continues this evening with two of Becket's one-act plays Krapp's Last Tape and a Joe each features one of Beckett's favorite interpreters Jack McGowan as Joe Patrick Magee as crap Beckett had heard McGee's unique cracked voice on the radio and he wrote the part of crap especially for him the play opened at the Royal Court Theatre in 1958 McGee's definitive performance was recorded for the BBC in 1972 by the original stage director Donald McQuinn II [Music] box three spoon 5 4 3 3 4 9 ha ha you can ask her box 3 spoon hi box 3 spoon fine [Music] mama addressed that laughs the black ball oh we got nerve slight improvement in our condition nanoribbon Wow equinox memorable aquino memorable Akeno farewell to love 39:39 today song Isabelle apart from my old weakness of intellectually I have not every reason to suspect that the crest of the way all their mouths celebrated the Orphic age-related recent years quietly a divine arts officer said before the fire was closed eyes separating the brain from the hearts they trotted on a few notes on the back of an envelope good to be back in my dead in my old rags have just eaten I regret to say three banal has it only with difficulty refrain from a fatal things for a man of micronesia cut them up you right above my table is a great improvement with all this God is rounded I feel less alone in a way I love to get up and move about in it then back here to me wrap the grain now what I wonder do I mean by that I mean I suppose I mean those things worth having when all the dust has when all my dust has settled I close my eyes and try and imagine extraordinary silence this evening I strain my ears and do not hear the sound old misma bloom only sings at this hour but not tonight songs of her girlhood she says how to think of her as a girl wonderful woman though conifer fancy shall I sing when I am her age if I ever am no did I sing as a boy no did I ever seen no we just been listening to an old year passages at random I didn't check in the book but it must be at least 10 or 12 years ago at that time I think I was still living on and off with Bianca and Kedar Street well out of that jesus you're hopeless tease me not much about her apart from attributive her eyes very warm I suddenly saw them again in these old PN's are gruesome but I often find them ahead before embarking on a new retrospect hard to believe I was ever that young whelp the voice Jesus and the aspirations and the resolutions hahahahaha to drink less in particular statistics 1700 hours out of the preceding eight thousand odd consumed on licensed premises alone more than twenty percent said forty percent of his waking life plans for a less engrossing sexual life last illness of his father flagging pursuit of happiness unattainable ex Asian sneers at what he calls his youth and thanks to God it's over full swing their shadows of the opus Magna closing with yes to probably what remains of all that misery a girl in a shabby green coat on a railway station platform no when I look [Music] [Music] that on the year that has gone with what I hope is perhaps a glint of the old die to come there is of course the house on the canal where mother Leia died in the late autumn after her long the Duarte and a dying after her long vigil T and this state or condition of being or remaining a widow or widower we all remain deep weeds of vacuity also of an animal especially a bird the big Yuba or weaver bird black crow middle name jiguan burn [Music] bench by the well from where I could see her window there i sat in the biting wind wishing she were gone are they so just a few regulars nursemaids infants old men dogs I got to know them quite well oh by appearance of course I mean one dark young beauty I reckon it particularly oh I can starch incomparable bosom with a big black hoodie perambulator most uni really whatever I looked in her direction she had her eyes on there and yet when I was bold enough to speak to her not having be reproduced she's threatened to call police as if I had designs on her face she had the eyes like crystalline I was there when the blind went down one of those dirty brown roller Affairs throwing a ball for a little white dog as chance would have it I happen to look up and there it was all over and done with at last i sat on for a few moments with the ball in my hand the dog yelping and poignant moments numbness meinem the dog's lemons in the end I held it out to him and he took it in his mom gently gently a small old black hard solid rubber ball I shall feel it in my hand on to my dying day I might have kept it but I gave it to the dog spiritually a year of profound gloom and indigenous until that memorable night in March at the end of the jetty in the holy wind never to be forgotten when suddenly I saw the whole thing the vision at last this I fancy is what I have chiefly to record this evening against the day when my work would be done and perhaps no place left in my memory warm or cold for the miracle that a fire that said it I want what I suddenly saw and was this that a belief I had been going on all my life namely great granite rocks the foam flying up in the light of the lighthouse and the wind gauge spinning like a propeller clear to me at after the dark I always struggle to keep under is in reality on shatter Abul association until my dissolution of storm and night with the light of the understanding of the buyer my face in her breasts my hand on her heel air there without moving but under us all and moved us gently up and down and from side to side past midnight never knew such silence here might be uninhabited here I end after lake with the punt phased off the bank then pushed out into the stream drifted she lay stretched out in the floorboards with her hands under head her eyes closed sun blazing down bit of a breeze water nice and lively I noticed a scratch on her thigh and asked her how she came by picking who she said I said again I thought it was hopeless and no would going on and she agreed without opening her eye I asked total looking and after a few moments after a few moments she did but the eyes just slips because of the glare I bent over her to get him in the shadow and they over we drifted in among the flags and stop where they went down sign before this day I lied on a cross her with my face in her braces and my hand on her heel air there without moving but under us all and moved us gently up and down and from side to side last midnight laughing you [Music] just be listening that stupid bastard I took myself for 30 years ago hard to believe I will ever as bad as lack wolf and that's all done with anyway everything anything whole everything there everything on this old mukbang all the light and dark and famine and feasting of the ages yes let's go take his mind off his homework she maybe he was right never he was right nothing to said not a squeak what's a year love saw come and the are in stool rezoned in the world happiest moment of the past half million seventeen coffee soul of would you live in a trade price to free circulating libraries beyond the seas getting no one pound six and something eight I have little doubt crawled out once or twice before the summer was cold sat shivering in the path round and green burning to be God was so last and see she crammed under scroll to the eyes out of me reading Fe again heyday with tears again he could have been happy with her up there on the board kick behind the gym Cora she their sanity made a couple of times bony old goes to the hall couldn't do much but I suppose better than a kick in the crowd last time wasn't so bad how do you manage which she said that you are a I told her I've been saving up her all my life Guenter Festus once like when I was in short trousers nowadays over night is drawing eye shadow look cause this far went asleep fellow who she sometimes wandered in the night if a last effort Michael I initial booze now and get the or dead go on with this drivel in the morning or leave it at that even at that lie crop up in the car and warmed be a guy in a danger on the Christmas Eve gathering hauling red there be a guy on coffin on a Sunday morning in the haze with the big stop listen to the bell and so on he again he again all right old misery once wasn't enough for you lie down across her I said again I thought it was hopeless and no would going on and she agree without opening her eyes I asked her to looking and after a few moments after a few moments she did but the eyes just slips because of the glare I bent over her to get him in the shadow and they over we drifted in among the flags and stopped where they went down sighing before the stand I lay down across her with my face in her breasts and my hand on her he lay there without moving but under us own and moved us gently up and down from side to side ask midnight never use of science here might be uninhabited here I end this we walk 305 perhaps my best years are gone when there was a chance of happening but I wouldn't want them that not was the fire in me now no I wouldn't want them that a Joe was back its first play to be written for television this production supervised by Becket himself was first shown in 1966 Joe is played by Jack McGowan who always seemed instinctively and physically ideal to interpret many of Beckett's characters Jack McGowan died 17 years ago on the 31st of January and so this showing becomes not only a tribute to a great playwright but also a celebration of his collaboration with this fine actor [Music] show Joe vote of everything forgotten nothing but all right now away no one can see you now no one can get at you now why don't you put out that light they might they allows watching you why don't you go to bed what's wrong with that there Joe you changed it didn't you there's no difference or is it the heart already crumbles when you lie down in the dark dry rot hey Joe the bests to come you said that last time hurrying me into my god last I was favored with from you the best to come hate you now Joe no no hear you come on Joe no one can say it like you say it again now and listen to yourself the best to come you're right for one in the end you know that penny farthing hell you call your mind that's what you think this is coming from don't you that's where you heard your father isn't that what you told me started in on you one June night and went on a year on and off behind the eyes that's how you were able to throttle him in the end mental foggy you called it one of your happiest fancy mental huggy otherwise he'd be plaguing you yet then your mother when her our game look up patrol look up we're watching you weaker and weaker Tilly laid her to others all the others such lovely God God knows why pitying love none to touch it and look at him now struggling the dead in his head anyone living love you now Joe anyone living sorry for you now that that comes on Saturday you pay her don't you penny a house tuppence as long as you like watch yourself you don't run short Joe never think of that hey Joe what is it be Eve you ran out of us not another soul to still sit there in his stinking old wrapper hearing himself that life long adora weaker and weaker do not a gasp left there either is it that you want well-preserved for his age and the silence of the grave that old paradise you are always harping on no Joe not for the likes of us I was strong myself when I started in on you wasn't hi Joe normal strength like those summer evenings in the green in the early days of our a deal when we start watching the Ducks holding hands exchanging vows how you admired my elocution among other charms was like Flint glass to borrow your expression powerful grasp of language you have Flint glass you could have listened to it forever and now they're squeezed down to live how much longer would you say till the whisper you know when you can't hear the words just the odd one here and there that's the worst isn't it Joe isn't that what you told me before we expire the odd word straining the air why is that Joe why must you do that when you're nearly home what matter then what we mean it should be the best nearly home again another stilled and it's the worst isn't that what you said a whisper the odd word straining to hear brain tired squeezing it stops in the end you stop it in the end
Channel: Manufacturing Intellect
Views: 14,946
Rating: 4.9829788 out of 5
Id: 3ma-r0P2Brw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 57sec (7677 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2017
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