A Vision of Coming Judgment To America In the Last Days by Dean Odle

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it was exactly what he had asked anyway so I hate to be a damper on an evening but I have to share some things that I believe God has given to me and revealed to me into others that I know across the world prophetically speaking just so you know my name is Dean Oda land and I pastor a church over in Auburn Alabama I've pastored in Montgomery Alabama and I've pastored over in Washington DC for a while and traveled to the Middle East ministered there and the island of Mauritius and in Nigeria so I've been around a little bit and years ago I'm just going to start with this years ago you know I was saved when I was young 11 years old in a Baptist Church and powerful born-again experience I had with the Lord and Jesus became very real to me at that time but like many teenagers and like many people do things happen and you end up drifting away and I drifted away while I was in high school and while I was in college and bad and just lived in sin and just lived a horrible immoral life and alcohol and drugs and immorality and and God began to convict me again and God had people he began to lead people into my life and conviction came into my life and I remember when the Lord spoke to me I had a modeling contract at the time I know you can't tell now but that was many years ago and I had just had a screen test for soap operas and and also an offer to have be in a movie with Bruce Willis way back when called die hard the first one but God began to convict me and I was miserable and depressed and I am going somewhere with this so just bear with me but when God brought his conviction on me and and began to speak to me this was the first time I ever heard God I can say speak to my heart where it was words and I heard him very clearly not like you hear me but he spoke in my spirit and he said very clearly when I was struggling with this decision because I was going to be rich and famous have anything I want to do anything I wanted or I was going to live for Jesus for real and quit being a hypocrite and lukewarm Christian and so I remember the Lord spoke to me and these are the words I heard and it may be controversial to some but it's what he told me and it got me saved so it must have been the Holy Spirit but he said son you can have everything the world has to offer and go to hell or you can surrender your life to me and live forever and at that moment I had a vision not open vision where I saw it with my physical eyes but in my spirit I saw a vision of two roads and I saw Jesus hanging on the cross for my sins down one and I saw all the stuff I was doing and one was full of light and I knew led to heaven and the other ones full of darkness and right there I said Lord either I'm going all the way or I'm not going at all will not be a hypocrite and so I truly repented that day and that's what America is missing and I believe that's what most of the church world is missing especially the Western church world is that we have a gospel now without repentance and God wants us to repent confess our sins and turn away from them and live as obedient as we can and I know I'm not talking about we will be perfect and that's why there is forgiveness when we confess our sins but this stuff of living in sin and habitually living in things that we know are rebellion to God that's just--that's that has to end if you're going to be a real Christian and so it ended in my life in the summer of 1987 now I say all that to say this that in 1987 when I truly repented I began praying everyday I began reading my Bible every day I began studying at the time I was working in a place where I couldn't go to church on Sundays and that was actually I know this may sound bad but it was a good thing because they couldn't ruin me and so I just read my Bible and I started learning things that I'd never been taught when I went to church when I was young and so it didn't take long before the the Lord had filled me with his Holy Spirit and then in October it was the first week of October 1987 I will never forget it because I was praying at about 4 o'clock in the morning and this was an open vision Jesus appeared to me in an open vision the power of God was so strong the room was dimly lit but over in this side it lit up and I saw him standing at the right hand of the glory of God it was unbelievable it was so strong the power of God and his presence was so strong that I literally felt like Jesus must be coming because it was so overwhelming and as a matter of fact it was so powerful that I had to ask the Lord to ease up because I my physical body couldn't take it but it wasn't painful it was just glorious it was pure power and love and everything at the same time but the Lord spoke to me and I won't say everything he said in that vision that I had from him but he told me he said waste no time for there's little time left to spare and he told me that in October of 1987 shortly after that I began to study the Bible Matthew 24 many the end times passages revelation Daniel so I begin to study this way back in 1987 26 years ago I've studied endtime prophecy matter of fact my first sermon that I ever preached in a church was in December of 1987 and it was on Matthew 24 and my best friend that I'd had throughout elementary school junior high and high school that we drank and smoked dope and did drugs and all the running around my best friend came because he couldn't believe that I was going to be preaching it actually preaching in the church so he came and he got saved that night and he's a minister this day so I understand that you know what the the message of endtime prophecy and the things that are that are coming to pass the Lord gave those to us to be a tool of evangelism to get people's attention that the Word of God is true and that it is unlike any other writing in the world there the Quran doesn't touch it the the Vedas the the hadith the soon as nothing touches the Holy Bible this book right here from Genesis to Malachi and Matthew to Revelation and I want to say after 26 years of studying this and I know there that's read it and studied it and women to a lot longer than I have but I am absolutely positively sure that we are in the last days that Jesus Christ will return soon within I believe within my lifetime and there are many things that I can't get into tonight about the prophecies that are coming to pass but everything that the Bible is spoken of course jesus said in Matthew 24 that one of the signs would be wars and rumors of wars Ezekiel foretold a war that would and I can't get into it but I can prove it that it would be Russia and and the and the countries around Israel getting ready to attack Israel we are there and we are there revelation 9 talks about a war that's going to kill one third of mankind and that war will start at your freight ease River region your freight these River runs from Turkey through Syria Iraq and touches Iran for 50 miles we know that the Syrian issue and the Iranian issue will more than likely very soon start World War 3 or what I believe is the sixth trumpet war again I know some of these things may be a little controversial as we all have different beliefs at times about endtime things I'll just say this very boldly that I'm not ashamed that I am I do not believe in a pre-tribulation rapture if you believe that I still love you and I hope you still love me but I think we're going to find out real soon that it's it's not before now having said that I'm going to share what the Lord gave me to share and because I'm trying to keep this very brief I'm not going to turn to the passages but in Acts chapter 2 God spoke that in the last days he would pour out his spirit on all flesh and he said your sons and your daughters will prophesy and your old men will see dream dreams and your young men will see visions and then he used the term he said and talked about blood and fire and pillars of smoke when I was 16 years old I've had three prophetic dreams that I know her from the Lord about a nuclear attack on the United States of America I have also seen a vision during a time of fasting of the East Coast and the west coast of the United States destroyed entire cities destroyed this has been confirmed to me by many people across the world and I mean from every denomination when I began to share these dreams two of which I've had in the last year when I began to share these dreams I heard from people through Facebook and other media I heard from people that were Presbyterians Baptists Methodists all kind of different backgrounds Pentecostal charismatic I heard people telling me I've had the same dreams I had the same dream I had the same dream when I was the other night I was on my Facebook it's just denote Ulm in astreus but the Facebook page I write these things that God gives me and I share them and just just over the past few days just several thousand people have read these things across the world but the Lord wanted me to share this and this is something but this is not defeatism that I'm sharing with you tonight because I believe in the midst of what is coming to the world into the particularly to the United States I believe that in the midst of that that God is going to move in a powerful way and that he's going to pour out his Spirit and that through these judgments that many people are going to learn righteousness so I do believe there's a revival coming to the United States but it will not be until there was a mushroom cloud in the in a u.s. city I will share these as quickly as I can here when I was 16 years old I had the first one and I won't go into that one but it was so vivid that God gave it to me twice now if the anybody know that in the book of Genesis when Joseph interpreted Pharaoh's dream Pharaoh had the dream twice two different ways but he had the dream twice and he told him Joseph told him the reason that the dream was given to you twice is because it is God is showing you what he is about to do and he's shown it to you twice to let you know it will shortly come to pass so the that one happened back in 1980 for you fast forward in November of 2012 I had a dream where I was standing looking down the east coast line and I saw a massive explosion destroy a city I don't know what city it was but I know I was looking north up the eastern coastline and I saw a city destroyed and in the dream for some reason it was my job to to coordinate our government's response now I've never worked for the United States government and don't plan on it but in the dream I had a direct line to President Obama and in the dream I as soon as the detonation happened and I was just beyond the blast radius and there was fires burning and I called and I had a direct line you understand we had a direct like I guess we had each other's cell phones or whatever I don't know but it was almost like it was a radio and I was talking to him what is going to be our response and he he stopped talking to me it would not talk so I said well the radios must have went out so I knew where he was so I ran across through the city and I ran to where President Obama was and he it was for some reason it was a huge almost like cafeteria with these roundtables and people were I mean just massive amount of people and he was sitting at a table about as far from me to you brother and I was yelling at him what is our response because in the dream I knew that the response of the United States was going to determine whether we survived this or not and what I mean survived is we kept any resemblance of normalcy any way he would not even lift his head up he was looking down at his plate of food and it was then I knew he will do nothing that he's going to let this happen and I knew in the dream that it would be the complete fall and destruction of the United States of America into chaos many Americans are so prideful and arrogant that they think that this cannot happen but over the last year's and when I was in Washington DC pastoring there I had a dream and I won't go into it but the clear dream of economic collapse coming this war that's coming in the Middle East quickly upon us all that's going to take is one thing to push our economy over the edge especially if we get hit here with anything and of course Vladimir Putin of Russia said that if we attack Syria he will attack Saudi Arabia and if he attacks Saudi Arabia then our oil supply is cut off and we will our economy will collapse I absolutely believe that now the second dream in the last 12 months I was driving on Interstate 85 I'm in Auburn Alabama so I was on interstate 85 headed toward Montgomery which is south west and I was headed there and I was driving in my car down the interstate and I had a clear straight shot along alone I could see a long way off and in the dream I said I bet I will see a mushroom cloud in just a few minutes or in just a moment it wasn't five seconds later boom the flash the cloud I watched the whole thing go up and roll over and I don't know where it was again I went I'm not quite sure but I know I was looking West so again I think it confirms what God showed me in 2011 of the East Coast and the west coast now I say all this to say that when I woke up that morning it was early morning with Sunday morning actually and now of course I was getting ready to preach and I always get up early to pray and getting ready to preach and when I got up I knew the dream there you know I know the difference between a dream when you've had too much pizza before you go to bed and it's of the Lord and I woke up I knew it was from the Lord and I said Lord what is this and he said I'm showing you this twice and really it was within eight months of each other I'm showing you this twice because it will certainly come to pass and it will not be long and this is not something that I like to do but back when Jesus called me to be a minister he really called me to a prophetic ministry and my heart I must I must have to say I my heart's very heavy and I was tears in my eyes back there because I don't I don't like having to say these things because they're difficult but I remember you know in 2001 the Lord spoke to me very clearly we have an all-night prayer meeting on New Year's Eve going from 2000 into 2001 and he spoke to me and he said this year will be a year of tragedy and I shared that with our church and with different people and two days before 9/11 it was a Sunday morning September the 9th and I was preaching a nice sweet sermon that morn I don't do too many of those my wife will tell you my church members to tell you I'm pretty pretty strong on certain things so I was preaching one of the nicest sermons I ever preached called the blessings of God you know and in the middle of my message the Holy Spirit came on me and gave me a prophetic word so there will be a terrorist attack on on Washington DC in New York City and two days later it happened a year plus before the Japanese earthquake and tsunami the Lord also gave me a dream there to be a massive earthquake in the Pacific Ocean he took me over the Pacific Ocean and he showed me he took me down deep in the water and he showed me the tectonic plates and for some reason he showed me three nuclear bombs on those tectonic plates and they all exploded and when that happened it caused the massive earthquake and the tsunami I understood the dream it's not anything big big prophetic revelation to have a dream that there's going to be an earthquake in the Pacific Rim right but I couldn't figure out for a long time why the three nuclear weapons were in the dream and so I shared the dream in our church I shared it on Facebook I shared it with different people and I said I don't understand it but then in March of 2011 when the earthquake 9.0 earthquake happened and then of course the tsunami happened and then there were three nuclear reactors at Fukushima that melted down and that I knew and so sometimes dreams are not always crystal clear and you have to wait for them but I asked the Lord why he would give me that and he said I'm giving you this one so you know that the other ones that I've given you will come to pass so listen to me and I'm I'm going to turn this over here but listen to me very clearly this is not to put fear in you unless of course you're not right with the Lord if you're not walking with Jesus in holiness and obedience and you've confessed your sins and repented of your sins and you're getting serious with God it's time to get serious with God he gives us a warnings so that we can prepare and the most important preparation that you can make is spiritual preparation second of all I think the Lord wants us to be psychologically and emotionally prepared things are going to change in America forever when the Lord showed me the vision and the dream of the economic collapse he told me we would not recover there will not be a bailout there would not be a recovery from what's coming and we have to because we have to get to a global system that they put a chip in your hand and that's the only way you by ourselves so we have to get rid of the US economy we have to get rid of the US dollar there are certain things that have to happen for Bible prophecy to come to pass and it is happening quickly now what God wants us to do is be in prayer see I really believe Psalm 23 that though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil with me I truly believe that it is an opportunity to be a light in a witness and there's a scripture it's in it's in Isaiah 26 but the Lord Isaiah was speaking and he said he how he was hungry for the Lord and thirsting for the Lord and then he said Lord when your judgments are in the earth the people learn righteousness and so God's judgments are coming to America and really he just has to step back and allow certain things to happen but one of the things and I'll give you this and I'll quit but I believe if you read Jeremiah 5 that Jeremiah 5 is a prophetic word for the United States of America you just substitute the United States for Judah and Jerusalem and I believe that that is a word and what the good part of it is is that he says he will not make a full end see I don't believe it's going to be total destruction across the entire United States of America but I do believe that our pride must be brought down it must be humbled I believe that even in God's wrath in allowing this and pulling his hand off his mercy to wake up the lukewarm backslidden compromised watered-down Church in America and so I believe that there will be a revival and it's our job to be prepared to preach the true gospel of Jesus Christ that calls for him to be number one that calls for us to leave sin to obey Him to love him with all of our heart soul mind and strength we've had enough we've had enough purpose-driven we've had enough seeker we've had enough it hasn't saved our nation listen if it was of God it would have saved us amen it hasn't saved us so I believe the people that God will protect and he will he will right he will he will raise up a people that will share the truth in a very dark time and don't let your heart be troubled it will get dark but God is he said I will arise upon my people and my glory will be seen on my people even when gross darkness covers the earth amen god bless you [Music]
Channel: SermonIndex.net
Views: 303,241
Rating: 4.6550603 out of 5
Keywords: Revival, Character Of God, Free Sermons, Video Sermons, Jesus Christ, What Is The Gospel, SermonIndex, What Is The Truth, Dean Odle, Judgment on America, Revival in America
Id: z1dL5hThctQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 45sec (1305 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 07 2013
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