Blue DPM, Superglue and Hatred, Safe For YT Version: Chinesium AK setup for #LynxBrutality2024

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[Music] hello and welcome to bloke on the Ranger and we're going to talk about a topic that comes up quite a lot in online discussions and how I'm applying it with my rifle for links brutality 2024 which at the time of filming we're leaving on an airplane in a week so uh right basically what I've got here is a chinesium type 56s in the sort of OG configuration I'll take a closer look at that with you over at the table in a bit um and what we're going to talk about is upgrades and why so you get all these sort of uh quiz things of sort of if you've got a budget of what what do you upgrade on a standard rifle and my view on these things is that Priority One is an optic because any reliable optic is better than ions second rank if the trigger is a bit gash probably a trigger that's probably the second best ergonomic Improvement you can make after uh after the optical ergonomics so the sites uh and then probably in third line a free float tube to improve the mechanical accuracy the um the the the lack of or reduce the variation of pressure on the for end uh to the uh to the shot and then after that other things different shaped butts and what have you but uh all we're going to be doing to this tipe 56 for links brutality is putting an optic on it the trigger is okay I know jiga likes to take his rifles and strip them right down to next to nothing and drag them backwards through uh through a catalog and replace every single part I'm kind of the opposite I'm kind of minimalist um I could mag pull it up the woo but I've decided to go for a bit of a semi lar so I've got for my chinesium rifle I've got some chinesium blue DPM um apparently this is one of the Iraqi police National Police patterns um I've got this absolutely sick um Hub City outdoor SL Americana pipe dream chaom type rig in ommani DPM for a bit of contrast and I think the combination it looks great on camera um why an AK and why this AK so jiga and Ian decided that they were going to do AKs and jiga appears to be bringing a shorty and Ian is bringing some I believe Romanian cut and shot that he rewed himself so that would be very very interesting uh the import of that is Les of Polaris Worldwide Logistics as usual he's now uh sorted that so American competitors have a solution not only for finish brutality but also for links brutality and I actually have four AKs they are all type 56s of some description um this is the first one I got and in the States you are blessed with the $400 PSA AR15 rifles here we're not uh we can buy some Chinese ones for 8 or 900 uh and then you're up well over a th000 for some pretty mid stuff uh we're paying well over a, like I think 1,400 they start out for something that's not norinko um but we live in a world of the $600 Chinese AK uh as I said this was the first one I got I've got two type 56 2os because of course one comes up you buy it and then a better one for what you're trying to do comes up so my uh uh I I first bought a wood stocked luxury one original in the box and then uh a plastic stocked one came up that was once I changed the pistol grip an exact clone of a finish RK 56p so the uh last line finish rifle and I took that to uh hat 2023 ran that through I thought this time although it is totally sick with the uh with the folding but this goes a bit better with the lp and it's a different rifle and why not and ultimately I'll probably mag pull this up just to see what difference it makes but not this time we are just going to put an optic on it now with an AR platform flat top patini rail integrated mounting optic easy uh even even the carry handles it's there's plenty of mounts uh there's top carry handle mounts there's gooseneck mounts in the front for for red dots you've got options you don't have with an AK now these chinesium ones don't have a side rail but frankly I find the side rail on an AK kind of a cludge it's kind of big the quality of them tends to be variable the first finish brutality I did jiger had borrowed uh an ark which had some bell Russian side rail mount thingy put on it and it was just awful and it fell off and ended up shooting iron sights um so yeah that's one option you can buy aftermarket side rails that you can get someone to bdge on but how good are they not huge fan of the concept anyway another option is the gas tube you can get gas tube Mount because the gas tube cover oops we need to have the pops off um and it's fairly solid limits you to red dots of course because the eye relief or I guess an intermediate eye relief scope for that so whole sort of Jeff Cooper Scout rifle Boomer thing uh the big disadvantage of that is that they're exposed to the powder gases so uh they're not guaranteed to be particularly stable in their zero under heat as things get hot and it's got to be pretty tight so that it doesn't move around under recoil um and then when it gets hot yeah if you actually want some decent accuracy I mean it's an AK it's um they're probably not ideal jiga of Po tactical is a big fan of the hinged Texas weapon system system that mounts up on the rear sight block and on the back with my target rifle background I am skeptical of anything like that that moves that has any kind of hinging arrangement anything like that um I mean it's an AK they don't group that well particularly the Chinese ones but I like my zero to be consistent and stable as far as possible and even if the group isn't great I would like to know where it always is I shouldn't get any surprises and jiga says jiga has good results with his but I'm afraid my my prejudice against the concept is a bit too great um it just goes against my my whole I mean I come from a target rifle background I come from Iron Sights with quarter quarter mower clicks and using the quarter M clicks and sometimes half clicks just the psychological thing even though it's not very far um so I'm rather skeptical about this but what I've gone for is something completely different and I will show it to you over at the table okay so here we are a bog standard Chinese type 56s so this is the Pressed receiver with the dropped butt not the straighter akm butt I do have the absolute cheapest one available on the Swiss market uh they're fairly old stock but it's that the other ones they're akm alike and it's got a straighter stock and some other things to make it look a bit more akm um the an obvious sign of a Chinese rifle is the diagonal Barrel trunion rivets so um a quick go over basically it's an AK-47 it's not the same as any of the Russian ones uh the the too long didn't read on the type 56 rifles is that back in the time when the Soviet Union and red China were bestest buddies there was a full Tech transfer thing uh we end up with the type 56 rifle which was the type 3 mil AK-47 so the third pattern the type 56 car Bine is the SKS and the type 56 light machine gun was the DPM now by the time the Soviets are upgrad to the Pressed steel akm which is nothing like the Press Steel type 1 AK-47 um Soviets had uh fallen out with the Russians it was the whole uh uh you're not real socialists thing usually happens anyway that's not really a topic for the channel so the Chinese couldn't get the technical data package for the akm out of the uh out of the Soviets but they had captured at least one press steel rpk from a Vietnamese Soldier during the uh Chinese Vietnamese War now they uh they then reverse engineered it based on the technical data package they had for the type 3 mil AK and this is the reason why these have chunky 1 and a half mm steel receivers like the rpk light sport weapon unlike the one mm thick uh receiver on the akm and you can very much tell the difference when you pick them up these are a bit heavier and chunkier so um we have the select lever derived from the Remington Model 8 we have a smooth top cover like the M AKs comes off it's an AK-47 this isn't the main topic of of the day so let us not worry too much about that we're just going over the big external features as I said the diagonal trunion pins uh the barrel is pinned into it trunion and pinned into into the receiver we've got the usual removable gas tube we have gas Escape ports in the gas tube like on the mil day Cas not on the gas block like on the akm cleaning rod we have a hooded front sight like an SKS we have a muzzle thread um and this does not have a thread protector or muzzle device on it because silent steel is loaning us um AK suppressors for use at links brutality so thanks guys very much now um any other thing I'd say is that in here you got a nice little Chinese finger trap and the little toolkit thingy I will do the type 56 in detail at another time um there's two technical data packages for these there's two different types of receiver uh around and again I'll go into that at a different time so anyway as I was saying before the options for mounting a scope are side rail budging a side rail on there's the full bubber approach of like going full like Afghanistan on it and doing your own thing you got replacing the gas tube with something railed you've got the Texas weapon systems hinged thingy and what I've plumped for is a rear sight mount for a red dot so it links I think the longest possible shot is about 200 M on a full size uh fulls size figure so you don't actually need magnification but AK rear sights are coarse and the front sights are coarse and they're just all manner of awfulness and a red dot is far better and if I'm going to try and keep up with in and jiga in some way I can't keep up physically but I can sometimes keep up with the shooting so what I've got is from our friends here at B&T there are other others available I have a little which way around this way around I have a little red dot Mount to replace the rear site and to me this seems like the most stable mounting solution for something like a chinesium hollow sun 503 which is kind of my my go-to so what I'm going to do is I'm going to replace this we're going to talk about it a little bit um because YouTube is funny about showing any kind of modification um I'm not going to show how to get it on and off uh the version of this video that goes on player and on the app will have that so I'm afraid you'll have to go look at one of those places player is free the app is uh payal so payol to support the channels that participate in it so thank you to everyone who participates there now what you've got in this kind of rear sight Arrangement this is a fairly common site Arrangement car98k is are very similar you've got you've got a ready great spring that pushes up on the site leaf and then you've got a site bed with a slider that rides up it so you can increase the range turn the power up to eight on this one in principle if we go all the way it lies what do you expect um so there's a battle sight setting that's supposedly about 400 I'm skeptical on this uh this seems to be okay for sort of 1 2 3 Maybe for I've not had much time playing with it on a proper range but this is a good solidly mounted machined well cast and finished machine on this probably uh part of the rifle it's nice and it's solid uh so to me this seems like the logical place it's not exposed to the heat of the gases up here so if this gets hot the barrel expands and the the rail system expands at a different rate it's not going to end up doing anything like that um and it's Compact and it's not adding weight and it seems to be to me the way forward so I'm going to get this off and the way these are held in you got this little entryway here on both sides it's symmetrical on both sides and then the pin goes up in that Notch there so for YouTube we will skip to the end skip to the end etc etc etc w okay so that was foolish of me to think that an aftermarket part was just going to drop into a chinesium AK yeah you've always has got to do some grinding of some description and yeah I had to open that quite a lot but we've now got an oblique surface there and oblique surface there and oblique surface there and an oblique surface there that it is on and that should be pretty stable and then so just to put in the three grub screws actually that's such a tight Force fit that that is actually rock solid as it is because that is literally it's under tension I've really only just taken off the uh the material I needed is not the neatest hobby grinding work ever and certainly that that side I started on is looking a bit more ugly but it is on that's lifting it off okay don't if you saw that but that lifted it off that's too much that's putting Flex in it what we want is these two nice and tight so that it's pressed down hard at the back and we do not want to be flexing it into lifting off so I'm doing this one a little bit lighter so the idea is that irrespective of what happens on recoil with flex and everything that these screws will keep that PIN nice and solidly up in there and that should not go anywhere we hope and any defamation at the top of that slot is going to be well it's not quite touching the top of the slot it's on those inclined surfaces now what this has done is it won't affect putting the original rear sight back on because that sits right up the top of the notches and we've not touched that with anything so oops what broke I just slipped out yeah and then this I want to be a little less tight just tension without lifting off moreit no there we go okay so hopefully that will be stable enough for brutality work and huh all okay so the three grub screws there are to get it horizontal or at least as horizontal as possible it's actually a little bit looser now I've tightened it up a little bit possibly a little bit too much and then what we're trying to do is balance these screws so that it it sits horizontally and we can use the battle sight just a question of balancing these well sure they're even skip to the end okay so when I initially tightened it that's actually pretty soft monkey metal it did take a bit of a a set but we're balanced on the uh on the screws there I've got access to the battle site hopefully that's level enough and if it's not I can adjust the tension on front and back to level it I think that's probably pointing down a bit um when I zero the scope so I've played with attenion a bit more I think I've leveled it so well good enough for government work anyway good enough for AK work so we have the hollow sun this is a circle dot not an acss so we will put this on so there we go as I said what I will do when I go to the range I'll actually pop this off I will Zero it with the battle sight Notch when I'm confident that uh that it's level and uh yeah and then zero that and then go to Links brutality with it and I am not hugely confident but we'll see what happens what I think I will do is I will take this with and it's spring just in case so with the drop stock it's kind of high the straighter akm style would certainly be better with this or a modern stock like a magpull I got chin world I got cheekbone Jawbone weld that's good enough and we'll uh we'll see how it goes see whether it holds up in practice so I've come out to the range and it's raining which means I'm the only one here which is great so I'm at 50 m what I've done pro provisionally is with some cheap ammo um I've checked that the the horizontal of the mount is to my satisf action which I did with some cheap ammo and the Red Dot I've then dowed all of the screw threads from the outside in lashings of uh superglue so that hopefully it is not going anywhere cuz these things are held together by faith and hatred mostly um I've also done a preliminary zero with this and with the irons with the cheap ammo now I'm going to go over to the uh 76239 brass cas SB because this is the same ammunition that is going to be provided for us by the sponsors SMB at links fality 2024 so thank you very much guys and it's actually only going to be preliminary zero because I fully anticipate that when I put the silent steel uh suppressor that's being sponsored for us for the match on here it's going to affect the point of impact it's probably going to be low but what I'm going to do is I'm going to zero this to be sort of 2 to 3 in high at 50 m uh so five 7 8 cm above point of Aim so I take a six o00 hold on the target um and what this should do with the drop is mean that I hold down a bit at 50 couple of inches down uh and then I should be good even out on the longest range if I if it all goes horribly wrong with the Red Dot and I have to go over to the irons then what I'll do is I'll put this to point of point of aim point of impact because aiming off with a red dot aiming up with a red dot is super easy um and then I know I'm on for all the short range stuff and then on the long range I just have to hold up by about 6 to 8 in depending on how far I am so let us see how it goes now I've not got very much of this ammo so I need to use it carefully and wisely which when you got a rifle that groups like a Chinese AK um isn't always easy because you can end up chasing Flyers cuz with a group this big basically practically every shots a flyer and there is contrary to FUD belief there's absolutely no guarantee that the first two or three shots are actually going to be centered on the center uh the mean point of impact is something that appears over time and yes when you've got something that genuinely is shooting the order of one minute of angle yeah it's not going to make that much difference and then you're talking single clicks this is a Chinese AK different Beast I do actually have a rubber buffer in here which makes life easier and the other thing is worth pointing out is that when you zero off a rest you should be holding it as closely as you can hold as you're going to be holding it in real life because if you're resting it like that or pushing down or something and then you shoot it like that it's going to be different when it's not a free float so just a couple of shots to verify we are where I think we are oo that's shooting a lot higher than with the uh than with the cheap stuff so what I'm going to do is I'm going to take my AK Swizzle tool and I'm going to come up about half a ton actually those shots were on the center line so at least laterally it's the same as with the uh other Amo and you'll notice that I'm not an absolutist with which hand you use and it's good to practice using both because there's some situations where one is better than the other [Music] so mean point of impact out of those two again caveat we don't absolutely sure is about 2 in High 2 in above point of aim I think I'm just going to give it a little tickle so we go into the error it's too low so I want to screw it down bring it up a tickle rear sight away from the error rear sight the direction you want the shots to go front sight into the error one two three so that's yeah and this ammo is shooting much better than this Bishkek kastani stuff that is the sort of if we could ye into ye rounds into trash here that's what we'd be using it's actually quite reasonable priced so I'm happy with that very happy with that in fact and uh I've actually had to wind the front side up an awfully long way where there because this is higher than the normal rear sight but that's fine we've got that amount of adjustment on an AK okay so this is with the emergency backup sites and uh I mean they're not so emergency there because I can't quick detach them but those are the first two I'm aiming here those are the first two then we came down and we had two down there and then I tickled it up and we're there and laterally we're pretty good um they're together they're that one's out but I mean the overall group size is probably with ammo about that but we might see with the Red Dot so I'm going to patch these out and put the Red Dot on and then we'll see where we are with that and if we got enough ammo left over we'll uh we'll group it and see so just to recap I'm aiming about here and they're going about one two 3ish high so at 200 200 M that should be about point of aim point of impact anything shorter than that aim down a a whisker and we'll be uh we'll be good just a aim bottom thirdd of the fullsize target okay so let's put this on in the middle Notch and when you're mounting an optic always push it Forward because what's going to happen under recoil is that the rifle is going to want to move backwards this due to inertia because Newton is going to want to stay put so if you put it somewhere in the middle there it's going to want to slide so you might as well get in ahead of it slide it all the way forward so that it is not going to go anywhere on recoil so look it up until it goes click which is set to about 20 which is good question is often asked left hand under left hand over right hand which which should you do and the answer is yes whichever makes sense at the time learn them all don't get stuck in one technique okay the chin weld thing it's all it's okay my chins on it to get the reticle in the middle this check on oo and we are just a smid and high 12 clicks see where we are those are nice together on the plum line so on the vertical line that's pleases me greatly I swear the clicks on these are way bigger than they say we've overshot I did 12 and that put me there so let's do plus remembering the grip size thing I'm bad at this okay so what I'm going to do is pack them out we'll put a cleaner Target on I need to order some fresh ones I used to have a pile I ran out oh well um what I'm going to do is patch them out let the rifle cool off a bit and then we're just going to group it just see what's uh see what's going on okay so the first two were there second two were there and then we were there and then I've just come down a whisker and we'll group it and see in any case it's going to shift when we have the suppressor on um how much don't know I must say I'm glad I've got the rubber buffer because the recoil on the chinesium AK they are overgassed to hell and The Recoil on them that comes from the uh bul Carrier Group hitting the metal at the back is quite significant and this rubber buffer just softens it up a surprising amount although the uh um silent steel suppressors were being loaned are flow through so it shouldn't increase the back pressure particularly if at all um so they shouldn't change the bolt velocity but you never know that's the fun of it okay so the rifle is easily handleable it is warm to the touch but not smoking hot so I don't know how many rounds are left but we'll just put them in a bit of a group and I am going to watch them I'm going to take a dry shot first I am going to have a look I used to shoot single shot bolt actions where we used to have to like put the rifle down between shots because it was a long time between shots so don't worry I can rebuild my position well enough for government work I mean if anything fails I want it to fail now last two went straighten the ball first two were crazy Ivans out to the left h and a suspense well I think actually that is a good enough for Kalashnikov work zero I'll just go show you it uh it's not an impressive group in the slightest but the last two shots did go where they were pointed but there's a lot of statistical chance with small groups which a lot of people do not seem to be grasping in the comments under the one Mo MOA all day long challenge stuff yes it's very unimpressive grouping um we were like 1 two 3 4 5 6 or something like that but anyway yes it's I mean what do you expect it's an AK it's a Chinese AK at that anyway so the too long didn't read on this then is that I'm now zeroed it's good enough government work on the uh backup irons and on the Red Dot and the uh the set screws on the Red Dot Mount are held to get on the pins are held to together with superglue and hatred so I hope that was at least vaguely interesting thanks to everyone who supports the channel financially those that don't please just like And subscribe and it's all good um all help gratefully received whether it's on patreon player or the weapons and War app uh or even buy me a coffee now as well just for one-offs if you're into that kind of thing so thank you all so much and uh see you again sometime bye for
Channel: Bloke on the Range
Views: 10,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: weapons (interest), shooting (sport), milsurp
Id: 3EhFGi5pNVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 41sec (2141 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2024
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