A UNIQUE Antiquing Adventure | AUCTION ANTIQUES + more #VLOG

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we like going antique hunting here in Norfolk we're going to an outside auction which we've never been to before so here it is let's go and see what they've got Tony two sheds and we haven't been to Tony for a long long time what have you spotted a little different than all the rest my friend is having a bit of a holiday Cottage emergency and she needs some urgent tiles so I'm letting her have these ones just leaving them on the doorstep as I head out we have got such an exciting day planned for you today we're going to an outside auction which we've never been to before it's on a village screen and I can't wait to see what it's like let's go let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] before we get out the car can you just explain the bit bit about how this works cuz you were looking it up this morning yes I this has been going on for quite some time I think um so essentially you got the Village Green in burnner market and uh an auction an auctioner turns up with various things to sell but you can also add you know put in entries from about 6:30 this morning so oh so we could have come and brought some things to sell we could have brought some stuff to sell um all their stuff going to be there whatever they've also run a similar auction over in sofam so um which is about 20 minutes from us so you can drop stuff off and then we're obviously going now to view it Y and what time does the auction start 12 I think from memory so if we bid on anything and get it you just take it away there and then there and then so how would you pay for it you just pay them directly cash I think so you bid on it and somebody comes up and takes the money yeah well it's weird isn't it because almost every auction house you have to register you got to have a paddle number etc etc so let's go and take a look a look as Mark has already said this is burner Market which is an absolutely beautiful Village it's actually called Chelsea by sea there's lots of holiday Cottages here and they're all horrendously expensive but it is really pretty I actually came here at Christmas and did a YouTube video which I'll put a little link above you can see what it looks like at Christmas time it's beautiful and now we'll go and see what it looks like in June it's nice isn't it Trinity house yes some of these houses inside are absolutely tiny tiny some of them are yeah let's just spin around this is a nice Street although there's lots of parking well there's nowhere else to park is there this is very georan isn't it georan there some lovely architecture look at this one let's just cross over High House very nice really looking forward to this this is very exciting Mark accidentally had a day off work how did that happen I don't know I forgot to put in someone in you just looked in your diary and you'd forgotten to book interesting Happy Days that's what I say absolutely where is it I can see a lorry yeah I know I'm just looking thinking is it here so in Burna Market you have really nice shops and there's a lovely Pub well we've arrived and now we can't see anything although I think it's up there mark oh yeah I think you're right yeah oh that was a bit of a panic yeah that would be like the car boot that we went too that wasn't on I think we're okay so this is got links with Nelson hasn't it it has with the host arms and what have you I'm assuming he used to live here did he or stay here something something like that or maybe I had family here I can't remember which this my favorite little cottage which not particularly little but I love seeing this one with the Pink Door and the Holly Hawks absolutely beautiful so here it is everything's just laid out let's go and see what they've got [Music] it's cracked isn't it yeah it's lovely though really nice Taps aren't they good for us though [Music] is it [Music] okay it's quite old one yeah that's right it's got lots of character that's nice do you like that what have you found just some old mainly tobacco tins by look cigarette tins oh yes some old ones there oh that's a nice one isn't it I like that yeah nice oh gosh my dad had some of those I remember T like that did he yes Christmas he got B I've never seen him smoke a cigar oh sh it's got a massive crack in it that one well that one has yeah how many are there in total so without cracks four four okay quite nice yeah definitely go with the house and some bows intered to see how much they go for can you just open that up hasn't got the B no here we go yeah oh missed it like a peacock that's nice should we give that one a go maybe y right I'm hungry you're hungry the Au doesn't start for a while so let's get something to eat let's just take a sneaky peek into this little fish shop such a pretty shop you'd have so much pleasure if you shop there regular [Music] perfect day to wander around it's lovely isn't it not too hot not too cold and it's not wet it's perfect sun's out oh my goodness look at this empty shop that would make the most perfect kitchen wouldn't it yeah it would I really hope whoever takes on the shop just keeps it as it is though because it's it belongs here doesn't it it's lovely isn't it it's beautiful oh perfect Cafe yep finished it's a nice vacation what is there sandwiches breakfast Al I think we missed breakfast believe what time oh it's until 11: just missed it so we got sandwiches and Jackie potatoes what my options cheese baked beans chili con car veggie chili is that coronation chicken uh yes that's me deciding you do an Italian special meat balls and tomato sauce in the baguett TOs with melted chy cheese that do off you go then I'm having a jack potato coronation chicken and the green tea okay thank you here's a little fun fact for you did you know that the recipe for coronation chicken first appeared in constant spry cookery book in 1956 I think we've missed the start of the auction so marks rushed off just to make sure we're not missing out on any action I'm so incredibly excited about this leing the bus it's really quite busy I don't know whether you can see her the auctioneer is standing on some steps in a stripy t-shirt this is wonderful I've never been to anything quite like this before what a great [Music] setting we are just so incredibly lucky with the weather today it's absolutely glorious what what are in these boxes bits of scaled I think I don't know what that is I always love a good rumage in the Box you just never know what you're going to find nothing hugely exciting this time but it's always worth a look I wonder what everyone is hoping to bid on that's the exciting thing everyone is interested in different things it's the plates and bowls coming up let's keep an eye on this one St China it's very interesting pack that one there what one 30 30 30 20 add 10 on that then 10 a 10 I'd say it's Victoria that one 10 five on that five five five at five six China 60 60 60 60 6 6 6 70 70 70 7 6 reading this sign it looks as though this auction is on every Monday from now until September be coming back this is great fun what's the auction still going on let me just show you these few houses I absolutely love these ones and they're opposite the church too which makes them even nicer you can see why burner Market is so popular can't you it's a really pretty Village watch out for Mark just on the right he's bidding on the parasol now things hug the paper parol there 30 two 3 four 5 6 s s did we get love that people have brought their own chair it's brilliant it's like a day out isn't it it is can't believe we haven't been before I know auction yeah yeah love that that's nice really happy with that I'll go grab the man go time to go yeah I think so got your hall Mark's gone back to the car because the things are quite heavy and I'll just pan around here so you can see one last little glimpse to burn the market that was a really good f it was good wasn't it enjoyed that just cannot believe we've never been before and we got a few bits as well we did just need some sun now so that we can use the parasol I love this street yeah sweet isn't it Station Road I think this is called which runs parallel to the the main square that we've just been in really quiet little CES and I think actually you can go up there you get through to the High High Street yes you can that's where the cafe was these are holiday Cottages aren't they most of them I think 90% of burnam is is holiday Cottages there's not very much many people live here no it's B bumpy this road to car some of these last week when we were doing our Super Chat we mentioned a couple of places that we like going antique hunting here in Norfolk and one of them was Tony Two shets And we haven't been to Tony's for a long long time and as we're out and about having a bit of an adventure today we thought we'd go and see if he was open this is the north Norfolk Coast Road that we're on and this runs all the way from I think it's from hon all the way around to chroma sheringham maybe even further don't tend to come up this way that much cuz it's quite a touristy route but it's very pretty around here where's the sun gone though that's what I want to know too many gray clouds for my liking as we travel along the north Norfolk Coastline let me remind you about buy me a coffee buy me a coffee is a website where if you enjoy our free content you can buy us a coffee or in our case a green tea as always there is a link in the description below to buy me a coffee and a big thank you to everyone who has already bought us a coffee [Music] we're just passing stiff key stores which has a lovely little tea shop so I think it'd be rude not to stop there for a cup of tea and here it is is there any parking uh it's either outside or it's in here not sure which yes there is parking parking we not yes parking space number one [Music] we wanted to pop in here and show you because you're just going to love it [Music] here what have you gone for banana fruit bread looks nice and English breakfast tea really delicious I've gone for green tea and a pean and pumpkin Flapjack which is also delicious whilst Mark finishes his tea let's pop into the little shop which is just here it has to be said stiff key stores it's small but it's perfectly formed instantly I love these quilts beautiful colors what else can we see I really do love this enamel splatter wear [Music] so many beautiful things I really like these padded jackets those are really pretty very comfortable looking too and this splatter wear jug has to be my favorite look at the colors I'm thinking on sweet [Music] bathroom I'm sure Mark must have finished his tea by now let's go and see if he's ready [Music] okay let's go then before we head off let me just give you one last spin around so you can see how pretty it is it's a very popular destination and I can see why [Music] it's been so long since we've been that we've actually forgotten where it is might be just up here but it is lovely to be up on the coast this is one of my favorite places along the coast blaty yeah i' got a few customers here you can't really see it and it's full Glory just driving through on the road but if you went down towards the key it's absolutely stunning we'll have to see if there's an open Gardens in Blake me that would be nice yeah it would there's an awful lot of small houses in Blake you know which are just tucked away that don't have a lot but true there are some massive houses here though as well well it's a good mix isn't it yeah we found it oh it's got more Reclamation stuff it we just abandoning abandoning a [Music] here radiators look oh exactly like the ones we need I've just spotted but it is the matching it's just the size that we need it's the matching radiator to the other two as well for the bathroom yep let's go and find out how much that is that would be brilliant yeah that'd be really good wouldn't it fantastic okay right let's see what else there [Music] is I can't think what we're looking for I was all excited to see this area and now I can't remember what it was that we wanted I'm not sure we need anything specific specific Reclamation wise look there's our roof tiles there as well loads of them those ones they're really difficult to find they are are they the same as ours yeah well they certainly look the same as ours whether they actually match as a different matter oh what's that sink it's a lovely sink that is we don't need another sink that's really nice yeah sweet isn't it so many sinks at our house and you at the moment it's a nice sink but look it's damaged lovely it's really lovely quite a state I tell you what that would be lovely outside to wash mapleine on the floor it's I mean it really is very damaged though yeah probably too damaged even for elegantly knacked style look at this thing I love that trolley is that Fab how amazing would that look all planted [Music] up yeah love that very [Music] nice a little different [Music] [Music] might the Mason's J just like the one I saw the other day how much was the radiator 75 okay not quite what you were hoping for no but I mean we paid 50 Quid for hours 10 years ago so it's not really that bad is it tning his sausage she lost yeah they're different they different quite un usual [Music] I was looking at that plate it's blue isn't it I was hoping it was black definitely looks blue what's this down [Music] here it's a goblet great with flowers in yeah [Music] [Music] what have you spotted these wooden drawers would be perfect for the bedroom for the Wardrobe yeah H and there's a whole stack of look what wood are they uh sepil mahogany I don't know something along those lines so the idea is that we build a wardrobe and use those as the drawers we've been looking for something like this we have inside use ins inside the actual wardrobe yeah my goodness we've got enough should we find out how much those are yeah may as well are those different are they no they're the same they were all slightly they were slightly different size I think I might be wrong I know it's got a plywood bottom I mean not super old but not they're not 60s I don't know maybe well whatever inside the Wardrobe the time and the money to make these is phenomenal so yeah let's go and find out how much they are yep they do look a different size [Music] see this Carriage oh yeah see loads those knocking around in Nori though don't you you do there's a shed or drive P has got three in them oh really yeah I couldn't work out how those worked either interesting what a church could be it's [Music] nice it's really weird this is the same thing that's come out the same it's got kind of a a funny thing at the back this what's this thing here number 129 that's what I was just saying to I don't I don't know those are different drawers aren't they well they're the same drawers but they got different dividers in them and what are these fire [Music] yeah face is somewhere isn't it and then it's got drawers behind there someone it's gotop display well no I think it's something you stand on maybe a courtroom or a mountain or maybe a council or something an auctioneers auctioneers auction no idea that was worth coming I enjoyed that yeah it was wasn't it so we're not taking the radiator taking the radiator today I don't have enough cash on me anyway and we know it's here Chan of it going and we can find them elsewhere yeah the Chan of that one going immediately is fairly remote I would think yeah right we need to go now yeah that's been a really fun day I hope you enjoyed that we are going home with a few things which is brilliant so thank you for joining us and we will see you again next time and we've got something very exciting to show you so keep watching
Channel: Elegantly Knackered Style
Views: 9,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: antiquing, antique hunting, auction, vintage, antiques, antique haul, vintage haul, sugden and daughters, newark runway monday, newark antiques, antique fair, vintage finds, mark louisa sugden, antique lover, thrift with me, flea market finds, elegantly knackered style, antiquing haul, antiques in decor, vintage hunter, antiques in the home, home and antiques, vintage home decor 2023, vintage haul thrift 2023, weekly vintage haul, vintage hunting, thrift hunter, antique hunt
Id: S3OGv3jOe5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 52sec (1732 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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