A Typical Appalachian Holler - Could Be Anywhere...but it's on the Letcher/Pike Co., Kentucky border

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all right ladies gentlemen boys and girls children of all ages it's shane simmons the appalachian project here and i'm going to talk a little bit today about appalachian haulers i did a post on facebook and a couple weeks ago got a lot of attention a lot of likes and it was about uh appalachian hollers and kind of the things that they have in common i kind of rushed it out and didn't go over every little thing i wanted to throw in there so i wanted to mention a couple other things that you almost always see very rarely is there an exception to it and uh so you know you usually when you get to holler you there's it looks like you're right there's mountains on every side of you and which way you look you've got those mountains and then you're pulling up through a road it might be black topped it might be gravel but one thing's for sure it ain't got any markings on it no there's no striping no no lines and it's barely wide enough for one car to get fit through much less two so if you run into somebody nine chances and ten you're going to pull over somewhere where they are and let the other person across so that's one thing that for sure happens and you come into the hall or two at the what's called the mouth of the holler and then as you go up through to the top it's called the head but in between there's about a thousand eyes on you and uh you don't sneak up on anybody in there that's for sure you know i don't know what's got this informal neighborhood watch or something and where uh when you get up there i don't care if you're cops or strangers or out of state tags or whatever it seems like everybody knows that you're up there and i don't know exactly how that all goes down but it seems to happen without exception and then you got of course almost always i was gonna say a dog usually more than one there's usually several dogs that just hang out up middle of the road like they own the place and they'll look at you like what in the world do you think you're going to pull out through here when you come up so that's definitely it and almost always there's a little creek running right beside the road never fails he got one of those and for some reason i've noticed this here lately especially they got uh there's almost always somebody raising chickens it doesn't and somebody's got a rooster last time i stayed in a holler i woke up to a rooster girl and i was like son of a gun i forgot all about that but it's never failed somebody's got a freaking rooster and there's not any farms it's not that somebody's raising chickens somewhere so you got that you got the dog and another thing too is you know whether you like it or not you know everybody's business up there and they all know yours and they ain't no hiding there's no secrets i mean i don't care what happens everybody knows all about it so there ain't too much that people don't know so give you a look at this little holler here it's probably not the best example you ever seen because it's a little bit short but i thought let's give you a little taste if you hadn't been up one before or if you hadn't been down one in a long time it bring back some memories for you hopefully i'll probably show another one or two of these in the future just to give you better examples but i thought this was a good one because it captures quite a few of the things that uh that a hauler has i'll make sure i miss anything i won't talk about but that's uh pretty much yeah wait i do want to mention too it's like there's no uh uh there's no good place to turn around there i call uh an appalachian cul-de-sac it's usually somebody's driveway you just find the nicest friendliest looking persons to turn around and because some um a little scary you might run into somebody who doesn't think too thrilled about you using their driveway to turn around so you kind of look at the nicest place and think well maybe they probably be reasonable people so you pull in and get out as fast as you can that's how you turn around so that's pretty much it i hope again i hope you guys enjoyed this video and let me know what you think in the comments or if i'm missing something that you usually do see so without further ado here we go well since a lot of people weren't too awfully thrilled with the fact that i went i showed a picture of a holler with black cop on it what the hey i found you one with the gravel road i am right here on i don't know if you don't know what i'm talking about we posted that picture on facebook got bajillion likes and chairs and all that stuff but i don't know how many people may try you got a fancy one here it's got the blacktop the real hollers but here's got everything you want it's got the creek to the left of me you can see over there we got the gravel road and got people watching me even as we speak i'm sure but this is right across the border from just across literally just a few feet from lecher county into pike county kentucky and just want to give you guys a look at this on a snowy day and that's what my camera's jumping too hitting these gravels and then throw your car all over the place i hope you enjoyed a look at a little holler i'll show you on the way back out to just a second and here we're going back out i reversed up here what i call the appalachian cul-de-sac it's just somebody's driveway there wide enough for me to turn around in ain't nothing like a holler you got your mouth which is the entrance coming into it and then the head of the holler very top of it and then yeah i'm just shocked ain't seen a dog yet you almost always dog out in the middle of the road i don't know why that is but every time you drive up here like i always say there's a mouth of the holler the head of the hauler and there's always a bunch of eyes in the holler because somebody's watching you you see what you're up to especially if they don't know who you are so i hope you enjoyed a good little look at holler on a winter snowy day i better get home it's getting rough out here anyway take a look there and you see the electric county sign down let's cross back over to lecher on the road thanks for watching riding along with me here thanks for liking supporting us every way you do with comments sharing donating everything you've done to support us much appreciated hope you're enjoying this little extra footage here too look at that snow coming down the mountains country music hallway gary stewart she's acting single i'm drinking doubles i got to do a little post on him before too long that guy was from jenkins kentucky and uh originally he moved to florida i do believe but she's actually single i'm drinking doubles one of my favorite country songs of all time so good old honky tonk deal there i figure i'll let it run here for just a minute so you can see this a lot of people love snow i like looking at it ain't so big on driving in it all right well that was a little look at a kentucky holler and a little bit of extra bonus footage of route 23 route 23 whatever reading writing route 23 the hillbilly highway if i'm not mistaken uh dwight yoak i'm saying about that beautiful day hope you enjoyed this and i'll see you on down the road
Channel: Real Appalachia
Views: 210,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: appalachian holler, appalachian people, holler, appalachia, appalachian, letcher county, pike county, kentucky, hollow, appalachian project, shane simmons
Id: HoLy3r_NTu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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