A Trip through Time in Ehime - Train Cruise

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[Music] thank you [Music] [Music] today we travel through ehime prefector in Northwest Chicago on the Jr yoson line first going east from imabari station then backtracking and heading west the rail line boasts a variety of trains to keep Travelers entertained [Music] ocean views fill the windows the laid-back atmosphere is a treat for rail fans [Music] kids love this Museum exhibiting old trains that ran on the lines [Music] oh residents strive to sustain their deep-rooted culture [Music] let's train Crews through the history and culture of ehime prefecture foreign [Music] was a major port of a prosperous sea Lane since ancient times the area grew further as a castle town after imabari Castle was constructed in the early 17th century we depart from imabari station on the yosan line [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] heading East toward nihama our first stop is eel saijo station [Music] an anime character much loved by Japanese kids covers our Train's cars the author of the popular children's books and Anime is from neighboring Kochi prefecture on shikoku game [Music] [Music] families clamored to reserve one of the 16 umpham on themed seats [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you beside this station sets a popular tourist spot [Music] all the exhibited engines are from decommissioned trains [Music] this Railway Museum opened in 2007 the First on shikoku [Music] the first thing that catches your eye is the series zero shinkansen the very first model of bullet train [Music] Sogo Shinji was born and raised in ehime and became mayor of saijo where the museum now stands he later went on to become the president of Japan National Railway where he was instrumental in creating the first shinkansen foreign foreign you can also check out the shinkansen's cap [Music] nicknamed The Dream super Express the shinkansen held a special place in people's hearts at the time the cab is preserved as it was and you can even touch the levers and knobs [Music] [Music] [Laughter] thank you this diesel locomotive which was manufactured in 1957 ran on shikoku Rail lines foreign [Music] the museum houses an even older train ing manufactured in 1938 this engine was nicknamed the Grand Dame due to its Sleek beautiful shape [Music] is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] nihama is one of ehime's leading industrial Waterfront cities the bestie copper mines some of the largest in Japan played a major role in the city's prosperity private rail line opened in 1893 to transport passengers and copper ore the mine closed in 1973 and the line was abolished in 1977. thank you the old train line is now used by pedestrians and cyclists for leisure and the abandoned mine has been converted into a theme park [Music] a replica of the copper train used at the mine runs at 10 kilometers per hour on a portion of the original tracks [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] this bridge constructed when the line opened in 1893 was Japanese designed but manufactured in Germany [Music] thank you this area was once the mine headquarters and is said to have housed more than ten thousand people at its peak one mine tunnel opened to tourists was originally a magazine for the dynamite used to blast through bedrock [Music] it now holds exhibits to give visitors an idea of life in the mines nearby tonaru where the mines facilities were concentrated is thought to resemble the Inca ruins in Peru earning it the nickname Machu Picchu of the East or depository and Facilities were constructed over a century ago [Music] now we return to our starting point imabari station foreign [Music] we board the series 8600 shio Kaze Express [Music] the yosa online has five Express Services each with distinctive cards [Applause] thank you [Music] we will soon pick up reached on them so thank you [Music] Sakurai in imabari is famous for traditional lacquerware which has a history going back 250 years thank you imabari didn't produce lacquerware until the city began to prosper from an increase in Sea traffic [Music] foreign [Music] the first attempts to use lager on glass were unsuccessful but a special type of lacquer was developed and the method is used to create various products artisans in the hall demonstrate the craft for visitors The Artisan on this day is lacquering an ornamental baseball bat that will be given as a gift [Music] um [Applause] [Music] is a delicate time-consuming technique where Gold Dust of various sizes is sprinkled atop lacquer applied by brush foreign [Music] [Music] station on our way to Matsuyama station [Music] our train is the streamlined Series 8000 ishizuchi Express [Music] [Music] thank you the next stop will be your Hojo thank you large Windows divide the driver and passengers allowing rail fans ample view of the driver at work [Music] The Settle Inland Sea appears to our right [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] Hojo is one of matsuyama's ports hmm um [Music] short boat ride to the island [Music] Kashima which has a circumference of about 1.5 kilometers means Deer Island [Music] it's just a quick three minute ride the island is named after the Shinto Shrine that stands upon it Kashima Ginger was founded by the legendary Empress jingu to Revere the deity of War she is said to have prayed to the deity for victory before heading into battle Google hi one spot on the shrine grounds is steeped in Legend Ary um [Music] universities [Music] the park extends up to the Mountainside to allow the deer to roam as freely as possible [Music] please we're now on a local commuter train Bound for Matsuyama station [Music] [Music] we arrive in Matsuyama around 25 minutes later [Music] Matsuyama the prefectural capital is famous for its Hot Springs from Jr we take the underground passage to board a tram run by iyotetsu shikoku's first private Railway launched in 1888. thank you the tram is a vital mode of Transport for residents and tourists alike thank you [Music] thank you Dogo Onsen station opened in 1895 and a replica of the train that ran at the time stands in front of the station [Music] the train is named after the novel both released by novelist natsume soseki in 1906. in it the protagonist a junior high teacher in Matsuyama rides this train foreign train visitors can ride it on weekends and public holidays [Music] this public bath house is the symbol of dogo onsem originally constructed in 1894 the building has been repeatedly extended and renovated over the years the facade is currently under repairs and is slated to complete at the end of 2024. [Music] Dogo Onsen is one of Japan's oldest hot springs and it attracts people for its therapeutic Waters shoplined arcade stretches from its Hong Kong all the way to the station [Music] one piece of Hot Spring Town culture is preserved in a back alley [Music] thank you this is an old style Tea House [Music] [Music] in the bygone era of Group Travel the Inns would invite gecko to entertain their guests but with the change in travel Trends and an increase in independent Travelers the number of Banquets declined and most Gago entertainers closed their businesses in 2020 tanakamijo renovated this old residence into a tea house to preserve the Gekko Arts [Music] I know foreign [Music] she is one of 11 gecko currently active in Dogo [Music] [Music] Tanaka's gecko establishment is the only one of its kind in Dogo anyone can make a reservation to enjoy the traditional banquet style entertainment diners enjoy a lavish catered meal while watching the performance [Music] the entertainment includes traditional Dogo banquet games [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the morning of day three finds us back at Matsuyama station [Music] the last leg of our trip takes us to yawatahama with a few stops along the way [Applause] 8 20 and here is our Sunny train [Music] is a tourist train with three cars in a crimson and gold design thank you [Music] foreign this popular train sells out quickly and operates mainly on weekends and public holidays leaving from Matsuyama twice a day in the morning and after midday [Music] [Applause] [Music] debuting in 2014 this tour is trained with a dedicated onboard attendant was the first of its kind on shikoku [Music] all the cars are dining cars fitted with large windows that allow passengers to savor The View foreign the breakfast comes from a popular Matsuyama restaurant that uses fresh locally grown vegetables [Music] foreign this train is so beautiful from the music to the atmosphere and the beautiful scenery is just amazing I I don't even know if I could find something like this in Australia very easily 40 minutes into our ride the scenery shifts [Music] the train takes its name from this expanse of sea foreign [Music] this tiny station has appeared in numerous movies and TV series and is popular as the station with a view of the sea [Music] all right [Music] one of my favorite movies in English is called Spirited Away Studio Ghibli they based this station from the movie and oh I so I thought I really really want to come here so I'm so happy that they stopped here foreign [Applause] [Music] now we head Inland along the hiji river [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] residents wave at us as we pass the practice started spontaneously and it shows how much they appreciate the tours train as a way to revitalize the area [Music] thank you [Applause] there are many Tanuki or raccoon dogs inhabiting the area around the station so to up the ante residents started wearing Tanuki costumes the train slows so everyone can wave [Music] foreign [Music] ozu once prospered as a castle town and vestiges of that time remain throughout the city [Music] around 120 years ago a wealthy trading Merchant built a villa on the riverbank the Garden in which it stands was constructed three centuries ago and was the playground of the ozu Lords foreign [Music] this Hut was built on the cliff for people to admire the scenery and the Moon Over the hiji River [Music] we're now on the express heading south [Music] all right we will soon make a breed stop we've reached the end of our journey [Music] prosperous poor town and a producer of Satsuma mandarins foreign Ginger founded in 717 is dedicated to the deity of battle and protector against evil similar hachiman shrines can be found around Japan but this is said to be one of the earliest of its kind the shrine offers workshops where visitors Can Don traditional outfits and learn gagaku or imperial chord music [Music] [Applause] [Music] the show which is made of bamboo is played by blowing air in and drawing it out [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you travel to your sunlight and be Spirited Away through the Deep history culture and natural beauty of ehime prefecture [Music] [Music]
Views: 442,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 44min 5sec (2645 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2023
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