Planting a small forest in 24 hours (1440 trees)

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i live in dairy country which needs lots of grass and lots of grass needs good dirt and in good dirt grow good trees [Music] some of the biggest trees in the world grow here which is likely why i like trees so much [Music] i recently saw it from the sky for the first time actually in a small plane my best mates gave me an instructed self-flown joy flight when i was given the controls i headed straight for home wanting very much to do some kind of flyby on the farmhouse and scare helen but instead i saw how many of the creeks and folds of the rolling hills were completely bare of trees i'd never noticed the stark difference before i had an idea because there are 1440 minutes in a day and because i like planting trees why don't i plant a tree a minute for 24 hours i reckon i can do that find a patch of farmland with a bear creek and make it bushland again [Music] it was a good idea but it took weeks to gather up all the stuff i got a hold of 1440 mixed native local trees [Music] i picked up sticks to use the stakes [Music] drank a lot of milk and spent a long morning packing the ute and trailer before driving over the hill to my mates farm this is heath by the way here we are as kids about to eat cake 35 years later he's a recycled wood man with half a beard his 20 acres is an old four cow dairy it's a cracking block i couldn't think of a better place to plant trees did i mention it rains a lot on our good dirt so heath is beau's car gonna make it uh i don't like his chances i'm an optimist i'm going to say it's 70 30. 70 chance we're going to get through the trouble with being an optimist is 30 happens quite a bit [Music] that's disappointing it's a boggart mate yeah yep all righty voila a forest in a car exciting we're finally on site with some trees it's a lot of stuff when you see it here like this you think gee this is going to be a pretty full day i wonder how the hands will hold up you've got better hands than me mate look at that you dirty bastard look at that you look like you're 100 mate i like the fact that this is going to be i'm standing here in 24 hours time and this is going to be a very different space i stand here in two years time and this is a really different space this is granddad's old clock i think it's actually a bit slow so it's probably going to be 24 hours and 15 minutes okay i'm going to take some i'll take a whole bunch of trees over first and where we go [Music] these are good hardwood stakes they last longer than bamboo in the ground that goes on the back [Music] i want to go as high as [Music] ah that's the first so it's not really a tree every minute what i hope is that i plant a tree for every minute of the day 1440 overall i'm being fussy come on fella it'll be an ebb and flow kind of thing where i go nuts planting as many as i can when things are on song [Music] the beautiful stress leki to be honest i don't know if i can plant this many trees in a day i just made up the idea [Music] we've got a nice bit of um cow hope it's cash it banana sandwich i'm not showing you my mouth while i eat because that's rude one of the largest living things on planet earth is this tree our famous eucalyptus ragnans massive probably the biggest one to ever grow was felled by the kornthwaite brothers about 50 kilometers from here and they chopped it down to see how tall it was and sure enough it was very tall i'm getting close to finishing off some trays so uh that's nice and i think i'm getting better systems find where the tree's supposed to grow whether it be wet not so wet or dry and then just follow the watershed both sides walk up and down with one tray plant them sparingly finish them move on to the next tree or shrub love it very satisfying you're basically being mother nature you're trying to create a mixed forest [Music] minutes i'm a bit sorer and a bit starting to slow up a bit earlier than i thought it sort of reinvents your idea of what the day can produce as well like tomorrow i'll just go on to being a parent i won't skip a beat i'll be a bit tired but i'll have created a forest the day before i think that's excellent but there's still a lot of trees sitting around in trays that are just saying i ain't in the ground yet man it's a very satisfying movement pulling a stake out of your backpack i feel like you're about to do battle with an orc hi love hey dirty hair look at daddy's hands a bit dirty yeah yeah that's a microphone oh yeah she's like you talk into it pink yeah pink sky be bending over like three thousand times minimum yeah throughout 24 hours yeah if you think of it like that yes so with this paddock that we're on here this is all planting it's called um bose creek or heath creek we're not sure yet thanks darling good one may do it yeah yeah you go that looks like an interesting plant yeah not seeing it in the daylight like marijuana [Music] planting trees on farms is about transition it's not about returning all pasture back to bush just the wet and the steep stuff [Music] geez it's remarkable just what a hard-hooved animal does it's played into our hands a little bit here one they've made the grass short and two they've created all these miniature dams and the cows are now a bygone era for this patch of land for a while maybe for an awful long time folds of land where creeks once were is where biodiversity can thrive and it's a bloody good place to start planting trees even at night by people with sunscreen on i reckon the percentage of trees that get planted at night at least legal ones is not many i reckon that's what the neighbors with the dog were thinking the hell is going on in that paddock [Music] i'm planting myself a big old dope field i can feel every sinew of me right now all bits of bow have had a bit of a talking to in that aussie spirit no worries mate living the dream people look at that bloody bore one ah okay alarm set for four bring it on it's gonna scare the out of me if i wasn't lying here right now i would have had another 17 trees done if i wasn't lying here right now i'd have another 65 trees done though you haven't slept a wink you would have planted 250 trees by now the air closing in on 150 trees since getting up at five past four it's like one of those fake sleeps you don't really sleep i was just too busy counting trees looking forward to the sun coming up because the head torches keep dying and i my spatial awareness is a bit crap jesus bow right next to another one well i need a couple of more good voiceovers because the film at the moment is pretty i don't know a bit one-dimensional have an allotment of energy we burn in our lifetimes busy people burn a lot less busy people burn less but we all choose how to spend that energy as a runner and a kayaker i love burning hot for long periods of time tens of thousands of calories hell-bent on seeing new places feeling new things soak to the bone in sweat and blisters and chafe from constant movement but at the end of such experiences completely knackered and adjusting to this new version of yourself it also represents an invisible end point for all those calories with nothing to show but a story to tell i'm in a phase of life now where i want to see something at the end of all that energy quite a workspace that's what people with nice officers say such a lovely space plant you on an island surrounded by cow and water i'm wishing you luck mate i think there's another still 400 up there 450 even in fact it is 450. so be right down to the wire [Music] [Laughter] [Music] there's still about 200 trees to go and i've got 90 minutes [Music] i'm trying a different method that i can hopefully i can just remember where i've been and then do speed without compromising quality yeah i'm tired i'm real tired but uh [Music] it's called three minutes not a tree every minute and five seconds [Music] there's one just sitting there ready to be planted you're losing it mate you've got trees lying around the paddock 75 to go come on yeah the cocky's approved they're out there going yeah good idea boaty plant a couple of trees mate creating a forest man these are a sexy little tree this might be the hardest bit of running i think i've ever done the body is screaming at me 25 trees to go with what 12 minutes holy why do things come down the wire this is what university students do they hand their assignments in one minute before it's due i'm doing the same with buddy planting trees where's your first hole mate your you stood on it jesus almost broke my back just getting there where are you where are you where are you uphill smart bow smart [Music] keep quality control right to the end body don't slacken off jerk off two to go two to go uphill slightly swatted i've missed one i have to do one next to the clock just for the theater of it oh rock first bloody rock of the entire paddock and my kid must have we got five minutes to spare a piece of cake man i knew it'd be easy i'll see if i can drop it from above that's it 1440 oh oh i just want to sit down goddammit many of the things i do these days seem like stunts it's true they are but they're not meaningless i really like doing one thing because simplicity can only lead to complexity planting a tree might be one of the best metaphors for something simple turning into something complex habitat good air stable ground shade wood to make a chair and a thousand other things i'll never fully understand all going to plan i've just put in the ground an entity that will breathe long after i'm gone which makes me pretty emotional if i think about it everything that can kill or grow a tree will now take place wind and rain or lack of it rabbits deer frost and bugs stray cows and people looking for dope good luck trees i'll be back [Music] now you may have noticed in the introduction to this film that my daughter was packing her toy ute while i loaded the trailer pop that in the boot pop your trees in the boot two trees were placed in her small plastic car i didn't know this until making the film i blamed helen until i saw the footage of me seeing it in action a good one that's perfect so i only planted 1438 trees i'm learning to live with it
Channel: Beau Miles
Views: 1,484,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 24 hours, tree planting, Beau Miles Challenge, Backyard Adventure, A tree a minute
Id: AbA-hoIuHM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 52sec (1072 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 07 2021
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