A Train Odyssey 6, Train 1, AMTRAK "Capitol Limited" Part 2

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all right we're right down there by pittsburgh now it's uh you know what time it is it's too dark to read my watch about 5 45 in the morning there's enough light to make out some bridges since it was too dark when i got up i grabbed my shower and i made it back here just in time to see a little bit of what i'd hoped to see [Music] [Music] so we just now came down one of the tributaries i'll have to figure out which one it was [Music] on the west side of the city so [Music] we're currently in freedom and this is a rail there there strangely enough we're making good time through the rail yard we're now in conway [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we uh are currently in baden or baden [Music] and now we're in ambridge [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we're now in sewickley approaching pittsburgh proper [Music] making about 70 miles an hour here through osborne [Music] rapidly approaching i-79 where it crosses the river [Music] this will be the i-79 bridge i think [Music] almost looks like the whole bridge is under construction i wonder if people have to do a bypass [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] looks like we have a bit of a dam here along with some locks on this side of it [Music] [Music] we're now in ben avon or is it ben avon not sure downtown pittsburgh is not far ahead i wonder if we're really an hour behind schedule still because i think the schedule says we're supposed to arrive in pittsburgh at like 505 a.m and it's about 602 now i was kind of hoping we would have made up that hour late start overnight i don't have all that much buffer between when i arrive in dc and when i have to catch my connecting train this is the mckees rocks bridge why is it every time i try to get a view of something it seems there's a big freight train in the way such as the nature of trying to shoot videos from trains [Music] [Music] [Music] so we're in kind of a trench right next to state highway 65. i presume it's on the other side of us that appeared to be the intersection of state highway 65 and u.s highway 19 there i think we're in what would be called pittsburgh proper now we're on the wrong side of the river from downtown pittsburgh but i think the station is in downtown pittsburgh so very shortly we should be crossing the river [Music] and the time is 6 17 a.m so and there's downtown pittsburgh uh sports stadium i don't know which one it is so driven along this highway here so many times when i've come to visit pittsburgh for business i think our bridge is coming up here really soon like right here [Music] curving towards the river i believe that's uh pennsylvania highway 28 down there if i didn't get confused there so and now we are in downtown pittsburgh [Music] pretty quiet on a sunday morning the station ought to be just about here i think i think this is it all right pittsburgh at 6 22 in the morning pretty late for my part i'm gonna try to catch another few z's before i really get up and get breakfast it seems a little bit early i'm not even sure they're going to serve it while we're in the station so i'm going to wait until we leave before i go get breakfast okay it's um 6 33 and we're pulling out of the pittsburgh station i didn't get much shut eye there just a few minutes at least that'll help them be a little more on schedule still pretty late though train was supposed to pull out at 5 20. so it's only supposed to be a very short station stop anyway so an hour and 10 minutes late at this point hmm as near as i can tell from my gps the road here is liberty ave [Music] [Music] that i think is the pennsylvania highway 380 bridge not positive of that the way things curve around here it might have been might have been the bloomfield bridge actually that looks more likely that was the highway 380 bridge there and of course since the pittsburgh area is very hilly there are going to be some tunnels [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so that was the boulevard of the allies bridge back there at least that's the boulevard that crosses the bridge don't know if that's the actual bridge's name [Music] we should be crossing under i 376. here in just a second [Music] mmm and we're coming back down to the river [Music] [Music] so uh and we're rapidly approaching the monongahela river i think we'll be crossing it here heading out of the pittsburgh area [Music] uh [Music] seems like we're lining up for the railroad bridge or not maybe that was the one i thought we were gonna cross on [Music] so [Music] so it's sort of a come to this counter and order your breakfast thank you oh um hello this town by the way is coulter c-o-u-l-t so this town by the way is west newton on the other side of the train is a small river which i think is the yo hogany river something like that i checked the pronunciation and it's pronounced yakagini for thereabouts the academy river just can't get good views of it this is i-70 thank you [Music] um this is smith smith [Music] one place so this one right under the boat right there on the oh yeah very good thank you [Music] ah do my laundry all right back in my room again [Music] [Music] so [Music] i'll right at 8 00 a.m here's pittsburgh and down here is right in the middle of the picture is connellsville and and that's still on the yokohane river which is just off to our right and we're just rolling into connellsville right now [Music] this looks like the memorial boulevard [Music] bridge one more 29 30. 30 when you set them down out of me looks like we're at the crawfordsville station we were supposed to get in here just almost exactly an hour ago so we're still running an hour behind schedule [Applause] pulling out of collinsville at 8 06 a.m really dirt streaked windows although i have seen worse coming up on the crawford avenue bridge [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] um one [Music] uh [Music] i believe this is still the yucca haney river so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] it appears that we're either in or adjacent to the ohio pyle state park still in pennsylvania but southern pennsylvania close to the border and i think that's still the yakigni river down there although it's a little hard to see in the video you can see it easily enough with my eyes so we're coming into the town of ohio pile i was in here on my driving tour of pennsylvania a couple years back um i saw train tracks going through the town and wondered if that was where the capitol limited came through [Music] uh if i remember coming up this street here and seeing this crossing right after that uh bike bridge and the uh way the tracks are to come out of the valley with the with the river in it looked kind of picturesque and it is uh [Applause] [Music] now [Music] [Music] we're just sailing through a wooded area along state highway 281 between ursuna and fort hill csx equipment defect detector file post 2 3 9.8 no defects no defects end of transmission so [Music] there's some guys fly fishing there in the middle of the river [Music] so [Music] bow [Music] we're in the area of markleton [Music] and this is the castleman orca selman river that we're paralleling time is 9am [Music] good morning good morning good morning ladies and gentlemen so [Music] this is castleman [Music] not sure if it's incorporated [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] at 9 22 [Music] we just passed through garrett which i think is still in pennsylvania yes it is i'm not too certain if we're still on the same river my gps is useless for telling me the names of rivers so for that when i have a signal i can check my google maps on the phone see if it'll tell me the name of the river yeah we're still on the castleman river when i looked ahead for quite a while every time the track would curve i would see a freight train and it was so close i thought did we couple up to a freight train somewhere when we stopped are we one consists now i'd never heard of that but i thought it maybe it's possible but then the next time we went around a curve the freight train wasn't there so my guess is that there's a uh a track on our left paralleling us that has a freight train on it and maybe we were just overtaking it and now have overtaken it i'm too lazy to get out of my room and go to the vestibule and see if there's anything on the other side okay where are we anyway so again here's the southwestern corner of pennsylvania on the road map and we're coming up on highway 219 which is there it's right in the middle of the picture the blue highway that's 219. and this river here right along the top of the camera's shadow is the castleman river that we're paralleling so we're coming right down to where it intersects there by uh myers dale [Music] and that's where we are now time is about 9 30 a.m that suggests that we'll be crossing into maryland very quickly we're in that weird area let's see if i can um find it yeah we're in that weird area where maryland has this narrow little piece that comes over here and below that is the little spike of west virginia that comes up under it so we're actually going to cross from pennsylvania into maryland and then into west virginia and then hook on over to washington dc and i was told we were probably going to get in there 1 30 ish or a bit after so so still about four hours before we get there sounds like it'll be a fairly leisurely trip to make that distance [Music] [Music] uh this is summit township according to the gps [Music] so [Music] csx equipment defense detector mile post 215.1 track oh [Music] the uh valley that we're running through is supposedly called the great allegheny passage according to the gps we just took a tunnel that passed under state route 160. just past the town of mance m-a-n-c-e [Music] didn't seem like it was actually a town but there was a post office with that name on it down that that down there is brush creek road kind of running along a low ridge surrounded by taller ridges so [Music] about 9.50 i don't know what this place is it doesn't look like a terribly going concern it was at the intersection of glencoe road and carter hill road and filson road in very southern pennsylvania [Music] another post office so the train did not cross into maryland where i thought it would it's that we're over here by hindman now on highway 96 and not far from us highway 220 very close to the border but still on the pennsylvania side channel we're rolling into london or londonderry township right off of state highway 96. i think actually we're in hindman now not londonderry township this is the town of heindeman [Music] [Music] wow [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so no defects no defects [Music] so all right oh [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] at 10 15 we just crossed over into maryland going along maryland highway 35 although that i think is on our left side at the moment don't know what this town is [Music] so as we proceed further into maryland the next stop should be cumberland and here is a view of maryland of course the bulk of it's over here where everybody thinks of it with baltimore here and washington dc down here but way up here we have hagerstown and over here we have cumberland there's this narrow little strip it gets very narrow here gets a little wider gets narrower again then gets wider again meanwhile we have this part of west virginia that comes up into here it gets very narrow and then it comes down here and then virginia comes up here so they're all kind of jumbled together up here but we are over here there is supposed to be a stop at cumberland just a brief one i think well perhaps 12 minutes long so maybe they change crews or something then the next stop after that is martinsville or martinsburg west virginia which is an access point for hagerstown so i suspect then we will yeah after we come from cumberland here we'll make our way down here to martinsburg although there's nothing on the windows it looks like it's maybe raining lately out there all the pavement looks wet thank you so at 10 52 we are coming into spring or green spring west virginia we had slipped across the border from maryland into west virginia a little ways back this line here is the border all the town maryland is just across the border green spring is where we are [Music] [Music] so [Music] 1105 going through a tunnel the river kind of snakes around like that and i think the tracks instead of following the river just cut through the high spots cut the corners so to speak 11 30 u.s highway 522 is just a short distance on our right [Music] we're coming up on hancock maryland and just on the other side of those trees there is the potomac river so so foreign foreign so so we can catch glimpses of the potomac river over there there it goes so so where are we now we're following the potomac river with i-70 just on the other side of it um having come down from hancock so unfortunately the lighting in here is such that everything i do ends up putting a shadow we're right about here so i-70 is coming down here we're near big pool which is right here we are on the south side of the potomac so we're in um let's see we're in west virginia again i think that's the dividing line is which side of the potomac we're on but we're supposed to be going to martinsburg which is down here and we're up here so pretty soon we're gonna have to cut [Music] down across here get away from the river but so far we're hanging up next to the river looks like we've finally taken our leave of the potomac river starting to head southeast towards martinsburg hopefully [Music] and according to the schedule we're supposed to be at martinsburg at 11 o'clock and it is now 11 45 but again we're about an hour behind so i guess we'll be there in about 15 minutes i'm trying to compare this train to the lakeshore limited um in terms of preference [Music] they both go from chicago to cities on the east coast different cities of course um they both get where they're going about the same time i think the lakeshore limited is a faster train it doesn't get bogged down running up and down snaky river valleys like the capitol limited does on the other hand as i recall it spends a lot of time going through areas where you just can't see anything out the windows except trees whizzing by and uh in that sense i think the capital limited is the more scenic even though there still is a lot of scenery blocked by trees you can still see a lot more i think from this train than from the lakeshore and limited course this is a substantially more southerly train as well because the lakeshore limited would be going through northern new york state and now we're down here on the south end of pennsylvania and a little bit further south so almost two states apart in a north and south division i think i do prefer this one a little bit more if it doesn't matter where exactly i'm going [Music] all right we're rapidly approaching the intersection of west virginia highway 9 and interstate highway 81. [Music] that would be highway 9 we just passed under and any second now we'll pass under i-81 [Music] we're over it so at 11 58 we roll into martinsburg west virginia just about two or three minutes shy of what the schedule says and one hour late in other words almost an hour long [Music] but this is just a when you set them down 30 that'll be good i stopped long enough for people to hop on and off and we should be rolling again very smart momentarily [Music] okay so we've left martinsburg here on this bouncy track and the next stop is at harper's ferry but there's not actually a town by that name apparently it's a national park um which is right about here and apparently there's a train stop [Music] there so that's supposed to be at 11 30 which would be 12 30 because we're running an hour late so about half an hour from now apparently it's supposed to take half an hour to get from martinsburg here down to here so that'll be the next stop just this little bit remember the washington dc is just here so we're kind of in the final stretch and then rockville maryland is uh in there somewhere too rockville's just up here on the northwest side of the washington dc greater metropolitan area but it's not actually in the district of columbia of course that's a small area anyway so that's apparently the route we're gonna take from down to here and then somehow make our way to here and then come into dc from the north i haven't been shooting a lot of video right at the last half hour because there's not much to see it all pretty much just looks like this [Music] we're not following a scenic river valley or anything um so i've been not doing much video shooting [Music] all right we're to harpers ferry it's just to be here at 11 30. it's now 12 20 so we're 50 minutes late foreign so so [Music] oh sort of an odd place for the train to stop we're way up in the air here it's like a station on a bridge [Music] picturesque spot though [Music] at some point this wood was asphalted over interesting so leaving harper's ferry at 12 26. we are right where the shenandoah river runs into the potomac river so that's the potomac there now get back to here that would be the shenandoah river coming in there on the right and merging with the potomac here and immediately we're in a tunnel so so 12 36 just passed through brunswick and that would be maryland [Music] i meant to mention when we were stopped in harper's ferry that i forget that i have viewers outside of the us who may not know the significance of it and why it's a national park uh the town dates from the 19th century anyway i'm not sure exactly when it was founded and it was originally named after a guy named harper who ran a ferry service there to cross of i think the potomac river and uh later on the apostrophe was dropped and it was just harpers as if it was plural instead of possessive and uh in 1850 something i want to say 1859 it was the site of the famous raid by abolitionist john brown on the uh armory that was based in harper's ferry as a failed attempt but a very important event in us history and uh during the civil war harper's ferry was the northernmost i think northernmost confederate held point in the u.s and it's also the farthest east point in the state of west virginia and as i already mentioned when we were there it's at the confluence of the shenandoah and potomac rivers they flow together and continue as the potomac we're now at point of rocks [Music] maryland i think if there's a point of rocks it's not visible from the train [Music] [Music] yeah at 12 51 we're in dickerson not a very big place blink and you miss it there's some nice fields here if we could just see them for the trees we're doing about 70 miles an hour here it's kind of amazing the train can go faster than 35 40 miles an hour spend so much time going slowly not that i'm complaining i like the leisurely pace [Music] [Applause] [Music] it was crossing i-270 this is uh gaithersburg maryland [Music] and the time is one o'clock our car attendant has picked up on the fact that somebody in our car is vaping in their room he thought it was just his imagination but the big question was asked i said yeah i smelled it too that can get you in big trouble if they find out that you're doing it some people think they can just do it in their room and nobody will notice but you know if you're used to doing that kind of thing you probably don't realize that everybody else can smell it we're going to cross under or over i370 here any second [Applause] under apparently [Music] [Music] we're up to about 78 miles per hour funny how we go faster sometimes when we're closest to congested areas and we're into rockville [Music] this is our last stop before getting to union station in dc have you got enough arms half a car every hey where are you in the back so about 45 minutes yet according to the schedule from here to dc gonna have to start packing up my room full of stuff so i can beat a hasty retreat actually it doesn't take all that long to break the scanner and the chargers and the gps down and throw them in the bag pulling out of rockville at 1 10 p.m to show where we are this is a map of the greater washington area this is dc here the actual district of columbia the train station is just right about down here and we are up here so not a very huge distance [Music] we're in downtown silver spring maryland they have a major transportation facility in silver spring which i've used on a couple of extended trips to dc one of which i was trying to visit every major museum and major monument and it was too expensive to stay downtown dc so i was staying up somewhere north of silver spring driving down from the hotel there to silver spring to the transportation depot they had buses and subway and everything that operated around the dc area had that as a terminus and so it was very easy to get around and then i would just take the subway in that worked really well otherwise i don't think i've ever been to silver spring until now [Music] [Music] coming down into manor park with this race we should be there in the next few minutes but maybe we'll slow down a lot [Music] they've definitely managed to make up some time right here at the end of course it may just be that the schedule is padded towards the end to um account for delays on route and since except for that one hour late start at chicago we haven't really had any other delays that i know of maybe that padding is catching up with us now because we're supposed to be into dc at one it's 124 but we're getting really close now the blue dot is us train station is down here [Music] [Music] so i think we're crossing under u.s highway 50 here so we're on the north end of dc union station so so [Music] and that's eighth street northeast up there and at 1 30 we're here only half an hour late [Music] um location a travel 23. thank you [Music] hey [Music] you
Channel: youtuuba
Views: 40,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eaWKauqC2ZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 33sec (6993 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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