AMTRAK "Texas Eagle" & "Sunset Limited" from Chicago to LA

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[Music] all right always accompanies of all children and also wear shoes when walking throughout the train for your safety there are various stops bump stops along the way it's not every stop so we will specify those stops for you it's pretty limited from this point on and some folks stop otherwise it'll sink to us thanks to the woman and as I alluded to earlier because of the overlapping duties and very little time allowed for us to set up the cars because of late itself because of our receiving equipment Lee your notice that got me that coffee was done but it needs to be set up for self-service and we won't have that for you as well as I son request buckets of ice bucket all steeps with a speak for you and cups and or cups if you need a bucket of ice or more I can accommodate you for that which the sit back relax if there's any uncollected tickets or tickets that were not scanned when I come by to greet you please let me know what that 98 any particulars as far as your job oh good we have some good news that was faster so you don't have to check thoroughly on that other than please always make sure that the room that you boarded though is matching you good idea though that is that an emergency your ticket is missing your accommodation it's a common-sense idea as well so the content will be coming back if there's any on the ticket airline style tickets because just scan Amica coming by I'll be very brief for mine arthritis 30 answer any questions but I'll be with you the whole trip so allow me to just spend a minute or two I'll greet you and then move on to the rest of the table that way I can I can also set up a coffee a juice and I sell voltage stand here in the middle go on the restroom facilities there's a shower room downstairs with a counter new roads so we'll have bath balls out we'll have a red bag that's for the soil tiles after you use these tools of those dolls in the red bag red bag there is a restaurant Thank You three corporation helping us maintain the facilities of all trash and receptacles combine international samples in the rooms that they accommodate or the facilities at the FK hands or anything bigger than that please dispose of that those items in the trash well in the middle of the table downstairs Deedle service in San Antonio and Los Angeles still will be coming by a little later on for thank-you dinner reservations [Music] right clear paralleling 9:55 even though it's in bike mode it's still trying really hard to put us somewhere else [Music] [Music] this is just a little bit south of Joliet still heading south we're not close to the interstate at this point it's a few miles off to the west of where the Train is but according to the map should be re intersecting with i-55 shortly it kind of does a bypassed the west of Joliet so we're probably closer to highway 53 which does merge up with i-55 around Braidwood we're just a bit south of Braidwood and just merged with i-55 it came in from the West and now parallels the route there's interstate 55 there and the highway in front closest to the tracks is old u.s. 66 route 66 steel insist you this is our story shortly it just needs a couple pieces of information number of the party and the time you invite to join us for dinner missile e cunning corn out there and i-55 which had diverged [Music] is now coming back towards 66 again somewhere near the town of O'Dell probably a bit north of it hi 55 is daeviated once again from 66 and down there's the new 66 and next to it with all the weeds is the original route 66 not even sure what they use that for anymore not much of anything you suppose you're broken up and very narrow maybe it's left there for historical reasons sort of a landmark the newer route 66 is the one people have to take if they want the experience the reason I 55 deviated is that we should be coming into the area of Pontiac right about now as usual I'm 55 branches often goes around the towns while 66 goes through them decelerating coming down from 65 presuming that's because this should be Pontiac thank you down to 40 miles an hour all right anyway there's fire pulling out of Pontiac here bloomington-normal as the next stop [Music] got dinner reservation oh can I apologize a and heading to Massey was to the IC Palomar Hotel is probably something kind of special back in there out 66 days at dinner reservations at 5:45 I calculated we get in the st. Louis about 6:30 the conductor set closer to 7:30 they don't want to be eating dinner when we go through st. Louis see how the old route 66 there was such a narrow road there's the newer route 66 which here has opposing lanes looks like they're merging or not quite but the other side stops and there's the old route 66 now on the other side so I think the newer route 66 crossed over where the old 66 used to be a lot of places the old 66 is used as parking in industrial areas where the road goes through towns hi 55 is barely visible in the distance just in front of the tree line here at the station at normal Bloomington looks like a lot of students from the university getting on here they're gonna they just finished loading the first class cars and they have to move to train to align the coach cars with the station but no more cars 2021 about 21 over you bring it to the safe stuff for pills cleared out 21 pop off on the part until we're in the university town all the University type buildings tons of parking garage stopping at Lincoln Illinois pulling into Springfield we've got the shade pull against the Sun coming right in my eyes otherwise [Music] [Music] it's protein [Music] three more cars sitting here Springfield and I realized the capital building is a ball right there the dirt Street window [Music] it's about 6:40 and quickly approaching the East st. Louis area from the north we're just about where the Missouri River urges with the Mississippi see if it shows up on the map yeah there's the Missouri here in the Mississippi here [Music] what would that be that would be around Alton it's a rough track here even employ this is a nice Saint Louis coming up pretty quickly so we should be crossing the river pretty quickly [Music] [Music] [Music] the arches there it's really hard to see this is the interstate across the river [Music] alright looks like this will be our bridge that's tough question so to the fire ferrets let's pour clear by chilly [Music] the urge is right in the middle of the picture you can occasionally catch a little bit of light from it I think the station is really close here Charlie should work there that's correct [Music] understand the matrix which is used over after a more number eight eight five zero divisor by seven duty would not border between three and four the supporting Claire in 1912 by Makani jjf Oh correcto [Music] dis celebrating from 10 miles an hour elevated i-64 up there on two layers westbound it looks like on top of the eastbound ha why listen to 20 cars [Music] ed Carson about mountains [Music] now it's but enough yes three boys in South Mountain ah [Music] I was getting a shower at 5:30 in the morning and we had just stopped somewhere now at 6 o'clock it looks like we must have been in Texarkana and we're heading due south we'll spend most of the day in Texas still dark outside so our road has started in Chicago and followed i-55 down past potty acts to normal Bloomington to Lincoln Springfield all the way down at some point it diverged I think it took this route here it came in more northerly down to Alton and Alton here and then came self along the river the st. Louis had crossed over just south of the interstate bridge and it basically followed the river down switched over to the Missouri map here I'm down to about here and then it followed this highway pest Farmington down to Poplar Bluff here crossed over into Arkansas about this point at the more or less the northeastern corner of the state so that would have been up here sometime in the wee hours of the evening we were in Little Rock imagine it was pretty much along the highways that go diagonally down here and then this morning were in Texarkana so I suspect we were along the interstate most of the way but that whole section of southern Missouri and Arkansas so far has been exceptionally rough I've never seen a train trip so far that was so rough for so long now we're in Texas all the balancing here it's hard to do this right now we're following this highway here from Texarkana and I think we're going to go to Marshall which is here close to Shreveport and then the next point a call will be Dallas so I suspect burn be going pretty much along here to Dallas and we do go to Fort Worth and then to San Antonio so there should be this drop south your best Austin to San Antonio and then it's West to El Paso sitting here at 7:30 8:00 in the morning at Marshall Texas been seated here for a bit more than a half an hour looks like they're gonna roll now they they got they'll go ahead and then the whistle blew and we're rolling [Music] [Music] that's ever [Music] right what are [Music] I think we were sitting outside of the station our just pulled into the station [Music] having Dan model currently heading fantastic westwards from Marshall Texas towards Longview in Dallas just before 8:00 in the morning [Music] my families are coming up there let me know enough to ratify [Music] this is paralleling highway 80 East West between Marshall and Longview [Music] pulling into Longview [Music] 321 Ejim a gentleman just right outside Longview Texas waiting on a signal to get inside to the station got one train we can pass this up once again a freight train to pass over just Rabia Texas coming up [Music] oh yeah stretch of age we also do so Longview Texas [Music] this isn't the walk new Texas station [Music] so the consist on this train is really different from what I'm used to so I got one locomotive - sleeper cars for one of them's for the crew that's the front one and this one which is the one I'm in and that the dining car right behind there three coach cars so it's missing the usual luggage car and two sleepers that have been on other [Music] [Music] [Music] now revealing mu-7 table okay thank you we'll be out of mini long time over thank you I'll cop they're transformed into a person boy I want that desert [Music] leaving Mineola Texas jovan about 27 hour ladies and gentlemen we are now know our deal ago he was just for to a 40th trend 24 1 I messed up in the probably hour and 20 minutes we'll be done I'm thinking the APA to Barrow all right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we're following highway 80 between wills Point and Edgewood heading towards Dallas we're getting very close to the outskirts of Dallas and it is actually finally raining out here spit of rain on the window wish it would rain hard and clean all the dust off it's a very misty outside [Music] one chef Danika Celeste's rolling into Dallas here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] test you wanna come and undergo one thing [Music] man Fort Worth Ankara 921 right 21:37 plastics approach [Music] Adonai [Music] thank you [Music] imagine half fight number two they throw [Music] ladies and gentlemen your attention please we're outside of footwear station we do have to stop and back into the station so yesterday SI units animate complete stop at the station we are early we do not depart for our station until 2 p.m. once again we don't depart for 210 if you walk off at the train at 2 o'clock subs faster to my EMU 1/6 199 ever once release one section we do have to stop and baggage to the station we answer your main seated until it makes complete stop at the station if you want to clarify [Music] [Music] looks like the train will be here for about an hour and [Music] our 15 minutes sitting at Fort Worth crossbowmen for one first cause some problems decade over 21 restricting signal T 7-5 6-2 to 130 cars northbound I want it should be backing up [Music] it is 4112 overthrow turn 21 and second D 756 is an approach because the 30 cars north bank [Music] nice decrepit buildings here like this calling so 5sec 21-gun 30 cars northbound will buy that approach seven five five six something does vaseline or something around yeah much love defeating me every once in a while we have Steve's Liam or something right thank you sure my father first you take that big one let's go home and not by the first restricting just five going home again Paul in the UH 20 car miss winch Oh God it's 20 cars northbound Trek train number 21 attention ladies and gentlemen is your logic linen lounge will be closed for a short period of time well you're not Dallas Fort Worth this is a service staff for the knowledge once again the lounge will be closed for a short period of time over you while we are here in Dallas will be open eating those subtract 21 come on Nancy freakin winces my see where now this is 20 cars our final 20 cars north fans won't buy that last signal everything lined up factories water helps is the MP 67 67 over about and it's plain wires on it across the diverse picking that Nancy 24 softball 20 cars northbound Amtrak train number 21 restricting and Nancy but that researching good 15 cars northbound and correct train what and it's on what he calls exhaust up inside the building has a science thing University of Texas Austin Arlington the other side of the building has a sign up on the roof that says Santa Fe preferably or presumably about the railway it's narrow one billion to Seconal I know what's your total finish what's your engines over okay so he's on number three four twenty forty sixty forty seven uh demo plan on that well they're ready for you bedroom MLT are luggage they'll bring it over into the station to you thank you Northup never show you the dark orange trees or own time at 2:10 wants to get his train departs on top of it to keep our yard [Music] [Music] at Terminal dispatcher knows we're leaving on console just ladies and gentlemen welcome aboard Amtrak 21 the Texas Eagle southbound making stops in every morning San Marcos San Antonio this will be your connecting train number two headed towards New Orleans and train number one so it said limited headed towards California Los Angeles when skin ladies and gentlemen welcome aboard Amtrak the 21 the Texas Eagle southbound [Music] also ladies until some and black policies which must be blown number one this is a non-smoking train [Music] it's alright [Music] [Music] it's 210 schedule time for departure from [Music] Direct Connect immiscibility strange to turn rain apart Fort Worth on your command sir aroma I'd say engineer track 21 I'm already gonna sent me [Music] ow [Music] and there we go they answered gentlemen we are now all the pounding Fort Worth and headed to our stop up belabor Cleburne Texas track 21 span five run in their own [Music] I got 21 Red Hill [Music] my photo release hub all right at track 21 [Music] arts are all stuff [Music] [Music] approach we've got that tan no flag 3:45 7m [Music] Smart's 1/16 that $69 yeah Magna is my thing and the clear [Music] [Music] [Music] okay oh my my master criminal history oh yes if I win [Music] [Music] by coming up to stop what's it for I guess you requested it so I can see all the areas that just let me know on yourself don't [Music] [Music] this is the big cluster of 9:30 9:30 crossing by 35 here [Music] [Music] porno bedroom [Music] I'm supposedly following let's see 535 West straight south [Music] southbound near highway 174 just past Cleburne Texas which itself is a bit south of Fort Worth [Music] in the area of copper all Cato PPE RL [Music] yeah that's right off of highway 174 southwest of Cleburne or Claver and more or less west of Hillsboro it's by this river it runs north and south and there's a I think artificial like like Whitney right by it [Music] but that's on the other side of the Train these must be the tops of wind turbines pretty cool interesting to note that these tank cars are actually tapered down to the middle so they're not the same diameter all the way through [Music] this model here is the same diameter [Music] [Music] [Music] clear south gobbles up ten sixty to eighty nine nine [Music] [Music] to the passengers we should leave service attendant in the dining car first passages we will be running dinner services useful receive equals the antenna service will run its usual that mechanical op was taken care of and for work to service everyone in the dining car tonight that would like to join us once again counting problem was taken care of in Fort Worth so we won't be able to receive one it was like dinner and panic heartening also a tiny car today and just a few minutes I'll be coming through to take dinner reservations for this evening these are reservations only I'll give you the available time to do so together without me taking orders I also I said keep in mind into the scheduled arrival time and to Senate on the other night there will be no late ever seedings times dead combined give you will be rubbish seasons and those will be the time and that is due to the scheduled arrival time in San Antonio which that if I staff obviously do these before being the horn train is human [Music] tonight I did a video about vegetarian shield pasta at $60 have posted chicken they're posted chicken is in half a chicken in $16.75 the only option Python training tonight big-breasted position with marsala mushroom sauce that is also $16.75 the chef's evening Martha place special night is braised beef short rib in $19.75 and we have spice for Atlantic salmon and $3.25 as always we have also the menu tonight for children 12 month once again these eyes are looking to children 12 and under home national hot dog real cheese sandwich have money all cheese breaded chicken tenders and back in shape all the terminology once again I show to 12 we have a chocolate brownie or cheesecake and we also have vanilla gelato it launched something in $3.75 you're a whining cocktail how awful passing Crawford Texas just a little bit west of Waco [Music] Telus famous for something I'm trying to remember what was it the Branch Davidians or something something like that is this areas a little more wooded [Music] that's Gilly [Music] [Music] Crawford here ladies and gentlemen and it walks me about ten minutes I will be arriving or stop McGregor Gregor Texas common up ladies and gentlemen will be making two stops here at McGregor reverse we've got a spot for the sleeper then we'll pull down with the coaches ladies and gentlemen sleeper thank the coaches Gregor ladies and Jon and approximately about ten minutes we'll be driving our stop my girl [Music] this highway here's aisle 856 which runs north and south through Crawford and McGregor is the next town and it's where highway 56 crosses highway 84 the east-west highway come up on McGregor now arriving [Music] somehow in front of Depot are there [Music] [Music] because if they had a little laugh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh and AM Amtrak number 21 that's phone down for more over [Music] [Music] hello I am trying 21 one girl after 21 21 I don't know enhance top there in 21 that'll do [Music] part Romanian law [Music] [Music] ladies and gentlemen we're now the party MacGregor and our next stop will be temple temple Texas in about 30 minutes ladies and gentlemen Temple Texas in about 30 minutes and temple will be a smoke stop Temple Texas all of it up next [Music] Oh coming in to Temple Texas until it has been raining a lot here I heard they got tons of water in Austin which is probably the next stop [Music] [Music] [Music] two passages this is who she should leave service attendant in the dining car passengers with five o'clock reservations I walk to the dining car five o'clock reservations to the dining car please this is temple Texas [Music] thank all indication open hurting temple-run Spani up to a diverging approach Thank You temple 57 and oh six over happy [Music] ladies and gentlemen we are now departing temple and our next stop will be Taylor Taylor Texas common up next and our next book stop will be in Boston Taylor and Austin ladies [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] trekking [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we're boat right across highway 95 here any moment [Music] [Music] yes as we should be right on top of it [Music] yes [Music] [Music] southbound between Holland and Bartlett [Music] which are both kind of east of Georgetown and north of Austin [Music] looks like we're paralleling highway 95 coming into San Marcos Texas now all right it's morning on Tuesday and according to the GPS were off of Highway 90 near the Mexican border and there's a big reservoir right on the border that extends up and then there's a highway one like this and there's place I can find that matches that is here near Del Rio and actually about 15 minutes ago so we did stop somewhere because I was taking a shower and that was probably Del Rio so we're up here now so there's still a lot of Texas to cross to get to help pass so up here what do we do during the night we started out at San Antonio so you want this far from here here and then not terribly far here so is that a mileage search makes it sound like we've only gone 140 miles and that doesn't seem like it can be right but yet I don't see any other places that bear any resemblance to it this this is to something seven up here and that is 277 so that's all we're at is Del Rio according to this del Rio is supposed to be reached at 5:49 in the morning so I guess were on time the main problem is that the Train apparently didn't start rolling in San Antonio until 2:45 in the morning I went to bed at 9:30 so I didn't rise as waited that long on the station before moving so I've been going about 3 hours must have been make a fairly slow time though all right well looks like today is gonna be Southwest Texas here Del Rio and we're still supposed to get all across here the Los Angeles one way to go yet we won't get to Tucson until both dinner time so beginning just start that was open we could see some of the boneyard doesn't look like that's likely to happen is going to take all day to get this distance from here to here this remaining distance at night so it's 7:50 in the morning when I got up at 5:30 we were near Del Rio and then after my shower went to breakfast just finished from breakfast and come back to the sleeper car at 7:50 and we're close to dryden if the cameras going to be able to focus on that there we go Dryden and when we were at San Antonio for hours last night and they've rejiggered the car and they added a lot of the train that was coming from New Orleans and turn it into the Sunset Limited going to LA my sleeper car was the only sleeper car on the train not counting the crew car and it was the first passenger car on the train so it was basic the locomotive and then the crew car and then my sleeper car and then after that was the dining car than the lounge car and then the three coach cars but now as I was surprised to find out this morning my sleeper car is the last car on the train and [Music] in order to get to the dining car I have to pay forward through I think it's for Coach cars and then the lounge car and then the dining car and then forward of that are at least two more sleeper cars that came out from the demon from New Orleans so it's a very different layout anyway so this morning when I got up we were near Del Rio and now we're near Dryden over here going along u.s. highway 90 I presume that's the wealth of the tracks we'll take this disability that supposedly there's a big bridge of some spectacular nature near Del Rio but conductors said we went over it in the dark so don't get to see that it looks like there'll be some scenic stuff happening up here after marathon up to alpine in Marfa it's listed as a scenic route so and about the same time as it's taken since I woke up a couple hours we should be there before that but halfway between Dryden and Sanderson this land is useful for any kind of grazing that's very desolate otherwise a bit of a dry riverbed right here meandering around four four four approaching Sanderson Texas and you're wondering I can check one wonder if they have problems with graboids out here one reason exam track one over Amtrak wallet over different identities to suffer in there Sanderson correct or yeah we don't partner to 24 okay now we're just coming up with warm Stearns I've got that Louis 517 going monitor hopefully in the next minute to intellectually come back you just give me a holler all right it's clear right now what is clear okay perfect perfect now I know we're having a slow trickle back after we started everything it's clear we'll think thank you thank you kind of curious what cars here I wonder what their purposes almost looks like they've got a small set of rails going down them departing Sanderson [Music] we're a bit self of highway 90 it just before 9 o'clock in the morning and according to the GPS were just a little bit southwest of the town of Rosenfeld and coming up on test us and they said we could lose some of these clowns be a little greater and prettier is made by four five bands from a structure halfway between Rosenfeld and testing us it's about 9:15 we're between test nests and Haymond it's south of highway 90 in a bit east of pi/3 highway 385 come on we've won only about 38 miles an hour not sure what we're going so slowly out here all right it's ten o'clock in the morning and we're sailing along next to highway 90 by the time of why not it's really cold I'm not sure why but I think it should be snowing the windows aren't cold so I don't think it's that cold outside but inside of the car I'd put my jacket on first time on this trip [Music] to you now passage in building 1 over B Authority in here accommodation first open door open air reservations on this you desire now popular definitely be positive after the big day of work on way back pages and around his wife car that we go through so if he was competition or if you oughta see what's good the dining car is photos now also to the general we're going to go through this time change and we need my Texas may be giving a rodeo that clock the clock back one power once again day one our dining car is blowing the clock back and we my past fell to the all regular worth highway 67 comes in from the north and intersects with highway 90 ladies just a few minutes of us start taking reservations and the leaders have met alternative approaches varsity times will be developed 135 145 we do edges I made it very busy lunch today if you run it here before 30 anyway so we're right about here it's what they Congress did you part of the scenic area Alpine will be the next town entering alpine Texas and some recent rain yeah quite a bit still an Alpine Texas that's what I love about these places you know you haven't found a shanty until they've got the bucket seats in a van lined upon their porches easy chairs departing alpine show him in your way the drink we also ask you take military to the safety inspection card and say thank you for your stupid card combination we caught the train pulled on the overhead luggage rack and cx4 stability when passing to the vestibules between the cars please use the candy stripe tendrils and when moving about the Train she's supposed to be worn at all times he may be going to Rusty's wear your shoes we asked you to keep track your positions and please do not leave them unattended comparing on that persona never head leg attract or in the lower level although I guess you must be visibly tagged with your name and address please keep your luggage lock at all times please carrier take it with us train if you have any question you like report which is like you know your trip in a uniform F track employee will be happy to assist you once again thank you dr. Garrigan connections like welcome you are an M factor a number one such a limited cycles California make an all stations about 10:00 in the morning mountain time paralleling highway 67 which i think is also still finally 90 just west I'm sorry just east of the town of Marfa looks like the rain has stopped but the road is still fairly wet pretty barren countryside but it is not totally flat looks like there's though not a Martha coming up distance all these places out here that seemed to be abandoned they're just collections of old trailers and trucks you wonder if anybody lived there at some point and if so doing what you can say Cemetery out here the thickness failure total what 7 trains to be 4 5 mph temperature 5° detector out something that George or copy that carrying belly receiving the roll to the next detector over detector 640 doesn't throw integrity stay here 17 X instead of 44 and 45 on the speed serve on there and trance be 250 you know at home it sounds like the there's a bad integrity detector in the Trax gave us bogus report and they train engineer know the city they have morning farmer as reported it to the dispatcher so they can fix it okay John back in Africa they design hurry up missing near Valentine Texas and about forty mountain time okay detector milepost six seven one point zero okay detector file that detector is working on 20 mountain time it's about 11:20 mountain time and we're here Eagles flat and a lot more 181 miles an hour there's some mountains in the distance but the cameras trying to pick them up really well see a bit of them so who's our more whatever right about here just a little bit to the west see it uh Blanca over here that'll be the next town we're coming to be shortly so we're getting up towards El Paso pretty quickly now we're no longer along highway 90 / 67 or 67 branch to go down here so it was 90 again but we're now paralleling Interstate 10 watch another reminder that that 30 coming up in 7 3 6 s there are nights are over there walk up to that 36 9 9 0 then jump it sounded like the user I can give you the phone number for the I'll pick it up gotta head home stand by Dec 9 2014 2 for you don't copy things up approaching Sierra Blanca this would be interstate 10 they were going underneath [Music] 5:30 and turn wanna eat wet on I am seeking 181 going to touch her over that one more she's wearing between his fallen and my arm amputee 180 was near call that ready to copy order 80/20 she went that winder West not exceed one 5mp almost seven five times nine to five seven six 9.25 a mambo seven 59.75 seven five nine that's all seven five one three five one eighty when coffee taxi 15 that's one 583 1207 59.2 five 1207 59.75 no flags displayed for all 34 2.13 over 2020 our West and his correct 12:33 one two three three two MGK 181 copy okay time for 33 babies over mk1 80 100 sir 100 West that unforeseen a speed restriction miles per hour 75 main track no Flags delayed roll 34th up to stop 1/3 of life okay dad 12:33 correct leaving Sierra Blanca okay it's 12:11 mountain time near Fort Hancock for Hancock just south of Interstate 10 and very close to the border in the Rio Grande River with us whose float Hancock the murders River I would put those mountains out there on the far side of the border there's a lot of nice stratification in those rocks and there's a band of trees as visible right about in the middle the picture and that's probably where the river is there's a bunch of trees right where the water is but it's usual you don't get on these areas and there's all this evidence of habitation it's been abandoned you always wonder what they saw in that location to put something there their state is visible over there any 6.9 think up nice little strip of cloud right there simply like cut off from everything else very low-level just like a rope they please come to the dining club passenger wantá-- now we're so close to the real Gandhi that went to the agricultural area that is able to be irrigated from the river groves of trees and other crops anything out there should be no no that's Tornillo Tornillo or pomelo let's see it's so bouncy I can't even read the map looks like Tornillo coming up an El Paso pretty quickly the grooves trees no one comes that for me coming up beltron in a party any 21 on one so I came across over they go and up directory1 EMP k10 holy woman Belgium or Texas border town right on the outskirts of El Paso things look a little more prosperous here but still in that mk1 lizard what calling for manpower on that desert squalor sort of way - you're falling for him in belter over and I will shelter [Music] MDK 180 when I go ahead for a belt round orange that's right man thank you 180 West they're calling her uh raising copy we're gonna be done to try permission to farm do and say what any uh when you broke up your feet over and one cup to that we're coming down to try touch of yellow red portal you wanna conductor again yellow red black from Barbie over yellow reflects on for me think out no they're supposed to be a stop here or not we're slowing down as if there's a station even though I don't see it on the timetable this is a completing or something [Music] [Music] we just got the clearance to move and we are starting to move one two three minor 30 miles per hour that for me came to dessert dungeon level walk up and that 30 empty into the form P 29 to 585 the job highway 375 makes a loop in the area we are and that's just off to the left that's where all these businesses are set it on may appears to be a did she I don't think it's very irrigation disposals for flood control ladies jumpin to those passengers it's afternoon there will be de training it up now so there will be no training in the dining car you'll need to in order for that w p7 m13 West you are trained thank you Charlie plenty of wine and John plenty of chairs be the last call if you'd like to have a seat in the back in card for lunch Charlie party of one and John plenty of two last call if you'd like to have lunch of history on the table for you [Music] [Music] we are 147 stop that the information becomes Britos with a little more height and $2.00 you're usually by girl on the platform down by the coaches my believer name's miss Juanita that don't quote me on that they do a delicious homemade way those different varieties and I wanna get some for a late night I'm outside of training po po folks its Mexico on the other side of the fence very shortly the closest we've gotten to Mexico on this trip and according to the conductor just now looks like we'll be crossing into it in the borderline between country of Mexico which we can't see the black fence from here it's down below the Train but I misunderstood the conductor we're not crossing into the country of Mexico oblique crossing into the state of New Mexico shortly then we need the pristine Texas Bradley supply there now you can see the border fence we're gonna enter the maximun checklist a to make because the real fresh River here that divides the country of Mexico from the state of Texas and the state of New Mexico now this river is about two hundred inches deep maybe that's best maybe a hunter can't speak very deep river at the golf club oh it is closed yes she's on her lunch break lunch by himself it's not you sleep right here under how they're 10 minutes away from Mexico San Diego beautiful see it is and I was born in New Mexico oh yeah yeah yes yes I figure she called a lunch break just before I went to lunch and I just finished yeah so she got to be coming off the fries doing this one didn't end up in me talk about desert yes the town not now everyone who is way up on without me I use when I was young boys I don't care about them now we had a burner and prayer too loud huh dr. Perry $565 round trip I said going along interstate 10 which were just now crossing under between the towns of carne on the west and donna or dona on the east and probably Demming us coming up fairly soon to the west we just came up from El Paso diagonally passing Las Cruces and urged ten just a little while ago we're pretty close to Deming New Mexico and here is interstate 10 point all right that's their Deming New Mexico Amtrak station right there that is the state just went through Lordsburg New Mexico at 4:20 there's the scenery outside I ten in the distance sailing along here and extreme western New Mexico at 4:35 pretty much westbound the sun's coming in quite a bit from the South Sea I 10 right there this gravel road that follows on the tracks I presume it's for track servicing going through all the arroyos and so on we're just about ready to cross into Arizona trying to get the GPS zoomed in so I can see right more doing it and there's the sign for Arizona and we just crossed in the spot on the money send Simon coming up next and on the map sans Simon is the shadow since Simon is there got this much further to go to get to Tucson 4:35 now how many miles it is look science thirty-five you know probably did a couple hours yet the Train isn't going very fast we got by there by 6:30 there might be just a little light he passed davis monofin alright five fifteen minute bun Willcox Arizona Wilcox is here so we're making pretty good time still thinking it would be after 6:00 by the time we get to Tucson [Music] [Music] just went past the town of Cochise high tennis just off to our right it's 5:30 dragoon is coming up shortly surprisingly there's a grove out here in the desert get the water those look like it's irrigated don't think there were any bodies of water around the end amtrac 180 west red signal here a moment man amtrac money thrown with that so if we're gonna have to stop [Music] looks like everyone what clear signal track [Music] second random civil track 180 west up looks like we picked up an extra locomotive as well when we were [Music] am i refocus [Music] cleaning up the Torah the st. David 5:53 big dry-gulch just off to the side of us here on a sir ocean radiantly w already [Music] six o'clock and we're at Benson Arizona which is here Moustafa by nine o'clock tomorrow departing Benson Arizona at 6:20 [Music] not really a train station there at all just a parking lot [Music] [Music] coming up where highway 83 intersects interstate 10 east of Tucson the Sun is getting ready to set getting pretty low series just crisscross with various highways and bruises overpasses other railroads deep gouges across interstate 10 again [Music] now we've turned we're not crossing the interstates after in a bun veil she's just on the outskirts of - son area listen to sit here just as we're going through Vail at 5:50 was 650 but since we're in Arizona and apparently Arizona doesn't do though late savings time that's the same time as what Pacific time we have to get 118 lat same as California party to party anyway - turtle same thing therefore location they serve in there when I need their help where's Davis monofin boneyards all around here we are some on the box pretty quickly should be coming up pretty soon on the Pima Air and Space okay Pima Air and Space Museum right here got to be 36 out there you can make it out [Music] but the tails sticking up there you're right Tucson now looks like the tracks are gonna end to the north [Music] they approached her she want any messed up paralleling Albert on road or Albert on way we're northbound now not really sure where the Amtrak station is the Tucson station [Music] there is my room [Music] [Music] now here it is the third night at 9:30 or just pulling out of the station of Maricopa Arizona just south of Phoenix laying here in bed got the curtains drawn blew a nightlight on cream still hallway drawn shouldn't get this thing to focus up again the dark it doesn't really seem to want to got the reading light unlike the other trains have been on which head a halogen bulb or something these have got LEDs so they've been retrofitted I don't know if the lights in the ceiling or any different maybe not plus they've changed to touch switches it's Wednesday morning got up at 4:00 for shower the shower was busy in the toilets were busy so now it's five o'clock and I finished cleaning up art nowand I see that we're right here paralleling Interstate 10 still [Music] sort of south of Fontana coming up on Rancho Cucamonga about that far from Los Angeles and we're moving along at a pretty good rate 50 miles an hour not bad for congested area not sure when we're expected to get in but was originally supposed to be 5:30 so maybe that'll still happen I met the room attendants in the hallway and he thought it would be about an hour late so we'll have to see but you know there's not a lot you can see outside going through a rail yard so after we did Tucson and we went up to Maricopa to let off the peep into Phoenix and I think we've probably just parallel now this is Interstate 10 goes up this way and we've been paralleling for so long with each other time I got the Maricopa we've diverged and I think we followed interstate 8 here crossing over at Yuma we definitely went through Yuma look to the California page which is amazingly hard to do with my hands and here's Yuma down here I think we probably followed Ayase along here to San Diego but I'm not sure if there was other we are not in the Palm Springs Theriot so absolutely going to San Diego I believe we are going across here on Interstate 8 probably the El Centro and then would have followed whatever that I way is 86 eighty-six here in the classroom past the Salton Sea to here and Palm Springs that's where we were when I woke up and then the time it took me to get a shower we got over to about here that distance now we're passing through Riverside which is right here that's like you should be going straight into the sea which Riverside is Riverside cheapy assumed out so far I can't tell where we are so we're nearly buy up London here's the plunge so we are straight south of Rancho Cucamonga right now about here just pulled into Pomona instead of freights and ambassador [Music] so we're just coming up from the south Almonte here weirds raise indeed all those made and entendre so we're coming up this way now and it's 554 608 definitely getting into Los Angeles finally still paralleling i-10 and now we're just about here getting ready to cross i-5 aiming down this direction right yeah
Channel: youtuuba
Views: 101,177
Rating: 4.7917676 out of 5
Keywords: Amtrak, Texas Eagle, Sunset Limited, Chicago, St. Louis, Mississippi River, Louisiana, Arkansas, Texas, Dallas, Fort Worth, El Paso, San Antonio, New Mexico, Arizona, Tucson, Pima Air & Space Museum, Pima Air Museum, B-36, California, Los Angeles, sleeper car, roomette
Id: 7lG1Nev_bcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 187min 7sec (11227 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 17 2018
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