A Tigress Adopted Piglets And Raised Them As Her Own Babies

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hello everybody there sure isn't anyone in the world who hasn't heard of adoption it's an ordinary procedure when an adult takes responsibility for a child even if they aren't biologically related but what about animals it turns out that there are many similar examples in wild nature and sometimes adoption even happens between representatives of different species it is about such unusual cases that we'll be talking about today let's go it's hard to imagine more incompatible animals than a tiger and a pig they are literally on the opposite sides of the food chain [Applause] such an encounter wouldn't end well in the wild but sometimes amazing things happen in nature an interesting experiment of taming tigers was conducted in a thai zoo little tiger cubs were nursed by a pig while a tigress raised little piglets neither one of the mothers had an issue with this on the contrary they treated the babies very motherly according to the zoo workers this kind of an unexpected mixing of species should make tigers more obedient and teach them that pigs are friends and not food to be honest we're not sure that it's actually possible but who knows motherly instinct can work in mysterious ways herman is a pigeon who can't fly and lundy is a chihuahua who can't walk it seems that these two have nothing in common but that isn't really so in january 2020 lundy was taken in by a public organization in the american city of rochester which is engaged in the rescue of animals with congenital disabilities there it met herman and took the dog under its wing although their relationship is more of a friendly one and not of a father and son we still couldn't deprive you of this story in these images sue rogers the founder of the foundation said that the couple is inseparable the two animals like to cuddle up with each other on their fluffy blanket by the way the foundation received many offers from people ready to take in both hermann and lundy together so that these two would never have to be separated they would have been sworn enemies in the wild but in a wildlife sanctuary in south carolina an orangutan and three tigers have become best friends a male orangutan watched the cubs caretakers and seemed to want to try it too as a result a strong bond has developed between him and the cubs and it seems that the orangutan considers himself their father or mother or some sort of caretaker this isn't the first time that orangutan has made friends with cubs primates love unexpected friendships a chimpanzee named toto who lives in one of the zoos in thailand also cares for and feeds a tiger cub and looks like a real mother doing it a small spotted lamb from south australia was abandoned by its mother in situations like this it is usually the farm owner or someone living on the farm who takes care of the lamb but in this case the lamb found an adoptive mother a female dalmatian i must say that these two really do have similar coloring that might be why the dog thought that this strange puppy was really hers and the lamb didn't seem to mind now it follows the adoptive mother everywhere and the mother licks guards and takes care of the lamb but the owner still has to bottle feed it we won't be surprised if over time the lamb starts barking bringing slippers or guarding the house after all it's definitely going to have a good upbringing back in 2014 a lion cub was born in the sri lankan zoo but unfortunately the mother rejected the baby it happened sometimes in nature and sadly a wild animal can't be reasoned with therefore the zoo workers were worried because even though it's possible to feed a lion cub it is very difficult to live without parental love and care so a dog came to the rescue the dog had also just given birth to puppies at the time and just a few hours later the new mother took in the lion cub as one of her own she fed it licked it took care of it and even seemed to love it more than her own puppies the lion cub played with the rest of the puppies and grew up happy of course when the line finally grew up it needed to find a more suitable home [Music] it couldn't stay in the dog owner's house so that the predator was first transferred to a zoo and then to a reserve today it has turned into a beautiful line with a luxurious mane and no longer resembles that tiny furball the dog had adopted i wonder if it remembers who it was that fed and raised it would the lion be able to recognize its adoptive mother after a few years [Music] when hens lay eggs their instinct tells them to sit on them to keep the future offspring warm when the chicks hatch they are still tiny and fragile so the mom keeps them near until they're big enough to keep warm on their own but mother hen has enough love and warmth for everyone around even kittens a hen named coco literally sits on little kittens and is very careful to ensure that nothing threatens them for example it chases other chickens out of the house where the babies sleep wait what about the cat mother the kittens couldn't have hatched from chicken eggs the cat lives in the same house in the chicken coop moreover coco sits on her as well out of habit once upon a time the hen raised her as well and now it seems to have become a proud grandmother the hen takes care of its fluffy daughter and its grandchildren however coco also has a biological daughter and this young hen also takes care of the kittens just like a real aunt this is the strangest family we've ever seen but coco's case isn't a unique one [Music] another hen took it upon itself to care for newborn rabbits even though they did have a parent but don't think of it as taking over someone else's nest the rabbit and the hen shared responsibilities one of them fed the babies while the other one kept them warm we can say that they worked in shifts and it did look as strange as it sounds but it seems that the animals were happy about it are you used to thinking that pit bulls are aggressive and vicious creatures real bloodthirsty monsters ready to bite everyone who they come across well that's because you haven't met ashlynn she's the best adoptive dog mother in the world when three little raccoons were orphaned they ended up in the house of ashland's owner she immediately decided that the adorable trio were her puppies why why not the raccoons were completely helpless could hardly walk on their own and were very scared no one knows how and why they lost their mother but the adoptive mother immediately took them in now ashlyn is always next to her raccoon puppies they touch her all the time thus making sure that they are safe however with such a defender they definitely have nothing to fear despite the fact that raccoons are very tame and adore their people they're still taught to be real wild animals they learn to get food for themselves rummage around and climb trees so when the time comes they can return to the wild even the most domesticated cats are usually predators at heart [Music] they still remember the time when their distant ancestors hunted in the wild sometimes genetic memory takes over and then your goldfish parrot or random mouse falls prey to them but for this cat the maternal instinct is more important than the hunter's instinct ronan and emma lally from a large irish village could hardly believe their eyes when their cat adopted three orphan ducklings which she raised together with her own three kittens at first ronan thought the cat would just eat the duckling when she suddenly grabbed it in her teeth but it turned out that she gathered them together to lie down next to her that is she did the exact thing that she was used to doing with kittens moreover they quickly became attached to their adoptive mother and held on to her if people tried to separate them experts say that although this is a rather unusual case it can't be called completely strange animals don't understand numbers so the cat didn't even think about the fact that she only gave birth to three kittens if they're little babies they're her babies jack russell terrier dogs are energetic noisy and fearless but sometimes they can also be excellent nannies and not just for human babies but for wild animals too meet natty she is a permanent resident of an animal shelter in namibia and a foster mother or at least a very good nanny for all the babies there natty doesn't seem to realize that they all belong to other species for her all babies are just that babies and they need care protection and affection the founder of the shelter says that nettie provides baby animals with such maternal love that no human can give them she treats other animals as if they are in no way different from her even when natty's foster babies grow up and turn out to be several times larger than their caretaker they always remain babies for her [Music] many people consider capybaras to be the friendliest creatures on the planet and this is a well-deserved reputation capybaras are the largest rodents they adhere to a vegetarian diet live in packs and don't have a problem with anyone at all on the contrary capybaras are very friendly to every living creature and cheesecake is an excellent example of this this capybara ended up in an animal shelter in arkansas when she was still very young at first she lived at the founder's house with the dogs she played with them ate with them and slept with them no cheesecake didn't consider herself a dog but she definitely liked them a lot growing up she began to care for all the orphaned puppies that ended up in the shelter cheesecake adopts the puppies eats and sleeps with them and even punishes babies if they misbehave overall she behaves like a real dog mother but cheesecake isn't only friends with the puppies like a real capybara she is happy to socialize with every animal in the shelter and take care of them too and that's it for today friends please give us a thumbs up if you liked the video thanks for watching and we'll see you next time you
Channel: Wonders of the World
Views: 641,413
Rating: 4.8683534 out of 5
Keywords: Wonders of the World, top, top 5, top10, top5, top 10, you didn’t know, interesting facts, top of the most, incredible, interesting, most, in the world, 10 most, 5 most, the most, fascinating, best, unusual, 5 best, the best, informative, facts, like, people, selection, tigress, adopted, pigs, raised them, as their own, as their own babies, animals, the world of wildlife, Tigress and pigs, Monkeys and cubs, dog and lion cubs
Id: ebWhFWbgBKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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