How to Setup VMware vCenter Server 8 [vSphere setup]

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so have you got esxi version 8 ready downloaded working if you haven't you're gonna have to go do that first so you can go check out this video that we've done recently now we're going to look at vcenter the vcenter appliance version 8 is available for you to download and try completely for free and of course if you're doing this in a business you're going to want to go and register it whole heap of new features available on version eight we're going to show you how to download it and how to actually get it running and installed on your computer on your server what you're going to need is you're going to need an esxi host you're going to need the ice so that we're going to download the computer the server and the esxi all to be connected on the same network so you can deploy that vcenter ISO the appliance directly onto one of your hosts my name is Emilio I'm a tech YouTuber you're watching this on my channel so why don't you click on the subscription button on the Bell so you don't miss out on anything on your Google machine you're going to go and download vsphere version 8 which is what you can see right here now this is completely for free to use for an evaluation period now vcenter's primary use of course will be in a business so it is not going to be free so you can use it for free but then your recommendation of course will be to go and actually get a key if you want to continue using it forever so that's something that we're going to recommend but you can go and download it right from here vsphere 8 evaluation for free you can then log in and actually download vcenter you'll notice that I've got an evaluation right there that expires in a number of days so you can use it for free until that evaluation is completed but log in if you don't have an account create an account you should already have an account if you did this previously under the licenses and download you'll notice that the esxi there is available and then we're going to select specifically the center server now this is the full vcenter server Appliance and as it says right here vcenter server planes ISO it includes the UE the user interface and the CLI installer for install upgraded migration for the vcenter server Appliance and then you can actually be able to use that installation and and build a virtual machine a VM that is actually running the center and then we'll go through the next number of videos on how to actually get all of your hosts talking to each other and getting the benefits of vcenter with all of that so go ahead and download vcenter you now need to just open up that ISO and then we need to install the appliance and the great thing is you don't need to upload it into a data store or within your esxi environment it's an appliance as long as the computer that you are using or the server that you are using where the iso has been downloaded and installed you just open up that Appliance and you can actually point it to the esxi host that you want to use to actually go and install your vcenter Appliance itself now before we do go into this you are going to be asked around the specs of your vcenter Appliance how much RAM CPU Etc do you want to give your vcenter Appliance because the more your environment is big like yet the larger your environment is the more resources you are going to have to give it so what you can do is you can see here on my screen you can go into Google type in Hardware requirements for vcenter and you'll be presented with this website right here now noting that it is version seven but uh version 8 will be very similar and they don't have version eight I haven't been able to find it yet anyway but you'll see that for the environment size for example a tiny environment they're estimating will be 10 hosts with 100 virtual machines so it's going to say for vcenter you want to give it at least two virtual CPUs for the virtual machine 12 gig for the virtual machine of memory so of course this is going to be a virtual machine so you're applying the uh this the vcenter appliance and it's going to build a virtual machine that's going to be sitting within an esxi host so whichever esxi host you pick you want to make sure that you've got enough resources to be able to give it that those specs and of course a little bit more than that because your vcenter is probably going to need more resources as your es6i farm grows and you can easily up it as you so need to as well so that's not a problem but it will be building a virtual machine a VM of vcenter directly on your esxi host so the two things that you will need is obviously your your esxi connected to the same network as your computer or your server that you've got the installer and of cop and of course a copy of that ISO which we're now going going to go ahead and run now what I've got I've got here this is my uh this is my Mac so I'm doing this from a Mac I've downloaded that ice so here it is Big ISO it's almost uh well 8.5 gig big so it is quite big I've double clicked on it and it's actually opened up and here it is now on Windows the process is the same don't worry yes I'm doing it on a Mac but the price will be the same on Windows and then you're going to go to this area down the bottom you've got a couple of folders the vcsa so vcenter server Appliance the CLI which is the command line or the UI the user interface the GUI which is what we're going to be using so we're going to click on this it's going to ask you for a Mac or Windows if you're on Windows you're going to go and run the installer under here the XC file installer.exe but I'm doing this on a Mac so I've got the installer right here but once I open it up it will look the same regardless of Mac or Windows few things install a brand new vcenter server you can upgrade you can do a migrate you can do a restore we're not going to be covering upgrade migrate and restore you can go and look at those separately we're of course focusing here on install so we're going to click on install so first step stage one is to deploy vcenter so installing the vcenter in two-stage process the first stage involves deploying the new vcenter server to the Target esxi host which is what we talked about or a computer resource in the Target vcenter server if you're happy with those terms you go ahead and read them and if you're satisfied we can accept them we're now putting the esxi IP address so what is the IP address of the host that you're going to want to go and deploy this Appliance to and build that VM here it is 17216 1.103 is the host that I've determined is where I want vcentered to live the https Port will remain Port 443 and now the root credentials to access that esxi host certificate warning if you do have a certificate great if you don't you can accept it if you're happy with that certificate and that will then connect the connect the two together so vcenter This Server appliance installation is now establishing a connection with my esxi host at 103. if you're here great it means that it has established a connection and everything is fine if you've had an error message you go back and check out what's actually happened there because it could be something to do with the network could be something to do with a host not being configured correctly the credentials been incorrect but if you're here fantastic now we want to give that VM a name what do you actually want to call it it's come up here with VMware vcenter server you may be happy with that but I'm going to give it actually a bit more of a meaningful name I'm going to give it a name that actually makes sense to me so I'm going to say aegu my surname's Aguero and then I'm going to say vcenter and I'm going to say oh one so I know that that is my vcenter server now this is the root password for your vcenter server not the root password for esxi the root password for your ESX art for your vcenter environment so you're going to go and make this different make it long make it complex somebody who has access into your vcenter has access to your entire environment so make that password complex and only share it with the people who need to know about it if you're happy with that we click on next so what we looked at before on that website here it is it's a summary what's going on is your deployment size tiny and what about the storage size okay so mine is going to be tiny I mean I'm doing this in a lab environment but you think about if you're doing this in a production in a business how big is this environment how big is it going to be you give that spec accordingly but as I said you can change these later on so if you don't get it right up front don't worry but you can change it later on so I'm going to say tiny and then my storage size will the default so you can do large or extra large it'll just grab that storage and change it and apply it as it needs to but again you can change that down the track so we're going to leave that as default and Tiny and next here we go where do we want to actually install it we're selecting my Nas which is where I want to stick it but you can also use vsan which is more some shared storage stuff but we're going to use our Nas which is our primary spot where we've been building all of our VMS and say next now we have a little bit more information around the setup of this particular esxi host so what network does it need to be a part of and of course this is going to be taking the Network that has been created on that esxi host so if you've gone and created some other switches from other Port groups then you'll go and assign that accordingly or you can just leave it to the standard one and you can change this later on ipv4 or IPv6 I'm going to leave it generally what is the IP assignment don't don't ever go with a dynamic or a DHCP address that changes uh I recommend go static where you can do you want to add a fqd and a fully qualified domain name into there what is the full path of that vcenter server so including the domain as well and then the IP address the subnet mask the default gateway the dns's all of that can all be picked up and edited right in here so go ahead and put that in this will be the IP address of your vcenter Appliance so you can make that a meaningful IP address because that's what's going to be used when you are essentially communicating with your vcenter Appliance itself you're going to get a bit of a summary on what's going on and if you're happy with that we can click on finish it's now going to start to deploy your vcenter will take a bit of time it's going to be creating your vcenter VM over your network and then on your esxi host where you're deploying this you should see a VM starting to pop up in there and this has to build your vcenter and we're back and if you're seeing this right here stage one deployment or V syntax successful great news for you if this has failed for whatever reason you're going to need to go and maybe review some logs and figure out what's happened essentially if you have got the network connection is all stable if the IP address is a unique IP address as long as the DNS is reachable the fully qualified name is correct the domain is correct all that information is correct and that the computer that you're using to deploy that vcenter Appliance and the esxi host is reachable and the relevant ports are open generally going to be that 443 port for the https you should be fine so if you haven't go back and check it otherwise we're here proceed to stage two of the deployment process the vcenter server setup will continue so we can now exit if you need to or we click on continue right in here and it's loading stage two of our install and setup of the vcenter server Appliance here we go I'm going to click on next you want to do things around time sync and around SSH for now we'll leave those turned off click on next here we got some single sign-on stuff SSO so you're going to be logging in with vsphere.local the username will be administrator and here is the SSO password this is different into the root password that we did previously this is now the SSO password so you can go and set yourself up the same or different I recommend generally a different password around SSO so you can put that into there otherwise you can also join it to an existing SSO domain if you're already using SSO single sign-on in your network in your environment in a business for example in our case we're going to leave it as is so noticing that vsphere.local is going to be the domain name the username will be administrator and then we set our SSO password right in here all ready to go and click on next you want to join the customer experience program you can maybe help out VMware if you want to up to you and then a summary of what's going to happen we can now select finish and I'll be able to pause or stop the install from completing once it started just be aware of that don't cut the power out to anything don't lose your network connection during this time stage two then commences stage two now complete setup done here's the IP address we can now close and here is how you can access at 106-4 or Dash 443 and we can launch our vsphere client here we are presented with our vsphere login for vcenter now here we log in with the full username the SSO that we use which is going to be administrator so administrator at vsphere.local and then our password vcenter logged in so now the fun begins where you have to start configuring your vcenter Appliance so the upgraded version of vcenter version 8 is now running hey that's it for this video thanks so much for tuning in remember to subscribe click on the button on the bell and then stay tuned for the next video where we talk about all things Tech we'll talk to you then
Channel: Tech With Emilio
Views: 11,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: emilio aguero, how to download vmware 8, how to download vmware vsphere 8, how to download esxi, getting esxi 8, how to install esxi 8, how to run esxi 8 onto your computer, how to install vmware vcenter 8 step by step, vmware esxi, how to install vmware vsphere 8, using vmware vcenter 8, esxi 8.0, vsphere 8, how to download vcenter iso, how to get vmware on mac, how to get vmware for free, how to install vmware vsphere vcenter, how to install vmware vcenter on server
Id: _1pivpeR6c8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 07 2022
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