A step by Step Guide for Figma Animations - Interaction Tricks

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hi everyone but not it won't come most of the people because during the Journey of my learning didn't I didn't learn by practice it just started coming so randomly I just started learning it but when it comes to but it takes time for you getus to avoid that I have I'm getting this video to you all and easily how to fix them so let's say instant animation I hope because and I can see few of the people also animations spring animations the we have 10 important animation I promise you you'll be clear out and while watching this video make sure and I'm going to give it with some examples as well let's get into it T this animation has been created with figma yes so I'll tell you how I have done that and what is the difference between each animations for example if you see this different I was very confused in the video so each animation is for different purposes and how to use it how it moves whenever you want to do animations this so that it will be easier for you to know how each one is differing so let's see l in out e in and out but still you can see back out back everything is different it's taking a lot and similar in the gentle quick bouncy animations and I'll also tell youing so now let's move on to the animations one by one so number one this I can be able to connect and smart it's linear simar M 800 and next is same repeat everything but the time period that differs is different if you see here the position and time will take more it's going to be in the same way but that's and outar and so that is ease out another one is EAS in and out so so that's how the C you don't find a lot of difference but in the comparison you can be able to see the difference if you see this everything is b in a different format next is e in back e in back like what is it 800 m i mean will be bit fast so in the timeline so that's how the E back will work out so it start fast and then ends bit slower comparing to the start and the next is e out back so time will drag so that's how e out back will work and the next is EAS in and out back out so start it will be a normal so it's going in coming in so that is in and out and then next is custom bed custom this is customizable customize P clock that's how will work 1,000 milliseconds if you see the custom starting if they want to change the number and the next one is gentle gentle it goes and comes back it's normal normal but based on the timeline and the next is quick so Qui it's just goes on and on that is and bouncy bouncy into the like it will have that sh so that is bouncy and slow think you have through this is with custom spring spring animations which is totally different from other doesn't C we were so clear but here it is not like that the so this Isom each I've have created components of each text comp have FR and connect so the output animations it's very easy if you know it or else it be bit difficult to get under the practice so be very much easier for you to learn animations inigma I think as I promised I think I have shown you 10 important easing and spring animations I hope this will be helpful in your future designs thank you so much for watching I'll meet you all in the next video till then [Music] bye-bye [Music] [Music] n
Channel: Tharani Subramanian
Views: 7,434
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Keywords: What is UX, How to do UX Case study, UX Case Study, ux design, UI Design Tutorial, UX Design Tutorial, ui design, ux design process steps, ux design process interview, ux ui design tutorial, ux ui designer, learn ui ux design, learn ui ux design online free, Learn ux ui in tamil, ux ui in tamil, User Experience Design, What Does A UX Designer Do, Secondary Research, User research, ui ux design course, ui ux design, ui ux design tutorial in tamil, ui ux design tamil
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2023
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