5 Most Useful Figma Animations For UI Beginners

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cool animations on both websites and web apps has become the standard and that's partly because with tools like figma we designers can now easily create these animations right in the tool we're using daily so not only can we experiment to find the perfect animations we can wow our clients and communicate with our developers without ever leaving our design tool so in this video we'll look at the five most useful figma animation techniques that you as a beginner really should have in your back pocket for your next project I'm pretty sure some of these will really open up your mind to what's possible with figma animations so make sure you stick around till the end so you don't miss any of them if you want to follow along I have the figma file in the description below now let's waste no more time and get straight into it alright everyone so we are inside of figma in this tutorial we will first look at the animations together and then we will dissect them and see how we achieve the cool effects that you'll be seeing here let's start with the first one which is a simple click interaction and this is something you will probably be using the most as a designer in a software like figma when you want to prototype and create animations so in this case I'm using it for a standard navigation animation so if I go here into my prototype flow and I click number one here because that's the first animation we can see that if I click page 2 here we go to page two we get this interaction on this click if I click on page one again we go back and how do we achieve this well we can check here that in my frame I have a couple of things we have the knob in the top here but we also have these two frames we have one frame called page two one frame called page one inside of these frames we have a text object like the page 2 text here and we have another text object in the other one that is page one we have an image that is the second image and we have an image that is the first image so when I click here I click on this link here we go to this Frame so you can see what happens on click here we're going to navigate to this Frame we're going to use Smart animate animation and it's going to have a general type of animation and it's going to go on for 800 milliseconds and what happens inside of the frame is that I'm just swapping the position of these frames here so on the first click we have page one here in the center and page two is outside of the frame when we go to this one you can see what happens we have page two in the center and page one is outside of the frame and it really is that simple when we click back from here we click page one we're going to go back here and they're going to be swapped again so that's the only thing that's happening and that's the first interaction we're going to cover click interactions the second one is hover interactions this one is a bit more complex but I think you'll get it pretty quickly so if we go to the animation first off go to the second one here here we have a card with a button in it and hover interactions are usually used for things like buttons and links and cards as in this case when we hover this card you can see that we have this reveal animation happening now when I go down to the button we have a different hover interaction here so two interactions happening in the same component how do we achieve this well if we go back here and we check out what I've done I've done two things I've taken this button I've created a button so if we drag this out just to show real quick I've created a button I've duplicated the button and I changed the style of it so that it looks different then once I have the two Styles I'm going for so my hovered State and my default State I Target both of them I go here and I create a component set well this now allows me to do is I can create a separate animation for just this button and then I can reuse that in different frames in different components you basically gain a lot of flexibility so I can remove this again and show in here instead so we can see that when we hover click me here we have this interaction so while hovering we're going to change to this hovered State we're going to have a smart animate animation it's going to be easy in 300 milliseconds pretty basic but the cool thing here like I like I just touched on is that I can take this button and put it inside of my card here so that this interaction is still intact so we will still have this hover interaction for the button while it's in this new component while it's inside of this new card so you can see in the card here what's happening is we have this image clip you can see in the first state this image clip is see here this image clip is just one pixel in height you can see that it's one pixel it's outside of the frame and that's the only difference so we have clip content on this Frame when we hover it we go to the second one here and what happens in the second one well the image clip the height of it is going to cover the full card here so when I change the height like this you can see how the animation kind of shows itself this is the exact animation happening I'm just changing the height of this image clip and the way we're doing it is with a prototype interaction so while hovering we're changing to this state two here and it's doing a smart animate animation and I've added this custom spring and this is something you can play around with and change the settings to make it look the exact way you want it to but that's the only thing happening on Hover we're changing the height of this image clip so if we go back here again you can see I hover it and it changes the height of the image clip the image is just there it doesn't happen anything to the image we're just masking it and then I can hover The Click me here as well so that's while hovering third one drag interactions this one is pretty fun and usually you will use this to create carousels to create sliders those are the most common use cases so if we go into the Prototype number three here we'll let it load you can see that we have this Carousel that if I drag the cards I'm dragging the carousel like this we have this slider the party slider so when I drag it up and down you can see how this progress or I guess no progress bar but you can see how the thing gets filled with white color instead how do we achieve these things well we go down here once again we're using component sets in this case for the carousel I have three different states so you can see I have one state where this Carousel here is centered so we see the center card I have one state where it's to the right so we see only the right card and I have one state where it's to the left we see only the left card and what is happening here is I have a drag interaction on this Auto layout this Auto layout containing these different cards so when I drag this Auto layout we're going to the second frame here so on drag we're changing to this view on drag change to this smart anime Esau 300 milliseconds nothing fancy Happening Here we also have a second dragon interaction from this that goes down to this one same kind of Animation but the reason we have two of them is because we can drag them in both directions if I would only have this we could only go from the middle state to the right State now we can go from the middle state to the right State and the left state but for these so the second and the third the right State and the left state we can only go back because from this state you can't really reach this state you have to first go to the middle State and then you can reach this so we have only one drag interaction from this one you can see back to the middle and only one drag interaction from this one back to the middle so that's the carousel so we can do these things because we set up the interactions like that then we have the party slider here this is just two different states with a drag interaction so the first state there is no progress this is not filled with white and when I grab this so I have the drag interaction in this emoji on drag we're gonna change to this smart animate Esa 300 milliseconds and this thing is growing so you can see we have this progress bar growing and this thing is changing position from the left to the right and that's really all that's happening so this progress thing is within this Frame that is clipping content once again so this is the frame that we rounded we're clipping the content inside of the frame we have the progress in the first state it's no progress in this state we've taken it the full width but that's really all that's happening so if we go back here you can see this simple animation is made with those simple interactions once again though using component sets that's a key thing here but that's drag interactions over to the fourth one which is delayed interactions if I go into the Prototype click number four here if I click this we're going to get this loading State and then it goes back to Quick me again click it loading State and then it goes back so this is a cool feature to use for these kinds of use cases like the button loading States so when you click something or when you do something we want something to happen with a delay and then maybe we wanted to go back in this case how I achieved this particular thing is I created two component sets once again the first one is this loading animation or this loading icon or whatever you want to call it and what we do here is we have three dots three ellipses and we just change the position of the dots in each of these variants and when we look at the interaction between the variants you can see that the first one here is connected to the second one and it says after delay one millisecond we're gonna smart animate and ease out animation that goes on for 300 milliseconds so after one millisecond we go here it takes 300 milliseconds then this one to the last one gonna be after a delay of one millisecond we're gonna use the smart animate ease out 300 milliseconds to go to the last one and then from the last one back to the first one with the exact same settings so this thing if we just added it to a frame it would just go on dancing like that all day all night now we don't just want to add it to a frame so we added it to a button to create a more interesting animation so you can see here we have this button component this is different than the first one in this button component we have three things we have two text fields so we have the click me text field we have this loading text field that is currently outside of the frame and we have this loading component here when we click it you can see how the loading here the loading text comes up from the bottom The Click me text goes from the center to the top and the loading component here you can see goes a few pixels up and is faded in so here it has zero opacity here it has 25 opacity and that's the only thing that's happening so an auto layout an auto layout button with position absolute items that we can change within the auto layout change position of and we're basically just changing position of things and showing and hiding things between those the Prototype settings we're using is after a delay sorry on click first when I click this button we want to change to this loading state with a smart animate animation once again ease out 300 milliseconds then it goes back after a delay so if I click here on this we can see that after the layout 2 000 milliseconds it does another smart anime ease out 300 milliseconds back to this state and that's it so now we can grab this component put it into a frame and whenever we click it we're going to get that loading animation that we can see here okay so over to the last one then and this is overlay interactions and this is something you can use for things like pop over modal Windows drop downs etc those would be the most common use cases for an interaction like this if we go into the Prototype again and we check number five here if we click pop over you can see that we get this overly pop over sliding from the bottom into the screen and you can see how it fades everything out if we click on drop down we get this drop down like this so how do we achieve this let's start with the overlay one so if I drag it here you can see that we have this interaction so on click on this button instead of having navigate to or change to we have open overlay and we're targeting this overlay here it has to be a frame or an auto layout so we're targeting this and when we click that we want it to show up in the center of the screen you can change different positions here you can even take manual so you can change the position like this yourself but it's going to be in the center and we want it to be closed when clicking outside and we're going to add a background behind the overlay so we can add this opacity without us having to do anything else we just check this box and then we specify the animation and it's going to move in from the bottom to the top you can see the preview here and what kind of Animation we want again that's really it for these overly animations they're very simple when it comes to the drop down here it's the same thing on click we're going to open the overlay but this time it's going to be manual and we're not going to add a background behind the overlay and instead of a smart anime animation we're just using a dissolve with an ease out 150 milliseconds the one difference here though is that I wanted an interaction or hover state for these links in here so I created a separate component set with links where I added interactions so you can see here inside of this I added while hovering change to smart anime ESAT 150 milliseconds to this one and this one is a bit faded we have 50 in opacity so once I created that I just took it and I put it inside of my drop down like this and now when we click on the drop down we have the hover State for the drop down items as well so using these component sets is a great way for you to create more complex animations inside of figma are you looking to dig even deeper into figma animations well check out any of these videos now until the next one have a great life we'll talk soon ciao
Channel: Tim Gabe
Views: 7,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ui, ux, product design, ui design, ux design, figma, figma tutorial, figma animations tutorial, smart animate figma, smart animate figma button, smart animate figma slider, smart animation figma, figma smart animate carousel, how to use smart animate in figma, hover animation figma, figma interactive components animation, figma animation tutorial for beginners
Id: 2Mvmz34QsLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 26 2023
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