A Spiritual Tune Up (Romans 8) - Pastor Rob Winkler

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what's happening crossroads family pastor daniel here along with pastor robbie and we are excited together to introduce you to today's guest speaker and the reason is is because today you're going to get the pleasure of hearing from pastor rob winkler which is actually pastor robbie's dad so pastor robbie tell us a little about your pops and what you think about him preaching at crossroads today it's it's phenomenal i'm beside myself but i'm really excited that he's coming here and being able to speak and the impact he's had on my life has been phenomenal and if there's a man of god i look up to it it's my pop pastor rob is not only pastor robbie's dad he's also a good friend of mine somebody who i love somebody who i respect somebody who speaks into my life i also adore pastor rob's wife pastor robbie's mom miss linda she is a gem so in a moment you're going to see an intro video and then when pastor rob winkler makes his way to the crossroads pulpit i want all of you even those of you online to stand your feet and we want to give pastor rob the loudest crossroads welcome [Music] thank you oh go ahead have a seat man i appreciate faster daniel lying like that man i don't even know who he was talking about he kept thinking all that praise like that like who is he talking about must be my brother he must be a good guy so good to be with you today how are you doing come on now act like you had breakfast this morning how are you doing here we go it is good to come into the house of the lord amen it's great church you guys are part of a great church i want to just shout out to the founder pastor bill and the voice in the community that he has had and this church has had over decades i pastored here for about 12 years my family and we were always uh very appreciative of the voice that this church that crossroads had throughout the entire community so shout out to pastor bill and and and all of the uh founders that we stand now on on their shoulders to do this great work and then the lord my goodness you must walk in a lot of grace and favor because he sent you another phenomenal man of god pastor daniel fusco did they get any better than that folks come on you ought to love your pastor a little bit right now he's probably watching he's an awesome leader he's a voice in this community the region the nation internationally truly a man of god and most of all he's a great great friend he's integris he's genuine when you're around him he's the same here as he is there i want you to know i've i've i've seen him with some italian food and he just acts like he's uh he's just as much a preacher there when he's uh when he's eating on a cannoli as he is when he's up here just love that guy his family it's good to be with you we uh my wife linda ann brown-eyed girl is here with me we've been married 40 years so uh honey won't you stand up just give them a little parade way yeah there you go we're finishing up our 36th year of ministry we've been married 40 so you do the math the first four years were a little bit tight pastored here for a few years uh one-third of our ministry has been in the northwest we love this community we just fell in love with it been married have four grown children thank the lord you know they're growing when they start paying their own bills now some people don't think they're some people think they're grown in if they're still living in your basement and you're paying their food bill they're not grown they're just mooching for a little while longer they're all grown they're married have four uh four wonderful children who all have wonderful spouses 10 grandchildren all of our kids we didn't plan this they're all in the ministry we got one in idaho one in ohio robbie's here in vancouver and our daughter is in texas and they're all just serving the lord and ten wonderful grandchildren got another one coming and we're still praying for a couple more you know we're just hoping happy is the man blessed is the man whose quiver is full a righteous man leaves inheritance for his children and children so i'm saying bring it on lord plus they have to afford them now so we just buy them chocolate and shoes for school we're good to go let me tell you something i love being pastor robbie's dad if you didn't know that i love being pastor robbie's dad i'm not robbie senior i'm rob he's robert i'm robert but that's where it ends he's robbie i'm raw but i love being his dad he's been a great love and life and mine and linda's life but i really enjoy being rebecca's father-in-law and i'm ecstatic about being rose's g-pops i'm telling you now i've heard that there were a few before i get in the word that i needed to tell a story on robbie that's just that's what i've heard for the last three days you know make sure you tell us something about rodney well he's always been a young a a young man of faith he just has the ability to believe god for a lot of things always had a lot of confidence a lot of courage in his life he was about four years old we had our friends over associate pastor and their family and we're all all our kids were about the same age and they were out playing and back in texas we had what's called an alley i don't know you know we don't have alleys here but we have an alley and they would play in the backyard and then go out in the alley the alley was the wilderness so they were out there and it was time for lunch so they all came back through the front of the house and everybody turned left but robbie he turned right and when he turned right he just kept walking 13 blocks four years old so by the time robbie was probably the world's greatest hide and seeker i mean he would if we didn't call him in right now he'd start probably still be hit under a a thing of blankets right now because he was just that why so we thought well maybe robbie's just playing hide and seek we'll give him a minute we started looking for him then we realized he wasn't around we called the police they're looking for him uh we start you know you get all kinds of weird things in your mind abductions all sorts of things so you go from well he's probably fine to some pretty serious panic and and uh finally uh about 45 minutes later we hear on the scanner we had a deacon on a part of the police force he hears on the scanner they picked up this little boy so sure enough 45 minutes later an hour later here comes robbie in a police car and you're just wondering what this four-year-old's feeling terrified abandoned rejected his parents must hate him uh afraid and robbie's robbie steps out four years old and i'm trying to be the cool dad what you want to do is love them and and squeeze them really tight and then say things like don't ever do this again or you're going to be in big trouble so i get out and trying to be the cool down and i said bobber what's going on where you been what's happening he comes out of that car and he's got this plastic broken sword i mean when you get like in back in tgny or target days i mean it's all been up he probably found it on the way and he goes dad i've been killing bears [Laughter] [Applause] not a bit of fear in him and that's sort of the way he's lived his life his whole life is that he's just always been able to always been able to be that little guy who is on the front to to believe god well today i'm going to be in romans chapter 8. it's a very pivotal chur word for our church for the church in general today paul's addressing a group of people uh that are a little mixed up and they're a little messed up there are believers that are going through a mess can anybody identify with that right now they've had attacks from the outside they've had some conflict from the inside and in their mind the world has gone mad jesus has ascended he is crucified he was buried he was resurrected he's descended the church was born it's acts chapter 2 of version and now paul and the rest are carrying on the ministry they've gone into macedonia the call of god has gone to the to the gentile church and it's still new and fresh and there's a lot of anger and hostility about it there's people saying well now this is too big of a deal and they're drawing them away from different kinds of faith or they're getting into our economy and the world is is as upset and there's an attack going on and the judaizers have come in and they're trying to convince the believers to go back to the way of culture to go back to their roots uh the the athenians and and the gentiles are saying we don't know that we want to believe this there's stonings there's beatings there's shipwrecks i'm telling you what folks it's a mess it's difficult times it's stressful it's confusing it's hard to explain can i get a witness you thought i was talking about today didn't you the foundation of faith has been rocked and shaken there's probably a few people a few believers kind of re reassessing where they are in their faith maybe this doesn't work like we thought it did maybe god is simply a myth maybe we need to go back to what we know have you ever noticed that about life when it gets really a bit of a struggle we want to go back to something familiar children of israel wanted to go back to egypt after 450 years of praying to get out of the place they got hungry and thirsty and wanted to go home they said it would be better for us to go back and make brick without straws than to face the unknown and the adversity and the challenges that we have paul is writing to that group of people maybe the scripture is writing a new fresh word in our own hearts today i want to talk to you about the crisis of belief that moment when you know that you know that you know but you're not sure you thought you knew what you knew but you're not quite convinced anymore romans 8 31 through 39 after paul writes all this about who they are in christ and and the holy spirit how he will help them and how they get he gives them a concept of suffering and persecution and and that the holy spirit's going to continue to make intercession for them and god's always going to be with them there's no condemnation after he writes this whole chapter he says in verse 31 what then shall we say to these things he's making his case he's setting it up now to say these things if god is for us who can be against us a question mark that's very rhetorical right he who did not spare his own son but delivered him for us all how shall he not with him also freely given us all things who shall bring a charge against god's elect well actually there's plenty but it is god who justifies who is he who condemns i mean it's like paul's in this courtroom saying all right bring it on who's the god that's going to actually tell jesus he's not the lord who's going to tell a believer they're not sons and daughters it is christ who died and furthermore who has risen and is even at the right hand of god and make an intercession for us all he's just reminding them of who they are and where they've been who shall separate us from the love of christ shall tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or peril or sword or pandemic or political upheaval or social injustice or or pick your pick your top three as is written for your sake we are killed all the day long so he identifies that there's trouble we are counted as sheep or slaughter this is how the world looks at us yet on all those things yet and all those things you ready yet in all those things we are more than conquerors he's saying you're not just surviving folks you're thriving to him who loved us and then he gets it he gets a drop to mike moment i love this i think paul had a little bit of salt in him i just do i just believe he was just a little salty at times because then he says for i'm persuaded i'm persuaded that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities now he's on a roll no powers no things present nor things to come hope hallelujah no height nor depth you can just see the preacher i didn't coming out nor any other created thing shall be able to separate us from the love of god which is in christ jesus our lord boom drop the mic father we thank you for this day we ask you to bless i ask you to bless every heart that is here everybody that's online anybody that would hear these words whether they're in the hallways or the the four year the lobby that we would hear the word of god and it would rest on our hearts today and whatever is not of you lord would just fade away that only that which is pure and good would remain in our hearts today and it would cause us to plant a stake in the ground and to say jesus christ is enough we bless you in jesus name amen well i believe that we find ourselves in the same place as the early believers who would have thought 18 months ago that we would have been experiencing what would be an experience the last 18 months i remember thinking this too shall pass very quickly i was one of those guys i was not a i was not an early adopter of a long-term pandemic i was just i was just thinking this is going to be a blip in the road this is going to be like the chickenpox we're going to have about seven days of this and we're going to get out of it little did i know that we were going to shut down and divide and separate and put on all kinds of gears protect one another protect ourselves from each other and get online to do all we could do to sort of stay connected little did i know that that we weren't going to be able to find toilet paper never had it never thought about that never had a doubt i never had a thought that i was going to have to get there early to get my little box of kleenex never glad that was thoughts and then you add to the weight and what you begin to feel is the society became fearful because we didn't know what was going on we had fear of the unknown and challenges came in separation we got isolated hostility our society sort of became divisive and somewhat angry i was on a plane the other day and a lady got arrested because that she wanted pretzels instead of peanuts i mean big stuff and everybody around her thought they had to sort of chime in i mean i always thought you put your headphones on and you had your headphones for a reason and that would be a good reason if there's conflict around you and you have nothing to do with it put your headphones on put on some praise start praying you don't want anybody to get arrested just because there's not the right kind of peanuts on a plane but it's just that kind of we're on that edge now when you cut somebody off in traffic they don't swear at you they just shoot you it's angry we're an angry people we're an angry society there's frustration there's confusion we don't know what to do with all of this there's information on top of information there's social economical political sociological cultural challenges how do we move forward through it all this and just maybe without getting too eorish you know that's a word eor is she remember winnie the pooh and eor just trying to help you out trying to stay with me okay nothing good ever happens anymore that's what eor said nothing good ever happens to me there's going to be another lousy day i'm telling you what it's it's like that ongoing drip of water on your forehead it's that ongoing tension that we wake up and it's still the same dream or some of us the same nightmare that we've gone through there's not that rest and there's not that re release there's not that peace there's the mercies of the lord may be new every morning but we're not feeling all that and we might end up in a christ is a belief i think we need to personalize what we just read because paul's reminding them he's saying dear saints god is more than able to take care of you he will do what he says he will do christ's love will be forever it's unshakable it's inseparable it's undeniable and it will not fail we need to be reminded that there is a heaven again and a hell to lose we need to be reminded that the enemy is a liar we need to be reminded that greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world we need to be reminded that we're the head not the bottom we're not we're that god is for us that we live in a world of of grace and favor and even through suffering he makes a way for us we need to be reminded that those of the we walk through the valley of the shadow of death that shadows never kill anybody they just intimidate we need to be reminded we're going to set at the presence of his of uh uh we're going to sit in the presence of our enemies at his table he's going to feed us we need to be reminded that god is more than enough in our life glad you did that i need a drink but he doesn't just stop there he doesn't just remind him he persuades them he says i am persuaded i want to talk to you a bit about the moment that we're persuaded again you know when i got saved when i came to jesus christ i knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that that was a great exchange in my life i knew that i had given all my junk to to the father and he'd given me all of his good stuff back i knew it was a wonderful trade i was giving him anger and hostility unforgiveness and i left after that moment knowing that i knew that i knew that i knew that if i laid my head at night and went to sleep and if i never woke up again that i was going to be in the presence of the lord i knew that beyond a shadow of a doubt i was persuaded but how many times maybe have we left a service or a word of inspiration or conviction and the world began to come in and we weren't quite as persuaded any longer paul says i'm persuaded that the believer is more than a conqueror through adversity through sickness to attack through doubt through persecution through pandemic through cultural challenges i'm persuaded i'm personally convinced converted and courageously moving forward in faith i'm not backing away backing off backing down i am persuaded that i will still be salt and light in a lost and dying world do you know when the light is the brightest during the darkest moments you know this is the this is a time the church can be the most dynamic force in our society because everyone when everyone loses their head those who keep their mind are really noticed we have the ability to be salt and light like never before so i'm going to talk about the frequency that we live on some of us have sort of tuned into a frequency that says it's bad it's going to get worse some of us are on this frequency of saying i'm going to hold on and just hope it ends some of us have our eyes closed and our fist clenched going i'm not here and it's not hot and you're standing in the middle of hell you're just going to confess deny yourself into a better place our frequency determines our direction what we're listening to in our heart determines are we hearing the voice of god are you hearing the father say well done good and faithful servant are you hearing the father say i'm for you not against you are you hearing the father or the spirit ushering those words is the holy spirit coming to you and whispering words to you and unctions from the from the father of god because he prays the perfect will of god it says into our spirit are we are we walking in the holy spirit to the point that we're hearing god speak to us in favorable terms because the world's not i think the first thing we have to do let me unpack this for just a minute how to be persuaded first of all we've got to tune in you got to tune in that frequency what are we going to tune into we're going to tune into the presence of god we're going to get into the presence of god practicing his presence daily so how do you do that well you you wake up how many you know that it's impossible to get away from god i think the bible tells us that right where can i go that you're not already there i can't go even into the the pit of hell that i haven't seen you i can't jonah found that out he couldn't find he couldn't get out of god's will if and he tried and he tried it really hard so the presence of god we need to get back into the presence of god drawing to me says the lord draw an eye into me says the lord resist the enemy and he will flee draw unto the lord eat the manna of god every day the prophet the psalmist says taste and see that the lord he is good we've got to get to the breath of god where we fill his heart and know his spirit and know who he is romans 8 12 says therefore brethren we are debtors not to the flesh to live according to the flesh for if you live according to the flesh you will die but if by the spirit you put to death the deeds of the body you will live for as many as are led by the spirit of god these are the sons of god getting in god's presence means that we join god's family we get to be as kids folks we're no longer foster kids we're no longer orphan kids we are adopted by the most high we get to come in you know what that means that means we have excuse me means we have a drink it means we have relationship instead of religion let me just tell you religion is not going to help us it's going to give us a bunch of rules and regulations and do's and don'ts relationships going to usher us in to the presence of god how many know it's hard to be in god's presence if you're afraid of him if you think you're if you think our god is gonna hurt us if he's gonna up there and he's got a big sticker he's keeping score waiting for us to finally make too many mistakes so he can get that lightning bolt on us he's our heavenly father he loves his kids it says that we've got the spirit of adoption whereby we cry out abba father dad let me give you what this means in vernacular terms it means that we have refrigerator privileges with god had four teenagers at one time in our house robbie never came in the house and said father may i have a glass of milk mother will you cook me a small morsel of bread that i might eat and be able to live another day i just want to serve you and it happened my brother came in like he bought the refrigerator [Applause] he came in like everything in the refrigerator he owned he bought it too so he got into my refrigerator took my milk didn't even get a glass just drank it right out of the jug made him a ham sandwich and he sit down at my table and he ate his food without a thought of who owned what and there are some of us that we're coming to church and god's not father he's just somebody that needs to be appeased and then i could sit with him and we could talk about his day we didn't have to keep score on who bought the milk we didn't have to keep scoring whose refrigerator it was i didn't have to remind him that i made the mortgage payment well me and the bank are you following me some of us need to get in his presence and we need to return back to the father and get a father's heart perspective we've been given the spirit of adoption now this is important to me because i'm adopted i'm one of those little adopted kids born in tacoma my parents were from texas they drove up here they picked me and my brother up and they gave me this accent they moved me right back to texas i used to be smart people like you guys i mean now it's y'all and you bet i you know i don't finish sentences or anything anymore when i was adopted though great story i'll tell you something when pastor d lists me back in you know i found my mother after 20 years great redemption great restoration story my it just made me feel much more in love with my adopted parents but now i have a relationship with my biological mom and her family and just just a tremendous story i'm really riding the clutch here not to tell all of it anyway when i when i when i located my mom i was already saved following the lord we weren't in ministry yet but we were on our way uh in bible school and uh but i still had this gnawing in my heart of of rejection really is what it was i wanted to i wanted to be appreciated i wanted to be valued i never felt valued it wasn't my father it wasn't my mother they were great great people there was just a hole in my heart because of the adoption not because of anything that i did or they did it was just part of life god's will but yet i still have this hole in my heart so i find my mom i come up here we my brother and i we make connection we go through some forgiveness and she gets saved and and goes on to school she had she dropped out of school she finished her gd she goes on to nursing school tremendous restoration takes place i'm on the i'm on the way back home uh on a plane and i've got my big king james thompson chain reference bible that would choke a mule i've got that on the little desk there and i'm reading through it and the lord takes me to romans 8. romans 8 15 and he says you're a son i was changed immediately my perspective changed i no longer had to go to church and try to appease god i no longer had to go and try to all i needed to be is in his presence i was his kid i was his son and he and we were sons and daughters all of a sudden i wasn't just a servant just trying to be a better christian i was a son and if i fail he picks me up if i do well he pats me on the back but says keep going he didn't put my elbows and my in my in my feet in the in such a place is to kick myself in the in the rear end or to pat myself on the back because i'm his kid he'll give me the appreciation that i need he gives me the affirmation that i need he also gives me the correction when i need it because he's my dad and when you're in his presence what you get is a new identity some of us come in this room and we're just focused in on who we've been the bible says that all things have become new there's nothing old under the sun now in your life he didn't come jesus didn't come to make you a better person he came to make you a new person he gave you a new name he gave you a new intimacy he gave you a new relationship he said he says you're no longer rule followers you're no longer in religion you're in relationship he gave you intimacy he gave you refrigerator privileges he gave you grace he gave you a restoration he gives us renewal he gives us a new authority he gives us a new destiny we need to get in his presence folks we need to get in the presence of the lord the presence of the lord there's fullness of joy there's peace i will enter into his gates with thanksgiving i will enter his courts with praise i will be in his presence because when i practice his presence i practice peace how many of us need just a little piece right now i don't know what tomorrow looks like i just know that when i get off here and i'll get into the news channels again that there's going to be plenty to worry about and there's a lot of things that concern me i mean our brothers and sisters in in afghanistan now that should concern us but i shouldn't cause this anxiety crazy stuff in me there ought to come from a position of peace that god is still in control and and yet there there may be some decisions that were made that weren't good but yet god's still in control he's not up there going oh i wish they would have made that decision i don't want to make light of it but at the same time i want to come to a position of presence in the lord because how many you know when there's one one thousand one one we'll call one thousand flight two will cause ten thousand to fly two or when two or three are gathered together in my name and such anything there i'm in the midst he said the three chord flat uh strand is hard to break getting his presence secondly let's tune out the noise of the world what time am i supposed to be done again when the door opens and it sucks me down and i don't know okay this is like 126. i better hurry then let's tune out the noise of the world tune in the friends of god tune out the noise of the world how many know that the world is really noisy first second timothy says but know this that the last days prayerless times will come men are going to be lovers of themselves and lovers of money and boasters and proud and blasphemers and disobedient paul then writes to say to timothy but you have carefully followed my doctrine you're not of that world you're of this world you're of this manner of life your purpose your long-suffering your perseverance follow my doctrine saying enjoy a biblical worldview how do you turn out the noise of the world and it's very noisy we walk in a biblical fashion we walk in a biblical world view you've got the world here and the church here it's supposed to be different right but how many you know the world never stayed stationary just go third 30 years from ago 30 years of the past the world looks way different now right so the world moves and the world moves and the world moves again and if we're not careful the church just moves as well it's still different from the world but god's standard is still right here and we move over here and we move over here and all this noise hits us because now we don't really know because biblical doctrine the doctrine of the faith of the saints is still in this place god's voice is still found the same today the same yesterday and the day for and the day tomorrow does that make sense i'm talking about transformational truth many of us live in transactional truth let's make a deal now i believe in gravity you don't have to believe in gravity but if you fall off this building your belief system will be challenged but i also understand there's a moment when the facts get in the way of the truth the bible doesn't say you shall know the facts and the facts will make you free the bible says you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free and make you free so i don't want to get into this you know crazy fact factless world but i do want you to know that there are times that biblical truth has a perspective that's different than the world around you let's look at david and goliath you know you had the israelites they were on one side and you had the philistines on the other side and goliath would come in the middle nine foot six you know massive guy and he would say i'd defy the the the living god i defy the armies of israel and they say he said come down and beat me up if any of you guys can take me then we'll surrender and all these guys dressed up in their in their christianity's uniforms this is the day they had their praise going on they knew their stuff nobody wanted to go in the valley except david he shows up five foot ten nothing he goes to the brook after trying on saul's armor in other words stay in your own lane he he says he gets those five smooth stones and he says goliath says you're coming to me you pipsqueak you nothing how can you do this how can you even expect to even fight me the noise of the world is goliath screaming at us every day and david looks at him and says you come to me with sword and with spear i come at you in the name of the lord and today you're going to be bird food and he looks at goliath and then he looks at god he goes okay i'll take god some of us got to look past the problem see the promise we gotta block out the noise in fact i think goliath says on the way this is definitely i'm making this up i think he takes that stone he looks in and goes oh my heavens god thank you for making him so big who could miss that guy and sometimes we just need to dial in some perspective folks we're looking at a big problem and the lord's saying you know what the reason that giants were in the promised land and so i needed somebody pretty big to keep it promised so that my people who would come in with my faith and my ability could take their land goliath needed to be a big guy so that god would get the glory you're not going to give the glory to a 5 foot 10 guy the last thing i would say is as we tune out the noise tune up the praise the joy of the lord is our strength family for some of us we just need we need to be inoculated with joy we need to get enough joy in us that no weapon formed against us is going to prosper philippians says rejoice in the lord always and again i say rejoice there's an old song named i'm not going to sing it let your gentleness be known to all men that the lord is at hand be anxious for nothing but everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to god and the peace of god which surpass all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through christ jesus the joy of the lord is our strength tune up the praise turn off the news tune up the praise whatever your praise song is now i mean if it's this new stuff that i don't understand the words then do that mine sounds a little bit like i love you lord and i lift my voice this is the day say i'm old school man i just but you know what i'm old enough now i don't care that i'm old school so whatever your praise button is find that would get you in his presence jehoshaphat sent the worshipers out before he sent the warriors out well that was good paul and silas in the middle of prison what do they do they're praising the lord they're not in just prison they're in the inner prison they're locked up their hands are locked their feet are locked they're in shackles or you know they're real fearful i mean the the real risk flight risk oriented because they've been in the square preaching this whole time so you know they've but anyway they're in there they begin to i don't know what they saying i don't know how they praised and prayed but i know all of a sudden everybody around them heard some of us are in a prison we're going why am i in this prison this is unfair god and maybe the lord just wants you to sort of tune up because there's a lot of people around you that need the salt and light in your spirit they need to hear what you got it could just be your kids finally brethren whatever things are true whatever things are noble whatever things are just whatever things appear think on these things so now we're going to go back back to where we started what shall we say to these things what shall we say to these things in our life right now we should say if god is for us who can be against us he who did not spear his own son but delivered him for us all how shall he not with him also freely give us all things who's going to bring a charge against god's elect it's god who justifies who is he going to condemn it is christ who died and furthermore who also risen and sits at the right hand of god constantly making intercession for us who shall separate us from the love of christ shall tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness oh no i am persuaded that none of these things family life death angels principalities powers present things to come height depth or any other creative thing shall separate us from the love of god in christ jesus practice his presence tune out the world and find the power of joy in your life let me pray with you lord thank you for this time that i've had with this wonderful congregation i pray you bless them you encourage them holy spirit i ask you to move through this audience and just touch every heart in their particular way in your particular fashion that god that you would quicken the mortal bodies in our lives that you would that you would bring wholeness to the soul and the lord you would equip us for the next good work i prayed there's a fresh word a new song in hearts even now and that god will be careful to give you all the praise and the glory in jesus name amen
Channel: Crossroads Community Church
Views: 424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Crossroads
Id: dYEwp7XF56k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 24sec (2304 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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