A special on beauty........

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hello welcome to another vlog now today you find me naked naked of the face because as i told you last week i haven't got much to share with you because i'm busy getting ready to go away for our long weekend our bank holiday here in the uk and i'm actually leaving my city for the first time in five months and going to portsmouth to visit my older school friends it's all right we're safe because she has a separate annex for her guests so all cool and obviously we're allowed to travel a bit around the country now um but this week it's all about the makeup i'm doing a little how i prepare my skin how i do really casual but essential makeup and i wanted to show you these beautiful pajamas i mean doesn't this look like an amazing shirt but they're actually gorgeous gym jams that i got today look what i asked for and they so kindly sent me oh these pajamas are to die for oh my god they'll be ethical they're made in scotland lapis pin i have to stand on the chair because i can't actually move the camera today because it's on a static tripod with a nice ring light because it's very dark and gloomy and we've had rain but aren't these gorgeous they're silk and organic cotton i think the trims are got oh that's silk that's silk anyway it's a really good make it's rora cashmere but this is silk and organic cotton they're very very eco-minded they're a uk brand and i'll put all the details below they gifted me these beautiful pajamas so thank you bro i always need new gym jams so i'm all ready now there's nothing here that i've been paid for or um sponsored uh but i have probably shared sorry i'm trying to get myself higher probably shared them with you before i'll bring you a bit nearer um because it's all casual on here isn't it right is that high enough that's good isn't it am i looking in the right place yes i am woohoo lovely to see you again right the first thing i do and these are things most of this i do every single day let's get you a bit closer let's get my mirror there so i'll be doing that a lot um right first of all obviously after washing the face um this is number seven i'll put all the details below but i love this facial oil um after my basic morning moisturizer i do this i put this oil all over you'll see why because i found a new beauty gadget called hail h-a-y-o-u that my one of my friends tipped me off about she raved about it um and i have to say i mean the skin it's looking really good so i just do this night and morning this is really cooling i'm probably not doing i'll do another one of these when i've learned how to do it um it's not a freebie i paid for this all myself but i can actually do you remember when i did that wonderful um face massage with the beautiful abigail james she was advising the same sort of thing for puffy eyes with the backs of spoons so this is so cool i wish we had feel it i wish you could feel this beautifully cool so this takes minutes and it just wakes my face up so do one two three four five six one two three four five six most important bit one two do it down now do it like that three so it goes into the length four five six and i'm doing a quick version so it's waking up my skin five six and then there's all sorts of accu pressure points there's one that one there and there's one there there's one there they give you all the instructions and also i did have another little one for the eye and i managed to smash it literally on the first day and it was 35 quid so i'm not paying for another one so i'm just using this oh and here now we need to wait this bit up this bit very important and the lips so that's all i do in the morning and moisturizer but another top tip i love my top tips and i know you do take a toothbrush and wake your lips up i have to do it like this wake your lips up get all the blood going to your lips to give you a natural pout i hope i'm not going mad on the lippy today there's not much point on um there's not much point in lippy is there because we're wearing face masks all the time right those are tingling then follow it with a balm now i am using again researched and found online a licorice balm um which apparently i was getting awful outbreaks of coats walls um and then i found online all these testimonials about how people can hear jack snoring again how people um haven't suffered from kill tools since they started using this i haven't had one cold sore since i started using this how a licorice bomb does that is beyond me but it's prepared my lips for later on so lips are prepared faces prepared eyebrows smooth out little nice and awake in my pajamas right the first thing i use now i never understood bb creams cc creams i mean there's some sort of foundation before you put your foundation on but what i love about this one it's cosmetics you might have seen me raving on about them on instagram um this is a 50 factor so even if i don't do foundation you'll see as it goes on oh gosh have i got i haven't gotten ah hang on a minute talk amongst yourselves i need a wet cloth i had a wet cloth already hello jack because you know because you know what foundation's like goes all over your hands so this is the cc it cosmetics 50 factor and i don't go out to walk jack on even on a no makeup day now we're well into spring although it feels more like bloody winter today um i never go out without this so that's my bass bass can you see the difference already it's very difficult on video i can see it in the mirror i don't know if you can oh and now the sun's coming out so all the color is going to change so that's my very base base however they have sent me something free thank you it um which is it's called i'm going to leave my glasses now bye bye oh i can see it bye bye under eye because i always think my shadows are bad um this is brilliant you only need a tiny bit you warm it up between your fingers and then you oh and you know they sent me this amazing brush we probably don't know but one end is for the foundation and the other end is for eyes so i'm putting look that's quite a lot that's probably too much i'm not very good at this am i i would make people laugh when i do these serious makeup however with the brush listen to jack that's better isn't it opening my mouth we always open our mouths does that look a bit better now i wouldn't do this every day but i'm doing it just to show you because i'm well impressed with this stuff we'll see once the whole foundation goes on right then we have it oh now this is great that's probably why my skin's looking better your skin but better foundation so it's actually foundation with skin care so the more you use it it's got antioxidants in and all the stuff you need so this is just awesome stuff i always put too much on i probably should have given it a big shake right that's all i'm doing and then we get the brush working oh look look how the coverage is i think the coverage is amazing so what do you think i'm well input i'm gonna have to take this all off again because i really am in pajamas today so there we are that's a lovely lovely base straight for older women all these makeups i'm suggesting none of them are going you know they're not made especially for older women but they suit older skin because look there's nothing going into the creases like so many foundations do um i won't use any other now i've discovered this brilliant right this is very old smart box that i was given ages ago um and i'm just going to put some blusher on i've just done my eyes first i'm doing everything else about it but one thing i did pick up on um it was just a little little snippet from a makeup program and she said i think it was i can't remember what it was drag race i think it was drag race anyway the top tip was if you want cheekbones you move up up up all the way up so i've started doing that i also used to do that but now i go up up up see i've got cheekbones up up up so keep going up up up up how's that how are those cheekbones do you look like a doll i do hope not right i just have to look in the mirror no it's fab fab right i do very little to eyes and lips lips mostly because i'm always in a bloody mask um eyebrows because we've opened up a lot more now and are coming out of lockdown i have had my eyebrows tinted and my lovely lady uses henna it's much better she thinks it's much better i think it's much better but if the eyebrows are going gray which mine are all sparse which mine sometimes are you can fill it in very easily with an eye makeup pencil i love pencils for everything so if i'm feeling they're a bit sparse i'll use what i use for i should probably should have washed it in between shouldn't i although i am clean um and this is all i do in the morning or the afternoon whenever i need my eyes to look a bit more open again i don't bother if i'm just walking the dog because i'm always in sunglasses come rain or shine um but it just opens the eyes up a bit i don't use mascara for some reason i've got weird eyes that within five minutes any mascara or eyeliner will be look it's already happening right under my eyes great big dark um smudges all right i do a little bit of this this is ancient what is it oh it's number seven a little um just a little tiny bit of don't forget this isn't for going out at night i'm still not going out at night because i don't want to sit outside in the freezing cold in a pub garden but you know i will do another one for night makeup when i'm doing something exciting and more school no mask um my minimum lippy is just a little neutral lip liner i'll put down what i've used below but obviously everybody has a different skin tone um that just helps a bit i do find less is more as you get older and i really love glosses so i'll probably go for a nice pink for during the day this is just out and about like that got a lovely brown one i got three for the price of two at boots until i'm a number seven fan whoops and that's a brownie one so how's that that's really natural look isn't it if i'm doing photography or going somewhere terribly smart or feeling like a big lippie then i will put a really deep deep bright one bright nails bright lippy um but this is how i do it for just looking a bit more human without making a huge effort and now i'm going to have to take it all off now several people have asked how i do my quiff so i thought i'd show you what i do on a day-to-day basis um bearing in mind this desperately needs bleaching and i've also had to cut it myself um but this is how if you've got a long fringe it's too long for me to show you it as a fringe i can't sort of sort it out till i see the hairdresser it's nice if you can do both in fact that's a really nice look with the hair gripping anyway this is how i do my quiff for those who were asking it's really really really really really easy first get a good comb and back comb it back comb back comb back oh and don't try and do it with clean hair the cleaner the hair the more slippy it is and the more difficult it is to do so okay so that's beginning to stand up all on its own just comb that bit and then there's a little gap in there and then you just fold it down holding it hey grips i'll put in one each side just to be really safe one i i see i i tend to do these before i put the scarf on and then putting the scarf on ruins them so for heaven's sake do the scarf first right then pull it out a bit there we go the whole 50s vibe if you want your fringe to look grayer this is the best top tip ever given to me by a dear friend in byron who's an ace photographer see look how white that is all it is is dry shampoo so i've cleaned my fringe and my fringe quiff is a beautiful white gray which is what i'm really into this summer um summer spring and finally just before you go out hairspray how easy was that i hope it helped so for all of you who are growing your fringes out i've got long fringes um easy peasy lemon squeezy let me know i had actually finished my filming for the day but i happened to answer instagram before i left the seat and noticed that there were a couple of questions about how i do my head scarves and keep them on now there are loads of headscarf tutorials on reels on igtv on my youtube channel but because i've just seen them now and i'm all dressed up it may make the quiff go array but i'll show you the best material i hate doing this because it's going to bugger up my quiff so you have to do the scarf first i should have done it but it was already on so this fabric is my favorite i would tell you what they are because they turn into tops and i sell them but we've all sold out so i can't tell you what they are so i can get back to australia and buy more but basically but basically this is muslin and also cotton is really good silk is not silk is really slippy so a nice natural fabric fabric like cotton or muslin and you can always get pre-loved which is even better for the planet um and don't have clean hair it's really difficult on clean shiny hair you want it a bit dirty perfect opportunity to cover up your dirty hair um so this is all i do it's really quick it's a long band but you see you'll see how difficult it is with the quiff it's not going to ruin the quiff but basically tie it once tie it twice see how you can tie it tight round there see how um easy it is to tie it just doesn't slip because it's a natural non-slippy fabric and just do as many as you like that's too many i would say that's enough maybe tuck that one in there or you could do it that way and tie it underneath as well but i find if you're really worried try a couple of sneaky grips like in there in there or turn it into a thing could make it into a thing and put a little pretty diamonte clip in there so i should have done that before oh look the crystal right there you go so that's how you do it keep it very very natural fabrics and don't have incredibly clean hair i hope that helps all the people who wanted more headscarf tutorials and wanted help with their quips see you soon i seem to be in a traffic jam in the middle of the country this is where i am i am going for my pyramid facial which is a natural sort of face lifting um treatment that i've had before but two years ago so i'll put the link below so you can see what i did last time she's also going to take care of my wrinkly arms they've gone wrinkly in the last two years um and hopefully this well we'll see this will be a lot tighter she'll work on this and me upper arms so stay tuned hello i'm here in the torture chamber emma's going to come and say hello um i forgot to do before from my arms but look at them now we'll pop a photo of before when they were really wrinkly you know how they go girls that awful rink anyway the wrinkles have gone and how's the face looking she's done lots of little one fantasy she's done lots of lifting here and fat reduction i've got a fat face i haven't got a fat face anymore um what's it called volume volume and the dynamic muscle activation and dynamic muscle activation volume and dynamic muscle activation um anyone when in america wherever um if you can find a clinic that does pyramids facials pyramid facials like a natural facelift that's what they do and with a really piercy nasty thing what's that called tricky trick tricky the micro needling micro needling boy that hurts but all of this will get the collagen producing and it will be over the next six weeks it will just get better and better and better but according to mz my skin's in really good nick anyway so you know that all that collagen i've been drinking and the healthy diets and everything else is and the spf 50. most importantly it's working ooh they're a bit dark aren't they anyway um i've got no makeup on other than my it cosmetics cc or nearly said bb cc cream 50 factor um so what do you think now that i've slept on it i'm very happy this is so much better so um not the cheapest facial in the world however this is all the treatments i need for two years i'll show you in six weeks it gets better and better each day i must get those collagen drinks in again and then you can have a top up which is no more than um a normal good good you know micro dermabrasion type facial um so i'm going to have top ups every six weeks to two months to keep this under control and my arms what about those arms so that's my two year treatment done and oh my god it's so much cheaper than a facelift um and i still look like me look look exactly the same i don't even look that much better i bet to you but i look better to me you know what it's like girls anyway thank you so much for watching this super always too bright super duper made bank holiday beauty vlog it's been all about the beauty so i hope you'll try some of this oh and a bit of style yes the head scarves so i hope you have um a wonderful bank holiday monday for those in the uk and i hope you have a lovely rest of the week and i'll see you next week don't forget to thumbs up subscribe spread the word and all the usual i'm ever so grateful we've passed three thousand so onwards upwards us older folk older only slightly older older in body not in mind or attitudes see you soon
Channel: Alternative Ageing
Views: 15,219
Rating: 4.9734221 out of 5
Keywords: beauty tips, facials, make up tutorial, beauty hacks, headscarf tying, how to do a quiff
Id: 98d1LTe_5Ec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 18sec (1578 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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