A Solid 20 Minutes of Weird Facts About Rocket League

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Through The Years one of the main focuses of this channel has been scripted content about the history and stories of Rocket League whether it be controversial updates crazy bugs or even full documentaries about topics such as the XP system or players cheating at the game these videos have been painstakingly researched and designed to educate my viewers about rocket League information that is technically useless in this special compilation I've assembled some of the best of the most useless information I have ever uncovered this updated package is here to give you 20 solid minutes of Rocket League stories glitches achievements history Easter eggs and random facts that don't matter at all in the old rocket League menu the competitive tab used to feature a picture that showed one of the blue players actively challenging the ball back to his own side which if you've solo C 3es before is actually pretty accurate a player named jet Fox figured out a way to host rocket League lobbies with more than eight players this has allowed us to do some crazy things like A10 V10 Heat Seeker video or even this shot where we lined up 19 scarabs and scored a goal using the air strike goal explosion I can't think of a better card to do this to than a Scarab beautiful when the air strike go explosion was first released it actually used to credit these demolitions individually to each player that died as a self demo this has been changed and now no demos are awarded to your stats in a July 2015 patch one of the noted gameplay features was that the blade on the propeller head topper would now rotate it was a very exciting time this rler found out that rocket League technically counts stats while waiting in the tournament ready screen when the game ended because the other team failed to show up he was awarded the enforcer title in the win screen for getting 24 bumps on his teammate in November 20120 a player named nebula actually captured the moment that the Halloween event ended and the menu screen turned back to normal how did that come to be it just the Halloween just ended and it just went w actually mean it faded to Black and then went back to the normal I will piss oh my goodness I'm now going to take you on a chronological drive through the field of Rocket League when the game first launched in July 2015 there were four Maps Beckwith Park dfh Stadium Manfield stadium and urban Central a month later the first free map dropped Utopia Coliseum December 2015 began a year-long run of controversial map releases from psionics starting with Wasteland and its curved sides followed by the former experimental map underpass appearing in ranked as neot too Aquadome came along and may have been standard size and shape but had terrible performance issues and eventually had to be redesigned the year finished with the final non-standard release a giant octagon known as Starbase Arc in July 2017 rocket League celebrated its 2-year anniversary with Champions field and by September of that year all non-standard maps had been removed and redesigned while the seasonal map Farmstead made its first first appearance salty Shores followed in May 2018 at which point there was a year and a half drought before forbidden Temple dropped in January 2020 our Arena Journey continues next to the field that has since been removed from rotation due to Performance issues neon Fields August 2021 took us to Dead Eye Canyon after which it was over 12 months before Sovereign Heights arrived in 2022 and then finally our Arena travels come to an end in the only new map of 2023 AO vaita a content creator named veds once counted all the eggs in the stands of Manfield and came to a total of 32247 after I mentioned this feat in a previous video cyx technical artist Adam Beckwith reached out to me and said he got curious and decided to check the number himself based entirely off polygons the exact number is actually 4,351 but Adam adds that a bunch of the egg Poes are hidden under geometry so V's number is probably still pretty close during beta hitting the ball with supersonic was called a bullet hit and awarded you with 20 points here's a few clips of Link yuru hitting them back in 2014 now while I was watching this beta footage I noticed there was actually a kill cam whenever you got demoed almost like cyx thought you should know who did it so you could tag him back since 2017 cyx has given out special wheel codes to those that buy tickets to the land World Championship once redeemed these rare wheels are untradeable but people are known to save their codes to trade or sell later this is the story of a Trader named odak who've been trying to get a hold of denum pro wheels for a long time but since they're now over 4 years old there's not a lot of unredeemed codes out there eventually he found one which he purchased for over 300,000 credits but that's not the most interesting part of the story no it's the incredible coincidence that the code he bought started with Zer daac or odac his actual ingame name forbidden Temple is arguably the most detailed and beautiful map in the game with its waterfall blossoming trees koi fish and reflective Pond but those Reflections are all lies yes they've actually been faked by using using upside down copies of the trees and buildings well played psionics the mg-88 decal for the octane has C8 h18 printed on the side which is the molecular formula for the hydrocarbon called octane little warning for all you plats out there if you ever head to Salty Shores you're going to need to park on the street as underground parking is diamonds only in early 2016 a player posted a video to Reddit showing that demolition explosions could move the ball now one of the devs chimed in to say this was intended but originally as a much more powerful force during development they increased the mass of cars in the ball and didn't adjust the demolition explosion Force accordingly thus ending up with a barely noticeable Effect Note according to my own recent tests this seems to have finally been patched out sometime over the last year and now demolitions can no longer move the ball there are 54 individually named Bots their names are divided into many themes including Wild West astronauts and characters from the movie Top Gun to name a few including DLCs and platform exclusives there are 35 cars that use the octane hitbox the roof of Champions field was designed to mimic the diamond and Wing design of the old grand champion logo in the early days of Rocket league players discovered HTML could be used to change the color and style of your name and chat in game though giant text sometimes was reported to cause game crashes this unintended feature was quickly patched up in March 2021 a player posted a picture of himself on Reddit while he was stuck in an OT rule one surprisingly the actual player he was against commented on the post while they were still in the game after using quick chat to confirm it was indeed him the original poster suggested the only option was for them to both turn off their consoles at the same time unfortunately one of them eventually ended up dcing after 11-minute OT the fully textured tunnel underneath Urban Central has been the focus of a lot of speculation over the years but according to Ben Beckwith the designer of the map the actual answer is that it's just an unfinished feature as he had originally intended the trains above the map to also run underneath it rocket League cars are often named differently in the game files for example Dominus is called muscle car roadhog is Rhino and Hot Shot is torment most likely because driving one in real life would be a pretty painful experience most of the cars though seem to follow a bread themed naming convention the Jagger is sourdough the centio is pumper nickel and the Mantis is flatbread this of course is a reference to psionic CEO David hegwood hating bread and promising to eat a bunch of it if rocket League reached 10,000 concurrent players during launch week spoiler he had to eat his bread it's alleged that the first aerial goal scored in the rocket League Alpha was by fisho on the first day in February 2014 it was actually a bicycle kick goal and almost looks like a musty which is amazing cuz this is 2014 this sharp battle cars vet went on to perform the first documented use of a flip reset in March 2016 though at the time he called it a flip restore which I guess is accurate but I'm glad that name didn't stick overly enthusiastic item slot descriptions can be found in the code for the rocket League garage menu now I think these upbeat taglines were originally intended to appear on the screen during item selection but since they were never used I thought it'd be fun to simulate what it would be like if these cheesy promps were part of the garage and to help with that I've enlisted The Voice talents of geneng content creator Widow completely change your vehicle Style with a new body style I'm not really good at picking style but uh there's something about this road hog that speaks to me tiger stripes polka dots all fair with vehicle skins wait all fair so putting flames on the side of my car is not going to make me faster what a ripoff polish your look with some sweet new treads when you say polish I think clean and uh Easy Choice cleanest wheels in the game cristianos right in the sky with your own custom rocket boost W wo wo wo think you might be overestimating my skill a little bit uh but if you need any grass writing done I'm your guy a wobbly piece of flare really compliments the entire outfit well I don't usually bother but when Widow says you need more flare you need more flare a must have for any true battle car all design must be topped off with a Topper makes sense to me now our final description is for an item slot that never actually made it out of alpha you see you used to be able to attach a bow tie or a mustache to the bumper slot of your car and for the bumper the tagline is the last thing they will see before you demolish them so basically the last thing they would see is a mustache which I think is a pretty funny way to go all right big thanks to Widow for helping me out with this one cyx if you want a fully vo menu system I think we know who you need to hire sometimes players may ask why Arenas like dfh Stadium Manfield and champions do not have their country's flag but now the true story is the flags flying in those stadiums are only from countries of players who participated in the Alpha version of Rocket League now speaking of flags at launch the American flag antenna was found to have only 45 Stars this was fixed in a patch about a month later some of the buildings around dfh Stadium are shaped like boost pads from rocket League's predecessor supersonic acrobatic rocket powered battle cars the string three wheels from season 1 rocket pass actually have a wobble like a real shot shopping cart on January 7th 2021 for the first time ever the rocket League item shot featured only black market items now Legend tells of people using Creator code rocket Sledge while buying but no actual footage exists to prove it happened the octane statue in Champions field has Alpha Wheels yes even statues have an inventory that's worth more than yours for April fools in 2017 cyx released a flavorful update to the ranking system making everyone vegetables while the highest rank at the time was GC or grand eggplant the concept has been reimagined by Reddit mod Iggy eggs who made this updated graphic that now includes the prestigious rank of SuperSonic mushroom at launch this is what rocket League gameplay on the Nintendo switch looked like okay that was a lie this is actually a clip from a video by lpec gamer that shows the results of removing textures and lowering the graphics to the absolute minimum by way of altering the config files when rocket League went freeo play in 2020 a new crate likee system called drops was introduced they come in a variety of Rarities that indicate the level of the items they are most likely to contain but in the game files there are two drops you probably haven't heard of before as of December 2023 black market and exotic drops still remain in limbo and have yet to be seen in game recently a redler named kill it before it lay egg left a bot match on overnight and woke up to find they had managed to score over 2,000 goals and had six figure Point totals during initial play testing the ball in heat seeker was a bright glowing orb as seen here in this early footage I was provided when I recently interviewed the dev that created this popular their LTM interestingly the mode was also originally called God ball over the last year or so there's been several posts to the rocket League subreddit that show players getting credited for a demolition against their teammate while the how has become pretty clear I've yet to see anyone accurately explain why this is happening but I think I have a pretty solid theory in the early days of Rocket League demolitions were used to remove players from the field when they left a game you may remember as I talked about this in a previous episode of the series about a year after launch the animation was switched to the lightning bolt we all know but behind the scenes the game still cons considers it to be a demolition thus bumping a teammate just as they leave or a bot just as it's replaced is for some reason making the game believe you should be credited for that demo now while it does explain why it happens I'm not sure the reason that this has recently been occurring I would guess it's an unexpected result from some other change the devs made in regards to statistics or just how in-game events are tracked and credited the fenick is most likely named after the fenic fox an animal native to the Sahara Desert one of the major differences between the two though is fenick uses the octane hit box while the fck box is a breakout if you participate in a drop shot tournament your tile damage gets classified as shots in the tournament stat screen after getting bumped just as a casual server switched from free play mode to Game Mode a player named concrete Rex found himself facing backwards for the kickoff he also told me he was able to use the hund Boost he still had but the rest of the game continued on normally this topper is one of four unique items that come with the Hot Wheels rocket League RC rival set that released in in November 2018 the play set retailed for 180 USD which is the equivalent of buying nine copies of Rocket League at that time the rocket lab's gallion ship has a little Easter egg that can be found if you fly outside the map the name of the vessel is written on the back it is the Jolly pionic the Nintendo switch version of Rocket league did not get transparent goalposts until March 2020 2 and A2 years after it was added for all other platforms rocket league has six platform exclusive cars that you've probably never seen because first of all no one uses them and second of all they appear as standard car bodies to players on other platforms on Xbox we have the armadillo from Gears of War and hog sticker which is based on the warthog from the HALO Series for Nintendo switch there's the Mario and Luigi cars and Sam's gunship which is a reference to Metroid and finally PlayStation players have sweet tooth from the game Twisted Metal strangely there are no PC exclusive cars in the game in March 2021 a player named devic posted a strange clip on Reddit that showed him spawning on the wrong side of the field after getting demoed in the comments several people called the clip about is fake but the main theory was the orange spawn locations must have been blocked thus causing him to spawn on the blue side of the field when I looked into the replay file it is true that two cars and the ball were in the spawn vicinity but really that shouldn't be an issue as contrary to popular belief there's actually four spawn locations and even if they're all blocked the game then moves on to use kickoff spawns as shown in the testing I performed here sonx did respond to the threat agreeing that there was some sort of bug but it seems it was just a one-off thing and there was no formal explanation when the ceiling shot first became popular in rocket League it was commonly referred to as a Tarzan swing if you want to learn more about rocket League mechanics that started out with very different names be sure to check out my recent video on the subject in August 2019 rocket League added the ability to get low fives and high fives by running into your teammate after a goal is scored while low fives are pretty easy the requirement of being above the crossbar to achieve a high five have left many players like me with zero high fives to show after over 4 years but this isn't an issue for two players that I have to call the high five gods of Rocket League combining for over 4,500 High fives Krillin and his teammate Goku have this down to an art now you might think maybe they're farming these in some private match but after watching a replay in which they managed to get six high fives in a game I have to say this is all skill it's a weird skill but it's skill another replay I was sent showed Goku and Krillin getting a double high five with their threes teammate from which I learned that high fives are not awarded to the goal scorer as you can see this is confirmed on the scoreboard when both Krillin and Goku are awarded the 20 points for the high five but their teammate who scored is not if you would like some tips to try and get some high fives yourself I will link one of krillin's Reddit comments in the description of this video where he explains their methods while some will probably suggest there's a lot of other things you should probably be practicing in rocket League besides high fives remember this is a video of useless information speaking of points for useless mechanics up until late 2018 rocket League used to award 10 points for first touch on a kickoff a bicycle kick on the ball an aerial hit above crossbar height and even completing a Juggle which obviously is touching the ball three times in a row without it hitting the ground while these events no longer give points they are still tracked by The Game and some of them will even appear on the screen if you select the all stats display in the settings menu also I should add contrary to an often repeated myth demolitions have never given points besides the 20 you still receive for getting seven in a game on October 1st 2020 a player named jpeg was just 48 seconds into a competitive match when it suddenly ended giving the other team the win by a coin toss now the coin toss is a feature of Rocket League that is specifically used in tourneys to prevent them from being held up or griefed matches can last a maximum of 11 minutes at which point the win goes to the team with the most shots even if that last shot was about to go in like this poor purple team here in this clip if the shots are equal the game is resolved by a coin toss as you can see in J Peg's case this wasn't a tournament it says competitive at the top of the screen and you can see his rank at the end not to mention the game wasn't even a minute old yet so why did this ranked match end in a coin flip we probably will never know in late 2016 s decided to go back and revamp the visual model for four cars the hot shot the X devil the Gizmo and the road hog here is a side by-side comparison of old versus new according to a scx developer flying was never an intended feature of the rocket League predecessor SARP battle cars and was only found to be possible during early play testing during the rocket League tutorial where you have to race a bot to touch the ball first if you bump him just right you can put that bot into an endless Circle looking for the ball special shout out to my son Seal King for showing me this one when it comes to coating it's not uncommon for things to be labeled differently in the code than they are in the actual game this is made evident when we look at the code for Rocket League Rumble abilities where the devs have used some interesting identifiers for a few of the powerups in the code the Haymaker is called the ball spring thus it makes sense that the boot in turn is the carring disruptor is enemy booster plunger is ballu and this one's my favorite spikes in code is identified as ball velcro in August 2018 an update disabled the ability to Forfeit until a minute and a half had passed in game time before that change you could start a vote to Forfeit at any time the very first rocket League Championship Series final had a prize pool of just $55,000 with 27,500 going to the winning team rocket League crossed the 8 million player Mark in November 2015 just a few months after launch meaning that established 2015 player title probably isn't as rare as you might think shortly after the start of this competitive threes game everyone but one player on orange ended up dcing after connecting back into the match Bella and his teammates found themselves in a game that had no opponents but also that wouldn't end finally after about 30 more seconds a forfeit was given even though no blue player ever rejoined my theory is that at least one of the opponents was trying to reconnect to the game and thus the server held the lobby open until it was sure no one was coming back in 2013 sinx released the iOS space shooter game called Arc Squadron it is referenced in rocket League by the Starbase Arc map and in Wasteland Stadium where pieces of this robot can be found spread around the landscape this is Zippy probably one of the more underused cars in the game thus most players don't know that this car has an Easter egg hidden in the tailights is a face a face that matches the Twitter profile picture of psionic QA manager Mark Lozano during the first couple years of Rocket League being over 50 ping was yellow and over 100 was orange this changed in 2017 and now ping is green all the way up to 110 milliseconds thus solving all internet connection problems in rocket League though each level in rocket league is shown to be 20,000 experence points this reditor found out you actually need 20,000 And1 to level up on September 24th 2020 a player named whiff King queued for a drop shot game only to end up in a regular map with a drop shot ball and no opponents while the validity of his experience was questioned in the comments several people chimed in to claim a similar thing had happened to them since this was just a day after the free-to-play release it makes sense that there would be some weird server issues going on due to the great influx of players but it's also interesting to note that I was able to find evidence of this also happening back in March 2020 when a a player queued for drop shot and this time ended up on the old neot Tokyo map with a drop shot ball if you have them turned on the song that plays in the winning screen after a game is the MVP's player Anthem rocket League Bots wiggle their wheels and kickoff much like human players if you start a bot game in rocket league with no ball the AI will sit idling in their spawn locations unless you touch them it seems they're not a fan of having players invade their personal space if you're playing Rumble with the 2016 batm whe the plunger ability appears as a batang this is what a 100 bot Rumble Match looks like they will have their powerups in 3 2 1 when you reach level 700 you used to unlock the supersonic Legend player title this title was replaced in 2020 when supersonic Legend was added as a rank above GC the title for level 700 is now instead legendary Nemesis well you made it to the end and somehow endured 20 minutes of use useless rocket League information since you got this far I can only assume you don't have much going on but you're in luck because I have 10 more minutes of Rocket League facts just waiting on your screen right now you're welcome
Channel: Rocket Sledge
Views: 249,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rocket league, rocket sledge, Rocket League random facts, 10 minutes of useless information about Rocket League, rocket league tips, rocket league funny moments, rocket league history, sunless, rlcs, rocket league world record, rocket league items, rocket league ranks, rocket league gameplay, rocket league bugs, rocket league glitches, rocket league hacks, rocket league broken, rocket league wtf, rocket league calculated, useless rocket league facts, rocket league best of 2023
Id: fjJC2SHl3mE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 12sec (1272 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2023
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